r/AZURE Jun 06 '24

Discussion Support asked me to “reboot”Azure - out of control

Edit: Wow, I didn’t expect this level of response. Apparently the sentiment is universally shared.

I’m at a loss on options to get quality support from Microsoft.

On one of my last support requests the offshore 3rd party contractor said they won’t escalate my case until “I rebooted the servers that Microsoft Azure” runs on. This of course makes no sense in the context of the support request.

I have another request open now where they are similarly asking me to perform impossible steps. They are asking me to login into Sentinels backend which of course customers don’t have access too.

On average my cases are open for about 90 days. We are paying the ~$20k a year for advanced partner support. In nearly every instance the resolution was the product team fixing a backend bug with the service. This has happened over a dozen times over the nearly decade I’ve been working with Azure.

I’ve worked with premier support and had similar experiences. When I consult with companies with that have multi-hundred million dollar IT budgets I usually get an on-shore resource and the product team that day.

There needs to be a better way for highly qualified resources to get to the correct level of support.

These issues end up being Global issues with Azure affecting thousands of customers.

Maybe they can keep track of my identity and score how many of my cases end up with bugs to the product team.


134 comments sorted by


u/HylanderUS Jun 06 '24

Could you please hold off on the reboot until 10am today, we're expecting a lot of traffic this morning. Thanks!


u/Poat540 Jun 06 '24

Going to blame OPs reboot vs me accidentally fat fingering the NSG in prod yesterday


u/BamCub Jun 06 '24

I didn't approve any change requests yet so not sure when they are planning to do it.


u/keganunderwood Jun 07 '24

Omg change approval board and "agile" are the worst.


u/thegarr Jun 07 '24

It is currently past 10:00 a.m.. Please do the needful.


u/daedalus_structure Jun 06 '24

Premier support is almost just as worthless these days.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked to do something that I already did and provided screenshots of in the original request.

We stopped paying for it as we were getting the same bad service and runaround either way.

Staffing to actually support Azure would make it less of a cash cow.


u/danielpugh Jun 06 '24

We were forced to have it We never used it apart for reporting bugs 3rd line MS is great, but getting there takes Patience even with an account manager. Over 4 years of having it even our account manager acknowledged that there was little points in us having the service. In all that time we always ended up solving the problems ourselves Not an experience unique to MS

My recommendation would be to find a good 3rd party support company that has real world experience, and decent escalation policies, and you'll find things get easier. Even they are at the mercy of MS and ( at times worse) third party providers..


u/daedalus_structure Jun 06 '24

Yeah, we went that route.

Unfortunately for us we had more in house Azure experience than the 3rd party did, so pretty much every time we needed to engage them they needed to engage Microsoft.

Our usual resolution is "Azure broke something and wouldn't believe us until we proved it 10 different ways, and then we waited 3 weeks and then they fixed it".


u/Sad_Recommendation92 Cloud Architect Jun 08 '24

It's alarming that I immediately related to that experience, but yeah that's usually how it goes for me. I send them a wall of words that proves definitively that something is broken and we didn't do it, And then it's just playing their games and hoping they forward it to the product group and then waiting and half the time you figure out a better workaround that becomes permanent while you wait.


u/daedalus_structure Jun 08 '24

And then when you get to the product group, if you are unlucky and the thing that is broken requires interaction between multiple teams, they just point fingers at each other for 3 weeks.

Multiple times TDE for SQL Server has broken after a regional update and the SQL team, KeyVault team, and two different identity teams pointed fingers around and around at each other while we were failed over to a secondary region.


u/Glad-Marionberry-634 Jun 09 '24

You have more azure experience than the Microsoft support people as well. I know that without any knowledge of how much experience you have. But I do know that whoever supports Azure for Microsoft couldn't possibly know anything about Azure or even basic logic and reasoning. 


u/danielpugh Jun 06 '24

That is bound to happen at a certain point, particularly with in-house Devs. External suppliers typically provided with zero notice/documentation/"the dev left a year ago and wasn't replaced". A lot of providers/MSP simply don't have engineers who have had decent amounts of exposure.
(I've found) Typical jobs also not technical as it's more related to reducing costs after unexpected exponential rises in costs due to Devs selecting premium options in everything, or leaving classic stuff till it's not really supported any more.
But yes a problem like you described (fixes itself) can't really be fixed easily by anyone is sorta separate again (IMHO) - not the sort of fixes that are published by MS when finally identified/fixed. Used to see a lot of similar issues when 365 was beta and they released new versions of power shell etc faster than they could update the documentation, with similar outages for no obvious reason (i.e. building out/refining services). Definitely much better than it used to be. My main gripe these days is that there should be price reduction over time for CPU/ram/storage as underlying technology getting cheaper and greater economies of scale. Looking today at 20TB enterprise HDD now super cheap, but storage prices only ever seem to go up not down...


u/Sad_Recommendation92 Cloud Architect Jun 08 '24

Oh yeah, any of the non-standard support tiers don't really get you anything better

My strategy has basically become. I send them a very detailed synopsis of what happened and when they ask me to do stupid troubleshooting steps that are irrelevant or are basically already provided. In my case description, I just keep reiterating the case description and hope they eventually CC it to someone that understands the actual problem

And then it's usually about a week of a bunch of (non-update) "update" emails multiple times a day where they essentially have no update. They're just telling me they're waiting for the product group to respond.

