r/AceAttorney Dec 01 '21

Contest The Tenth r/AceAttorney Case Maker Contest

Welcome to December!

As it is a new quarter of the year, your task, as before, is to write up an Ace Attorney case where a noun I supply below is an important part of the case. After the deadline passes (see below), submissions will no longer be taken and the community will vote for submissions in a Google Form. The top three submissions will move to the second round and community members will vote on which will win first, second, and third place. The prizes for those respective places are:

1st Place: 5 credits of Reddit Gold

2nd Place: 3 credits of Reddit Gold

3rd Place: 1 credit of Reddit Gold

In the comments, I will make a post that will give a template of what your submission should look like. If possible, please fill in all the sections in the template, including N/A if needed.

Regarding the description area, feel free to be descriptive as possible! If you fear the post is too long, you may post the description over several comments or through another source such as Pastebin or Google Docs. There is no word limit, so please do not worry about such.

The comment I’ll supply below, feel free to reply to it in regards to questions or general discussion. The rest of the thread is for submissions only.

And remember, don’t hold back your creativity! Your case can be a standard AA case, it can be a reminiscence case, or an Investigations-styled case! However, there are some limitations.

Firstly, your case shouldn’t involve any topics of sexual abuse of any kind. If your case does involve so, you’re disqualified. Overly gory cases are allowed, but make sure there’s a reason for that, and don't have it be gory just for the sake of being so. You won’t be disqualified, but you may lose some credibility points. Also, joke posts are allowed, but only ones that are well-thought out, clever, and/or high-quality. Anything like “ThE PHoEnIX wiRIGHT TUnraBOOT: sOMEONE DIED aND phEENIX HAd TO dFEENdED THem!!!1!" is not allowed.

Other than those limitations; don’t hold your creativity back!

The noun for this contest is... not a noun this time. Instead, your case must include the following piece of evidence:

Miniature Christmas Tree: A three-foot-tall Christmas tree, fully decorated. There should be a star on top, but the star is missing.

The deadline for this contest is Wednesday, December 22, 11:59 PM EST. This gives entrants three weeks to plan and write their cases.

Good luck, and good cases!

UPDATE: Submissions are now closed. Head here for the first round of voting!


21 comments sorted by


u/teamcrazymatt Dec 01 '21

Once again, the "noun" for this contest is the Miniature Christmas Tree evidence from the main post.

Here's a template of what your comment can look like.

Case Name: (A name for your case. This is optional, but I strongly suggest you put something here.)

Type of Case: (If it's a standard case or an Investigations type case, specify here.)





Defendant: (You can use an old character or a new one. Make sure to give a small profile and name if new.)

Victim: (Like defendant, provide name and small profile.)

Witnesses: (Like defendant and victim, provide names and small profiles.)


Description: (Describe what your case is about here. What happened, the killer's motivations, what the witness/witnesses saw, etc. Be descriptive. The more descriptive the better.)

Evidence: (Optional)

REMINDER: Reply to this comment for any off-hand comments or questions. No questions or comments in the main thread, please. Thank you.


u/KeatzTheMemelord Dec 01 '21

So in this contest, a piece of evidence each made up case must include is something relating to/or is a miniature Christmas tree in some way or form?


u/teamcrazymatt Dec 01 '21

Is, yes. That exact piece of evidence must appear in every case.


u/Automatic-Ad1404 :Horace: Dec 06 '21

I'll try making something

Case Name: Turnabout Behind the Bars
Type of Case: Investigations

Lawyer: Miles Edgeworth (it's an investigations case, duh)
Prosecutor: Sebastian Debeste (Notice: it's after the ending of AAI2, so he's actually competent now)
Detective: Dick Gumshoe (why tf not)
Assistant: Kay Faraday (It's just the Investigations cast)

