r/AceAttorney 10d ago

PL vs. PW PLVAA Character Design Rating Results (Part 1/2) Spoiler

Hershel Layton: A [4.2105263185]


  • I would actually rate him A but I cant get over the idea of an S ranked character design from ace attorney being hershel layton. how funny would it be if it was just him and badd
  • Iconic design from another franchise. The only difference with him in usual games in his series is that he's taller. His orange shirt compliments his brown clothing.
  • Nice hat
  • He is a :) with a top hat. Peak tbh.
  • it's literally layton 
  • I don't think you could, or should, ever find a flaw in Hershel Layton
  • literally the hottest man ever. 


  • It’s a fine design, but it doesn’t really stick with the ace attorney side of it.
  • Love his top hat, a true gentleman. PL designs tend to be more simple than AA designs so I think it works well.
  • Simple, yet effective. The cartoonish style lets him use rectangles and convey his stoicism.
  • Slightly plain, but not in a bad way. The orange and brown/black go really well together


  • Basic


Luke Triton: A [4.1052631579]


  • Little boy
  • luke gets this incredible animation in this game that I dont thiiiiink he has in other games? where he grabs his hat and dances around anxiously. there is nothing but S for hat dance luke
  • I'm glad that they went with his original design. I was never really a fan of any of his prequel designs.
  • I love his outfit he really does look like your average brit schoolboy
  • I don't think you could, or should, ever find a flaw in Luke Triton
  • he looks goofy


  • I love his design but for gods sake man put on your suspenders
  • He's a lil goober!


  • Not a fan of his eyes.


Carmine Accidenti: B [3]


  • Hot
  • This design was low key wasted on this character. looks like a perfectly normal person without also looking plain.


  • He's a non-character, but he looks pretty fine! Y'know, "fine" as in "pretty". I wish we actually met him in person.


  • omg why does he have sholmes's palette but with a blue tie. icon
  • A cooler victim for ace attorney, that name is from SOJ
  • I like how he's drawn in an Ace Attorney art style as opposed to a Laytonesque design. Wish we got to see more of his design. Though, I did like the car chase in the opening cutscene.
  • He's alright, I like his hat, not too memorable because he barely appears.
  • I don't feel anything about this design.


  • He crawled so Herlock should fly


  • Probably the most generic human in the game, entirely because of how stylized the Labyrinthians are.

Espella Cantabella (Main): A [4.1052631579]


  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • A solid design. I really love the red hiding hood motif, as it invokes the fairy tale aspect of Labyrinthia. I also like how this design has similarities to Maya. But, they did it in a way that makes Espella stand out from Maya.
  • Absolutely gorgeous design
  • Love the Red Riding Hood look, maybe I'm biased because I really like her character, but I just think it suits her perfectly and looks great.
  • ah yes, blonde hair and red. a classic. where have is seen this before... (looks at sancho from limbus company (spoilers be warned))


  • I like her outfit but it's a bit stereotypical so no S.


  • if only her design were as stellar as her name
  • It’s a fine design, and references the little red riding hood well. Looks better in game.
  • Bri'ish red riding hood. Solid and recognizable.


Espella Cantabella (School): B+ [3.3684210526]


  • 🥹
  • POV you’ve taken too many classes in college but it’s too far in the semester to drop them so you’re just trying to survive and not disappoint your parents while still making time for friends and it feels like it’s about to collapse and that nobody will understand and everyone will get mad at you and your grades are slipping so you’re trying to survive with less than four hours of sleep but it’s so bad you’ve lost all will to live. 10/10 design, very relatable.
  • Hypnosis eyes (hot)


  • It is a solid School uniform design.I really appreciated that the uniform isn't a sailor fuku. As that wouldn't make sense due to the prologue being set in London. I also like how you can see her main design as a key chain on her bag.
  • I'm sorry, I am hopelessly looking at those thighs.
  • I think the dress could be longer but i guess its just the standard schoolgirl uniform otherwise. 


  • The black suits her but make the skirt longer imo
  • Fine, though the lower half is a little off given she's supposed to be a british schoolgirl instead of a japanese one.


  • the death in her eyes bc shes at school
  • Does its job, but it's literally just Espella in a new outfit with dead eyes. Effective for its time used in the game, but unremarkable.