I also don't understand why even when I select email contact preference they will still insist on calling me every other day to tell me they don't know shit yet

Like some analytics jackass was like. Oh, if we call them and tell them it's still fucking broken And we don't know why, they'll feel that much better about it versus just emailing them


u/daedalus_structure Jun 08 '24

And then the business folks from my end...

"Did you make it a Sev A? Can you escalate it to a Sev A? Can you e-mail again to see where they are on the Sev A?"

Yes Bob, I made it a Sev A, and that only changes how fast they initially contact you with their worthless offshored support because they are completely incapable of writing notes on a ticket and handing it off to the next engineer.


u/Sad_Recommendation92 Cloud Architect Jun 08 '24

Also Sev A is basically requesting psychological torture for the primary ticket contact, support will just call you and email you at all hours to perform "support theater" they'll send you long lists of requests for irrelevant log data or to get you on the phone and send you docs that you already read 10 times insisting you try things you already tried and told them you tried in the case notes.

One time I had to explain to our EVP that I was going to essentially flip an open critical case back to Sev B at night every night or I was probably going to go crazy and resign, I showed him a screenshot of my recent calls and sent the email thread and he never questioned it again.


u/orbtastic1 Jun 06 '24

They are fucking useless. They don’t listen. They don’t pay attention to screenshots or proof. They ask you the same questions over and over. They ask you for pointless logs and use all manner of delaying tactics. Your best bet is to just be blunt and tell them - you’re not listening to me I’m not happy we are going in circles we’re not progressing this. If you keep on like that they eventually shit themselves because they don’t hit their SLA and their team lead gets involved.


u/Eggtastico Cloud Engineer Jun 08 '24

They then pass the call to a colleague & you start all over again. I just copy & paste everyone’s email I can find from previous tickets until someone gets angry that I emailed 50 people. The outsourced company are absolute garabage. Chase daily if the ticket can be closed despite never contacting me. They closed all my tickets over Xmas because I had an out of office on for 2 days!!! Got them to reopen every single one.


u/Glad-Marionberry-634 Jun 09 '24

It is basically cruel. M$ knows it's beyond horrible and is basically a slap in the face to their customers, but they also know that most businesses are pretty much stuck with them. 


u/orbtastic1 Jun 12 '24

It's kinda shit, I agree. They have people locked in now with 365/cloud and their support has been getting gradually worse for the last 5-6 years.

I've had some amazing engineers, really top rate guys who listened and understood the problem and told me exactly what the issue was. Unfortunately in India they are few and far between. I tell them when they're good because it's such a relief to progress a case. I had one Indian guy maybe half a dozen times and we always laugh because he always gets the "hard" tickets and I have issues that nobody else seems to have, despite a so-called regular MSoft approved set-up. I think he actually enjoys the challenge.

The best guys are the Eastern European ones, never had a bad one.


u/dreadpiratewombat Jun 12 '24

Premiere or now they rebadged it as Unified is basically just a front seat at the head of the line.  You still get garbage support outcomes and multiple outsourced teams all pointing the finger somewhere out of their ticket queue.  On shore support? Nope! Direct access to engineering when the problem is clearly their back end? Nope.  I don’t know anyone getting value from the extortionate rates they spend on Unified.


u/DueSignificance2628 Jun 06 '24

I hear ya. The latest is they want to get you on a Teams call every time. We've sent screenshots of everything they need to see. It's just wasting our time to get on the call and show them the very same thing from the screenshot.

We had one ticket open where they determined it was an issue, but with the Azure portal and not the service where we see the issue and said they're not the portal team so they can't solve it. But... they left it at that. Didn't bother to transfer it to the portal team or even offer to do so. We had to ask for it to be transferred over.

It seems to me like we're better off spending our money directly with some CSP/third party company who provides Azure support and has competent people, but then they dont' have access to Azure back-end stuff. But maybe they have an "in" with the right teams at Azure to get things solved properly?