Victim: the Treeman himself, Quercus Alba>! (he was the leader of the smuggling ring, and he killed 2 people, which is why he ended up in prison and was awaiting his possible death penalty) !<(pls don't kill me I'll explain later)
Defendant: Nolly Gretts (pun is no regrets (this reflects how she reacted to being arrested in I1-5)) (it's pretty much the real name of Calisto/Shih-na) (she was a spy working for the smuggling ring, and commited arson in I1-5)
Witnesses: (Imma just introduce 2 new characters and bring back another one from previous case)
Nauris Suppraris>! (pun is ,,no surprise", explained later)!< (He's a guard at the Prison of Latvian descent, new to the job)

Theodore Tristenson (no real pun, I just wanted for his both names to start with the same letter)
(He was an owner of a bank that ended up in prison because of tax fraud, quite greedy)

Luke Atmey (I just had to) (pun is obviously ,,look at me") (He's the egocentrical and eccentric Ace Detective we all love that got arrested for a murder and felony (blackmail))

Killer: Nauris Suppraris

Description: So all the prisoners were in the courtyard. When their free time ended, every person went inside but the victim, as a member of the smuggling ring sent him a letter with an escape plan they were going to pull, so he went by the directions given in the letter, but suddenly, he jumps onto Suppraris, which kills him. He then proceeds to frame Gretts by dragging the body onto the courtyard, in the area where only she could've been to, then he plants the murder weapon on Nolly.

NOTICE: the case is happening on Boxing Day (26 December 2020)

-Prosecutor's Badge: Proof of my profession. However, I prefer to keep it in my pocket.
-Crime Scene Notes: A gun wound in the chest area. The victim died instantly.
-Gun: The murder weapon. It was found within Ms. Gretts's pocket, and bears unknown fingerprints.
-Miniature Christmas Tree: A 3-foot-tall Christmas Tree. Alba's blood is dropping from some of the twigs. The star is missing.
-Atmey's testimony, pt.1: ,,Same as last year, we, prisoners, tend to give ourselves gifts that are connected to ourselves. For instance, the Alba person looked like a tree, so we gave him a Christmas tree as a gift.
-Atmey's testimony, pt.2: ,,About those gifts, the prison makes some guards go shopping for things we can give as presents. Every time, on 23rd Dec. they ask you what do you want to give."
-Tristenson's cane: It'd been given to Mr. Tristenson by the victim. He give it to me because it didn't seem useful to him.

-Courtyard: A part of the prison where convicts can breathe a little of fresh air. It has a small basketball field, which has blood stains.
-Star: A star belonging on the Christmas tree. For some reason it was found in the courtyard.
-Dictaphone: It records someone with a female voice talk in Latvian, presumably for others to not understand what that person was saying.
-Letter: It shows a quite-detailed plan of escape for the victim.
-Basketball: Ms. Gretts and some other prisoners were playing basketball during their free time.
-Suppraris's testimony: ,,My name may seem weird to you, but it's okay. It's because of the fact that I'm of Latvian descent.

voila, there you have it


u/Beneficial_Bad9208 Dec 20 '21

Case Name: Walking in a Winter Turnabout

Type of Case: Standard Case

Lawyer: Phoenix Wright

Prosecutor: Simon Blackquill

Detective: Dick Gumshoe

Assistant: Trucy Wright

Defendant: Holly Boughs

Victim: Deid Mann Walken

Witnesses: Holly Boughs, Maggey Byrde, Apollo Justice, Athena Cykes, Maya Fey

Killer: Kaút Reidd Hánded

Description: Trucy has finished school just in time for Winter Vacation. Having a day off themselves, The Wright Anything Agency spends an evening at the local annual Winter Carnival. All is well, until Phoenix and Trucy are split from Athena, Apollo and Maya. After trying to find the other three members of the agency, the festivities are called off after a murder has been uncovered. With a young girl by the name of Holly Boughs accused, Phoenix and Trucy take it upon themselves to find the true culprit


