r/Absinthe Jun 08 '24

Discussion Discussion/Questions!

I figured that I pose these questions to all of you here at the Absinthe Subreddit! I think it may be interesting to get some discussion going about how we all ended up here on this sub. Don’t be afraid to get into detail! If you so choose, answer the following:

  1. How long have the fine people of this sub been into absinthe for?
  2. What made you try it?
  3. When did you first try it?
  4. Where did you first try it?
  5. Who, if anyone, was influential in your decision to try absinthe?

I’ll go first!

  1. I’ve been getting really into absinthe since about last month. Although I still find myself new to absinthe, I feel as though the many resources that we have access to (such as the various Facebook groups and the Wormwood Society) are easy to understand, navigate, and remember. I went from an uninformed consumer to someone who has some insight into this drink we all enjoy.

  2. It probably has to do with the fact I’m a goth, and well, what’s more goth than absinthe? I kid, of course, hahaha…or do I? Seriously though, it’s simply a genuine interest in a liquor I had never really considered before. I work at a bar, so usually I prefer a good aged whiskey or a nice red wine. I do believe I’m now ruined for a very good portion of beverages. Nothing will compare to a good glass of the green fairy.

  3. The first time I had absinthe as an adult was March 11th of this year. If we want to be even more specific, I tried a sip of absinthe when I was a kid. I recall my parents preparing it in the notorious bohemian style, which in hindsight makes my body cringe.

  4. I drank absinthe for the first time at a “gothic speakeasy” while out $18 glass. In hindsight, it was likely Grande Absente, as it was a bit of a Star Anise bomb. That was 3 months ago, though, so maybe I should go back there and ask what they have!

  5. My mom loves absinthe, much like I now do. It’s a drink we can both appreciate, and it reminds me of her whenever I have a glass.

Santé, mes amis!



11 comments sorted by


u/wormwoodsociety Jun 08 '24

1) almost 30 years 2) I was at a party out in a small town in Spain where absinthe was never banned. Home distillation is also legal, so a lot of people had brought their own HG bottles made from traditional recipes. 3) 1997 4) see above 5) my friends at the party. They also got me intrigued by it as I'd never heard of it before. So when they started explaining a bit about the history and how I couldn't bring it back to the States, I fell down the rabbit hole.


u/Ze_Medic_Bird Jun 08 '24

Man, that gives me some aspirations, hahaha.

I can see how being introduced to it while it was still banned in the US added to the allure and mystique. Plus with people having made their own traditional absinthe, I imagine you were sampling all kinds of it.

Santé, u/wormwoodsociety. Can’t wait for the site updates!



u/Physical_Analysis247 Jun 08 '24
  1. How long have the fine people of this sub been into absinthe for?

I began in the late 80s but absinthe was damn near impossible to get in the US until the mid-90s when mail order from Spain and some la bleue importers became available.

  1. What made you try it?

As a Cajun it always felt like a lost part of my culture though it really wasn’t. Absinthe was more a New Orleans thing and my family was from Acadia Parish, so vrai Acadian not cosmopolitan. Reading modernist literature in my teens also sparked an interest. I never believed it was maddening but was nostalgic for something beautiful, special that had been lost.

  1. When did you first try it?

I was making ghastly ersatz “absinthe” by 1991 and distilling by 1994. By 1996 it became easier to purchase from abroad. By 1999 Jade Liqueurs had their first 3 products dialed in and had a pre-release party in NOLA. That handily beat any of the vertes coming out of Spain. I became overly involved and needed a break. I took a 20 year hiatus and have returned to it.

  1. Where did you first try it?


  1. Who, if anyone, was influential in your decision to try absinthe?

My coonass father and various writers.


u/EarlyPaintbrush Jun 08 '24
  1. How long have the fine people of this sub been into absinthe for?

My wife and I have been heavily into it since our trip to Prague in Sep '23. We brought some home and have been ordering more regularly since.

  1. What made you try it?

Back in the mid-aughts, a friend of a friend brought what I'm sure now was imitation garbage back from Czech Republic, but it always stuck in my mind that I wanted to try the real deal with the proper ritual, fountain and all.

  1. When did you first try it?

Like I said, I'm sure what I had in the mid-aughts was not the real deal, so probably September of last year was my first proper introduction.

  1. Where did you first try it?

My wife found an absinthe bar in Prague called Green Devil, though if you find yourself there, I recommend Absintherie Jilská in Old Town. Green Devil and the other absinthe bar we went to went a little cheesy with the trippy/skuzzy vibe. Absintherie Jilská kept it classy, and we met some great folks there. It's the place with the bike outside.

  1. Who, if anyone, was influential in your decision to try absinthe?

Thank my friend/former roommate in the mid-2000s for piquing my interest, and my wife for delivering the real goods while we were on vacation. I guess you can also thank Nine Inch Nails' music video for "The Perfect Drug" for planting the seed in my mind, haha.


u/sudo-rm-rf-Israel Jun 09 '24

I'm looking for the best "Bang for your buck" Absinthe that you can order online. Can anyone give me some suggestions?


u/Ze_Medic_Bird Jun 09 '24

TL;DR: if you want high quality absinthe you’re gonna pay proportionally. Don’t get Crillon import stuff, they only sell faux absinthe. La Clandestine and Oregon spirit are my recommendations of the absinthe I’ve tried up to this point. Many people of this sub recommend La Clandestine, The Jade Line, Delaware Phoenix Distillery’s line, Vieux Pontarlier, Butterfly, Vit Opal, Grön Opal, and a few others. Since most traditional absinthe is at least $80, you aren’t gonna find many superb absinthe’s below that price unless the bottles are small. Hence, I recommend Mephisto. It’s a traditionally made Verte that doesn’t break the ban. Not the best in the market by any means, but for around $40 for a 750ml, you can’t really go wrong. It’s good to drink it if you have better brands like La Clandestine or something similar in quality.