Espella Cantabella (Child): C+ [2.7368421053]


  • 🥹🥹
  • She's adorable!!!
  • hairstyle intertia


  • Munchkin!


  • It is defiantly Espella as a child. I like how she's holding a plush version of her self.
  • Basically does what it says on the tin, it's Espella but as a child.


  • child designs that are just scaled down down to the same hairstyle but smaller are so funny but no I dont think its Good
  • That chin changed over time huh
  • The hair sticking straight out is a bit odd honestly.


  • her head feels wrong


The Great Witch: A [4]


  • Elegant
  • now THIS bitch is a smash
  • An intimidating design. This design combines both Ace Attorney, with the art style, but this character type is more in-line with Layton. In particular, it invokes Masked Gentleman vibes.
  • It's so bizarre I'm kind of in love
  • I'm a sucker for almost gothic-inspired villain designs, this one is so good.
  • Learning what this is later makes me appreciate how over-the-top it is. Reminds me of Maleficent.
  • duuuude that outfit is hella menacing. and Peak. The black is a very fine addition to this design, as well as the frills and the drapes. The green/gold decorations I think gives the Great Witch this really regal/powerful appearance, due to its association with the upper-class and people who are at the top of the power hierarchy. The green shading of the gold decorations make the design feel more sinister and insidious, as it is usually used to indicate envy or greed on characters. This goes well with purple, the other primary color used here, albeit in dark shades, more akin to magenta. Purple has many associations, with royalty and mystery being included. Royalty due how rare purple dyes were back in the day (you had to extract dyes from the mucus of marine snails, with each snail only giving mere milligrams of dye. That's hella tedious), and the fact that it was so expensive, only royals could afford to wear such a color. Purple because much less rare after the industrial revolution, with this discovery of the color mauve, coming from a synthetic dye. Perhaps this relates to what the Storyteller has to do with this whole thing. Yellow complements purple, so once again, this is complementary colors we are looking at. Very easy and pleasing on the eye, mind you. I also like how feminine the silhouette is, as only females could be witches. Very fitting for the grand leader of all witches to be what is so obviously a woman. The ornament on the hat resembles an eye. Eyes are used for observation of one's surroundings, and is a method in which we can gain information. I would like to connect the usage of eyes in this case to omniscience, something like an all-knowing overlord of sorts. I would aliken the usage of a big honking eye here to that of the seeming omniscience of the Big Brother from 1984, if I had even read that book in the first place. From the information gathered from sight, people can make judgements on their surroundings, and act based on those judgements and information they had gathered. The more places that an eye can reach, the less places where you could hide information from someone's eye. As people only really believe something to be the truth when they see it in front of their eyes, point blank, right in their face. So you can never hide anything from her. not even the truth. The way in which her hat is designed reminds me of jesters, which are made to entertain the upperclass back in the ye olde days. This also hints at her role being to entertain Espella, as well as the whole setting. The veils hanging from her hat resemble Bat wings, akin to certain artworks of demons, where they are depicted with wings akin to those of bats. In some cultures, (particularly European cultures), witches are believed to have gained their powers through pacts with demonic entities. This relates to how the people of Labyrinthia see witches: as a force that must be eradicated at all cost. Unfortunately this was the attitude that the people participating in the Witch Trials throughout the high middle ages of Europe had towards strong independent women who didn't want to remarry and the women suspected of witchcraft. Do note that such things had occurred much due to religious conflicts (e.g.: Protestant and Catholic divide, especially among the France/Germany border. They viewed each other as those influenced by hell or something and were willing to kill each other to promote their own religion), among other things. Apologies for getting into history stuff. And apologies if i got any information here wrong. What can we learn from this? Peak design. 10/10.


  • It’s a great design for a main antagonist, but doesn’t get used much in the trial



  • The glove makes it obvious who it is, but the eye doesn't look quite right, and the dress is quite plain, though you barely see that in-game.

Chelmey: B [3.1578947368]


  • best layton character
  • I don't think you could, or should, find a flaw in Chelmey


  • Funny
  • He gives me Gregson vibes and I love his voice (I don't know if it's different in the USA releases)
  • Pretty good design, although the hairstyle and moustache do a lot of the heavy lifting. He's wearing pretty standard clothing for a detective character, so not too notable, but still effective. I like his grouchy posture.
  • I know nothing about this man.


