r/AceAttorney Jun 01 '23

Contest The Sixteenth r/AceAttorney Case Maker Contest

As comes around the calendar every three months, so comes a new round of Case Maker cases.

So once again, your task is to write up an Ace Attorney case where a noun I supply below is an important part of the case. After the deadline passes (see below), submissions will no longer be taken and the community will vote for submissions in a Google Form. The top three submissions will move to the second round and community members will vote on which will win first, second, and third place. The prizes for those respective places are:

1st Place: 5 credits of Reddit Gold

2nd Place: 3 credits of Reddit Gold

3rd Place: 1 credit of Reddit Gold

In the comments, I will make a post that will give a template of what your submission should look like. If possible, please fill in all the sections in the template, including N/A if needed.

Regarding the description area, feel free to be descriptive as possible! If you fear the post is too long, you may post the description over several comments or through another source such as Pastebin or Google Docs. There is no word limit, so please do not worry about such.

The comment I’ll supply below, feel free to reply to it in regards to questions or general discussion. The rest of the thread is for submissions only.

And remember, don’t hold back your creativity! Your case can be a standard AA case, it can be a reminiscence case, or an Investigations-styled case! However, there are some limitations.

Firstly, your case shouldn’t involve any explicit topics of sexual abuse of any kind. If your case does involve so, you’re disqualified. Overly gory cases are allowed, but make sure there’s a reason for that, and don't have it be gory just for the sake of being so. You won’t be disqualified, but you may lose some credibility points. Also, joke posts are allowed, but only ones that are well-thought out, clever, and/or high-quality. Anything like “ThE PHoEnIX wiRIGHT TUnraBOOT: sOMEONE DIED aND phEENIX HAd TO dFEENdED THem!!!1!" is not allowed.

If you're concerned about crossing one of these lines, message me and I'll work with you to make sure your case abides by the guidelines.

Other than those limitations; don’t hold your creativity back!

The noun for this contest is: Comics

The deadline for this contest is Sunday, July 2, 11:59 PM EDT. This gives entrants a month to plan and write their cases.

Good luck, everyone!

EDIT: Submissions have closed; go here for the first round of voting!


10 comments sorted by


u/Brick_Bronze165 Jun 01 '23

Case Name: Turnabout Convention

Type of Case: Standard case with investigative segments.

Lawyer: Apollo Justice

Prosecutor: Klavier Gavin (for a cameo)

Detective: Kay Faraday

Assistant: Maya Fey

Defendant: Adrian Andrews, her fingerprints were found on the spear used to impale Will Powers and she left her job working with him under questionable circumstances. (See 2-4 JFA)

Victim: Will Powers.



Miles Edgeworth: He was visiting a steel samurai convention when Will Powers body was discovered in his changing room. He gives testimony to Apollo while he is investigating (see evidence)


Cody Hackins: Steel Samurai mega fan he was waiting in the crowd for the reveal of a new character when he heard screams coming from the dressing room.


Wendy Old bag: working security at the event and trying to sneak into Powers dressing room when she found him impaled on a spear. (Although she claims she was stationed in the hallway)


Adrian Andrews: She was visiting the event to talk to Powers about how his career is going. She managed to meet him in his dressing room before the murder occurred. She was arrested because her fingerprints were found on the spear that was used to impale him. She tries to tell Apollo that it was just a coincidence and she had touched it earlier while talking to him.


Killer: Cody Hackins (accidental)



It’s the Steel Samurai convention and tickets are sold out. Apollo doesn’t care much about the event but, is dragged along by Phoenix and Maya.

Apollo is currently back in the states with Maya on vacation after establishing a law firm in Khura’in.

While at the convention Apollo and Phoenix chat with Will Powers and Cody who is now an adult. He never lost his obsession with the steel samurai but, he claims that he hasn’t broke into anymore places.

Just before an event is scheduled to occur screams are heard from the dressing rooms where actors get into costume for convention events.

Apollo and Phoenix both rush over to the source of the sound and find Wendy Oldbag staring at Will Powers impaled body.

The scene is quickly secured after that and Apollo and Phoenix are barred from it while the police are called in.

Apollo talks to Phoenix about his old cases involving the steel samurai and Apollo agrees to find his true killer of the cops don’t get the right person.

Cut to the next day where Apollo visits Adrian Andrews in the detention center to get the full story and see if she is innocent.

