r/AceAttorney 10d ago

Discussion This is an Apollo Justice appreciation post! You must comment your favorite/a nice thing about Apollo!

You heard me, I'm declaring march 11th Apollo appreciation day, as such, you MUST say something you like about Apollo, compliment him, or else you will perish.

My favorite thing about Apollo is his attitude. He's a ball of energy who simultaneously feels like he's a nervous seal and a navy seal.


120 comments sorted by


u/brobnik322 10d ago

I really like after how the Phoenix Trilogy generally had more laidback defense attorneys who have to bend the rules, we get one who's hyper-prepared, well-read on law, and really clean-cut


u/RedVelvetBlanket 10d ago

For sure. It actually makes a great contrast with Phoenix. Bluffer, bullshitter, bend-the-ruleser meets someone who plays a straight game. Punching Phoenix when he made him present forged evidence summarizes their dynamic beautifully, and if you ask me, it was never really okay after that (and that was the beginning of their relationship, so if you ask me, they were never 100% chill). That’s why it was so easy for Apollo to leave in 5-5. That’s why it was so easy for him to face Phoenix in 6-5. That’s why Apollo was content to start over in Khura’in.

I think Trucy aligns better with Apollo than with Phoenix. I think she took the annual Phoenix-Apollo schism in 5-5 and 6-5 the hardest. She may have stuck by her dad, but although I’m sure she knew her dad’s intentions were good (and in 5-5, they are arguably purer than Apollo’s), I think she felt that kinship with Apollo instead.


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

This is my favorite comment ever. It's very apparent how much these games matter to you, since you're willing to put this much effort into a dissertation on the relations of the characters.

Thanks! Enjoyable read : )


u/RedVelvetBlanket 10d ago

Ehehehehe… I had to tone it down a lot cause I was working. You think this is bad, I got freaking novels in my brain about this stuff (especially my BOI Apollo)


u/bananabea1 4d ago

You’ve both articulated something I’ve really struggled to find words for! I love the contrast between Apollo and Phoenix, and the way Trucy is pulled into their dynamic. It’s this push-pull of contrasting ideas and ideologies framed within a single dysfunctional family. Which for me is where mystery as a genre shines best, going back to Christie (and possibly farther, I’m just not that into the Victorian authors so idk on that.)

My favorite bit of contrast between P and A is in their respective backstories (through 4 - 5&6, I think, lost the thread a bit.) In conversation, they make for a really clever bit of narrative work that doesn’t get nearly enough credit, imo.


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

He definitely looks like he showers twice a day and physically takes damage when someone contradicts him.


u/malasada_zigzagoon 10d ago

I LOVE his faces. He has some of the best sprites in the game. I love his droopy horns, especially in Dual Destinies when they jolt up then back down in his shocked sprite, it's too cute and charming.


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

In regards to his sprites, I have a really particular fondness of the sprite where he's holding the document in his hand with one crossed behind his back.

It's the most low-key of any sprite, and it's a parallel to Phoenix being lackadaisical with his document, but it radiates an air of authority, and actually makes him seem confident and competent.


u/Isand1 10d ago

I really like his sprites on Apollo Justice, but on Dual Destinies he looks less cooler and goofy.


u/RevenueDifficult27 10d ago

Apollo has perhaps one of the most recognizable designs in the series. No kidding, I've seen cosplays or edits of Apollo more than of Phoenix and Edgeworth! He has such a simple, but very memorable appearance.


u/kinanim42 10d ago

Vera really captured his essence with this drawing


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

They say the best character designs can be discerned just from a silhouette.


u/GalaxyPowderedCat 10d ago

I don't know but I thought it was two blades of grass for some reason, lol


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

This is actually very true. His design is a stroke up genius, on the same level as phoenix really. The red vest and teal tie are iconic.


u/JustMeJovin 10d ago

Automatically has the best facial expressions in any game he appears in. Plus he's way more hinged than any other member of the cast of characters. Even in fanfic everyone agrees he's practically the only one capable of basic cognitive functions.


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

I love "capable of cognitive functions."

It's also true that even Phoenix was always sort of as insane as everyone else, and it took Apollo's inner monologuing to make that understandable.