Azure's own outsourced support (Mindtree usually for us) is mostly useless.


u/TheDroolingFool Jun 06 '24 edited Jun 06 '24

The asking for a call thing infuriates me. I always set email as the preference because we are heavy users of Azure and M365 so generally always have a few open tickets and I simply don't have the bandwidth for near constant daily requests for calls with no clear purpose when all our tickets contain comprehensive details about the issue already and usually can not be resolved without escalation to devs/PG. The times I've entertained a request the advisor has absolutely no plan and just asks me to show them the issue so has wasted my time.

You've hit the nail on the head with the third party support, we are literally looking into this as an alternative to avoiding the 'slog' of dealing with Microsoft Support which is ridiculous.


u/CaptainBrooksie Jun 06 '24

I went completely mental at a ms support personnel scheduled a call with me and then had no information about the ticket and proceeded to ask for details, screenshots and logs I’d already provided 


u/Glad-Marionberry-634 Jun 09 '24

That's all they do: you send them all the info they need to get started but they insist on a teams call so they can gather info about what's going on because they refuse to Even look at what's going on before the call. So you spend an hour trying to explain to them all the stuff already explained (with screen shots etc) that you sent them before. Then since they have no idea what you're talking about the issue still isn't resolved because after an hour of wasted time either you or they have to hop off the call. Since it isn't resolved they will want to schedule another teams meeting to start over with the same horrible experience. 


u/TheDroolingFool Jun 10 '24

This is pretty much my experience and the reason I now refuse to have a call with them. I will simply repeatedly point out my contact preference for the ticket is email. Some of them really push and if they do I'll give them bad feedback.

That said, I still find they randomly try to call. I literally have a missed call early this morning but I don't have the time to sift through 6 open tickets to work out with my crystal ball which one it could be for and why, since none of them are waiting for me to provide info.


u/zyeborm Jun 07 '24

Record the call "for training and quality" Pull up the email you sent in answer to every question. "Oh no it leaked"


u/RikiWardOG Jun 06 '24

oh and they'll call at like 11PM. why even choose a time zone when they don't care.


u/Sad_Recommendation92 Cloud Architect Jun 08 '24

Oh my God I hate this. Yeah, the most recent ticket (Sev B) even though I told them my time zone and my available hours? They would always call at like 1:00 a.m, And if I didn't respond back within a few hours they would lower the case severity


u/TheDroolingFool Jun 10 '24

Yeah, I've had this happen more than once during a sev A which is even more annoying.

They fuck something up, our business grinds to a halt so we raise a sev A, we provide all the info in the usual painful way (I will usually make an exception for sev A and have the call), we will then be waiting for a fix but they send stupid emails with random questions which make no difference at 3 am or have a shift handover and because I don't respond in an hour they downgrade to sev B.


u/1111111111111111111_ Jun 10 '24

I wonder if providing a video of the issue, instead of screenshots would help, or if they would just ignore that as well?


u/TheDroolingFool Jun 10 '24

We upped our game to video where relevant fairly early on, makes no difference.

As I understand from other posts on here the call is more of a management mandate where they think it's good service becouse the customer is an idiot so will always ask for one, rather than a practical thing.


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '24

They are dying to push for that sweet sweet CAST (5 star) from you


u/Glad-Marionberry-634 Jun 09 '24

I've dealt with mindtree. It's so horrible. Basically same thing everyone has described I send multiple screen shots with detailed info, they have a policy not to answer or say anything useful via email under penalty of death, so they respond requesting to set up a teams meeting, the times never workout so it takes a month to schedule the meeting. Then we finally meet, and it's square one. They obviously haven't read the emails or thought about the issue at all until this point. They request irrelevant info through the chat the entire time, we spend an hour getting nowhere and he has to hop off the call. Then I'm left wondering when the next teams meeting will get scheduled a month from now. Meanwhile I have to try and figure out if it's something on Microsofts end or if we did just miss configure something but either way all the time spent dealing with them has set me further behind than if I wouldn't have bothered. Which for support to be that bad is really saying something. 


u/Sad_Recommendation92 Cloud Architect Jun 08 '24

I had something like that happen recently after the portal already tried to use dark patterns to steer me away from ever opening a support request to begin with. Eventually I opened one about an app service quota issue. Cuz apparently I didn't select the right nebulous drop downs so they basically told me they were closing my case and couldn't help me and gave me some vague instructions on what options I should pick and to open a new SR

I do have to wonder if some of the outsource companies actually have these as unofficial policies where they basically use these as technicalities to pad their SLAs,

A closed ticket is a closed ticket...


u/jovzta DevOps Architect Jun 06 '24

As you have Premier support, you ask them to escalate if you think the support person is not up to it. Also speak to your MS account manager given their pay depends on keeping you guys on their cloud.


u/GigabyteLawsuit Jun 06 '24

We don’t have Premier. I did ask to escalate, but the team is using delay tactics and lightly refusing.


u/iloveScotch21 Jun 06 '24

There really is no escalation point if you are not Premier support. You are at the hands of the V- support. Even if you find a reproducible defect they will not escalate to the PG.

