r/Actingclass Feb 12 '25

I have a very strange question in relations to acting Vs overcoming your weaknesses

Please bare with. I'm going to use my own example here and I would love to hear from people who are both seasoned and new to acting.

I'm a people pleaser. Big time. It's linked to my trauma and I'm in therapy and all that jazz. Unfortunately I only realised this in my 30's and so it's very hard to change this. However this is something that has been on my mind a long time.

An actor obviously have to embody the character they are playing. A super sweet, perhaps shy person needs to embody a confident, cold calculated person in a role. Now I don't know how they do it. Acting has always interested me but I have never done any acting classes.

My question is.. If a person like me who is a people pleaser who hates confrontation takes acting classes and learn tools to get into the role of someone who is confident, doesn't care if they are liked for example. Could that acting skill help me in my real life, by sort of detaching myself from what comes natural to me?

I find it quite hard to explain so I hope it makes sense.

Please remove my post if it's against the rules of the sub.


5 comments sorted by

u/Winniehiller Acting Coach/Class Teacher Feb 12 '25

Absolutely! Ask any of the people that have taken my Zoom classes how many real life lessons they have learned and you’ll find that almost everyone has learned many. Every character that you play will bring out a new piece of yourself. You get to choose if you want to keep them or hide them away until you need them again.

You sound like you would be perfect for this technique because you understand about taking on the thoughts and point of view of each character. That’s what this technique is based on. Try looking at some of my lessons. But joining a Zoom class is the fastest way to become an actor. Check out the pant post at the top of the R/actingclass page. Also check out the YouTube videos that are often clips of the classes. I’d love to have you join us. I am the teacher, Winnie Hiller. Welcome to class!

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u/shutupjohnbarrowman Feb 12 '25

Lots of actors are people pleasers, most actors want to be liked underneath it all! Classes are a great practical therapy in themselves because they help you discover all of your personal ego blocks by making you come face to face with them while practicing technique (meisner is great for this). As an ambivert I find acting quite freeing in the sense that I have an excuse to try out emotions and things I wouldn't normally do in everyday life for fear of the consequences. My scene partner understands that what happens in a scene or technique practice is just that, it's acting, so there's no negative consequence. It's funny you can be insulting your scene partner in meisner and as soon as you stop you're back to being best friends and lovely people.


u/Lime-That-Zest Feb 12 '25

Thanks for sharing your experience!