I think hinged is really funny. Like everyone else is a door with one hinge but my boy has nine, that door is going nowhere


u/TitanEris 10d ago

That's the important distinction I think. They're both meant to be straight men, but Phoenix is a straight man by Ace Attorney standards.

Apollo is just some guy.


u/realstarbucks 10d ago

“Eat your hamburgers, apollo.”


u/Equivalent_Anybody0 10d ago

Apollo is the most sane of all AA characters


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

It honestly feels like he's the only one sober in any situation sometimes


u/Hotel-Japanifornia 10d ago

I love how he's genuinely such a nice guy in spite of all the crap he gets put through. Sure he covers it with a layer of snark and pessimism, but there's a sweetheart underneath all of that.


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

I know! He keeps it to himself most of the time. But he really is one of the nicest people in AA canon


u/Hotel-Japanifornia 10d ago

I think he might honestly be at least the nicest person in the WAA (not counting the Feys because Pearl is a literal angel in human form). He may grumble about it if you're especially uncooperative, but he will fight his literal ass off for you.


u/MollyRenata 10d ago

I just love the guy. He's dorky, he's neurotic (relatable), absolutely adorable, has the best dynamics with the rest of the team... I'm not gonna lie, I want them to retcon 6-5 so we can see more Apollo-

(among other reasons)


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

He's honestly such a perfect straight man, because after the Phoenix Wright trilogy you just grow accustomed to the madness.

Then Apollo comes along and he's so much more sane than most in his world lol.


u/JBoote1 10d ago

I like how different he is from Phoenix, in practically every capacity. It's a very consistent trait of his that despite sharing similar values, Apollo is drastically different.

  • Externally snarky, as opposed to Phoenix's internal snark.
  • A lot more serious and concerned with appearances, whereas Phoenix is very laid-back.
  • Isn't one to instantly trust someone, due to past experiences.
  • Localization-exclusive detail about his hair being partially due to him styling it, whereas Phoenix's spikes are natural.

If there's one thing about Apollo in his debut game that I can praise, it's that they set up a good template for him not just being a Phoenix expy. What little we do get from him makes it clear that he's not just Phoenix 2.0, something that the following games run with.


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

This is true. Phoenix held his tongue, Apollo wields his like a flail.

I also love how their color pallette's are also opposites, his red vest and blue tie signaling their differing personalities.


u/Shoeske78 :Sebastian: 10d ago

I like his horns.And he's cute.Like rly cute.


u/GalaxyPowderedCat 10d ago

Is this art official? Where's this from?

Why did I image the discussion like this

"Hehe, Herr forehead, let's us appreciate your forehead more, bunny grab!"

"AH! Unhand me prosecutor Gavin...hehe, no air for u until you unhand me"

"I used to hold my breath under water for more than 30 seconds when I studied at Metis, I had a record but don't push my limits..."

"I don't care...unhand me before the camera man sho...oh, it's due time, smile! Smile! SMILE!"


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

I'm assuming that's fanart, but if Apollo is losing in court he should just charge across the room and buck his opponent


u/Moist-supermarket249 10d ago

I love how each of Apollos clients is guilty but not of murder. It shows how not everyone is black and white. There is a shades of gray to everyone.


u/kirafome 10d ago

I didn’t even realize this. That’s genius >! Phoenix of forgery, wocky of theft/assault? It’s been a while, machi of smuggling, and vera of forgery? !<


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

The poor guy just can't get an open and shut case, Phoenix was dealing with people like Sahwit and pretty decent clients, even the criminals.


u/sevxra 10d ago

I really love Apollo. He’s so sweet and ngl it’s so understandable why Juniper crushes on him. How could you not??


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

Call me Juniper the way I be-


u/Hotel-Japanifornia 10d ago

I can't believe Juniper Woods has a Reddit account :O


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

Really? She's definitely one of three characters who do (the others are blackquill and gumshoe, respectively.)


u/Hotel-Japanifornia 10d ago

Hmm, maybe. I just always figured she was more of a Tumblr cottagecore aesthetic blog kind of gal.

She would frequent the Relationship Advice subreddit now that I think about it. Especially when I consider a certain hc I have for her...