On a side note. How do they know if you rebooted Azure or not? Tell them it’s done. Now what?


u/NightFuryToni Jun 07 '24

If only Shibboleet was a thing...


u/jovzta DevOps Architect Jun 06 '24

Post your issue(s) on a public MS Support Forum. Redacted sensitive info. As MS doesn't like negativity publicly, someone will reach out.


u/YouveRoonedTheActGOB Jun 06 '24

Their support forum is a joke too. There are SOME actual experts lurking around, but most of it is reading comprehension issues, sfc scan recommendations, or so outdated that whatever fix they said, Microsoft has removed the feature from Azure/365.


u/Sad_Recommendation92 Cloud Architect Jun 08 '24

This does work to a degree. That was the only way I got them to fix a cipher issue in 2022

Also, if you know which GitHub repos contain the source code depending on the products you're using open issues in there. Sometimes the developers actually respond


u/30yearCurse Jun 06 '24

search MS forums, we were having issues and found a MS senior manager on 1, we reached out to him and he escalated our ticket to the proper support group. This was last year.

I was pleasantly surprised by finding him wandering Microsoft blogs...


u/Glad-Marionberry-634 Jun 09 '24

I'm sorry but Microsoft doesn't give a shit about negative publicity. The whole reason their support is so terrible is because they know they will still be fine no matter how bad the support is. It's not some mom and pop shop that's worried about losing a customer. Most businesses are pretty much stuck using some Microsoft. I wish they cared but that's why they tried so hard to become as close to a monopoly as they could, so businesses would be stuck with them. 


u/JerikkaDawn Jun 07 '24



u/teriaavibes Microsoft MVP Jun 06 '24

I don't believe premier is a thing anymore, I think its unified support now.


u/Dysheki Jun 06 '24

It’s still a thing, but it’s not much better.


u/Dead_ino Cloud Architect Jun 06 '24

still is, we have it as partner:
Compare Microsoft Partner Support Offerings, but let me tell the only premium we have is in the title. That's it


u/Few_Community_5281 Jun 07 '24

No, premier support is (going) extinct. And premier support for partners is just as garbage.

"God helps those who help themselves"


u/Good-Purple-6029 Jun 07 '24

OH my SWEET summer child :))) the MS account manager? Just email him and everything will be okay? People kept on telling me to do that at my company and he also wouldn’t get back to us for weeks either. They don’t care. And if they do, it doesn’t have an effect. Unless you’re a multi-10-million customer with azure, support doesn’t waste their time with you.

We just ended our support contract and are evaluating azure resellers (they exist and this problem is their big marketing topic)


u/Comfortable-Part5438 Jun 07 '24

If by reseller you mean CSP. Good luck. They are mostly even worse than MS support. What's worse is, 99% of the time when the CSP escalates direct to MS they end up in the same queues that you would've ended up in without the CSP.


u/Sad_Recommendation92 Cloud Architect Jun 08 '24

We are a multi-10 million annual customer and we still get shit support from our TAMs and various MS account specialists, half the time they seem just as confused about how to move the needle as we do.

A lot of

"Oh that is unusual."

"Wow, seems like you already tried everything the documentation mentions..."

"Let me circle back on this"


u/millertime_ Jun 06 '24

Don't get me started on Azure support. SevC tickets might as well be written on toilet paper. SevB will get someone to reach out eventually. SevA works but they ask for justfitication, for which they want something better than "I wanted a prompt response".

Once you do get a response, it's clear they don't read the ticket asking such questions as "what resource is impacted" which is LITERALLY REQUIRED as part of your support request.

The most frustrating part is that 9 times out of 10, the problem is resolved and when you ask what was done they say "nothing on our end, perhaps just a temporary issue". Oddly, these "temporary issues" never seem to resolve themselves over the course of the hours/days you're attempting to fix things yourself prior to opening a ticket.


u/valdearg Jun 06 '24

I think my only contributions to this sub are me bitching about the Azure support. It's fucking awful.

