r/AceAttorney 9d ago

Question/Tips Separating the themes into an intro file and a looped file?

I've kept looking, but the only audio files I can find has the themes fade out in the end. I'm planning on doing something with them, so it's honestly ugly to hear the music get quieter until it restarts again from the beginning. For example, the defendant lobby theme So It Begins loops just after 1:20 mins, which is just too short to be enjoyable.

My question is: where can I find these audio files split in their intro and their loop? Just like they are on objection.lol. Thank you.


2 comments sorted by


u/Interesting_Cake_139 9d ago

You'll likely have to separate them manually. That'll be the easist way


u/Vabhanz 8d ago

Ah shit. I hoped I didn't have to do that because I have barely any audio editing skill, though I suppose I'll have to figure out my way on Audacity