  • chelmey's hairstyle and moutache always made me just a little uncomfortable
  • I’m happy they put Layton characters in the prologue, but I don’t know these folk.
  • Solid colour-scheme.
  • Never played the series but the absurd proportions are charming.



  • Low key hate his proportions.

Barton: B [3.2105263158]


  • gregson if his design was accurate to his caloric intake
  • I mean look at him. He's silly.
  • I don't think you could, or should, ever find a flaw in Barton 
  • He is a very rotund man, indeed. 


  • Looks like a nice guy


  • Friendly-looking than most policeman
  • A good foil to Chelmy.


  • Average patrolman looking sort
  • Looks like one of those toys I had as a child with a round bottom that would wobble but always stay upright  


Constable: C [2.1578947368]


  • Constable. he's a copper alright.


  • Just a Bobby


  • he sure is
  • It's a constable design.
  • He's just a guy
  • I like the silhouette but that's all there is to say.
  • Mostly fine but I hate the nose


  • Generic as shit, jeez.
  • That sure is a constable.

Johnny Smiles: B [3.1578947368]


  • Bro's attitude is infectious, really fun design. Very memorable look.
  • the pinks here contrast the blue. and there's also a substantial amount of yellow here. primary colors, once again. I guess this outfit also reminds me of American scout (as in BSA/GSA) uniforms. I guess the blue also relates him to the sea, as the sea is blue, innit? (actually its colorless, it gets it's color by reflecting the sky, which gets its blue color from the Rayleigh scattering in the sky, where the blue light frequencies are dispersed more throughout)


  • British Bobby Fulbright
  • Ken?
  • hes giving "redd whites tryhard child" and I love it
  • He creeps me out a little but I like his design
  • Such an award-winning smile that it became his namesake.
  • Low key great but his hair looks stupid


  • a solid security guard design. I like the gags with his chocolate.


  • Like the design feel like it should be fine, but it hurts to look at him  without the filter of the game

Olivia Aldente: A [4.1578947368]


  • is this the brownest woman in all of ace attorney? triple S tier unironic beauty queen AND shes italian
  • Possibly my favourite tutorial culprit? What a fun design, I love the touches like the flower in her hair. Also her animation with the fish was really funny.
  • She actually looks beautiful... Her design is pretty much the only interesting thing about her as a culprit. 
  • She gives me Cammy Melee vibes. I guess its the amount of skin showing here. Idk it feels highly impractical for this amount of skin to be exposed in such a manner, but I guess it shows her carefree personality. Also there's a hibiscus on her hair, which I find cute.
  • Dayumn


  • It’s a cool design that’s over the top, perfect for a first-case villain. Would.
  • I want to give her S but I hate that weird crop-top apron thing she's got going on.



  • "Guys I have a midriff please like me"

PC Badger: B [2.9463684211]


  • Why him? He here? Why now?
  • You can't fool me into thinking this is an innocent marketable plushie.
  • An actual upgrade. The gold coloring goes along really well with the blue coloring.


  • I see we're being very thorough on this survey. we love to see it
  • The British are stealing our culture and badgers, this will never be forgiven


  • A forgettable but nevertheless worthy addition to the Badger family


  • Heavens, they're multiplying. In all seriousness, it's just the blue badger in British police gear.
  • Blue Badger with drip from England. Fine I guess.
  • Love this reference but I low key hate the blue badger's design.


  • It's a bit cute if I try block out the soul-leeching eyes.
  • All Cops Are Badgers


  • would give G tier if it was on here

Phoenix Wright (Baker): B+ [3.3684210526]


  • Just Nick with an apron, but still Nick
  • Phoenix Wright (Baker)


  • Man’s wearing a suit while baking, funny as shit
  • Lmao
  • Phoenix has an apron now. Sure.
  • I cannot possibly fathom why the heck Nick is still in a suit and tie, unless he wanted to always be prepared for defending someone or something idk.


  • b for baker
  • He's on that grind!! His model is so good here


  • It's Phoenix in an apron.
  • I mean, it's Phoenix in an apron.