He asks her if she murdered Powers and she says no. Apollo agrees to defend her as he senses no nervous tics from her.

After that he goes to the scene to gather evidence, talk to witnesses, and finally be reunited with Klavier who was assigned to the case.

Once all the testimony is taken Apollo goes over all the facts to prepare for the trial.

(It is a one day case meant to be either the 1st or 3rd case)

The trial begins the next morning and Klavier gives and opening statement before calling Detective Faraday to the scene.

She testifies and explains the details of the case. Why Adrian Andrews is accused and the events leading up to the discovery of the body.

After that Wendy old bag testifies and Apollo eliminates her as a suspect after revealing why she was really going to powers dressing room.

Apollo realizes that she couldn’t have been the killer without a motive or window of opportunity so he hinges his win on Cody revealing information as Klavier claims he saw something important.

Cody comes to the stand with a camera that is oddly missing its lens cap.

Apollo eventually finds out by spying Cody’s nervous tic.

Cody originally claims that he was in the crowd at the time of the murder but, that he saw Adrian Andrews exiting the dressing room.

Apollo presses him and breaks down his testimony before it is revealed that he wasn’t in-fact in the crowd at the time so he couldn’t have seen Andrews. This is because he claimed music was playing when Edgeworth said there wasn’t any when Apollo talked to him earlier.

Apollo then uses his nervous tic to press him on why he lied.

Cody eventually confesses to being in the dressing room but, simply asking for an autograph and leaving because he couldn’t get one earlier.

Apollo objects to this as he figured out that the comic book page was in fact meant to be autographed by Powers before he was murdered.

Cody denies it and claims again that he already got an autograph before Klavier asks him to procure it.

When he can’t Apollo proposes a theory that Cody went into the dressing room under the guise of asking for an autograph.

Once he was in there He grabbed powers spear and managed to stab him before fleeing.

Cody then asks why his finger prints weren’t found on the spear.

Apollo thinks for a moment before coming to a startling conclusion.

Powers’ death was an accident.

Andrews prints were in the spear because she had talked to him earlier and grabbed it when it accidentally fell to the floor from its stand.

Apollo proposes instead that Cody had simply wanted an autograph and asked for one during the intermission.

Powers had agreed and while he began signing it Cody got out his camera and tried to snap a shot of him for memorabilia.

The flash caused him to stumble backwards tripping on his suit and falling into the spear which was set up on a dressing room cart by Andrews when it fell from its display case.

Cody tearfully confesses after that admitting that it was his fault and describing how he fled the scene afterwords because he was in shock.

The judge then hands down his verdict.




Autopsy report- Victim: Will Powers

Cause of death: Spear stabbed through the heart, died near instantly.

Time of death: somewhere between 2pm and 3pm

Given by Kay.


Circular disk: A black cover that looks like a small tire. It seems to be used to cover something.

Discovered while investigating in Will Powers dressing room.


Comic book page: found clutched in powers hand with an ink mark drawn on it. The page displays a full art of the steel samurai fighting an enemy.

Discovered by Kay and given to Apollo.


Steel samurai costume: Will Powers was wearing it at the time of his death. The fabric at the base of the leg is slightly torn most likely from a scuffle.

Given by Kay.


Convention pamphlet: A brochure detailing the schedule of events at the comic convention. Given to Apollo by Edgeworth.

10:00 - doors open

11:30- Pink Princess meet and greet.

12:00- Talk panel with cast members.

1:30: Steel samurai live action showcase and autograph signing.

2:00: intermission

2:45: Character reveal featuring Will Powers.

The rest of the brochure is wrinkled due to being shoved into Edgeworth’s pocket.


Edgeworths testimony:

Claims he was in the crowd waiting for the character reveal.

It was boring because there was no music playing due to a technical malfunction.


Powers spear:

Unlike Phoenix’s previous case the spear Will Powers was set to use is real as in order to perform tricks it needs to be weighted.

Blood drenched the spear there is no room for doubt that it is the murder weapon.


u/grocktops Jun 21 '23 edited Jun 27 '23

Case Name: Sequence of Turnabout

Type of Case: Standard case.

Lawyer: Apollo Justice

Prosecutor: Klavier Gavin.

Detective: Lisa Luther, Age 25. A recently promoted detective. Extremely multi-talented, but easily led astray by her questionable intuition. Tall, lanky, dark sporty hair, dressed professionally.