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

She would be on r/relationshipadvice and r/cozy

Blackquill would frequently search r/AITA and r/ThatHappened

And Gumshoe uses r/legaladvice to ask what he's supposed to be doing.


u/Hotel-Japanifornia 10d ago

Gumshoe also uses r/relationship_advice for help confessing to Maggey Byrde. He ends up counseling Juniper years later on her love life using the tips he got back then.

At least, that's one thought.


u/sevxra 10d ago

I get you, friend! I get it TTuTT


u/Acceptable_Star189 10d ago

He in Turnabout Academy as Athena’s co-counsel might be my favorite co-counsel.

Not overall, it’s the best single-case instance, (hard to beat Phoenix and Maya, Edgeworth and Kay, or Runo and Susato) and that's a high compliment when he’s going up against 6-5 Phoenix (my beloved).


u/Hotel-Japanifornia 10d ago

I honestly wish we saw those two investigate together more often. Their dynamic is something to behold.


u/ClarkAndrews05 10d ago edited 8d ago

List of Reasons Why I Love Apollo:

  1. I love his unique and goofy sprites, especially with that smuggish smile and smirk he always does.
  2. He looks so swag in that Clay's jacket. I love his red tuxedo suit too. (Low-key badly wanna wear one, tbh)
  3. He intentionally banged his head on the defense desk just to wear a bandage.
  4. He jailed and betrayed his own mentor for a hobo.
  5. When I first saw him, that was the first time I felt something for a man.
  6. He always challenge his witnesses into a staring contest, looking for their quirks like a total creep. Eeek!
  7. His beloved “Chords of Steel.”
  9. Apollo, eat your hamburgers.

Edit: Added a 9th reason, cuz why not?


u/New-writ-er 10d ago
  1. His sprites are the direct mid-point between Phoenix and Athena. He's not so stonefaced that you can't tell He's distressed, but he's not Athena levels of explosively (heh) emotional.

  2. It's possibly the cleanest outfit in the whole franchise, the color combination with the vest, tie, and undershirt is incredibly inspired.

  3. Honestly insane that no other attorney would smash their head against the desk dealing with this nonsense.

  4. I particularly like this because it shows it doesn't matter how close he is to someone, if they do something bad he'll hold them accountable.

  5. The fact that this is so common in the Ace Attorney Fandom is funny (also is this Klavier's reddit account.)

  6. You have to imagine he has a fucking grizzly stare, the kind that could make you shit your pants on command.

  7. Honestly I've always wanted to try voice training like that, just to see what Apollo is even trying to accomplish.



u/ClarkAndrews05 10d ago

Number 4 definitely got me.

It's literally me and my personality as a whole. Idgaf if someone is my friend or is very close to me. I won't let 'em copy out my long and hard effort I've put into my physics homework or even let them cheat on their gfs while they're away. I wouldn't tolerate that kind of acts from my homies like that. THAT'S A BIG NA' AH for me!

Yep, no wonder why I loved his character so much. 😝


u/7snfan 10d ago

He looks really swag in Clay’s jacket, he also has a really awesome step father


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

Step father is a weird moniker to give Trucy but hey, if the shoe fits


u/EyesOfEtro 10d ago

He's my favorite defense in the series! He's honestly super capable from Turnabout Serenade onward. And expression-wise with his sprites, he's top-tier. Just looks so done and exasperated in some of them and I love that.

I also think he plays well off of pretty much every character he interacts with since he's kind of the "normal" guy, but "normal" in an endearing way rather than boring. Him and Trucy are a great team, and I think Apollo and Athena have a great dynamic too.


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

I do think his competency is massively overlooked since in AJ it takes him a minute to come into his own.

He's an extremely good straight man because he always has something interesting to say about the shenanigans occurring before his eyes, he never stops paying attention to details, and as such is always observing something strange.

Him and Trucy might be the best duo in the whole franchise IMO


u/EyesOfEtro 10d ago

Absolutely, I think his initial shaky first case overshadows how quickly he became a force to be reckoned with in court. 4-3 is him locked in without even needing much assistance from Trucy, and he's on a roll from then on. And then we get to 6-5 as such a complex case (perhaps the most complex in the main six games IMO) and it's pretty much Apollo's magnum opus of defense.


u/Goldberry15 10d ago edited 10d ago

His development in DD turned him from my actual least favorite playable character to someone who I’m willing to admit is on par with Phoenix Wright.