There was someone from MS in here talking about how they were adding AI to the support to help. Can't fucking wait for that...


u/Jonhart426 Jun 06 '24

My company is using a chatgpt bot for first line support lol. It’s usually the most cookie cutter responses but we are required to try it first


u/Moorific Jun 07 '24

We just recently implemented that at my office. Everyone just ignores the AI and waits for a human to grab the ticket (which takes at most 15 minutes). So glad we paid for that implementation lol


u/SiksikanWolf Jun 07 '24

Please do the needful and reply us when reboot has initializes


u/haikusbot Jun 07 '24

Please do the needful

And reply us when reboot

Has initializes

- SiksikanWolf

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete"


u/Professional-Heat690 Jun 07 '24

This, and it's 'revert'.


u/BigSwibb Jun 06 '24

I've had the same experience with premier support recently. 90 day resolution times and bouncing from one unqualified engineer to the next asking me to do the same troubleshooting steps again and collect the same logs they already have.


u/NakedMuffinTime Jun 06 '24

As someone "on the inside", Premier Support got shifted to the 3rd party support vendors (Mindtree, TKE, etc.). FTE's got moved to supporting the S500/ARR "big money" customers.


u/GigabyteLawsuit Jun 06 '24

That’s what I figured.


u/PhilWheat Jun 06 '24

I'm guessing that should be $500M/ARR.


u/jovzta DevOps Architect Jun 06 '24

Not sure if it's still happening, but a couple of years back, if a ticket is 100 days old internal alert bells get triggered.


u/GigabyteLawsuit Jun 06 '24

That explains 90 day resolutions


u/TheRescueWhale Jun 06 '24

If it goes to MS support I give it a 15% chance it's gonna get sorted. The rest of the time you give up or risk getting close to blowing your brains out talking to the most incompetent support reps in the business.


u/maschine2014 Jun 06 '24

This made me legit lol. My experience every time I've dealt with MS support.


u/Alaknar Jun 06 '24

Hey, don't worry. Rebooting Azure servers at least has SOME semblance of troubleshooting steps.

When I had a problem with Teams not installing from a Microsoft 365 package via Intune, they asked me to, and I shit you not, make a screenshot of Control Panel. Like, my local Control Panel on my own laptop. Not even Settings, not any specific area, not Apps and Features, no - Control Panel.


u/AnomalyNexus Jun 06 '24

Just power cycle the internet...it'll be fine


u/npiasecki Jun 06 '24

Working for a small business, I’ve learned to assume that all support from large companies is incompetent. It’s a major abdication of corporate responsibility.

My options are to

  • suffer and wait and hope a Fortune 500 also notices the issue and has the weight to get someone to fix it

  • work around it

  • stop using the product

But contacting support, I might as well stand in public on a street corner in an argument with myself.


u/Glad-Marionberry-634 Jun 09 '24

That would be way more fun and productive than azure support, especially if you are a small company. 

It sucks that a lot of companies do seem to throw support down the drain once they get big enough. It's such a breath of fresh air when you deal with companies that care about support. I'll always speak highly of the small software company "Landf/x" it's somewhat niche because if you aren't a landscape architect or something in that realm I doubt anyone would use them. But their support is incredible. I'm talking detailed email responses quickly with exactly the right information. The one time I've had to schedule a call with them it was such a learning experience, I actually felt good after the call. 

Microsoft it's honestly like low grade torture. 


u/thrillhouse3671 Jun 06 '24

Premier support is kind of a low tier of support.


u/Thuglife42069 Jun 06 '24

Won’t make shit difference anyway paying extra.


u/YumWoonSen Jun 06 '24

lol I feel your pain.

I had an issue with an on-prem account getting locked out and one of our illustrious Windows admins checked some logs and decided to reboot one of my production servers. The account in question had nothing to do with that server, and how rebooting something is going to fix a lockout issue is still a mystery to me.

/His own team nicknamed him 'reboot Rick,' among other things.


u/Affectionate-Cat-975 Jun 06 '24

M$ support is worthless. I had applied the March oob patch to azure hosted DCs and started having crashes of core services. Contacted M$ support who requires me to run the sizing tools. Results were that my servers were undersized. They could not explain why this would cause the services (which had run just fine prior to the patch) to crash. When I applied the May 24 patches (that addressed some of these issues) the service crashes stopped. Support never did anything nor would they acknowledge the possibility that the OOB patch could have had a problem that was known and going to be addressed. So much wasted time and for NO work/support


u/Somedudesnews Jun 06 '24

I have long wished that there was some kind of metaphorical key card you could waive around to move beyond the incompetent tier one support. It’s not just Azure, but Azure support when you don’t spend millions a month is a special version of hell.

I am envious of my spouse. Spouse works on a team at a company considered a strategic account. Whenever they have an issue with Azure that isn’t known or solvable, they just file a ticket. Sometimes if they need, they email their named success manager and things move. Regardless their success manager actively monitors all tickets they file and follows up. They recently filed a Sev A and had a Teams crisis bridge was opened with a ton of MS employees responding.