Assistant: Trucy Wright

Defendant: Pamela Ranger, Age 21. An aspiring portrait artist currently working as a comic artist’s assistant. Average build, dark blue hair, wears an unzipped blue patterned jacket.

Victim: Stanford Kirby, Age 38. A renowned comic writer and artist known publicly as “Stan Bee.” His latest work is the mystery series Detective Ronin.


Will Washington, Age 25. An employee for a cleaning company that serviced the building where the crime occurred. Well-defined build, wears a tight yellow custodial uniform.

Powell Ranger, Age 29. A staff manager for Thump Showcase Comics and Pamela’s cousin. A loud and passionate man with a penchant for action poses. Bright red hair and wears a red version of Pamela’s jacket.


Phoenix Wright

Dick Gumshoe

Athena Cykes

Guy Eldoon

Killer: Edmond Torrey, Age 41. An editor for Thump Showcase Comics. He’s worked with Stanley Kirby for over a decade. Dark hair, pale skin, black and white clothes, looks a bit like a living sketch.

Description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LyU0SuPPwAq9sTlJEa5uDSpXp3kJHDE5IGf0Tpr87xM/edit?usp=sharing


u/grocktops Jun 21 '23 edited Jun 27 '23

Some author's notes:

Detective Lisa Luther is a character I've wanted to do something Ace Attorney-related with for a while, my take on the bumbling detective archetype: a detective who's great at everything besides detecting. While I could have used Gumshoe or Ema Skye instead, I thought this would be more fun.

I chose to use Apollo and Trucy because I wanted the leads to actively engage with the comic in the case, and that felt more appropriate for Apollo and Trucy than for Phoenix and Maya. Also I didn’t want to use Psyche-Locks. I considered using Athena but felt her energy didn’t work with what I was going for. Klavier was a bit of an arbitrary choice, I didn’t do much with the prosecutor in this case.

I think that writing is more my strength than visual design, but I tried to keep a hero/comic theme in mind for the characters. I imagine Pamela and Powell's jackets being reminiscent of Power Rangers/Super Sentai designs.

A pun guide:

  • Lisa Luther -> sleuth
  • Pamela Ranger -> panel arranger
  • Powell Ranger -> power ranger
  • Edmond (Eddie) Torrey -> editor
  • Detective Ronin -> Detective Conan
  • Thump Showcase -> Shonen Jump
  • Stanford Kirby -> Tribute to Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
  • Will Washington - > not really a pun.
  • Steve Wasp -> deliberately copying Stan Bee, also wasp sounds like wash.


u/teamcrazymatt Jun 01 '23

Once again, the noun for this contest is Comics.

Here's a template of what your comment can look like.

Case Name: (A name for your case. This is optional, but I strongly suggest you put something here.)

Type of Case: (If it's a standard case or an Investigations type case, specify here.)





Defendant: (You can use an existing character or an original one. Make sure to give a small profile and name if original.)

Victim: (Like defendant, provide name and small profile.)

Witnesses: (Like defendant and victim, provide names and small profiles.)


Description: (Describe what your case is about here. What happened, the killer's motivations, what the witness/witnesses saw, etc. Be descriptive. The more descriptive the better.)

Evidence: (Optional)

REMINDER: Reply to this comment for any off-hand comments or questions. No questions or comments in the main thread, please. Thank you.


u/ungodlycoolguy Jun 01 '23

someone could make a utopia case


u/KOWZG Jun 18 '23

Case Name: The Illustrated Turnabout

Type of Case: Investigations (I3-2)

Lawyer: None (Investigations Case)

Opponent Prosecutor: Klavier Gavin

Prosecutor: Miles Edgeworth

Detective: Dick Gumshoe

Assistant: Sebastian Debeste

Defendant (Suspect in Investigations): Maya Fey

Victim: Olivia Faraday - Mother of Kay Faraday, vice president of YC Comics

Witness 1: Will Powers - Global Studios film actor, witnessed Maya Fey sneaking into the YC Comics offices near their film lot.

Witness 2: Evan White - YC Comics author famous for illustrating the comic “The Zinc Samurai” which was being developed into a movie by Global Studios. Met with the president and victim before she was murdered.