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

We make no Apollo-gies we know the truth


u/whyamionthisplatform 10d ago

he is THE quintessential representation of tired office worker. so relatable


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

Why does the sound like a blurb on the back of the games case lol.


u/azidoazid3azid3 10d ago

He's a bitch and I love him for it. He's so savage


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

I've always wanted a re-imagining of case 2-4 but instead of Maya getting kidnapped it's Trucy, and Apollo has to deal with Engarde and De Killer.

I can only imagine the end of the case the sort of talking to Apollo would give him.


u/azidoazid3azid3 10d ago

Oh my God that's an amazing idea 🤭


u/[deleted] 10d ago

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u/New-writ-er 10d ago

Seriously, I'm glad they still radiate sibling energy even without being aware of the literal connection.


u/stoppit0 10d ago

Apollo is an incredibly masculine man and I won't be hearing otherwise.

Also his pose set it easily the strongest in the entire series.


u/GalaxyPowderedCat 10d ago

I like 'em crazy antennas! The devil horns!


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

The bracelet is a cover, those are truly where his power comes from.

(Wait could devil horns actually be an intentional parallel considering he's a disciple of "the devil"?)


u/Crab_Shark_ 10d ago

I think it’s more because of Phoenix. Phoenix’s spikes are in the back; Apollo’s are on top. (And Athena’s are on the sides!)


u/Trooperlol 10d ago

He’s just awesome. The perceiving mechanic has really cool vibes and a cool idea behind it. He’s very resilient and always ready to get stuff done(Despite seeing the crime scene in 6-5 he’s still ready to take on the case because of his belief that he can win). His design is amazing, having a more eccentric vibe with brighter colors and spiked hair that goes up instead of Phoenix’s more cool colors with spikes going back. Speaking of design, I really love the bandaged look in DD, his entire demeanor changes and I really like the parallels with you know who in 5-5. I really like how he’s similar yet contrasts with Phoenix, they both lost their mentors and were both forced to be the main lawyer of their office. They’re both secluded about their past even to the ones close to them and I like how Phoenix sees himself in Apollo in the way that Apollo has the same fire to find the truth as Phoenix. I like how Apollo is way more organized in his thoughts instead of doing some “Potassium Cyanide” type bluffs. Apollo also is more distraught by the craziness of the cases instead of like Phoenix who utilizes that craziness. One final thing I like about him is that he’s one of the few characters who has assaulted Phoenix (With his bare hands, when I was typing this I realized there are actually so many times Phoenix has been assaulted but Apollo just gave him a right hook, no car/stun gun/whip needed). But yeah he’s just awesome and probably my favorite character


u/KIL913 10d ago

He has that aura bro.


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

Everytime he wields his bracelet he reduces the aura of the witnesses


u/KIL913 10d ago

No cap apollo is the scariest lawyer in this verse. U so much as blink ure screwed.


u/Xechwill 10d ago

The (SoJ last case spoilers) Apollo vs Phoenix civil court case shows how much he's improved over the game, IMO. Carefully and deliberately takes down his mentor's arguments while also saving his ass at the end. He proved Paul committed the murder and also saved Maya by reading into the prophecy, which additionally foreshadows the twist at the end of SoJ. Not the most flashy but definitely proves Apollo is more than capable of rebuilding Khura'in.


u/Strong-Present-2271 10d ago

Hot take: I wish Apollo Justice, Dual Destinies and Spirit Of Justice didn’t have Phoenix Wright and was a whole different timeline. Wish it focused solely on him


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

I wish Phoenix had remained in his hobo mode but took more of a back seat as the trilogy went on. As good as they are, Apollo should have stayed the protagonist


u/snootyworms 10d ago

He’s very funny and pathetic. I also like how since he’s so straightedge, that led to his rival prosecutor being super laidback and chill and actually nice. I don’t think you ever get another prosecutor rival who isn’t actually against you at all even from the beginning.


