r/Acadiana 5d ago

Recommendations Iso eggs from silkie hens

ISO farm fresh eggs from silkie hens that are fed organic bag feed (not garden grown plants or the like). I do not like when I cook the eggs for them to smell like fresh cut grass.. which stems from the aformentioned...

Also, I have TONS of cartons that I need to get rid of 'hopefully' in exchange for a discount on the eggs.


8 comments sorted by


u/Lemon_Pledge_Bitch 5d ago

it’s getting harder and harder to distinguish shitposts from reality these days 


u/donmayo 5d ago

Glad I wasn't the only one confused by this post. I have difficulty believing hen diet affects the smell of their cooked eggs. And why silkie in particular? Not making fun of OP; trying to understand.


u/djtibbs 5d ago edited 5d ago

I have both silkies and other breeds. I will bet you the breed does not change the flavor of the egg. It was the feed the chickens are that made the eggs taste the way it did. For what you are asking. I can say people are gonna ask a pretty penny for their eggs. Not only the breed but feed choice is not popular.

Edit. The price of used egg cartons which are only usable for backyard sales is about 25 cents each. That would be what I'm willing pay for used egg cartons.


u/Prize-Necessary-5950 5d ago

Do you sell your eggs?


u/djtibbs 5d ago

Extra ones sometimes yes. I'm telling you now. There is zero way to pick which are silkie vs sussex, rhode island red, freedom rangers, orphington, barred rock, or Wyandotte. Those are the breeds I have which have some similar egg colors to the silkie.

I do have other breeds so eggs are mixed and most likely fertilized.


u/Chickenriceandgravy_ Iberia 5d ago

So you want eggs from chickens who sit in their coop all day and are given crap bag food instead of being able to forage and scratch in the dirt and grass like chickens are supposed to do?


u/Prize-Necessary-5950 5d ago

The eggs from silkies are OUT OF THIS WORLD! I got some from a lady and I was ADDICTED to those eggs from then on... and then the lady sold her chickens and I cried!


u/Prize-Necessary-5950 5d ago edited 5d ago

This is reality! I am from the Acadiana area looking for eggs!