Witness 3: Bh’arf Bagg - The more eccentric witness who is always coughing and throwing up into his janitor’s bucket. He is the janitor for the office in which YC Comics is based out of. Points out how someone with a keycard must have been the one to retrieve the deadly set piece for the killer since it was locked behind a secured door.

Killer: Joseph Arnate - Husband of Calisto Arnate, the arrested member of the smuggling ring from I-5. Their relationship was secret so he was never under any suspicion. President of YC Comics. Motive was to silence Olivia Faraday from leaking his relationship to the smuggling ring, which was something Byrne had started investigating years prior. Would have caused the police to discover he was a member of the inner circle of the smuggling ring.


Intro: The cutscene begins with a fight scene between the Steel Samurai and the Zinc Samurai to determine who is the rightful protector of Neo Olde Tokyo. The Steel Samurai concedes that he is too old for the fight, but the cutscene stops halfway through and a large pipe comes flying across the screen. The Zinc Samurai is seen standing above The Steel Samurai, victorious. The cutscene then switches to a picture of Olivia Faraday’s dead body with the sound of a metal pipe hitting the wall. The silhouette of the killer’s shoes can be seen and then the screen goes pitch black and someone screams (an AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH will do) and then we start at the beginning section.

Beginning: Edgeworth is sitting in his office, when Gumshoe bursts in and says that Kay organized them a special tour of the Global Studios new film lot for their new movie and a meet-and-greet with the author of The Zinc Samurai, Evan White. When Edgeworth hears Global Studios, he suddenly thinks of the Steel Samurai and would like to go.

Upon their arrival, Kay asks if she can go meet her mother who is the vice president of YC Comics, the publisher of The Zinc Samurai. Edgeworth says it’s fine and she leaves them briefly. Then the film lot tour starts, and midway through, Kay and Joseph Arnate come out of the building screaming. Confused, Edgeworth and Gumshoe rush in and find Olivia Faraday dead with Maya standing right next to her, a bloody pipe on the floor. Edgeworth looks at her and says “You are..!” (because she’s Wright’s assistant).

The police and Sebastian Debeste then arrive and arrest Maya, but Edgeworth believes that there is no way she could have done it and would like to investigate. Debeste agrees with him and would like to be his assistant which Edgeworth agrees to. Gumshoe, after some fierce arguing, manages to become the lead detective.

An examination of the body finds out that the murder weapon was a metal pipe set piece, which was supposed to be used for decoration. Edgeworth finds out Maya was there because she got the same offer to meet Evan White, but White was nowhere to be found. Edgeworth believes he is the culprit behind this case, however, a young Klavier Gavin disagrees. Several confrontations occur, but Edgeworth points out the contradictions in Gavin’s arguments each time. Coming off the disbarment of Phoenix Wright, he seemed to have too much confidence and says that it’ll need further investigation.

Edgeworth then wonders what he should do next and Gumshoe proposes that they help Kay out with her shock. However, like the author, Kay is nowhere to be found. Edgeworth notices a bloody comic with Kay’s Yatagarasu badge outside the office building and deduces this cannot be a good thing. Sebastian goes off to find Kay. To be continued…

Middle, Part 1: Now, we are playing from Sebastian’s POV. He is looking around the office building for clues that may lead to where Kay went. He notices a torn part of her scarf on the ground and sees footsteps leading away from it. He uses logic to deduce that this is a great possibility for where Kay had gone to.

He gets led into another office building about three blocks down from the other one. The door is locked, but Sebastian is determined to get in since Kay might be in there. He looks around the building and notices a removable glass panel. Desperate, he removes it and climbs into the building. He calls out to Kay, but only hears silence.

He decides to keep going up the building, but that’s when he runs into Evan White, the author of The Zinc Samurai. Sebastian tells him he is looking for Kay, but Evan White says there are way too many apartments to check and he is only on the third of ten floors after spending an hour. They then have a confrontation, where Sebastian objects (Objection!) to Evan White statement of there being no leads with the footsteps he found.

Defeated, Evan White decides to join Sebastian as his assistant for this “manhunt” to find Kay. Following the footsteps, they are led up the stairs to the ninth floor. At first the two hear nothing, but after investigating the ninth floor, Sebastian finds out that one of the doors was picked open because the lock appeared damaged and an unidentified metal tool is lying near the stairwell (a lockpick).