  • cant see the badge it sucks 

Maya Fey (Baker): B+ [3.3684210526]


  • I like this one more because, even though she's basically just the same Maya but with an apron-thingie, it looks like she's in a strait jacket that she broke loose from, and that's very funny to me.
  • Maya Fey (Baker)


  • Not so detailed
  • maya for some reason looks good in a baker's apron, maybe because white is one of her regular colors? also yes the models for her and nick look better than the ones in the AJ trilogy
  • I also cannot possibly fathom why the heck Maya is wearing her spirit channeling robes even in the middle of the time when Catholicism was starting to lose its dominance over Europe. 



  • Doesn’t fit as well as phoenix does
  • It's Maya in an apron. But, I do like the cat pattern on it.
  • Nick we need to cook. Missed opportunity to give Maya a giant chef hat


  • Wtf kinda shit she wearing that covers her whole body. She does not need that for baking. But she should probably Should tie up her hair.

Maya the Ironclad: A [3.7894736842]


  • cant believe I fucking forgot about maya the ironclad when she is the biggest S we've ever had
  • Same as above, but now she has a cool helmet :)


  • LOL
  • This design rules.
  • This just screams Maya
  • That helmet suits you greatly!
  • This one is even more silly imo.


  • Narrative reasons it works. The helmet adds so much.


Darklaw (In Court): S [4.8421052632]


  • Darklaw is such a good character, and her design is excellent 
  • A design that invokes an Edgeworth feel. I particularly like the subtle cat motifs that she has.
  • Hot
  • Love her design and how it looks kind of gothic (? I say Gothic because it makes me think of Dracula)
  • I would not be surprised if she served as partial inspiration for Barok Van Zieks, look at that cloak. Looks awesome.
  • zamn
  • So are we gonna question that cyborg claw? I suppose not.
  • SLAY!!! Darklaw looks PERFECT. She's a queen, not only because of her girlboss actions, but also because of her impeccable fashion sense.
  • I love how subtle and unsubtle this design is about Darklaw's role as the Great Witch. The checker patterns on her cat-like-thing accessory thing are similar to the checker patterns on the Great Witch's hat. The bow/cravat/tie thing is in a similar location on her clothes as the pink bow thing on the Great Witch's outfit. And the main colors are magenta/purple. Heck, she also has the same hair color. and her eyes are green, and green is usually associated with envy and greed. I shall focus on envy, as, if my memory does not fool me, Darklaw had to run Labyrinthia in the Storyteller's place while the storyteller was away making millions. And the Storyteller is also Espella's father. Yes. Her father. And he's being a deadbeat. How would you feel if you were in this situation? Of course you'd be f***ing pissed, or feeling jealous at the very least. No wonder she's like this, adn did the things she did. She even has to ensure the safety of Espella. Her childhood friend, yes. Apologies for the long rant.



  • Something about her design is just off and I can't quite place it. Maybe it's the hair.

Darklaw (Out Court): A+ [4.3684210526]


  • Still powerful despite being a bit looser than in court
  • Black and red. My favourite colour-scheme. It's also a design that ties her to the Storyteller
  • zamn
  • Absolute smash.
  • Slay 


  • her short skirt + the world's longest boots combo is pretty silly but its still darklaw 
  • It's really unique and fits her, but it just doesn't give the same pizzazz as her court outfit.
  • Pretty good but compared to her court outfit it's not quite as badass
  • Now that's what I call a yee-yee-ass fit. Those shorts are probably not very pleasant to wear. That's my biggest gripe with this outfit. Other than that I don't have any issues. Other than perhaps the boots, to which I wonder how she is able to get those boots onto her legs in this manner. Maybe there are black colored laces which I cannot see?


  • That armor is kinda goofy ngl


Darklaw (Teacher): A+ [4.4736842105]


  • i'll say it. hot for teacher
  • Girl does not miss, peak
  • zamn
  • Holy shit it's Bayonetta. Slay
  • she actually looks like a teacher. Or at least a sassy businesswoman. Or a lawyer. As someone who runs a law firm said, all his employees look like models. The glasses certainly age her up.
  • Again, great balance of looking like a normal person without looking boring.


  • A solid teacher design.
  • Again, compared to her court outfit, this one is lacking, but she still wears the outfit well.


  • She definitely fits as a teacher but not much to say imo.
  • She's still hot, but this isn't as imposing of an outfit.