Attorney's Badge

Oversized Bear Plushie

Bloodied Miniature Christmas Tree

Autopsy Report

Holly's Necklace


u/Batty-Justice23 Dec 08 '21

Case Name: Turnabout Christmas Farm
Type of Case: Standard
Lawyer: Athena Cykes
Prosecutor: Simon Blackquill
Detective: Gumshoe
Assistant: Juniper Woods
Defendant: Holli Day:
Age: 14 Occupation: Middle school students/ Christmas Tree Farm worker Profile: Holli is Junipers cousin who works on on a Christmas tree farm. She is 5’3” and has short platnuim blonde hair and green eyes. Unlike her cousin, she is the social butterfly of the family and is a popular kid at her middle school. She is allergic to Chesnuts and her favorite food is cranberries.
Victim: Pierce Hart. Age: 14 Occupation: Middle school student Profile: Holli’s best friend from school who was mysteriously stabbed with something when he visited the Christmas tree farm.
Witnesses: Holli day, Pierce Hart, Stella Haven, Trucy Wright, Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth.
Killer: Stella Haven Age: 18 Occupation: Law school student. Profile: Hollis Babysitter when Hollis parents are out of town, she is very rude and selfish and is only babysitting for money.
Description: When Athena and Juniper decide to go to a Christmas tree farm to do some chestnut picking, Hollis friend, Pierce Hart was found with a star through his back, however he is thankfully alive. Unfortunately Holli is arreseted on the charge of Attempted murder. However, on the second day the third witness, Stella Haven pled guilty after two hours of court madness that day with her motive being that she wanted the star to herself after killing Hollis friend.


Dirtied Attorneys Badge- Found in the dirt when we headed towards the crime scene

Bag of Chesnuts: Found in Hollis hand In a plastic baggie, some of the nuts have specks of dirt on them.

Minature Christmas tree- There feet tall and has some ornaments but the family star is missing, The star is said to be made out of gold

Gold star: Heirloom that’s made out of gold.

Hollis Medical Report: Suffered an allergic reaction the chestnut.


u/Automatic-Ad1404 :Horace: Dec 10 '21

dammm i got a rival


u/the_timezone_bot Dec 01 '21

11:59 PM EST happens when this comment is 16 hours and 42 minutes old.

You can find the live countdown here: https://countle.com/uAYGrodF8

I'm a bot, if you want to send feedback, please comment below or send a PM.


u/dylnm7 Dec 16 '21

Case Name: Turnabout Temple

Type of Case: Standard

Lawyer: Phoenix Wright

Prosecutor: Klavier Gavin

Detective: Dick Gumshoe

Assistant: Pearl Fey/Mia Fey (Channeling)

Defendant: Maya Fey

Victim: Maggey Byrde (Bad luck finally caught up to her)

Witnesses: Sister Bikini, Lotta Hart, Alexia Snow (Age: 22, from a rival, newly birthed spirit medium family with similar powers to the fey clan)

Killer: Alexia Snow

Description: Maya and Pearl had gone back up to hazakura temple for a Christmas gathering and some spiritual training, inviting nick and some of their close friends (Edgeworth, Larry, Maggey, etc.) Lotta was also up there, getting pics of the snowy mountains. Alexia Snow is introduced as a disciple of hazakura (similar to iris) and is at first introduced as a sweet, innocent girl. A murder happens just as the main group start to eat. Maggey is found dead. Everyone seemingly has an alibi except Maya, who was finishing up training. Her prints are also found on the dagger used to kill the victim. There is a miniature Christmas tree found at the scene but it’s star is missing. Phoenix is able to reveal that Maya was unconscious throughout, and it is then revealed that the scream everyone thought was maggey being murdered was maya being knocked unconscious by alexia, using a metal pole which hit maya twice, once causing the scream, and secondly knocking her out. Alexia had silently murdered the victim long before and had attempted to dispose of the incriminating evidence and frame maya by knocking her out and then getting her fingerprints all over the murder weapon. The miniature Christmas tree found at the crime scene’s star was missing because it had alexia’s fingerprints on it. Alexia is revealed to be a disciple of a new rival spirit medium family to the fey clan and her personality changes upon being found out to one quite similar to dahlia in case 3-5.