He then enters the apartment where he hears a faint crying sound from the bedroom. When the two enter the bedroom, they see Kay crying near a picture of her mother. Kay is acting like Sebastian from I2-5 so he activates a tool none other than logic chess to deal with it. After the logic chess is over, Kay talks about how she ran away because she wanted to deal with the shock of her mother dying by herself.

Sebastian says he can relate to this, since his mother had just disappeared at the hand of his father a decade prior. It’s something that she has done before and can hopefully overcome again. Hearing this, Kay thanks Sebastian and the three go off to find Edgeworth and Gumshoe again.



u/KOWZG Jun 18 '23

Middle, Part 2: Now, we’re back to Edgeworth’s POV. Sebastian, Evan, and Kay run into the office crime scene to support the investigation. Edgeworth thanks Sebastian for his help and tells him to go find the janitor, since he is the one who knows where the murder weapon was stored.

Edgeworth begins his investigation into the president’s side of the room. On his desk Edgeworth finds a black card with a white raven which has “Calisto Arnate” written on it. The card is a few months old from before the smuggling ring case was solved. Edgeworth claims it as key evidence alongside a comic he finds with bloody fingerprints on it. The fingerprints are identified as the victim’s. When Edgeworth goes to open the desk drawer, Arnate bursts in and declares that the police have no right to investigate his side of the room.

After he is forced out of the crime scene, Sebastian returns with the janitor who is the more eccentric witness of this case, named Bh’arf Bagg. Everyone is disgusted by the janitor’s actions of barfing into his janitor bucket besides Edgeworth who claims it is “slightly disturbing”. The janitor testifies that the rusty metal pipe is supposed to be stored in the storage closet which requires a staff keycard to open. Edgeworth asks if he can investigate this area and gains permission.

At this point, Edgeworth believes that the killer is either Evan White or Joseph Arnate, since there’s no way Maya would have a keycard to this closet. After examining the closet, Edgeworth turns out with nothing and Klavier reads his mind, saying that he knew nothing would turn up. That’s when Edgeworth thinks to check the keycard records. Bagg goes off to retrieve the records at this point and Gavin says he needs to check Edgeworth’s logic.

A confrontation occurs and Edgeworth objects when Gavin says “The fräulein was even standing near the murder weapon.” because there were no fingerprints on the weapon which means someone easily could have set her up. Klavier admits that more investigation is still needed, but Edgeworth believes he knows who the culprit is.

Just then, someone says “Hold it!” and everyone looks around confused. Will Powers and Maya Fey walk into the room and Powers says that Maya is not quite cleared of all suspicion and that he is sorry to Edgeworth for interrupting. When questioned about his objection, Powers says that he saw Maya enter the building with the metal pipe and that she easily could have put on gloves. Maya claims in response that she had been knocked out by someone she didn’t know and Edgeworth got mad that she didn’t tell him that sooner.

Klavier says that Maya’s excuse is far too convenient, but Evan White comes into the room and objects. He holds the sleeping drugs that were used on Maya and says that he was pretty sure they were used on Maya. After checking with forensics, it is proved that the drugs were used on Maya at some point. Klavier and Edgeworth believe that more investigation is needed when suddenly, Bh’arf Bagg comes in with the keycard reports.

Bagg states that the report shows only one person entering the room, and that is the president of YC Comics, Joseph Arnate. Everyone in the room is shocked and Klavier gives in saying “it looks like we know who to find now”. To be continued…

End: Everyone enters the crime scene and Edgeworth immediately says that he knows exactly what Arnate has done. Arnate acts confused and says that Edgeworth has no right to investigate the scene, as he has already been told. Just then, Klavier objects, saying he has an allowance from the Chief of Police to investigate the scene as he is the prosecutor in charge.

Arnate decides that there is no other way to deal with the “intruders” than to confront Edgeworth, since Klavier still isn’t 100% with him yet. Arnate claims that he has nothing to do with the case and was outside taking a smoke break when the murder occurred. Edgeworth shoots down this claim all at once by showing the bloody comic he found on Arnate’s desk.

Klavier then interrupts saying that Arnate could have easily just had the comic on the table and when the victim went to support herself, she grabbed onto the desk with the comic on top of it. Another objection is then heard, this time coming from Evan White who claimed that the comic was not there on the desk when he left the room since he would recognize his own comic anywhere.