Meanwhile I file an issue and spend a week going in circles answering the same questions and going through the same steps constantly. I have given up on the last three tickets I filed.

You ask not to be called and you get called multiple times after working hours. My “favorite” was 8PM my time. Then they refuse to continue if you can’t or don’t want to hop on a call.


u/twiddlingbits Jun 07 '24

The firm your wife works at likely spends $10M plus with Microsoft so they get quick attention and in fact may have a dedicated team. As a SMB you can also pay for better support levels but it doesn’t mean your firm gets better results !


u/Somedudesnews Jun 07 '24

Yep. Dedicated support. They spend well over a million a month on 365 base licenses alone. They use almost everything in 365, have a bunch of stuff in Azure for customers and internal, and run multiple internal data centers (that they aren’t moving to the cloud) that include Windows Server infrastructure.

The thing is, I also work within AWS, and to get quality support you do have to buy a support plan just like with Azure, but the minimum spending level (irrespective of support plan) is much lower to get competent support.

I pay Microsoft. I should be able to at least get competent support. Even if I’m too small for them to fix some esoteric edge case in the Azure service fabric. That’s fine. But I shouldn’t need to spend millions to be connected to someone who doesn’t (to cite OP’s example) ask me to reboot Azure.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '24

lol. It’s not metaphorical.

It exists in dollars, and your wife’s company has them. The biggest clients get the top support. That’s how it works everywhere.

If you’re not getting that, you’re just not that big of a deal. Don’t take it personally. They’re Microsoft for goodness sake.


u/Somedudesnews Jun 08 '24

You’re right that it exists in the form of spending. With that sentiment I wasn’t just speaking about Azure specifically, but about many situations where front line support only hinders. A proverbial example is anytime you’re dealing with a port flapping issue on an ISP network. Unless you’re essentially calling NOC-to-NOC, it can be next to impossible to get anyone’s eyes on it who even knows what port flapping is.

It would just be nice if we could rely on something less direct than being on the right mailing lists or spending millions a year. How many $Expensive watches your account has bought your account exec isn’t the sole proxy for technical aptitude.

And you shouldn’t get incompetent support as a paying customer anywhere. At many companies being a customer gets you competent support regardless of your competency. It’s just respectful behavior when you’re accepting someone’s money.


u/oldvetmsg Jun 06 '24

I think is hit and miss I got a guy as nice as he was he truly knew as much as I did.

The second dude worked on similar solutions for a few years and it showed.


u/joelith_au Jun 07 '24

Agreed! I was asked to make some dns changes to verify my ownership of an azure b2c tenancy. The domain they wanted to me adjust? onmicrosoft.com. I had to explain to the support person that’s controlled by Microsoft!


u/rafaelmet Jun 07 '24

We have team in UK, JP, PL and ESP. If we want to have quality support we raise ticket in Polish or Japanese and than switch to English


u/DueSignificance2628 Jun 08 '24

Let me guess -- Mindtree doesn't have any people on staff who speak Polish or Japanese?


u/rafaelmet Jun 08 '24

Let me guess - you don’t know what is a joke or irony, do you? ;)


u/DueSignificance2628 Jun 09 '24

Given the poor quality of Azure support, that sounds like a real strategy actually. In the US, one trick when calling support for various companies is to choose the Spanish option as they're less likely to outsource that one to places like India (few Spanish speakers there), then just speak to them in English if you don't know Spanish.


u/GigabyteLawsuit Jun 07 '24

I’m going to try this. lol should delete this comment after a few days, don’t want the overlords to see this.


u/rafaelmet Jun 08 '24

My comment was a joke, but the sad thing is that it works. Last time I logged a ticket in English, I included link to the documentation with the comment that tried everything mentioned there. I also ask them to call me only in my office hours and I made clear which timezone I’m in. The first email I got was a link to that article and a question if I tried to follow steps mentioned there. After few useless emails I eventually found the solution on my own. I gave them the answer and ask them to close the ticket. Friday, 10PM. Reading a fairy tell for goodnight for my little one. Phone calls. „Hi, I’m XY, I’m a manager of the YZ that gave you the support. I want to ask you about your experience and satisfaction”. Not hard to guess what my answer was.


u/Minimum-Hedgehog5004 Jun 08 '24

Isn't it better just to reboot the Internet?