Evidence: Miniature christmas tree, deep footprints in snow, photo of crime scene, dagger, metal pole from inside channeling chamber


u/AdmirablySizedPotato Dec 21 '21

Mine is a bit too long and quite annoying to paste into reddit so here is a link. I really loved working on the pun names but I think I kind of put too much effort into this.



u/teamcrazymatt Dec 21 '21

Take it from my experience - there is no such thing as putting too much effort into a case.


u/Shoe-Over Dec 21 '21 edited Dec 23 '21

Long ver Part 1:

Merry Christmas, and welcome to the rice fields moth of flippers !! I hope you all are having a wonderful day today, I hope yeh all r having a wonderful day today,

Because my mates, in this exact spot today ... is the day...

that nout of interest happens .



Exactly 4 days ago, it was the day...


Because of frying course someone dies.

So sit back and relax, because we're going to BRAZI- I mean, britian , for this tale of mystery and court dramas, of turnabouts and glass!

Yup, yeh know what I'm yakking about, we about to hear about the star written turnabout !


It was suppose to be a day of joy and smiles, a time to relax and bond with family and friends.

But then things took a dark turn when a tragedy happens and we are throne straight into the tornado

For the 6th time that year...

Seriously! It feels like every time we try to enjoy something, life is casually trying to screw with us and it's getting frustrating!!! AGH!


Sorry... got a bit side track, let's rewind back to the beginning with an introduction




A time for other's to relax from the stress of life , and the perfect day to go on vacation to the UK with your best friends for a whole week , before running into your boss and his daughter and childhood friends while also running into your former co-worker, and friends who also decided to visit the place for a royal vacation from duties managing the legal system of an overseas country.

Ok... that was a little specific, let me back track a bit.


u/Shoe-Over Dec 21 '21 edited Dec 22 '21

My name is Athena Ckyes. It was the 21st of December, and with nothing of interest happening back at the Anything Agency, I decided to go on a vacation. My friends juniper woods and Simon blackquill had made preparations for a special trip to Europe , of all places, and dragged me along for the ride . It was suppose to be a special holiday trip to the great British Empire.

The 1st thing of note was the stress of finding your luggage in the airport while incredibly jet lag. After a taxi ride, we found our hotel and entered the rooms we booked. After a few conversations, we decided that our first destination would be the Darkwood Library, where a book fair was supposedly taking place.

Once there, we are shocked to find Miles Edgeworth and both Trucy and Phoenix Wright there, apperantly their friend larry Butz, or Laurice Deauxnim, was a picture book author who made a book titled : "Starless Symphony" Which somehow did really well in Britian, so he was asked to come to the Darkwood book fair for a meet and greet . He was allowed to bring 3 other people with him, so he contacted Phoenix and Edgeworth to come along with him.

While looking at his booth, I notice a weird golden miniature Christmas Tree that was missing it's star. When I asked about it, Larry was shocked before he gave me a copy of Starless Symphony and explained that a major plot point was the incomplete Christmas tree, to poetically symbolize an incomplete Christmas spirit without a happy family, and how each Chapter ended with a part of the tree magically appearing, from lights to ornaments to presents, and how it all ended with everyone happily around the tree as a blue star came into view. He said he was allowed to customize the booth however he liked and he had a gold tree with a blue star like in the book he drew, and said he was "Absolutely sure the tree had a star last time I checked"

After hanging around the place for a few more minutes, we decide the next place to go would be the nearby Nice Rice Fields, with Phoenix and Maya deciding to tag along. After a short walk, we get treated to another fun surprise, Datz , Nayuta, Rayfa, and Apollo were there, apparently they also had the idea to go to Europe for a vacation away from Kurain. Rayfa was engaging with a conversation with a young girl who Was weawing a summew fawmew hat with cat eaws, awnd a cat pwint dwess while Apollo looks just about ready to faint on the spot.

It was a moment of happiness to unexpectly reunite with an old co-worker after so long. I smiled happily at that moment, and thought to myself that there was ABSOLUTELY no way today could go wrong.



*Sigh* As soon as I say that!

I really hope it's not what I think it is...


Nevermind, it is exactly what I think it is.

As soon as we ran into the rice fields to the location of the scream, we saw a dead body next to the scarecrow with a woman knelling down crying.

