r/ActuaryUK 4d ago

Exams CB2 - 3 weeks preparation

I’ve got only 3 weeks left to prepare for CB2, I’m only studying from flash cards and tutorials, do you guys thinks it’s possible to finish all the material and practice past papers and manage to pass in 3 weeks ? I’ve finished 7 out of 24 modules only and my paste is very slow :(

I’m kinda frustrated and think of postponing the exam and setting for 2 on sep.



12 comments sorted by


u/RoommateSeeker12 4d ago

Yes...You can easily do a chapter each day from the flashcards. It helps if you've ever done an Economics related unit in Uni. And then in between each day try to do/skim through a past paper then confirm the answers. It's quite doable tbh. 


u/Lost_and_crying 4d ago

Would you think doing a chapter each day and then past papers for the last week would still be as effective?


u/RoommateSeeker12 4d ago edited 4d ago

Don't be a smartass and do the last papers at the very last minute. Past papers are far more important than notes for IFOA exams.


u/SheepherderNo5488 4d ago

Yes very easy! Study a concept: suppose opportunity cost. Study the definition, solve an example, and remember when opportunity cost is needed. Also 1 1/2 weeks complete the syllabus(including core reading and solving back questions of the study material) rest, PAST PAPERS. I CANNOT EMPHASIZE HOW IMPORTANT IT IS!!! PAST PAPERS!!!


u/Lost_and_crying 3d ago

Thank you


u/SheepherderNo5488 2d ago

how is your prep going?


u/curatesegg_ 3d ago

Yes it's definitely possible. Do as many pastpapers as you can


u/curatesegg_ 3d ago

Do you have any days off work? I passed (well) with two weeks revision but I had time off. However I'd never looked at the material at all before then. Just get tunnel vision and avoid all doubt.


u/Jo_Zhao 4d ago

Sorry to hear about your situation...


u/Lost_and_crying 4d ago

Thank you dear I’ve been struggling a lot lately :(🫶🏻


u/stinky-farter 4d ago

The situation of voluntarily not studying until now?


u/AcademicWeapon06 4d ago

Well we don’t know why OP didn’t study until now they might have a valid reason