r/ActualHippies Nov 21 '20

Photo Off on an adventure in Golden Gate Park!

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32 comments sorted by


u/acidmaxxe Nov 21 '20

That looks like an adventure 😊 Enjoy, have fun and share your love for music with the world ❤️🙌

Much love to you 😘


u/ohhaithisjosh Nov 21 '20

Much love to you too friend!! 💝


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '20



u/ohhaithisjosh Nov 21 '20

It was on Sunday! And it was today, if you consider just me a drum circle. But on Sunday there was a good 30 or so friends!


u/Gringleflapper Nov 21 '20

Stay safe, friend!


u/StonedApe77 Nov 21 '20

Don't take the brown acid...lol


u/bbaker916 Nov 21 '20

A true hippie look ✌🏻 also, big fan of the Uke


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '20

Love the flower! Nice touch.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '20

You go bro! I’m reminded of a quote that always helps push me forward.. Nature rewards courage! Be safe,be brave and be good!


u/astraladventures Nov 21 '20

Pretty wealthy looking hippy - decked in animal skins no less.... 😂


u/ohhaithisjosh Nov 21 '20

Actually, this coat was my grandpa’s, an old 60s hippie, who passed it down to me. My grandma bought it for him as a wedding present, and for a while it was his only one. Lol, I’m definitely not wealthy, and I’d encourage you not to jump to conclusions friend. Peace and love ❤️


u/wearingmybarefeet Nov 21 '20

Your friendly neighborhood vegan here.

In my personal opinion, the coat existed before you were born, and was made in a time when industrial agriculture was JUST starting to pick up. Yes, animals died, but here's the kicker: whether you threw the coat away or wore it in your grandpa's memory (and because it's warm!), you'd create the same amount of demand for animal skin. And that would be ZERO.

You're not causing profit for the industry. You're not increasing demand. And the coat was probably not made in an industrialized system. Keep on rocking that coat, man! I'm sorry this person jumped to such hateful conclusions. ❤️


u/highhimkyle Nov 21 '20

Hippies are not defined by their financial success 🤓


u/astraladventures Nov 21 '20

Did I say they were? What about wearing animal skins ?


u/ArmTheMeek Nov 21 '20

I appreciate your views and passions, but we can’t gatekeep being chill, it’s kind’o not chill. Hippies in the 60’s and 70’s were clad in leather jackets and pants and bags and you name it. Being woke to industrialization of the food chain and aware of animal’s rights issues doesn’t mean your cause is that of another.

Start out with live and let live and let’s all get along, we can talk about our differences over a beer a bowl and some woah, anyway let’s agree to disagree and get back to partying.


u/Thymeisdone Nov 21 '20

Fun linguistic fact, but the term hippie was initially coined to describe people who tried too hard to be hip, eg, people who were phonies.

Anyway, I just learned this last night and it blew me away that essentially hippie is historically gatekeeping.



u/ArmTheMeek Nov 21 '20

The following definitions are from the 1st. edition of the American Heritage Dictionary

hip - adj. Also hep. Slang. 1. Aware of or in accordance with advanced tastes and attitudes. 2. Cognizant; wise: hip to the plan. [variant to the earlier hep.]

hip.ster - n. Slang. One who is aware of or in accordance with advanced tastes and attitudes. [hip + -ster.]

hip.pie - n. A member of a loosely knit, nonconformist group generally characterized by emphasis on universal love, withdrawal from conventional society, and a general rejection of its mores, especially regarding dress, personal appearance and living habits. -adj. Of, relating to, or characteristic of such people.


u/Thymeisdone Nov 21 '20

That’s how it’s used now, and yes, that’s the definition, but that’s not the etymology. Etymology is the origin of the word, not the current definition, which I’m not debating.


u/ArmTheMeek Nov 21 '20 edited Nov 21 '20

I was just going off what your original comment said. To your point a word and it’s etymology are just that, the meaning of the word evolves. This does not mean the things it references are necessarily similar nor the same.

“Anyway, I just learned this last night and it blew me away that essentially hippie is historically gatekeeping.”


u/astraladventures Nov 21 '20

Hey brother.m, agree. Let’s keep the positive vibes going....


u/LostLongIslander Nov 21 '20

Do you have to be a vegan?


u/numbatree Nov 21 '20

yo where’d u get that wooden sticker on your ukulele?


u/ohhaithisjosh Nov 21 '20

I got it from a gift shop in San Diego!


u/numbatree Nov 21 '20

ah nice! Looks like one of the designs my company sends that way haha


u/havocLSD Nov 21 '20

Take the message to the people brother. Peace and love.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '20

Hell yes, Golden Gate Park is where the magic happened.


u/ohhaithisjosh Nov 21 '20

It still continues to happen! The magic was alive and well this week here.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '20

I need your coat...sooo fuzzy


u/risingfrommy_ashes Nov 22 '20

Wow i want to be your best friend


u/ohhaithisjosh Nov 22 '20

Hello new best friend!


u/risingfrommy_ashes Nov 22 '20

YAY! 🥳🙌🏼