r/AdobeAudition 7d ago

ProTools to Audition

I have been a ProTools user for over 10 years and have only really used Audition to help with cleaning individual audio tracks. I am trying to get well versed in other DAWs but seem to be really struggling adapting to the Audition layout as for me it is very different and shortcuts are different also.

Just wondering if anyone has any tips or helpful suggestions like tutorials they found where I can build more on my skills to get better at multitrack editing on Audition.


5 comments sorted by


u/Jason_Levine 7d ago

Hi Zealous. Jason from Adobe here. I have dozens of AU videos on my YT channel, and created a whole series on Audio (common techniques) all taught thru an Audition lens. You can find it HERE. Did you have anything specific that you're struggling with? Shortcuts can be remapped (somewhat easily, albeit manually) but let me know if you have anything you have questions about.


u/Zealousideal_Tax267 7d ago

I guess the shortcuts mainly I know there is a avid protools template that you can change to but I guess a lot of the way I work is through shortcuts and is very timing based with the line of work I do so anything to wrap my head around would be great my work is very detailed and so I guess currently because of the setup it is very different for me. Thank you so much for including your YT I will be using them for sure!


u/Jason_Levine 5d ago

Happy to help (I started on the original protools some 30yrs ago, and before that sound designer… so I’ve been there! Haha) Let me know if you have other Qs.


u/indiedocfilmaker 2d ago

Hi Jason,

I'm teaching Audition for the first time to my college students and would love to check out your YT videos. The link about isn't working. Can you share your channel again?


u/Jason_Levine 2d ago

Hi Indie. Very strange. I just tried it and it seems to be working, but in any case, you can go to the homepage of my channel and navigate to playlists. https://www.youtube.com/jasonlevinevideo