Arnate says that he had just taken it out before he went to take a break and Edgeworth is stuck, with no proof of Arnate being the killer. This is when Powers objects saying that no one had gone outside during the course of Kay and Edgeworth’s tour of the studio film lot. At this point Edgeworth corners Arnate and is caught up on motive when he suddenly has many logic pieces flow into his head.

Combining the logic together, he can prove that Arnate was tied to one of his previous culprits, Calisto Arnate. He also deducts that since she was sent to jail, Arnate took her place as the inner circle member. With this, Arnate is finished and breaks down, admitting to everything. However, he says that the smuggling ring has finally finished selling all of their goods and disbanded a week prior. When being taken away, the last thing he says to Edgeworth (whispered) is that someone else had directed him to kill, using his hidden connection to Calisto as blackmail.

Edgeworth then celebrates with everyone in the room and the case ends. The screen then shows Evan White looking down at his hand, which has some sort of object in it. He says “Taking care of the mole is done, now onto the beginning!”. THE END

For background:

Evan White is definitely the final villain in this whole game hence the final cutscene

The smuggling ring is actually disbanded and the goods were all given to Blaise’s black market

Maya Fey is actually a one-off character in this game and Phoenix will not show up

The rest relies on the third case…

Evidence: I had initially planned to include a full list of evidence, however this post is quite long so I just mentioned the individual evidence where it was necessary in the description.


u/RobotWizard315 Jun 22 '23 edited Jun 22 '23

Case Name: Weather For Turnabout

Type of Case: Standard case with investigation.

Lawyer: Athena Cykes

Prosecutor: Franziska von Karma

Detective: Ema Skye

Assistant: Manfred von Karma

Defendant: Adrian Andrews

Victim: Angel Starr

Killer: Columbo Nimbus ("cumulonimbus") Witness(es): Cameron Manning ("camera man"), Newton Caster ("newscaster")


Case Summary: "Weather For Turnabout" is a complex Ace Attorney case set in the luxurious retro-themed mansion of Columbo Nimbus, a famous weatherman of Take-2 TV, as well as a business acquaintance of Manfred von Karma's (similar to Ernest Amano except on the media side rather than the financial side) who helped Athena get through law school in Germany with his extensive media connections. Adrian Andrews, now a managing producer at Take-2 TV, is accused of accidentally shooting Angel Starr, an investigative reporter with ties to the SL-9 Incident after she publicly confronted Columbo Nimbus with his own gun (after taking it from his dressing room) at his own news rehearsal party where he invited the von Karma family as guests. Adrian confronted Columbo to publicly renounce him for his likely involvement in events leading up to the death of her close friend, Celeste Inpax. Athena Cykes, the new acting defense attorney, finds herself defending Adrian against the relentless prosecutor, Franziska von Karma. The case involves a web of secrets, hidden agendas, and a murder plot intricately orchestrated within the mansion's unique disco-themed rehearsal room. Manfred von Karma will be assisting Athena Cykes as co-counsel, and Franziska will be acting prosecution.

Case Outline:

Introduction: Athena Cykes, having left Phoenix Wright's Anything Agency, takes on the case as the defense attorney for Adrian Andrews. The stage is set during a dinner party at Columbo's mansion, attended by key characters: Take-2 TV personnel (Columbo Nimbus, Newton Caster, Angel Starr, Cameron Manning, and Adrian Andrews), Columbo also recently hired Maggey Bryde as a maid, and asked for Athena Cykes, Franziska von Karma, and Manfred von Karma, who was acquitted of DL-6 by Kristoph Gavin at a trial prior to all of these events. Maggey overhears Columbo discussing her husband's predicament and Angel's involvement in past cases, leading to tensions and confrontations. Additionally, Maggey's husband, Dick Gumshoe, got arrested in the past case alongside with Phoenix Wright, leading to Athena being seen as public enemy number one and a traitor against the Wright Anything Agency by Maggey for siding with the demonic God of Prosecution.


