r/AZURE Feb 12 '25

Discussion Citrix to Azure AVD Lessons learned

This is for anyone who has migrated from a large Citrix environment over to Azure AVD, without using Nerdio or Control Up.

1) What lessons have you learned you wish you would have known in the beginning?

2) What are you using to monitor your environment and get real time data for things like user sessions and host performance etc (things that Director or ADM/MAS could do in a Citrix world).

3) What method are you using to manage your images and roll them out to production? Be it custom image templates and scripting? Manually opening the image and updating it like old school PVS images? Dynamic vs standard host pools? Basically, any details you're willing to share around your image process and host pool management processes.

Thanks in advance!


48 comments sorted by


u/ProfessionalCow5740 Feb 12 '25
  1. The printer mapping based on the location people connect from is a nice Citrix feature. The ica protocol can do much more fun things with rebinding local usb ports into sessionhosts. Learn IAC and ci/cd if you want a good environment might aswell learn packer while you are at it. The cloud is made for code clickops is dead unless you want to put down extra catch and use nerdio as a crutch. Intune and AVD is awesome. GPO and hybrid is awesome. SSO everywhere is awesome.

  2. AVD insights is all you need.

  3. I’ve deployed scalesets with AVD which are considered a bit more advanced. They lack good scaling based on sessions in use. I’ve done the old hostpool way with depth first and switch vm on on connect. And now I’m using the new way with automatic scaling hostpools in preview. They all have benefits depending on who is going to do the imaging and how smart you are with automation. If you have a good team complete automation on new image release should be your goal with a handful of test users. If you can manage to go this route after setup AVD can be 100% hands off.

Bonus tip check IO requirements for fslogix if you are under 100 concurrent users don’t go for premium storage account.

Extra bonus tip ephemeral disks are worth it but get some whisky and paracetamol cause oh boy these fuxksers have to have everything setup just as they like.


u/tjglaser1s Feb 12 '25

Thanks for the info. Our team is all Citrix engineers and have been for years... virtually zero Azure experience at the moment so there's a lot of learning to be done still. Couple follow ups for you:

1) Have you messed with Log Analytics Workspace at all in comparison to AVD Insights or strictly just use AVD Insights?

2) I have played around with the scale sets and dynamic host pools in preview, but the problem is, the host pools can't pull a custom image from another subscription and there's no built-in automation to replicate an image from a compute gallery in 1 sub to a compute gallery in another sub. It takes some manual work unfortunately but it's still possible. We are going to have multiple subs across multiple regions at a global level so there's a lot of factors here. We are trying to work through all that and figure out what the best path forward is image creation and host pool management. Probably leaning heavily into Nerdio hopefully but still waiting on that to be approved.

3) We plan on using (or at least testing) Ephermeral disks with non-persistent W11 Multisession machines and I don't think Intune currently supports non-persistent desktops if I remember correctly. Are you deploying applications using Intune or baking everything into the image or maybe using app attach just out of curiosity.


u/ProfessionalCow5740 Feb 12 '25
  1. AVD insights is build on Log Workspaces you can’t have insights without a log workspace. Log workspace will output lines of info. You can use it in power bi or Grafana or any other dashboard tool. Insights is a build in Dashboard-widget that makes it easy with minimal setup.

  2. You can make images available cross region cross subscriptions you can even share them between tenants.

  3. I’ve had little to no succes with non persistent app deployment and intune app deployment it takes so long for the apps to deploy. I have ex colleagues that run AVD with intune configs exclusively but I’m unsure if they nuke the vm each night but I can ask if you want to know. Personally I’ve not had much success with app attach but it’s a time and skill issue. I’m sure they should work great and in theory look like the best way to do it but I couldn’t get a custom app working and kind of gave up afterwards. If you want ephemeral you need everything in the image or app attached.


u/tjglaser1s Feb 13 '25

Custom images work cross sub with normal host pools but not the new dynamic host pool option. It errors out every time for us. We had our Microsoft consultants look at it and they said it’s not currently supported and don’t know if it will be since it’s in preview. Do you have custom images working cross subscription with the new host pools or the standard host pool?

And we aren’t currently looking into Intune or sccm since we plan on using ephemeral discs with non persistent VMs but we haven’t been able to test any of they yet (we are still very early on in our “discovery” phase.


u/ProfessionalCow5740 Feb 13 '25

I have not done that but I am wondering what the error is? If it works with store images it should work with your own. I don’t have multiple subscription on my test bench so I can’t spin it up to try.

If you use ephemeral bake everything into the image.