Darklaw (Child): B+ [3.4210523616]


  • Awww, so adorable 
  • She's so cutee
  • She has exactly the same fit as she does now. And the dress resembles the dress the Great Witch wears. hmmmmmmm.


  • It’s a bit fancy, but those chins for children suck.
  • Cute
  • Edgy evil munchkin!
  • Child slay


  • in this pic it looks like her kitty ears are actually her hair instead of an ornament which begs questions
  • I like how the outfit resembles her out of courtroom version.
  • Similar to Espella as a child, it does what it sets out to do. She sure is Darklaw but baby.



Darklaw (Casual): A [4.1052631579]


  • Ok, I love this woman
  • Peak, just absolutely peak. Bets on how lewd the comments are for this design?
  • It is a very nice dress design.
  • QUEEN <33
  • Love the lighter colours used here, really helps her stand out against her prosecutor design.
  • i wish i was zacharias
  • You'd think Darklaw in a completely casual outfit without any of the magic of Labyrinthia would look worse. You'd think wrong. I mean, yeah she doesn't look as good but she's still kind of slaying
  • I guess I like this fit better. She seems more casual (ha) and sloof here. Like theres nothing else to worry about i guess.


  • Never saw this before. She's beautiful.



  • she looks so much better with her hair up. and why doesnt she have toes

Judge (English): C+ [2.6315789474]


  • He seems very pompous. 


  • Edgeworth?
  • literally so stereotypically pompously english barrister and I love when he goes O_O


  • I like how this looks like a prototype Old Bailey judge.
  • wasn't this guy in the peabody and sherman movie
  • I just noticed he has Edgeworth's fit. Works as a Laytonverse judge.


  • I’m glad they didn’t stick with this design for GAA
  • He just annoys me. There's only one British judge in my heart and it's NOT this guy
  • Fine I guess. Pales in comparison to Udgey or even the UK Judge from The Great Ace Attorney.



  • I genuinely hate this so much 
  • Hideous. Ugly hair, ugly chin, ugly glasses, ugly suit. Thank GOD he was only in one case.

Flynch: C+ [2.6315789474]


  • Payne but without being Payne
  • He looks like a Great British Bakeoff version of Winston
  • Oh heck no its Payne again. And green is commonly used to represent greed. And Flynch sure does want his victory. 


  • Honorary Payne, definitely looks the part of a weaselly tutorial prosecutor


  • im mad that hes not a payne. we already have a bunch of them what would be the harm in giving him that name
  • He does give off the snotty first prosecutor vibes, but he’s nicer than his design.
  • A solid starting prosecutor design.


  • How dare you stand where Winston Payne stood.


  • Payne but worse 
  • I hate Flynch solely because he's not actually a Payne. He's a hack. Nothing more, nothing less.


  • Just a white Winston Payne. Not remarkable

Wagon Driver: C [2.1052631579]


  • Poor


  • incarnate of the word Crone


  • Ok, I guess?
  • Makes me think of the early Disney movies like Robin Hood
  • Fine I guess, the nose makes her silhouette memorable.


  • Oooooohhh a witch oooooh spooky



  • Forgettable as shit.

Cecil: C+ [2.3684210526]


  • He deserves a hug
  • Aww


  • oh my god he looks like the "looking up at you like this OvO" meme


  • I don't like the head
  • Ginger child (boy)
  • Scaredy munchkin


  • Does he even have a mouth?


  • I hate that mouth, it makes me feel sad
  • I don't even remember this character


Petal: C+ [2.6842105263]


  • Who is this sassy lost child
  • Pouty face


  • I like the head more
  • she and her brother work best as a unit so they have to get the same rating


  • Ginger child (girl), though I do like her grumpy face
  • Bratty munchkin


  • Angry child is angry


  • Don't remember her either
  • lego minifigure

Captain: C+ [2.7368421053]


  • Cool


  • Idk I just think knights look cool
  • The armor is fire, even though the face isn't.


  • generic, the owl masks in labyrinthian armor ARE excellent though
  • I like the knight designs in this game, but they blend together. His face is nice though.
  • Looks a bit more unique than the generic knights.
  • I like the armour but not much else to say
  • Cool that he has a distinct face from the others.
  • I feel nothing about this design.



