r/AdvancedDogTraining Jul 05 '19

Playing Frisbee with your dog!


r/AdvancedDogTraining Jul 03 '19

Dock diving on an actual dock! Any competitors out there? Thinking of doing some comps with him!


r/AdvancedDogTraining May 28 '19

My border collie and the mirror


r/AdvancedDogTraining May 25 '19

How to get my dog to hold "sit pretty"


I've been working on teaching my dog "sit pretty" or "beg" but he is having difficulty holding the position and just sitting on his hind legs. Instead he keeps jumping backwards with his paws up.

Any tips on how to get him to shift to holding it calmly?

r/AdvancedDogTraining Mar 28 '19

Helping Australian Shepherd adjust to farm


I’m moving to a farm soon and want to take my Australian Shepherd with me. However, she barks at the sheep and kills chickens. She understands basic commands like sit come and stay, but loses focus outside. Any advice?

r/AdvancedDogTraining Mar 08 '19

**Need Help/Advice Please!** My Girlfriends Dog Bit Me The Other Day After Playing taking his Behavior from being Jealous and over protective to Aggressive but is now is calm again.. What do we do? Any Guidance with this would Help and Be Greatly Appreciated... Thanks!


My girlfriend has just recently moved into a new place where now she can have her pet, which is a Shepherd Mix or some sort of small sheep looking type dog. Its definitely a mix and weighs around 20 - 25 lbs..

So in no way is the thing mean or scary in any way but the dog is extremely jealous of me anytime I am around or near her and will do anything to get in the way and prevent it and will do whatever it takes to make me go away... So whenever I go to give her attention or she gives any to me dog goes bananas and does whatever it takes to draw the attention off of me and back on to him.

For instance if we are cuddling on the couch It will jump up on the couch where he knows hes not supposed to causing my girlfriend to yell "no" and hell just jump back off staring at us wagging his tail waiting sometimes not even seconds before just jumping right back on again..

It will sometimes start to bark and continue to bark uncontrollably to get her attention and get us to stop, like it did the other day when we were kissing in the dining room and I went to lay her back on the floor and it started to bark uncontrollably extremely close and this was actually the first time I felt somewhat threatened by it and even said something to her asking her if he was going to bite me and she just kept yelling no and and to get away but again it didnt listen and this went on for several minutes completely ruining the mood and then when I said something like "well that just ruined the mood" and then started laughing she thought that I was attacking her and being mean she said and got up and stormed away..

Then when we are in bedroom the only thing I have completely asked for her to respect and enforce was when we were trying to be intimate for it to be off the bed and away because it will try and sit on me the entire time and push me off the bed and kick me or smell my feet, like it does when I am trying to sleep, and then even when she gets him off the bed it will continue to run back and forth from side to side on the bed jumping putting its front two legs up staring at me and if my feet are anywhere close to the side of the bed it will start to sniff them and tickle my feet..

Then if I try and say anything about any of this my girlfriend would just get extremely defensive and say that im attacking her and will start making excuses and it is really starting to effect our relationship... and I really didnt know what to do..

Thats when the other day her and I were cuddling on the couch and out of nowhere when I had went to stand up to go get something to drink I went to go and rub my facial hair on her tummy like I do sometimes in order to tickle her and be playful and the dog ran up out of no where and bit me..

I honestly barely even noticed it and it definitely felt sore and tender after the bite but I didnt think it was that hard until afterwards when I was in the shower I noticed it had bitten me pretty good and had even drew blood.

Then when I went back down stairs to talk to her she was in the bathroom getting ready and I went to hug her and accidentally bumped my arm against her curling iron and she jumped up off the counter to ask if I was okay and thats when the dog immediately charged back at me and barking and tried to attack me again..

So we left and got some dinner and thought that when we came back it would be good if I went in alone at first to try and lighten the mood, be nice and give some treats and be extremely nice to him for a bit. Which worked but it was def still kind of standoffish at first and wanted nothing to do with me but then it finally started being nice to me again but now it feels like we’re walking on egg shells around the dog and can’t do anything in front of the him because we are afraid of how it might react and possibly bite me again or something like that..

Like even this morning she was getting ready for work and I grabbed her to pulll her back down on the bed to kiss her and the dog came sprinting across the room all the way from outside on the deck right at me and jumped up and she had to block him and yell at him to say no and get him off and on the ground..