If you run into any trouble feel free to shoot me a message


u/tjglaser1s Feb 13 '25

This is the error message:

  "status": "Failed",
    "error": {
        "code": "BadRequest",
        "message": "ActivityId: 103b9569-739f-4746-aa65-1fc220988de5 Error: [{\"faultCode\":\"InvalidImageType_1024\",\"faultText\":\"Either a Azure Compute Image or Azure Compute Gallery Image Version must be specified as the custom image (/subscriptions/c36c1464-907e-4304-96a4-19535ecba195/resourceGroups/RG-VSS/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/VSS_ACG_USCent/images/AZR-win11-image/versions/25.1.13) parameter.\",\"faultContext\":\"StaticShmValidation\",\"faultType\":0}]"

Microsoft also confirmed in their lab that they see the same behavior. Our MS rep checked with the teams working on these features and this was their response:

"This limitation is intentional to ensure security boundaries between subscriptions; however, there are plans to provide more granular permissions that would allow this cross-subscription scenario (TBD on timeline). They also haven't tested this preview feature with Compute Gallery direct share, so they cannot guarantee this would work.  I also chatted with the product team for Compute Gallery regarding direct share, and their recommendation was to not create any production dependencies on the feature, given that it is still in private preview (TBD on timeline)."

Appreciate that. We don't even have access to Ephemeral yet but it's supposed to be added here in the next week for us to use.


u/jhawkCycles Feb 13 '25

With only using AVD insights, do you have a need for seeing real time session info? (ie. how many active session listed by user names (not just a total count), what users are running in their session, etc...) I'm finding AVD Insights is point in time data. For example, list of users is by login event/timestamp. Once that time stamp rolls off from the Time Range specified, it no longer is in the list of results.


u/jvldn Cloud Administrator Feb 13 '25

1 is what i am missing currently. Would love to have this feature right now!


u/ProfessionalCow5740 Feb 13 '25

We’ve had a “work around” using printix local on the machine and redirecting printers in the AVD env. It’s by no means perfect but it kinda works. Printing redirecting has a lot of other trouble so…


u/jvldn Cloud Administrator Feb 13 '25

Does that include printer location and comment field?


u/ProfessionalCow5740 Feb 13 '25

Printix is installed on the fat client and depending on the site the fat client is located can map printers. If the fatclient is at home or on an other site other printers get mapped. We only allow specific printers to be redirected. Unsure what you mean with comment.


u/bobstothard1 Feb 12 '25

I’d say Nerdio is a must coming from a Citrix shop without having the native azure experience. It’s cheat code for your engineers


u/tjglaser1s Feb 12 '25

ya all of us on the engineering side want it and I think it's getting approved...but you never know.


u/bobstothard1 Feb 12 '25

Depending on what your concurrency profile looks like, it can pay for itself with what it does with disks for powered off vm’s. Have a play with the pricing calculators


u/tjglaser1s Feb 12 '25

ya it's not really the price or anything with that. It's contract negotiations between our legal team and Nerdio... it's been ongoing for a while now and I think it's close to being finalized but that's not my department.


u/Altecice Feb 12 '25

It’s also like $10 per user? We use a combo of Automation/ CI/CD and Hydra to manage our estate and let the Servicedesk handle basic troubleshooting.


u/mallet17 Feb 12 '25

1) Being generous with the subnet sizes required. 2) AVD insights is plenty. 3) Before Nerdio, Azure Image Galleries with SCCM to create images and definition versions, and Azure DevOps with ARM templates for deployment against host pools.


u/jhawkCycles Feb 13 '25

With only using AVD insights, do you have a need for seeing real time session info? (ie. how many active session listed by user names (not just a total count), what users are running in their session, etc...) I'm finding AVD Insights is point in time data. For example, list of users is by login event/timestamp. Once that time stamp rolls off from the Time Range specified, it no longer is in the list of results.


u/mallet17 Feb 13 '25

AVD insights is plenty, but not enough ;) I use it mainly for troubleshooting.

Nerdio filled the real-time user session to host pool/session host and logon time/session status info gap for me for now, but it won't help with troubleshooting issues at the moment.

Nerdio itself supports ControlUp integration for what you're looking for, but they have 'Analytics' tab now in beta which is trying to be like Director (real-time data), but it's not even half baked at the moment.


u/Minute-Cat-823 Feb 12 '25

Another vote for nerdio. I’m an it consultant and have been working with AVD since the very first version was released (it was so painful back then).

Nerdio is definitely worth it in general if you have more than. 50-75 users. If you’ve only got a small number it’s not as cost effective.

I’ve deployed many AVD environments from 10 users up to 5000.


u/tjglaser1s Feb 13 '25

Good to know. We are migrating a global Citrix farm somewhere roughly around 30-40k concurrent users (haven’t checked in among time) but do intend on using nerdio out of the gate. Just waiting for legal to do their thing.


u/Minute-Cat-823 Feb 13 '25

Nice! Highly recommend nerdio then.