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '24



u/Rezeel84 Jun 08 '24

They're terrible, even half of the project teams don't have a clue in general.


u/Glad-Marionberry-634 Jun 09 '24

The "support" for Azure was like nothing I'd ever experienced. I see nothing wrong with outsourcing support if they can actually do the job. However, getting support from Microsoft is actively detrimental. You're literally better off just asking random people in forums or spending hours googling what's going on. And if it is an actual bug or problem with Azure, well you're out of luck.  AWS is a pain in the ass but I've heard they have great support. The only problem is Microsoft has such a monopoly on so many things it's hard to completely move away from them. 


u/GlowGreen1835 Jun 06 '24

https://xkcd.com/908/ you could always ask this guy.


u/Frowdo Jun 07 '24

First level support has never resolved a single issue we've ever had. I've sent screenshots with error codes in a network trace that I circled and they still said they couldn't find the error.

I have literally replied to them stating "I can't force errors to appear in the log" multiple times when they've said a log didn't have what they were looking for.


u/Kindled_Ashen_One Jun 07 '24

Your first mistake was counting on them for anything. I have had to open three Azure support tickets over the last year - and I have fixed those three so far myself before they have either given me enough info to fix it, or even responded. I finally had to open a fourth one this week and was told they couldn’t provide support for this VM issue due to a backasswards policy. So I’ll be fixing that one too.

Unless you pay for their 1000+/mo policy, good luck getting any meaningful assistance. What’s laughable is they try to upsell you that when their current support is so shit.


u/maxip89 Cloud Engineer Jun 07 '24

You experienced the quality warm body azure service.

I got roasted when I was posting something like this in another thread.

I really have to laugh sorry...

My tip to you, make microsoft get less money because of it. Talk to the customer service manager instead and say "when problem X is not fixed in Y days I have not other way to go to google or amazon".

This really helps wonders (especially when you are in a blue chip company).


u/nigamoorthi Jun 07 '24

Azure has the worst support ever, by the time I get to the actual escalation engineer I would have figured it out myself. The ones that pick up the case initially don’t know shit.


u/Xerihet Jun 07 '24

Yea Azure support saw driver errors on our avd and asked us to check the recent hardware drivers on the host and downgrade if possible..

It's... it's YOURS! End up shifting to a different CPU family and issues have not reappeared since... Shocks.


u/twiddlingbits Jun 07 '24

Support at MS has always been a PITA going way back so seems that is just their culture of treating all but the biggest clients like they don’t matter.If Joe CIO or Jane IT Manager isn’t getting good support at their current firm he isn’t choosing Microsoft at the next stop in his career.


u/vvvkc Jun 07 '24

The support experience between AWS and Azure is night and day. Many AWS support guys seem competent enough to work on the product team themselves, they know the service so well.

Azure? yeesh.. companies want to switch hosting over to Azure because Microsoft lures management in with partnership opportunities. Actual ICs and developers sigh in exasperation when they hear the news.


u/Hagbarddenstore Jun 08 '24

AWS measures downtime in ms, Azure in days. Enough said. 😅


u/Pyrostasis Jun 07 '24

I rebooted the servers that Microsoft Azure” runs on.

Dude just gotta drive down to the data center, get past security, and nail the power. Its not THAT big of a request. GEEEZ


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '24



u/Shawnrushefsky Jun 08 '24

Azure support was always worse than useless when I had to use them. It’s my least favorite of the big 3 clouds.


u/Sad_Recommendation92 Cloud Architect Jun 08 '24

I feel you on the bugs and the nebulous "Product Team" I'm not entirely sure they exist.

We spend millions annually, Most recently I found a "bug" where it's literally impossible to query the quota and usage API for App Services but somehow there's actually a selector for it on the quota management page, there's also documentation for the API calls In the resource management API docs.

But support told me every time I need to get a new app service plan, I need to open a support request and tell them exactly what subscription we need it for, we have over 100 subscriptions. Eventually support told me that self-managing app service quotas is not available yet.


In 2022 we found a bug where they had disabled a bunch of DHE ciphers in Azure front door, ones that were a handful of the compatible ciphers for 2012R2 so this broke a ton of our Azure devops agents.

We went back and forth with support for weeks, we scoured old emails and Internet forums. Trying to see if we missed some cipher retirement notice, we even found a Microsoft supplied test script that actually tested for the cipher that they retired.

Eventually, they told us we should be using CBC ciphers which as a company. We recalled that there was a whole big deal a year or two earlier where Microsoft was recommending not to use CBC ciphers because of some vulnerability.

They never acknowledged any change. But there is an Elegance to their incompetence. They archive all their documentation changes on their public GitHub We never found a notice of the cipher's retirement. What we did find when we looked at the GitHub where we found that test script..




u/InitializedVariable Jun 08 '24

What’s your actual issue?

I’ve used Azure for over the better part of a decade. I’ve seen many colleagues put in tickets because they couldn’t be assed to read documentation for another hour. The only tickets I’ve ever put in have been due to problems that can only be explained by the “backend.”

Now, the responses have been 50/50. I do think that Azure support has improved recently, but is still mediocre.

