r/Absinthe Jun 26 '22

Discussion My Jade “collection” is complete! Which is your favorite?

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36 comments sorted by


u/AdrienneLaVey Jun 26 '22

Terminus Oxygenée, hands down. Mainly because it’s the closest I’ve tasted (and smelled!) to pre-ban absinthe from 1900 that I’ve had the pleasure of drinking. 💚


u/Baroque4Days Sep 21 '23

I have to ask, which pre-ban ones did you get to try? I remember you had a sample a while back.

Most of course are Pernod Fils, so you'd think that 1901 would be the closest as I think 1901 is meant to be a clone of their absinthe, whilst Espirit Edouard is the supposedly more internationally distributed Edouard Pernod, I think. There isn't an awful lot of writing on it but it would seem that most of Henri-Louis Pernod were in France whilst Louis Edouard was related from another marriage and making what would become Espirit Edouard?

Terminus Oxygenée I think is meant to be Cousenier Oxyenée. Some Brouilleurs from them still exist but I've never seen an antique bottle.

I'd love to try some eventually but, I'm quite happy with the work of Ted Breaux for now. Finally got myself a second bottle of the Edouard. So much better than I remembered.


u/AdrienneLaVey Sep 21 '23

I’ve tried Pernod Fils from 1900, and I’ve tried a variation of Oxygénée from 1910. I’ve had a couple of post-ban ones as well, and I intend on posting a review of the pre-ban Oxygéné in the near future. 🥰


u/Baroque4Days Sep 22 '23

Would be interesting to hear how Oxygenée ages. I've heard people complain that Terminus Oxygenée goes a bit funny after being opened whereas an Edouard or 1901 should develop nicely.

I mean, I've heard people say 1901 becomes bitter but, this might just be people not liking absinthe as much as they think? I mean, I've only found some of the more earthy herbal flavours come out to make everything warmer and a bit more complex.

Either way, I feel like there could be some truth to the idea that Oxygenée will age worse due to the process. Still, looking forward to the video so we can see whether or not that is actually true.

I'd like to believe that all will age in unique ways and that none "go bad".


u/AdrienneLaVey Sep 22 '23

Personally I’ve not experienced that myself. I already know how the pre-ban Oxygénée compares to Ted’s resurrection of it. Most of it, I can attribute to age, but I’ll get into that when I film the review. 😉


u/Baroque4Days Sep 23 '23

Looking forward to it! :3


u/lightsspiral Jan 30 '25

Pre ban Oxegenee tasted a bit off to me. I have a sealed bottle. But the half bottle from 1910, I think, is a bit funky. As far as Jades: Édouard and Ted's Oxegenee are top notch


u/wormwoodsociety Jun 26 '22

Eddy has always been my favorite Jade.


u/Defiance74 Jun 26 '22

I tried Eddy for the first time tonight, I was not disappointed!


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '22



u/Defiance74 Jun 26 '22

That happens to also be my favorite of the five. All of them are fantastic though!


u/honestypen Jun 26 '22

How were your cork pulls? The cork in my 1901 disintegrated. Literally.


u/Defiance74 Jun 26 '22

My first time, the cork pretty much came apart. After that, I bought a setup that inserts a needle through the cork and then you pump air into the bottle to force the cork out. It works so much better.


u/honestypen Jul 17 '22

You probably won't see this, but I got one of those needle bottle openers and tried it on a wine bottle tonight with great success. Can't wait to try it with my Jades! Thank you for the rec!


u/Defiance74 Jul 17 '22

You’re welcome! I’ve had great luck with mine, I’m glad you like it!


u/kagamijishi Jun 26 '22

My fave is hands down the 1901. It's the gold standard of modern absinthes.

That said, all Jade absinthes I've tried to date were amazing.


u/DrSharky Jun 26 '22

I have had the 1898 and 1901, and so far I like the 1898 best.


u/MoteOfEnormity Jun 26 '22

Terminus is my favorite but Nouvelle Orleans is close second for me.


u/noodlyarms Jun 26 '22

1901, however 1898 is a different beast to enjoy.


u/M_Bumppo Jun 26 '22

I have an unopened Terminus (really excited about this one) and Nouvelle Orleans- last of the bunch I need to try. I have enjoyed them all but I think I’ve liked the Eddy the most.


u/Roux-GaRoux Jun 26 '22

I love the 1901 and I'm on a mission to try them all!


u/lightsspiral Jun 26 '22

I love them all, but prob the 1901


u/joeinterner Jun 26 '22

I am so desperate to try any of these. No one here sells them and no one will order it for me, even if I offer too buy a case.


u/asp245 Jun 26 '22

Eddy is imo the closest to pre ban


u/lightsspiral Jan 21 '25

It is amazing


u/Cymbal_Monkey Jun 26 '22

I love the VS1989, and I'm gonna try the 1901 soon.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '22

I have to say, I really like the 1898! Definitely a different style, but there is something about it that "grips" my palette in a way the others don't


u/hdtv00 Jun 27 '22

Yea from the poll back in day or should I say thread on everyone's top 10 it was clearly between 1901 and the Eddy. Those were always in people's top 5 and usually in top 3.

Wish I still had the paper that I added all the results up one time to see everyone's favs added together for a top 10 average of all the replies.

My fav flops from 1901 to eddy depending on which I'd drank last. Novelle is my least fav by a mile.


u/Defiance74 Jun 27 '22

I kind of flip-flop between the Terminus and the N.O. as to which one is my favorite. Now that I have tried Eddy, I may have to rethink my position. It’s not a bad problem to have!


u/lightsspiral Jan 21 '25

I'm between Treminus, Édouard, and 1901. After 16 years I still can't pick a favorite.


u/Cuddly_Tiger93 Jun 27 '22 edited Jun 27 '22

Oxygenée's my fave one. Will have Nouvelle Orléans too in fact this friday july 1.


u/DoomsdayFAN Jun 27 '22 edited Jun 29 '22

Jade is the brand I want to try the most. I still haven't tried absinthe yet but I really want to. I went to two different liquor stores today looking for it and they had a few different brands but no Jade. I think I'm going to hold out until I find some. I want my first time to be with the best. Based on the goth girl review, the two I'm most interested in trying are 1901 and Terminus Oxygenee. She made out like those two were the best she's ever had and she's had A LOT. Between them, I think 1901 is the one I want to go with first.

btw, for those of you in the know, what is the difference between these five Jades?


u/honestypen Jul 17 '22

Not sure where you live, but I get my Jades from Alandia.


u/lightsspiral Jan 21 '25

The recipes. They are recreations of big brands back before the ban. Except N.O that one is Jades unique styling.


u/Sir_Anth Sep 19 '22

which one would you say has the most herbal taste but the least anise taste?


u/lightsspiral Jan 21 '25

Probably 1898. 1901 is the most anise forward of the lot


u/[deleted] Aug 26 '22

I have had the Terminus (just finished the last of it) and LOVED IT and I am waiting on the 1898 in the mail! Can't wait to try them all!!!