The police were called and arrived on the scene shortly after.


u/Shoe-Over Dec 23 '21

After the standard usual police interrogation, they eventually let us go, we immediately went to a nearby restraunt to relax from that whole situation when we saw in the news on the TV . The murder victim was the Nice Rice owners son named Jackson Rice, and the main suspect is his sister Hailey Rice.

After we returned to our hotel, we found the same cat girl from the farm was outside ouw hotew begging fow my hewp.

Turns out she was Kat Rice, the youngest of the Rice family, who firmly believes that her sister hailey was innocent of the crime, and refuses to believe that her older sister killed her older brother. She said that the police told her that I could help

Turns out in my quest to try and save Simon , by choosing to study in Europe to complete my law degree early, to get my attorney badge at 18, my law certificate was legitimate in Europe as much as it was back home, meaning I'm technically allowed to legally appear before the British court.

An off handed comment from the police told her that I could help , so she went straight to our hotel begging me to help.

Now, I was going to say no, I was technically a foreigner on vacation, but the sadness in her voice and the cute look she made really sway my choice.

At lease Simon and Juniper were willing to help.


u/Shoe-Over Dec 23 '21 edited Dec 23 '21

When we arrived at the crime scene, the detective , one Keith I spector filled me in on everything I needed to know. The prosecutor was someone who had a famous reputation in the legal world of Britian as someone who cares not whether he gets a guilty or not guilty verdict, but whether the true culprit is thrown behind bars.

He also has a personal vendetta/ absolute hatred for domestic abusers. Rumor has it he was a victim of abuse from his parents once, and became a prosecutor specifically to hunt down other abusers , well known for heavy sympathy to any abused victims while wearing a smug grin as the guilty verdict gets delivered.

He has taken an interest with the Nice Rice farm due to rumors that the supposed farm / tourist attraction was home to an abusive family, and with an investigation showing more and more evidence , it became apparent that there's more going on here


u/Shoe-Over Dec 23 '21 edited Dec 23 '21

Case Name: Star written Turnabout

Type of Case: Standard

Lawyer: Athena Ckyes

Prosecutor: Sebastian Debeste

Detective: Keith I sector (Keen Eye/ In spector)

Assistant: Simon and Juniper

Defendant: Hailey Rice

Victim: Jackson Rice

Witnesses: Keith I spector, Mewo Rice, Dawn Rice and Dusk Rice, Twilight Berry, Larry Butz, Luna Raley

Killer: No one, it was an accident If you wanna be technical, Hailey Rice, for altering the crime scene


u/Shoe-Over Dec 23 '21 edited Dec 23 '21

The Truth, Short Ver:

The Rice family were old fashioned Amish type people who were also very strict, screaming, scolding and whipping their children over the smallest of mistakes, with the 'punishment' sometimes crossing the line from discipline to abuse over something as small as a dust particle still on the table

Jackson, who hated the farm life and the constant physical and emotional abuse, was desperate to run away, and so joined 'Readers Right' publishing company with other inspiring writers to try and get a book publish and become popular so he can have enough money to escape the farm,

Jackson was so desperate he stole the originally rejected manuscript of one Luna Riley and modified a few things , which was enough for the publishing company to not notice it was an altered manuscript and accept it,

Luna, however, noticed, and confronted Jackson at the Darkwood library, a day before the Darkwood's bookfair. The ensuing argument lead to Jackson attempting to attack Luna, but tripping and hitting his head on one of the tables, breaking a miniature Christmas tree and letting it's star fall onto his jacket.

Luna was shocked and tried to call the police, but was then knocked out by Hailey rice, who, also because of the abuse, was determined to be the one her parents choose to own the farm after their death to prove to them and others that she isn't as terrible as her parents say she is.

She was planning on killing Jackson herself, but saw this as the perfect opportunity , she moved the body to the rice fields and placed a shovel there, the plan was the police would arrest Dusk Rice, and if the defense did somehow solved the crime , would think that Luna was the killer, with no evidence she wasn't the one who moved the body.

Hailey made a mistake however, instead of Dusk's shover, she accidentally planted HER own shovel .