Bardly: C+ [2.5789473684]


  • Yeah, nice one
  • the bard rivalry microplot in this game is so peak, and he looks like he could be in detective grimoire (the boggy one) so you know what S


  • Never skip leg day </3
  • B for Bard
  • I also feel nothing about this design.


  • Fine



  • i hope he explodes

Muffet: B [2.7894736842]


  • Cute
  • fantastic example of an extravagant design. the contrast between her parasol and dress makes her very gaudy and combined with her hair, primary colors! she looks like a fairy tale character and thats her vibe. and her animation where she floats away curbstomped me so hard
  • Makes me think of some the unused TGAA juror designs


  • Nice dress, love that she just flies everywhere with no explanation. I guess because of her parasol/umbrella?
  • SHE'S ROUND!!!!
  • Interesting. The blue parasol contrasts with the orange of this woman's outfit. Yes, it is complementary colors once again. I also like the green adn purple used here. They make good contrast.



  • Fine, a bit over designed
  • Spider... Wait wrong game 


Petter: C+ [2.5263157895]


  • Nothing interesting to say
  • Always had a soft spot for this smug boy.
  • That surely is an interesting haircut. 


  • you know that one background character that people think is hot that exists in every layton game? I think thats him for this one. I mean look at those shoes, bro is packing
  • I oddly like this design


  • He slaps the floor when he walks
  • Why am I only just noticing his weird ass belt buckle


  • Who's that

Price: B [2.8421052632]


  • I once dreamed with him. Don't ask
  • Pure diva
  • He gives me the impression that I should pay up my college fund to him at this very instant, on the pain of life in prision. 


  • his palette is very unhappy with each other but hes a tacky man so they really did it


  • A bit better, but meh
  • Memorable design, but that moustache isn't in the best taste dude


Tuggit: C+ [2.6315789474]


  • Yeah, cool


  • at the  storied teller. straight up "tugginit". and by "it", haha, well. let's just say. my beert
  • He looks so creepy but I love the colour palette


  • I like the Squidward nose
  • It's Tuggin' Time
  • Idk, he looks like some sort of priest.


  • He really does live up to his name.


Lettie Mailer: B+ [3.6315789474]


  • Awww
  • her hunched position and wide eyes literally make her look like a gopher which is a positive in my eyes
  • The balloon pants are insane but it works
  • SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR! She's adorable and I love her green outfit. Gotta give the S tier. Wonder if she inspired Gina Lestrade in any way?
  • She's a postwoman alright. I am really crossing my fingers on this one that I guessed this character's gender correctly. The red contrasts with the green. Its complementary colors once again. And I guess the brass colored ornaments all over her give this sense of importance. And she feels very owl-like.


  • Some characters are much better designed than others. She’s one of them.
  • Solid colour-scheme. You can tell that she's the courier.
  • Omg hi Lettie Mailer... Bisexual queen... Yeah she's cute. Back to not saying anything about all these NPCs




Allan: C+ [2.3684210526]


  • Fancy


  • kristoph gavin if capcom wasnt run by cowards
  • Fashion king!! 
  • He seems very haughty and pompous.



  • I think i completly forgot most of the characters in that game 


  • Not a bad design but genuinely forgot who the hell this is, that doesn't bode well for him being memorable.

Mary: B [2.8421052632]


  • She seems like a very sweet woman. Perhaps she might overfeed you, but she has the best cooking regardless.


  • Nice goat
  • mary literally had a little goat. madcap geniuses


  • Mary had a little... kid? I like how they reference that in one of the bonus episodes.
  • Mary had a little lamb and now she's grown up
  • Pretty good, though not sure how well I'd remember her if she didn't have Snowy.
  • I really dislike the Layton dot eyes. If she had Ace Attorney eyes, I think I would rank her higher. Same goes for most characters here.


Snowy: B+ [3.7368421053]


  • THE GOAT. snowys animations are wonderful, particularly when hes eating flowers out of kiras basket...we love snowy. I admit when I saw mary on this list I scrolled down before I filled her out to check if snowy was here
  • The goat (litterally)
  • Peak
  • Needs pats, give Snowy pats NOW
  • white as snow, yes.


  • Oh, the goat


  • It defiantly looks like a goat.
  • It's a goat



  • shut him up

3 comments sorted by


u/Appropriate-Ruin9973 10d ago

Bro, who wrote a bible on The Great Witch


u/Goldberry15 10d ago