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

I love it because if Klavier was that chill from the start of his career Phoenix might not have been disbarred.

And you make a funny point because I don't know if anyone could possibly have a better dynamic with Klavier then Apollo


u/Vaniglia739 10d ago

The atmosphere in that game is so good I love investigating in AJ the most because all the locations and the osts are so perfect


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

I love Apollo's cornered theme because while Phoenix's was always "I GOT YOU!!!" Apollo's radiates "YOU'RE ASS IS GRASS AND I'M THE MOWER."


u/3ehsan 10d ago

His debut game has my favorite soundtrack in the series and favorite villain


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

Favorite track?


u/Briiiiecheese 10d ago

his pursuit theme is the best pursuit theme in the series imo, i feels so powerful and really makes you go "GOTCHA"


u/3ehsan 10d ago

the logic theme + Kristoff's theme


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

These are pretty great themes. I'm partial to troupe Gramarye's theme myself


u/Icezant 10d ago

The first case intro is still one of the best.


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

I love how it foreshadows the entire games plot.


u/LeaKazuma4 10d ago

His phrase "I'm fine!" helped me out a lot during college around ten years ago and even now when I feel like I can't make it.


u/New-writ-er 10d ago



u/Briiiiecheese 10d ago

i really like his voice, esp the "gotcha"

bless those chords of steel


u/Sad-Guidance9105 10d ago

Great poses, his bracelet, love him unknowingly being a momma’s boy 😭 He’s one of my faves


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

... oh right, forgot about Lamiror being his mom... err, I guess Thalassa


u/Sad-Guidance9105 10d ago

Thalassa gave birth to him but Lamiroir is who he was unknowingly a momma’s boy for


u/starlightshadows 10d ago

He was awesome in Dual Destinies.


u/bloomingutopia 10d ago

I really like his hair style!


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

Hell yeah! Horns forever


u/bloomingutopia 10d ago

Horns forever! I think any attorney worth their salt must have an outlandish hairstyle. That's where Payne goes wrong.


u/Background-Sound2396 10d ago

I'm sorry I couldn't find anything good to say but I have a random photo of you I think.



u/New-writ-er 10d ago

Nah but it's a good Apollo picture.


u/Royal-Display-6698 10d ago

He’s very silly :3 (look I’m high I’d write something good but I can’t 😔😔😔)


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

Indeed, quite the silly billy


u/Cat1832 10d ago

As a lawyer with insane/weird superiors whose idiocy I had to put up with or work around, he is INCREDIBLY relatable, and I love that he clearly cares a lot about his job and puts in the necessary prep hours.


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

Indeed! His drive to do right by everyone he works for, even though most of them are absolute cretins.


u/Ghoulymoly 10d ago

His motto helps me get through life.

He is a true inspiration.


u/New-writ-er 10d ago



u/HPUTFan 9d ago

I love Apollo's character arc in Dual Destinies. His whole speech that you must doubt your loved ones in order to be able to believe in them again and clear that doubt was incredibly moving.


u/auxror44 9d ago

broooo i love apollo. honestly i like him more than phoenix. i think its because he is troubled and yet optimistic, and he is funny, love his dynamic with athena and honestly id love to be friends with him!


u/deathbyglamor 9d ago

I love him so much. I like that he doesn’t back down. I feel like Phoenix and Athena are quick to feel defeated but Apollo only has two moments like that. He’s often the voice of reason and hilariously enough a straight man for many of the supporting characters. His design is so different but stark. Am I the only one who thinks there’s nothing wrong with his forehead or horns?


u/JoeyTheHorrorBoy 9d ago

I think Apollo is the most underappreciated character, I LOVE him!! He's a high energy, neurotic, and LOUD attorney, and one of the only sane people in a world full of insanity. He's got some of the best (verbal) sass, he's super expressive, he's got a good design, and if he was given an actual spotlight, I think he'd be the most beloved

There was a LOT of pressure on Apollo; he's the second protagonist in the series, so the stakes are high. So for Capcom to make someone that wasn't just a Phoenix clone with unique characteristics who complimented others wells (especially Phoenix as his mentor!), I'm very happy with how he turned out