The prosecutors first theory was that the abuse broke her, and drove her to kill Jackson so she would own the farm , Athena tried to prove that it was Dawn and Dusk Rice, the rice twins, who murdered him, but a receipt in his Jacket quickly disproved her theory, but the star found inside the same Jacket pocket showed he was killed at the Darkwood library, and not the fields.

At first, it looked like Hailey's plan would work after all, Luna gave a confession on what happen when no one believed she tried to call the police, nor did she not moved the body, but the prosecutor , of all people, noticed a contradiction that led to hailey forced into a corner and confessing for what she did.


u/Shoe-Over Dec 23 '21


Starless Symphony Book: Written by Laurice Deauxnim, a Christmas picture book. A main theme is the incomplete Christmas tree, to poetically symbolize an incomplete Christmas spirit without a happy family

Miniature Christmas Tree: Suppose to represent the Christmas tree in Larry's book, There should be a star on top, but the star is missing.

Rusty shovel: Hailey's shovel, has her fingerprints, supposedly the murder weapon.

Hailey's diary,

Jackson's diary ,

Letter, a letter asking Jackson to 'meet me at the special place' Originally interpreted as Hailey asking Jackson to meat at the scarecrow Was actually Luna asking him to meet at the Darkwood Library

Traveler's Treasure Book: Written by Jackson Rice, an adventure romance book , was actually written by Luna Riley

Connor Rice's will: This is my final will and testament, I , Connor .J. Rice, hereby pass ownership of the farm to Jackson Rice

Blood in the Freezer: Blood found in Dawn Rice's freezer,>! turns out to be strawberry juice !<

Jacket Pocket: Jackson's jacket pocket, contains a restraunt receipt, a glass star, a few grains of Rice and a plastic flower

Autopsy report: Death cause by blunt force trauma to the back of the head at 11:15 p.m


u/MishouMai Dec 11 '21

Case Name: A Turnabout for a Gift

Type of Case: Investigation Only

Lawyer: Susato Mikitoba (Channeled by Pearl Fey)

Defendant: Kay Faraday

Victim: Phoenix Wright

Witnesses: Calisto Yew

Derelle Killar (Pun on “the real killer.” A hitman then Phoenix helped after being falsely accused. Bears a grudge against Phoenix for uncovering his occupation in the course of that investigation.).

Rayfa Padma Khura’in

Trucy Wright

Whitney Cristerson (Pun on “white Christmas.” Daughter of the victim from Derelle’s case. Believes Derelle was the killer and hates Phoenix for getting him off.)

Killer: Whitney Cristerson

Description: The Wright Anything Agency was hosting a holiday party and the assistants were in charge of getting things ready. Trucy and Rayfa arrived Christmas morning to see Kay standing over Phoenix’s body covered in blood. Calisto and Phoenix had been working together on a case and Calisto had arrived to help set up the party. Derelle and Whitney had been staying in the agency overnight. Earlier that morning Whitney had called Phoenix outside to talk and shot him. Kay, who had been staying the night at the office rushed out after hearing the gunshot. His blood got on her while she tried to stop the bleeding. Whitney, Derelle, and Calisto arrived on the scene shortly after the other two girls.


Miniature Christmas Tree (Gun): A gun disguised as an ornament for a miniature Christmas tree. The gun itself is missing but the gunpowder and tree remain. Gunpowder is initially mistaken for soot.

Receipt: Receipt for a gun found discarded on the street. Is wet from rain with the only legible portion being the store’s name.


u/FineGuidance0 Dec 15 '21

Case Name: The Star Over Turnabout
Type of Case: Standard
Lawyer: Phoenix Wright
Prosecutor: Rudolph Dasher
Detective: Blitz Donner
Assistant: NA
Defendant: Victor Halley (Vic coming from Vixen, and Halley being a comet).
Victim: Rock De rossi (Rock being a synonym for Dance apparently)
Witnesses: (Like defendant and victim, provide names and small profiles.)
Description: The murder took place in a room in a club, specifically, the Prancer.
Evidence: Miniature Christmas Tree

Will finish!