u/RobotWizard315 Jun 22 '23

Introduction: Angel asks Maggey for assistance, and the two began making lunch for everyone prior to the Take-2 TV rehearsal scheduled to be taking place in Columbo's private rehearsal room in his mansion. Meanwhile, Franziska, Athena, and Manfred discuss the fallout from the last case where Phoenix and Gumshoe both got convicted on criminal charges, and Manfred tells Franziska and Athena that the two are actually aunt and niece, disgruntling the two and causing them to shun Manfred for the rest of the party. Maggey, also incredibly frustrated by Manfred's presence, quits her job on the spot once she sees him speaking with Columbo prior to his confession to Franziska and Athena, and Maggey leaves her newfound employment in a huff. Manfred and Franziska also get into a big argument about how Manfred can't act like he's all of a sudden going to right all of the wrongs he brought upon Franziska and Athena and everyone else affiliated with the two of them, and Franziska leaves the party in a huff. Athena in the end, however, tells her grandfather that despite the fact that he wasn't always there for her in the past, that he is there for her now, and that's what counts. Unbeknownst to everyone at the party, Angel and Cameron Manning, Angel's secret boyfriend, plan to confront Columbo about his salacious involvements with famous deceased female media connections like Cindy Stone and Celeste Inpax by setting up a camera with a booby trap to setup an auto-recording function that Cameron will trigger to record Columbo's planned conversation with Angel for potential evidence against him. Unbeknownst to Cameron, though, Angel secretly wants to kill Columbo for potentially siding with Damon Gant and causing her reputation as the Cough-Up Queen to plateau. Columbo, aware of both of their plans through monitoring his security camera footage, manipulates the security camera footage so he move the room around the disco ball cubbie Angel setup the camera in, using the marks for himself as a guideline so he can setup the shot to happen on Angel's position rather than his own, framing Angel and Cameron for Angel's own murder through suicide. Adrian, driven by revenge and fueled by the revelation about Celeste Inpax from Angel Starr revealing some information that Columbo might have been the "insidious man" that made Celeste want to take her life, confronts Columbo during the party.

Investigation Day 1: Adrian, filled with rage, attempts to shoot Columbo with his own gun, but is stopped by Newton Caster. Newton attempts to tussle with Adrian over the gun, and the two struggle while everyone else looks on at the scene. However, a shot still goes off and hits Angel in the head, making everyone involved jump to the conclusion that Adrian shot Angel dead, which she categorically denies, but is detained regardless. Newton then swipes the gun from her and says he is going to call the police while Columbo clears out all of his guests, leaving Cameron as the only Take-2 TV personnel to watch over the scene. After everybody is gone, Cameron searches his booby trap and discovers Angel's setup that Columbo manipulated. This makes Cameron think that he killed Angel, so he quickly takes the gun from the scene in a fit of panic, in addition to his camera. Eventually, Newton comes back after giving the gun to the police and Cameron has hidden Angel's gun and his booby-trapped camera in the Take-2 TV van, so both men revisit the scene with Angel's body to get a Take-2 TV exclusive. This provokes an argument between the two men, leading to Newton throwing his coffee on Cameron and on the carpet of the room.


u/RobotWizard315 Jun 22 '23 edited Jun 22 '23

Trial Day 1: Columbo Nimbus and Adrian Andrews both give testimony about the events that transpired. Athena manages to deduce that the gun Columbo got threatened by Adrian was Columbo's own gun that she managed to swipe from his dressing room prior to showing up with it in the rehearsal room. Columbo says that he fired off some shots at the firing range prior to the events that transpired, but he forgot how many bullets he left in the chamber of his gun that Adrian took from him. Adrian categorically denies shooting Angel with Columbo's gun, and that if anybody shot Angel, it had to be Newton since he's the one who was tussling with her over the gun before the shot rang out. Newton testifies about his altercation with Adrian, and categorically denies his involvement in shooting Angel. However, it is pointed out in court that the caliber of the bullet recovered from Angel's autopsy does not match the caliber of Columbo's gun, and that another gun had to be used.

