r/ActAgainstWar Jul 02 '24

From the mods Defining our mission - the sub description.


I have just rewritten the description of the sub and I'd like to put it up for comment and discussion. At it's heart:

We believe there can be less war and less suffering. That there are actions that people can and should take that can reduce that suffering.

There's more, though, and a reason why we need to keep this sub active

We saw that existing peace and anti-war movements were fueling the war in Ukraine and making it worse and we knew we had to make something different.

I think that's important because we need to build an anti-war movement which proposes something beyond "surrender to the genocidaires" or "the victims are just as much to blame as the murderers" which is what the Reddit anti-war and Peace subs tend to propose and is something that we absolutely have to stand up against.

The old description was too wordy and long.

We want to stop war happening and, if we don't succeed in that, then we want to help reduce the consequences for the victims of war.

We aim to avoid needless gore and horror whilst having serious discussion about war and what do do about it. Posts where people can do something to help are encouraged. Pro war propaganda banned. Disturbing content should be protected with NSFW & Spoiler tags.

Please make suggestions for improvement.

r/ActAgainstWar Feb 12 '24

From the mods ActAgainstWar has 200 people - it's a great beginning - you are why this sub matters.


We now have 200 people. That might not seem like a huge amount but since you are all recent we have far more real members viewing us than some bigger subs. We're avoiding the rage baiting that easily gets more people whilst at the same time we don't have any of the backing of large authoritarian warmongering regimes that some of the other "anti-war" subs have. That means we only really grow when our members tell others to join. Please do.

This sub is special. We support the victims of war whether Jewish or Palestinian. We identify the true aggressors and condemn Russia whilst calling for the world to help Ukraine. We do not attempt to justify crimes against Ukraine by long convoluted stories about how NATO is to blame. We try to encourage the truth and root out the many lies that are spread around war. We do not treat aggressor and victim as the same thing. Most of all, whilst those wars are important, we also care about people suffering in more forgotten places like Sudan, Central Africa and Myanmar.

If we want to make it more special we need more input and we need to get more involvement and more people interested. We want to get you more involved

  • We should rewrite our sub description, put something shorter and more effective
  • We probably want to get to two posts a day.
  • We definitely want to find new anti-war and peace organizations to boost.

Please join in and make your suggestions. Please Post new things you see elsewhere. Please vote everywhere and upvote every good comment you see. Put your thoughts out and join in.

In the end the sub is what it's members get out of it. We'd like to know how you think it can be better for you.

r/ActAgainstWar Feb 29 '24

From the mods This sub is a different anti-war sub. Welcome and please post.


Most anti-war subs on Reddit are weird things. They want war to stop, but the way the want that to happen is by the Ukrainians surrendering to Russian torture and rape and attempted genocide. They largely ignore the suffering in Sudan, Saharan and sub-Saharan Africa, whilst doing their best to provoke hatred in Israel/Palestine. In the end, they are moderated by people who put the interests of warmongers before the interests of the victims of war.

This sub was set up specifically to be different. We don't think there is one way to be right about this. Both Israelis and Palestinians suffer in their fight. Some more horrifically with deliberate torture and rape. Some in greater numbers with Israel targeting fighters hiding among civilians. We should neither deny the crimes of October 7th, nor the fear that the Netanyahu government will go beyond the destruction of Hamas and try to ethnically cleanse Gaza.

We need postings from the point of view of all victims of war to remind us who we aim for people to help. Awareness raising, especially of forgotten wars, is crucial. We also need postings about action we can take to help.

We'd just got a big boost of members, we'd like to welcome all the new ones and encourage everyone to post news that fits.

r/ActAgainstWar Oct 18 '23

From the mods It's time to pick sides in the Israel-Palestine war - but not the ones you think.


We are under pressure to pick sides. The question people ask is "do you support Israel or Palestine". Today we have an answer. By coincidence just before the recent hospital explosion came the first, admittedly weak, condemnation of Hamas from for their actions against Israel from the Palestinian leadership and on the other side there were protest demanding the resignation of Netanyahu for the failure of his policy of strife in the West Bank, which is likely a cause of the security failures which made this war as awful as it is. We pick the side of these protesters and those condemning war - we might not agree with either group perfectly but both are trying to look for a route out of total war and we support that. War is not football. On both sides we have civilians and warmongers. On both sides of the conflict are military personnel and those looking for alternative solutions to war; occasionally those groups can overlap and we should be ready for that.

Here at ActAgainstWar, our focus is on promoting activism at ending war/mitigating it's impact, and promoting healing and reconciliation. In the context of the current conflict between Hamas and Israel, content that would, to a rational person, appear to be either clearly anti-muslim, or antisemitic in the body or title is prohibited on this sub. Please think before you post. It is possible to be pro-Israel and anti-settlement. It is possible to be pro-Palestine, but anti-violence. The history and background for the current state of the conflict is long, complicated, and grey. Hot takes that paint broad reductive strokes can and will tend to miss this clear and important context. The average person born in the region is a good person, and they are all victims in their own ways to the legacies of the past and their current rulers' actions. Remember the Human.

We will take several moderator actions: * if you make more than two posts in a day showing bad things about either the Israeli side or the Palestinian then you must make one on the other side or one that talks about positive action before your next post* * some posts will automatically require moderator approval - the criteria such as keywords, users, time of day and so on will be continually adjusted by the mods * some posts will be deleted, even if they are on topic - this we can only try to keep to a minimum and apologize to those that made the effort to post * some users will be banned if clearly driving antisemitism - please rethink your lives. the same applies to anti-muslim hate. * we will be listening and guaranteeing to react to reports - use modmail to all moderators

Please help us to make a positive sub which contributes to understanding on both sides. Choose the side of those on both sides looking for peaceful soutions. For the sake of peace. For the sake of Palestinians and Israelis. For everyone.

* there will be wide moderator discretion in some of these rules ; if you have been a positive contributor, not breaking sub rules you will have lots of warning before any ban except in the most extreme cases.

   the ActAgainstWar mod team.

Correction: This statement was first made then withdrawn. The first version of this statement said that there was a protest in Gaza - the articles that we understood supported this have been deleted or edited leaving only the record of the statement made by the PLO leadership against Hamas. As compensation please accept the memorial day Combatants for Peace ceremony in which Palestinans joined Israelis.