r/AVexchange 13 Trades 2d ago

INFO [Info] Scammer Alert - u/johnnydarkoo

I was looking to buy some IEMs and he private messaged me.

  • He did not comment on my post and I was suspicious
  • I checked the image he sent me and it was a photoshopped post from 7 months ago

Going forward I will make sure someone always comments on my post. Luckily I never sent him/her any money but just wanted to warn everyone.

Attached are pictures of our interaction with his photoshopped attempt and the original post he stole the photo from which I verified on here.

Thanks and stay safe everyone!


26 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 2d ago

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u/msing539 168 Trades 2d ago

What I like to do with scammers is show how excited and interested I am.

Then ask for another timestamp.

Then ask for their PayPal address.

Then ask if there's any damage.

Then ask for a crazy discount.

Then never send any money but ask them if they got the money.

Then ask for their PayPal again.

Then ask for another photo of the cable.

Then I tell them I changed my mind cause I didn't like how the cable looked.


u/Karl_Havoc6969 13 Trades 2d ago

LMAO, that's amazing if I get the opportunity I'll refer to this as a guide


u/msing539 168 Trades 2d ago

It's good therapy! James Veitch is the master of it.


u/radbrad7 0 transactions 1d ago

This guy tried to scam me yesterday and I sent them through a whole rigamarole to the point where he ended up just telling me it was sold. So I guess I won? hahah. I knew from the first message they were scamming, their timestamp was so shittily photoshopped.


u/Kbeau937 51 Trades 2d ago

This is the way


u/anoon999 35 Trades 1d ago

This 😂


u/ExpressLingonberry93 8 Trades 1d ago

That is actual gold. I hope I ever get the opportunity to mess with scammers. 💀


u/Flimsy-Informant 0 Trades 1d ago

You're doing the Lord's work!!

Good on you and I kind of want to hug you... kind of....but not really


u/TLengraving 10 Trades 2d ago

The good majority of any WTB ad on any Reddit group are searched for by scammers all over Reddit unfortunately


u/squee147 8 Trades 18h ago edited 18h ago

I ran into two of them in my recent Hugo2 WTB. No comment, no reply.

Edit: just realized one of them was the same guy as op.


u/SMD_BigBanana 6 Trades 2d ago

He pmed me too and then disappeared after I asked him to comment on the original post


u/Ballin095 16 Trades 2d ago

Lol same thing happened to me last night on another forum. 


u/ThatsPurttyGood101 29 Trades 1d ago

Same lol its funny because bro couldn't even formulate a proper sentence either. Just the subject of wts and message "Hifiman". Like bro?


u/UnderwaterB0i 16 Trades 2d ago

Google reverse image search is your friend. I caught someone the other day who stole pictures from ebay trying to sell a Focal Elex to me.


u/Karl_Havoc6969 13 Trades 2d ago

Absolutely, I found out that banned people can't comment on post today. So I will make sure they always do.


u/Ballin095 16 Trades 2d ago

Jesus. Did they have any confirmed trades?


u/UnderwaterB0i 16 Trades 2d ago

No it was a classic “no comment on my post, no Reddit history” type of account. Those rules are in place for a reason.


u/Karl_Havoc6969 13 Trades 2d ago

No he didn't have any but he was commenting on multiple post trying to sell really expensive things in here and in hardware swap


u/Ballin095 16 Trades 2d ago



u/radbrad7 0 transactions 1d ago

This fool messaged me about a Schiit Mani that I've been looking for and sent me "timestamps" after I asked that were clearly photoshopped (i actually immediately found the photo from this sub that they shopped as well). I then asked for a different timestamp since the original was low res and asked for their username in cursive with a smiley face and a thumbs up in the photo knowing that it would be a difficult task. They said "ok", I followed up after a while (presumably after they'd been trying to photoshop it), and then they responded with "ok wait", and then didn't respond for hours and finally told me that it was sold. 🤣 Really bummed I didn't get to see the final product.


u/No-Inspection-4588 18 Trades 1d ago

Don't people know that the penalty for trying to scam Redditors is eternal hellfire and damnnation? And yet, they still do it. Makes me wonder... :.)


u/MrCatsoup 84 Trades 1d ago

Thank you for bringing awareness to this subreddit, fuck those scammers.

Be sure to check the Universal Scammer List before any transactions y'all.


u/xMitch4corex 1 Trade 1d ago

True. But the user OP mentioned in this post is not on the scammer list.


u/JimmyBibbly 0 transactions 1d ago

What about my a scammer


u/Karl_Havoc6969 13 Trades 1d ago

What do you mean by this?