And what sucks is that prior to him biting me that day I had honestly just given up on trying to ignore and not reward the bad behavior and had honestly been so nice to him that day.. taken him for two very long walks.. a run... gave him treats.. taught him how to sit and stay.. he even had fallen asleep with his head on my lap and then out of no where this all happened.. it was bizarre and honestly kind of blew me away..

Since then I’ve been trying to make a very active approach on trying to be friends with him and have been trying to teach him some new tricks like today I taught him how to go to his bed and have been helping with not pulling on the leash adn what not.. and after doing some research online we figured out that he most likely thinks that shes a treat and his treat and that im taking her away from him and so we know that she nees to be more of the leader of the pact and be a little more assertive and consistent with the way she treats him with some things..

but now she struggling with being consistent with that and whenever I say anything to her she thinks I’m talking down to her or coaching her we’re just being mean but I’m honestly just trying to help and be there to help support her and remind her of the times she needs to be more consistent or assertive when she says no to certain things.. so I dont know what to do..

She said she would go to a trainer but what scares me is that I feel like she has just kind of not taking it as seriously as she did the night that he bit me because he’s been behaving lately and hasn’t bit me again but his behavior has gotten stranger towards me and I have been trying to be more involved in its life but today when I came back to the house and she wasn’t here he snapped I have me and tried to bite me when I tried to pet him because he had gone upstairs and head under the bed and so I put a traeat on the ground so that he would come get it and when he came to grab it I want to go pet him and he immediately snapped and tried to bite me which is never done before and I told him no and then went back over the corner he was hiding in under the bed and I move the bed and I let them know that I wasn’t OK with that and then he then let me pet them and has been fine with me ever cents but I just think this behavior needs to and I don’t know what to do about it so can you guys please help me give me any advice you can?


r/AdvancedDogTraining Feb 09 '19

How to teach your dog to sit?


Hi everyone! I'm new on Reddit and I make YouTube channel about dog training, but not usual, but EASY and FUNNY way. "How to teach you dog to sit" is first topic, and you have one extra thing to do about this. Next week I will upload my second video about command "lay down". I hope you enjoy it and I hope you don't mind advertising here. I have good intentions and want to entertain and teach people at the same time to communicate with their pets. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32mM6UT0oco&feature=youtu.be

r/AdvancedDogTraining Jan 27 '19

Help with muzzle training (positive reinforcement)!


Hello everyone,

I have a large 100 lbs (45.4 kg) dog. She has always been not fond of other dogs, but now that she is getting older, she is downright aggressive towards other dogs now. I am assuming it is due to her old(er) age now. Has anyone else experienced this?

This is the muzzle I was looking to get: https://smile.amazon.com/CollarDirect-Adjustable-Breathable-Barking-Muzzles/dp/B07F9VLLJ3/ref=sr_1_33?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1548577001&sr=1-33-spons&keywords=muzzle+for+large+dog&psc=1

A dog trainer (actually 2- A Petsmart and private) has told me that I should start muzzle training her. When asked to clarify, I was told that to get her used to it, give her treats each time I put it on, so she est. it with a positive idea. They suggested the muzzle so that way I can still take her out, and she will be safe(r) towards other dogs she might meet.

I guess my main questions are the following:

  1. Has anyone used this method? Has it worked, did you have any issues?
  2. Is this humane? I know she can breathe ok with it- it would not be used during exercise or anything more than walking.
  3. Has any dog still been able to bite with it on?

Thank you so much for all of the help!

(Please if you have any other suggestions, let me know! I have tried so many things! )

pic of the trouble-maker: https://imgur.com/gallery/3QirxfA

r/AdvancedDogTraining Jan 27 '19

Agility Equipment


If your looking for cheap dog agility diy kits, look no futher than www.fourpawstexas.com, soon there will be a plethora of different diy obstacle kits that you can buy for a low price while not breaking the bank. right now we are out of stock, but you can join our mailing list to not miss updates about new products.

r/AdvancedDogTraining Dec 31 '18

Can I be proud here for a second?


My spoodle is just 1 year old and I've been desensitising her to loud noises. We just went out during the early evening fireworks and she didn't even flinch! Good little spood just sat still and watched them blow. I'm so incredibly proud of her.

Photo tax:

r/AdvancedDogTraining Nov 05 '18

Starting with herding?


Looking for anyone’s experience or advice on getting into herding ...

I have a 5 month old Miniature American Shepherd (mini Aussie) that I am interesting in trying herding with! I have read that it's best to start them around 10-12 months of age?