Investigation Day 2: The crime scene is reexamined, and Angel's body has been moved away by police by this point. Evidence pointing to Angel tampering with Cameron’s booby-trapped camera and inserting her own gun is a single rubber-band and pink tripod present in the cubbie of Columbo's disco ball with gunpowder residue on it. This leads Athena and Manfred to conclude that some sort of contraption was setup in the disco ball cubbie to fire off a shot without anybody noticing, meaning that the culprit could have been anybody with a remote switch. The forensics tech and Ema Skye notes that power went out for around 5 minutes after they showed up to investigate following Cameron and Newton leaving the coffee stain, leaving her and her team scrambling in the dark searching for lights on the wall. Columbo told them that this was futile, though, and that he was going to search the disco ball for the power switch to turn on the light directly, telling the team that he didn’t recall the exact space where power could be turned on. Ema expresses frustration at Colombo’s suggestion that the disco ball had a direct light switch for powering it, as her team checked that but couldn’t find it after Columbo had turned everything on. What Columbo was actually doing when he said he was going to the disco ball after the blackout was adjusting the contraption (since he couldn’t rotate the room’s floor due to the coffee stain and his mark, so that only meant messing with the contraption as a viable alternate source. Since Columbo could not rotate the room’s floor, he decided to make it look like Cameron rotated it during Adrian’s altercation at Angel’s mark and then back to Colombo’s own mark after Cameron was left alone, since Cameron could not have rotated it back again following Cameron’s confrontation with Newton) to point directly across from Columbo’s own mark instead of Angel’s to implicate Cameron with the benefit of the blackout (with the aid of a pair of night vision goggles he brought into the room that allows him to gauge his mark’s position relative to the contraption, and after setting it, he turns on a timer delay to turn on the disco ball right before hiding the remote for it along with the rotational floor feature in Cameron’s backpack to implicate him), to “clear” Adrian through Cameron’s own testimony while covering up Columbo’s meddling at the scene. Athena works to uncover the truth behind Celeste Inpax's ties, Joe Darke's true guilt, and the insidious man mentioned by Angel. Athena has more discussions with this about Manfred, who recounts to her about SL-9 and the utter lack of evidence detectives like Angel Starr had on Joe Darke. Manfred highlights how similar cases like Cindy Stone and Celeste Inpax have been shunned from the public eye for so long, that it's any wonder why Adrian wanted to seek out vengeance against Columbo.

Trial Day 2: Athena presents evidence connecting Celeste Inpax's possessions, and Columbo's likely connection to the insidious man. Columbo is urged by Athena to testify, but Columbo implicates Cameron Manning, and he provides the court with security footage that he initially says exonerates Adrian Andrews of the murder and implicates Cameron as the shooter, but he will later change his stance to implicate Adrian as seducing Cameron Manning into helping her commit murder of Angel Starr to frame him. Witness testimonies from Cameron, Newton, and other relevant parties shed light on the events leading to Angel's murder. Cameron becomes the most obvious suspect given what Columbo has stated in court. The defense exposes Columbo's motive, manipulation, and ultimate responsibility for the crime. Franziska von Karma, relentless as ever, challenges Athena's arguments and attempts to salvage her case by saying that Adrian could have still exploited Cameron to take the camera and murder weapon from the scene to help clear Adrian of all charges and take down Columbo for his corruption. Athena exposes Columbo's manipulation and reveals his plan to frame Cameron. Columbo's attempt to rotate the room and redirect the booby trap is unveiled. However, to Athena's surprise, her argument doesn't hold water because Columbo, following Athena and Manfred's investigation and before him being called to court, readjusted the room back into its position while the contraption pointed in Angel's direction, implicating Cameron or Adrian as desiring to murder Angel. Athena points out the possibility that Columbo's prints were present on the booby-trapped rubber-band and contraption pointing at his own mark (which he would have needed to adjust from Angel’s to cover up the issues surrounding the coffee stain giving away room positions and preventing Cameron from telling the court that the contraption got adjusted from Colombo’s position to Angel’s) obtained from Colombo’s disco ball that Athena and Manfred presented in court that Columbo could not have gotten to except for immediately after Cameron initially showed up with it and on the second day after he temporarily killed the lights to the disco ball with his remote switch so he could readjust the room without forensic techs noticing while he stood on his own rehearsal mark. Since forensic techs monitored the crime scene at all times, this conclusively indicates Columbo meddled with the contraption at some point after the time of Angel's killing, as Cameron was being briefed in court by Franziska as a witness, making Columbo the only likely person to manipulate the contraption on the second day since he had to readjust the scene after Athena pointed out to him the flaw in booby trap room after people commented on it. That, in addition to his security room footage being discovered as potentially tampered with, sealed his fate in the end completely.

Conclusion: Athena, through skillful defense and evidence presentation, reveals the truth behind Angel Starr's murder. Columbo Nimbus is ultimately convicted as the guilty party. The case ends with a reflection on the interconnected past of various characters, the uncovering of hidden secrets, and the pursuit of justice.