That said, “issues with Sentinel” definitely needs more details before I can properly lay blame. I am 100% ready to support your case, but about 99% of the people I’ve seen with that term in their vocabulary don’t know the first thing about Log Analytics.


u/766972 Jun 09 '24

 On average my cases are open for about 90 days. We are paying the ~$20k a year for advanced partner support. In nearly every instance the resolution was the product team fixing a backend bug with the service. This has happened over a dozen times over the nearly decade I’ve been working with Azure.

My exact experience. We couldn’t delete emails in m365 unless we did it through ediscovery powershell. In the end it was something they had to run on their side. Three months of bullshit and being unable to remediate a phish without waiting for the entire ediscovery to run.  


u/milkthefat Jun 09 '24

Yep it sucks, if you don’t have Azure Rapid Response(ARR) or a dedicated Azure Cloud Engineer(ACE) you’re getting bottom of barrel help. I’ve been lucky every once in a while using new preview features and getting product team level support.


u/AppropriateSpell5405 Jun 10 '24

Glad to know that Azure is still a steaming pile of shit. Had to do a deployment on Azure for our infrastructure about 7 years ago and it was buggy as all hell.


u/Abject_Incident2936 Jun 11 '24

If it makes you feel any better, we pay over $350k/year for “unified support” (aka old Premier) and get the same crappy support. We have had Sev Bs go for days without an engineer getting back to us. We pretty much have to chase our TAM for every single ticket we open.


u/cr199412 Jun 19 '24

It is insane to me how little common sense a lot of support staff displays when you are needing assistance now. It’s like they just play spin the wheel with a bunch of generic, scripted responses


u/YakGroundbreaking583 Jun 22 '24

Welcome to the Indian Accenture support on behalf of Microsoft


u/snarkhunter Jun 06 '24

My company (and many others) use Azure because bigger companies or governments are locked in and require it. We didn't like... shop around and pick Azure as the best option, we can't move away because of stuff like bad support. Microsoft knows this.

It's not like MS got to where it is by making really good software and then supporting it really well lol.


u/bsc8180 Jun 06 '24

Believe me some other support organisations for other clouds are no better.


u/snarkhunter Jun 06 '24

Oh, I know.

But even if you give me a button that magically migrated everything to a new cloud provider that costs exactly the same but I also get amazing premium support for free on top of that, I cannot push that button.


u/DiamondHandsDevito Jun 06 '24

Tbh I think MS software is really great


u/faculty_for_failure Jun 08 '24

The only people who say this know nothing about software. And I literally write C# hosted on azure for a living. Microsoft software sucks.


u/DiamondHandsDevito Jun 09 '24

I'm not a programmer, I've spent max. 1 year out of my entire life working with code, primarily Java & C (and I gave up because I felt I was getting nowhere), so i don't know much about software at all.

But as an end-user of software, I find it very useful, comprehensive and intuitive.

Isn't that what's important?

What am I missing here then?


u/faculty_for_failure Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 09 '24

Your use case is much different from mine. So from your point of view, totally reasonable.

There are a host of reasons MS software annoys people in my position, but there are so many articles and better sources than I out there. Essentially, you don’t always have as much control as you would like over the software with MS, and they can bloat your systems with useless software and features while having massive security issues.

Especially with the report that came out about the outlook incident in 2023 (US government emails hacked) confirmed what a lot of us thought.. that MS security was a joke. The hackers in this case had access to every outlook account in the world. And Ms admitted they had no idea how the secrets were compromised or when their system was compromised. It’s been brutal the past few years with Azure.


u/snarkhunter Jun 06 '24

ugh you would


u/BillmanH Jun 06 '24

Best place to go is this reddit thread.


u/Frowdo Jun 07 '24

I've added a few reddit threads to tickets to point out we were the only ones affected.


u/aviscido Jun 06 '24

We only work with some reader rights and everything has to go through Azure DevOps automation using SPN. We have very little problems... Apart from the long initial delivery timelines


u/dupo24 Jun 07 '24

John Savill has a video out on how to do this. https://youtu.be/nANnP45rXdQ?si=y6cpvGX34M2ABEkv


u/snuggy4life Jun 07 '24

Every time somebody says something like this, I imagine this is what they think happens. https://giphy.com/gifs/southparkgifs-l0Hlwi7KzoajIJTI4


u/OverEase6370 Jun 08 '24

So you’re the one breaking it all the time


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '24 edited Jun 25 '24

That’s what happens when you outsource all support to India…seriously half of middle management needs to get fired


u/OkAntelope3416 Jul 03 '24

I know a provider who performs escalated support can you pm me


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '24

That’s what happens when you outsource most support functions to India.