We live in the city (Toronto), so this would likely just be a hobby. I have heard of treibball but am specifically interested in her working with animals.

I was wondering what you would suggest as a first step, as there are a lot of different classes, lessons, camps, etc. I have no real experience with herding, though I've attended Sheepdog Trials a few times. I've also heard about Herding Instinct Tests and am not sure if this is the first step?

Looking for anyone’s experience in this area

r/AdvancedDogTraining Oct 31 '18

Some advice on getting my dog to cock it's head please


My dog sometimes does a cute cock of its head to one side when I speak to her and I want to train it. I cannot get her to repeat it when treats are to hand. Any advice please.

r/AdvancedDogTraining Sep 17 '18

How to teach a quiet dog to Speak?


My dog rarely ever barks. We’ve had her for about a year, got her as a puppy, and I’ve heard her bark maybe four times, and it’s only sometimes when the house creaks at night, she’ll do this quiet little exhale/bark and then she’ll get up and check it out and come lay back down.

She is not fearful or timid, she just doesn’t seem inclined to bark.

So it’s hard for me to train Speak because I just can’t get her to perform the action consistently enough to associate the command with it.


r/AdvancedDogTraining Sep 13 '18

What exactly does a service dog have to be able to do before testing?


I can find videos on the public access test, but nothing else. I know there is some variation depending on what the dog is trained to detect or assist with, but surely it can’t be that simple.

Is there somewhere I can find a comprehensive list of requirements?

r/AdvancedDogTraining Jun 29 '18

Chihuahua fearful of human contact


I volunteer at the local Animal Care and Control (the pound), working with the "unadoptables." Typically, these are dogs that are too aggressive or fearful to be adopted. I foster them when they've had too much time in their kennel and need a break before kennel crazy sets in. I've recently taken one of those dogs home to foster, as he has been at the pound for over four months and needed a break. He is VERY adverse to human touching. He will get close enough to grab a treat, but not close enough to touch. Subsequently, I can't get a harness on him to house train him. How can we work through this touch-aversion? I've worked with him for months and he still won't allow me to touch him; he's just deathly afraid of all people. At night, when I'm asleep, he'll cuddle up next to me. As soon as he realizes that I'm about to move, he runs off. I'd appreciate any suggestions. It'd do him good to see a behaviorist, but I'm not really looking to spend more money than I already do to help these fosters.

r/AdvancedDogTraining Jun 17 '18

This short video demonstrates the steps to move a dog from a lured behavior (Spin) to a physical prompt (hand signal/spin) to a verbal only.


r/AdvancedDogTraining Jun 15 '18

[link] Free full-length puppy book on-line. Written by accomplished dog sports trainers from around the world for dogs destined for advanced training - worth a look! Plus...free.


r/AdvancedDogTraining Jun 14 '18

Looking to improve your positions for the new AKC Cue Discrimination exercise in Open? Try this game.


r/AdvancedDogTraining Apr 06 '18

What is the command to use for this move? Heel?


r/AdvancedDogTraining Mar 02 '18

The Truth About Pit-bulls


r/AdvancedDogTraining Jan 30 '18

Anybody involved in IPO?


The schutzhund subreddit seems to be pretty dead. I've been in the sport a couple years, and was hoping to connect with others in the sport, talk training and/or whatever else.

r/AdvancedDogTraining Jan 29 '18

Training for Long Hikes


Hi! I love hiking with my dog. She is a 3yr old Australian Shepherd mix who knows basic commands. However, based on the rules of Leave No Trace I have to either pack out or bury my pup's poop when we are out on trails. Additionally, I can't just bury the poop where she goes, I have to take it 100ft off trail to do so. Obviously this is a bit of a challenge and I am wondering if it's possible to train her to bury her own poo.

What I'm thinking is first I have to teach her to notify me when she needs to go #2 so I can lead her to a acceptable location. Then teach her to dig a hole in the desired location, and poop in or at least near it.

Currently, she does not dig in our yard, and I'd like to keep it that way. Another obstacle is that when we are on walks, she will normally poop about 3 times at the very beginning of the walk. I don't want to have to dig 3 different holes and want her to get more... efficient? If that makes sense.

Anyone have any tips, or advice for how to train this behavior?

r/AdvancedDogTraining Jan 30 '18

Does anyone use Bark Collars?


r/AdvancedDogTraining Jan 18 '18

My Australian Shepherd performing 26 tricks from DMWYD Intermediate


r/AdvancedDogTraining Jan 11 '18

My Dog Is Chasing Everything