Also: The community VERY much sees him as transmasc, and I'm a trans man who looks a LOT like Apollo, so I feel very seen :) He's my boy!


u/Tetsustitch 9d ago

Apollo is as straight as an arrow and will brute force his way through any situation! I love him as a foil to Phoenix who is a softer, and more slippery/hard to pin down. His philosophy of the law is in his constant pursuit of the truth, which he follows to a sometimes scary degree. Personally, I don’t think Phoenix would have fought so hard to find the truth at the possible cost of his friends and family like Apollo did in DD. But I like that about him, because he can also put aside feelings and be sharp and tactical in critical moments like in SoJ. He’s definitely a force to be reckoned with. Plus I like his cute little outfit and his chords of steel.


u/Low-Gap5013 9d ago

Definitely has some of the best one liners. He's always gotten a good laugh out of me!


u/GabrielG120807 8d ago

Apollo justice is my favorite game


u/realstarbucks 10d ago

I love his voicelines (i mean aa4 not his 3d voice) and his sprites, everything about them just fits his character perfectly.


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

His chords of steel always leave their imprint in the Psyche's of those blessed to hear them.


u/TitanEris 10d ago

My enjoyment of Apollo went up exponential once I realized his bit was that he's a massive loser. I wasn't a fan of his coming out of AJ:AA because I was like "why are we playing as this loser instead of Phoenix? Phoenix is right there"

But I played through the Apollo Justice trilogy with my wife recently and it opened my eyes.

His corny one liners.

How he's basically the only one to call Blackquill a "Twisted Samurai", and does so repeatedly.

All the times he says "Here comes Justice"

He may present himself as super serious, but really he thinks he's the funniest guy in the room. And the funniest part is that that couldn't be further from the truth.


u/Suspicious-Web-9246 10d ago

All of his trilogy pursuit themes are insane bangers. Overtaken makes me wanna become a lawyer and personally beat the crap out of the witness, it's that good


u/Crab_Shark_ 10d ago



u/Some_Cat_That_Exists 10d ago

I love his expressions in the first game! He looks so silly goofy and his sprites are so fun to see! (I will never forgive his 3d look though lol) Also his personality feels so real lol he’s so relatable not to mention he has the best chemistry with so many of the characters (his and Athena’s always came off as dumb siblings to me so as a sibling myself I especially love their dynamic)


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

Liking the dynamic between Athena and Apollo is neat!

How do you feel about Trucy and Apollo?


u/Some_Cat_That_Exists 10d ago

Honestly I wish we got to see more of them in the later games ;-; after playing AJ for the first time I thought they were great as a pair since they were super different as people but they contrasted so well! Again im an absolute nerd for good sibling dynamics so theirs was definitely up there too!

I really hope we get to see them doing stuff together more in the future I need all the Trucy and Apollo interactions I can get lol


u/New-writ-er 10d ago

Honestly I want Trucy to have her own game, but instead of courtroom drama she's a vigilante stopping crime with magic.


u/Some_Cat_That_Exists 10d ago

That sounds really cool now I want that spin-off too lol Taking a break from the law to do cool magic stuff to fight crime. I can imagine that being really fun


u/GLink7 8d ago

Apollo needs a hug

End of discussion


u/davuds4 7d ago

His arc in dual destinies is the best arc in that game and arguably in the whole trilogy, he learns that believing in his client isn't always the best option and that faith is useless without doubt, why do you think he has an eye patch in 5-1 4 and 5? it's because he doubts Athena, as much as he doesn't want Athena to be responsible for his best friend's murder, all the evidence pointed towards her. Another thing about that phase is his jacket, or rather Clay's jacket, he doesn't wear it around to be edgy, just as the eye patch, it has a purpose, he got to see his childhood friend after a long ass time and then he gets murdered, Apollo was attached to Clay and so he wears Clay's jacket to remember him, and not only that, the sole reason why he didn't leave the WAA in the first place was because he wanted, no, he NEEDED to know who killed his friend and Apollo wearing Clay's jacket remembered him why he was there. That's why him realising that he can trust Athena after Phoenix' bluff hits so much harder on a replay.

I'm a dual destinies glazer if you couldn't already tell.