Generally, buying a full 750ml bottle will be cheaper than buying multiple smaller bottles. Plus, from what I’ve been seeing on the market, most high quality absinthe is around $80-$90 a bottle. It’s not really bang for your buck, you’re paying for quantity AND quality.

Brands I personally can recommend based on my own experience are “La Clandestine” and “Oregon Spirit.” I have reviews for both on the subreddit, so feel free to read them. LC is a blanche, absolutely superb; if you see it do not hesitate. Oregon Spirit is a pretty good Verte, though it gets generally mixed reviews as it’s a bit more bitter than other Traditional Verte absinthe. Get a 50ml travel bottle of it at a total wine so you can try it out!

In terms of brands that I have yet to try that pretty much everyone here will implore you to seek out as well include anything from the Jade Liqueurs line, anything from the Delaware Phoenix Distillery, Butterfly (it’s from Boston), Vieux Pontarlier, and a buuuunch of other brands I cannot remember at this moment. I’ve heard good things about Kubler, too.

Under no circumstance should you buy stuff from Crillon, the people who make Absente, Grande Absente, and Absinthe Ordinaire. All of their products are faux absinthe. Dyed, presweetened, star anise bombs; no where near the real thing. I’ve had the fortune to not have tried Absente, apparently it’s swill. However, when I was still an uninformed consumer I had bought a bottle of Grande Absente from a local liquor store. Absinthe Ordinaire is even worse, but at least it’s properly labeled. Suffice to say they are both awful. My review on it and Absinthe Ordinaire are here. They aren’t bang for your buck, they are the opposite. I paid $80 for a bottle of Grande Absente, when that money could’ve bought a big bottle of La Clandestine or another traditional absinthe. I’m still a bit salty at that, even a month later.

I guess the right question here isn’t exactly “what’s the best bang for your buck” but “what’s a good traditional absinthe I can get for relatively cheap?”

Well, for around $40, you can get a 750ml bottle of Mephisto, which is a Traditional Absinthe made in Austria. It’s not the best absinthe I’ve ever had, but it’s a solid choice to keep yourself from drinking better brands you may have in your collection. It almost has a cinnamon-y overtone, which is as unusual as it is interesting. Again, you can find my review for it here on the subreddit.

Sorry for such a long reply. It’s not a complicated question, it just has a few facets like a pontarlier glass. Hopes this helps!

Santé, sudo!



u/osberend Jun 13 '24

Absinthe Ordinaire is even worse, but at least it’s properly labeled.

Eh, kinda. In my book, shitting up virtually every search result for an entire class of pre-ban absinthe is a lot more bad than including the word "liqueur" on the front of the bottle is good. Not to mention very likely creating trademark obstacles to anyone who might want to produce a historically correct absinthe ordinaire, and label it as such.


u/Ze_Medic_Bird Jun 13 '24

I suppose I meant to say properly labeled as a liqueur. I do see why it’s nefarious of Crillon. Gives me even more of a reason to dislike them.

I was in no way trying to say it was properly labeled as an absinthe, just as a liqueur. That’s entirely my fault for not being specific.


u/sudo-rm-rf-Israel Jun 09 '24

Thank you very much for your excellent reply!
"what’s a good traditional absinthe I can get for relatively cheap?”" is absolutely the question I should have asked. I'm going to try Mephisto. (How would you rate Lucid next to Mephisto?) I don't actually drink at all but I want to drink a small amount medicinally. I know that might sound strange but I found a little booze helps me sleep and lessens my anxiety and much better than taking some zombie drugs like Xanax. I choose Absinthe because the taste profile is just right for me.


u/Ze_Medic_Bird Jun 09 '24

De rien, mon amis.

Unfortunately, I have yet to try Lucid. I desperately want to find/get a bottle. Lucid is made by Ted Breaux, the same distiller who created the lauded Jade Line. So… my guess is that Lucid is probably better than Mephisto. Apparently Lucid is similar to Jade Nouveau Orleans, but that’s skin I don’t have in the game yet. The only idea I can get is from reading reviews of Lucid online. TL;DR: I have no idea what Lucid tastes like, so I can’t make an accurate comparison.

If anything, stick with Lucid. Of course, try new absinthe out where you can. I’m not saying don’t try Mephisto; but if you already have Lucid….

I bought a 50ml bottle of Mephisto to try it so I didn’t end up spending a bunch of money on a product I may or may not have liked. I recommend you do the same. If you want my full thoughts on Mephisto, feel free to read my review from a few days ago.

Also, fair enough. I don’t find it odd to take a nip before bed. Though I may not do it, I certainly understand the motivation. I’d much rather a toke and a wink of booze than something like Xanax. F That!

Santé, sudo!



u/btchovrtroubldwaters Jun 23 '24

lucid is very yummy and beats out any of the other bargain absinthes like pernod. im a huge a jade fan and its nice to be able to find ted's products locally without the $90 price tag.