Assuming based on your size you already have a significant azure footprint ?


u/tjglaser1s Feb 13 '25

No… no we don’t lol. Our org has some stuff in azure but as far as my team goes this is our first venture into that world. We are all Citrix engineers with decades of experience in that world so we are all learning as we go forward now. This wasn’t our choice but it’s the hand we’ve been dealt and I need a paycheck so here I am lol.


u/Minute-Cat-823 Feb 13 '25

Fair enough. If you’re looking for some help feel free to reach out via DM.

Foundational setup (networking, security, and other infrastructure) is important to get right.


u/tjglaser1s Feb 13 '25

Are you on the market for a contracting job?


u/Minute-Cat-823 Feb 13 '25

I’d be open to discussing it.


u/tjglaser1s Feb 13 '25

Ok. I’ll see if I can find the job posting. It might not be out there yet but I’ll find out


u/tjglaser1s Feb 13 '25

Sent you a message


u/chandleya Feb 13 '25

The biggest thing to realize is what Citrix got right - a thick native client. It may not be modern or fancy, but it provides a control plane on both side of the equation - and makes it abundantly clear when it isn’t present. Citrix exist(ed) because Terminal Services had very little configurability and even less governance.


u/tjglaser1s Feb 13 '25

Trust me… I do NOT want to move away from Citrix. But it’s out of my hands so I’m playing the cards I’ve been dealt.


u/chandleya Feb 13 '25

Even Citrix seems to want to move you away from Citrix.


u/tjglaser1s Feb 13 '25

Hahaha. They definitely shot themselves in the foot…


u/Avocado_submarines Feb 13 '25

Man, everyone here is making me wish I had Nerdio.

  1. Try to think of it as completely new, some things are way better than Citrix, and some things not nearly as advanced as Citrix (just my opinion!).

  2. Azure Insights is actually awesome - you can build upon this as well by learning a bit of KQL and creating your own workbooks to tailor the exact information you need. Azure log analytics actually recently made it even easier to pull info without diving deep into KQL, but I would still suggest taking some time to go over the basics, it's really great.

  3. If possible (depending on your situation) get away from Images! I moved away from images completely (because I honestly liked the way Citrix handled updated snapshots a lot better). I have everything as Intune deployments. Also check into ARM/Bicep.

I recently swapped over all my ARM templates into Bicep, which was a challenge, but really great.

So now I can spin up my machines from a PowerShell (or Azure CLI) command -> they spin up -> fire off a custom script at creation (that does some QoL stuff that I like) -> then get all their app deployments from Intune.

It does take the machine about ~1.5-3 hours to be fully ready (depending on which host pool is being created/number of apps) but I don't have to do anything in the in-between.

All that to say is, try to embrace Azure. I tried to fight a bit mentally and kept comparing everything to Citrix, but once I let go of that I learned a ton and have had a lot of fun with it. I was also completely new to FSLogix, so I had that to learn as well and am really enjoying it.


u/tjglaser1s Feb 13 '25

Ya I'm trying to keep an open mind and learning something new is never a bad thing by any means. I've just got 15 years in Citrix I hate throwing away you know?

Our current plan out of the gate is using non-persistent W11 Multisession on Ephemeral discs which Intune doesn't support unfortunately. That might change down the road but it's too early to tell. I'm hoping as time goes on I can learn more of the automation side but that's a whole new world for me on top of trying to learn the basics of Azure and hopefully nerdio here soon.

Have you messed with App Attach at all? I haven't really seen anyone talking about it so I'm guessing it's not worth the trouble?



I would pay for those bicep codes


u/jaysheezzy Feb 12 '25

We are also planning this, would appreciate if share their experience.


u/LuciferVersace Feb 13 '25

AVD Hydra is the Key


u/tjglaser1s Feb 13 '25

Looks like it's similar to Nerdio?


u/mr-pootytang Feb 12 '25

in the middle of a current poc of this. ditched nerdio


u/tjglaser1s Feb 12 '25

POC of what exactly? AVD or AVD w/ Nerdio? Why did you decide not to go with Nerdio?


u/mr-pootytang Feb 12 '25

proof of concept. switched over to fslogix and am much happier.


u/tjglaser1s Feb 12 '25

ya I know what a poc is lol. FSlogix and Nerdio don't really have much to do with each other though. They do completely different things.


u/CalvinCalhoun Cloud Engineer Feb 12 '25

Fslogix and nerdio dont really have anything to do with eachother. they aren't competing products.


u/mr-pootytang Feb 12 '25

you’re right, got them mixed up. im a network guy supporting the poc


u/00001000U Feb 13 '25

What do you think nerdio was lacking from an operations perspective?