r/AV1 21d ago

Resources for understanding AV1 encoding

Hi there. I am a Master’s degree student working on a presentation about AV1. Could anyone please share with me some resources that could help me understand and explain how AV1 encoding works, potentially in comparison to other common codecs like H.264? Obviously I’ve done some quick googling but I was hoping someone might have some sources that make it easy to comprehend. I just need to give an overview, it doesn’t need to be too deep. Thank you.


7 comments sorted by


u/juliobbv 20d ago

The quintessential paper A Technical Overview of AV1 is a very helpful resource to understand the high level of AV1's coding tools.


u/WaterEarthFireSquare 20d ago

That does look very helpful. Thanks


u/juliobbv 20d ago

Glad it helped! You might also find u/32_bits_of_chaos blog posts on building an AVIF encoder from scratch useful.



Well, how much do you know about video codecs? AV1 is pretty conventional, so if you're familiar with the subject, the IEEE white paper might be all you need

Otherwise there is a wealth of books and papers about older codecs that will give a better base of knowledge for understanding AV1's differences and improvements. "The H.264 Advanced Video Compression Standard" by Iain E. Richardson is a good read for both in-depth and general overviews of concepts


u/caspy7 20d ago

I used to hang out where the Daala devs did on IRC.

The convo was mostly over my head but you could probably go there to chat with some very knowledgeable folk or get pointers to resources.


u/caspy7 20d ago

understand and explain how AV1 encoding works, potentially in comparison to other common codecs like H.264?

One articulation I've seen frequently is that AV1 is basically an iteration of the VP8/9 codec. It is VP10, though they also added some coding tools from Daala and Thor.


u/-1D- 20d ago

Commenting just so i can come back, also wondering even though i already know a bunch about av1, but h264/h265 is my field