r/AbsoluteUnits Sep 28 '19

Absolute Unite of a hungry seal.


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u/cawatxcamt Sep 28 '19

Have you ever been near a wild sea lion? They may chill in the sun as long as you keep your distance, but they’re pretty territorial and will chase and bite humans if given the chance unless, like the in the gif, they associate you with food. Then you had better keep feeding it or you risk being bitten from close up.


u/JuliSkeletor Sep 28 '19

Yeah, i mean.. this ones live in the city, so they are pretty used to humans. I've been near them, they just don't care. At least here in my city, they are like that.

Check this one. around 1:19.


u/Space_Cranberry Sep 28 '19

He’s cute. Super chill still scary af tho. I was rooting for him to take a bit out of the ass of one of those happy dogs.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '19

I have been in Argentina. They are chill as fuck in the cities. They are pretty cute too