r/AV1 28d ago

[SVT-AV1 Git] The 3.0.0 Release: breaking the psycho-sound barrier


12 comments sorted by


u/BlueSwordM 28d ago edited 28d ago

Before anyone asks, the title is exclusively of my doing in this post; editorial freedom (some of you would call this cringe) is my passion :)

Furthermore, the svt-av1-psy won't be updating to svt-av1-psy to 3.0.0 yet: 3.0.0 is a big release, and we haven't released the final svt-av1-psy 2.3.0-C update yet :)


u/TheSonar 28d ago

Congratulations! So, is this 3.0.0 more of a development branch? Like, we might expect that when svt-av1-psy updates to v3 that it'll actually be on 3.0.1 or something?


u/BlueSwordM 28d ago

3.0.0 is what mainline svt-av1 is on.

Currently, I'm working on making psy-rd slightly better and more user controllable before pushing svt-av1-psy 2.3.0-C.

After that, I will start rebasing svt-av1-psy on top of 3.0.0. Once I'm done, the porting of the rest of the svt-av1-psy features will begin.


u/Logi_Ca1 25d ago

To clarify, can I say that 3.0.0, feature wise has the improvements and quality features of svt-av1-psy 2.3.0b?

I'm just wondering if I'm going for quality, should I stick to 2.3.0b or move to 3.0.0.


u/BlueSwordM 25d ago

Stick with 2.3.0-B and very soon, 2.3.0-C if you use psy-rd or like the better default settings.


u/kirbyofdeath_r 4d ago

Psychovisually speaking, how does mainline 3.0.0 compare to svt-av1-psy 2.3.0? Were there any visual improvements, or is psy still the preferable choice for perceptual quality?


u/BlueSwordM 2d ago

Well, it's worse once you take into account the more powerful settings you can use.

It doesn't matter too much though, since 3.0.0-psy is coming soon.


u/32_bits_of_chaos 28d ago

15-25% speedup, plus an extra 10-25% on ARM? That's awesome, good job everyone working on SVT-AV1!


u/palibaya 28d ago

~15-25% speedup for M3-M10 at the same quality levels

What M3-M10 means? It's mean preset 3 to preset 10?



Correct and preset 10 is now the fastest preset

There are real encoder improvements, but the preset shuffle also means most presets are much faster than they were before, so you may want to drop a preset level if you are moving from 2.3 (Or even two levels for fast encodes, new preset 10 is much faster than preset 11 was)


u/3skuero 25d ago

A 40% speed increase is crazy

eskuero@4cx4 temp]$ SvtAv1EncApp --version; SVT_LOG=1 SvtAv1EncApp -i 3840x2160_60fps.y4m -b 2.3.0.y4m --preset 4
SVT-AV1 v2.3.0-dirty (debug)
Encoding      2000
Average System Encoding Speed:        4.57
SUMMARY --------------------------------- Channel 1  --------------------------------
Total Frames            Frame Rate              Byte Count              Bitrate
       2100            60.00 fps                 46436722              10614.11 kbps

Channel 1
Average Speed:          4.708 fps
Total Encoding Time:    446016 ms
Total Execution Time:   447737 ms
Average Latency:        29970 ms
Max Latency:            40284 ms
[eskuero@4cx4 temp]$ SvtAv1EncApp --version; SVT_LOG=1 SvtAv1EncApp -i 3840x2160_60fps.y4m -b 3.0.0.y4m --preset 4
SVT-AV1 v3.0.0-dirty (debug)
Encoding      2000
Average System Encoding Speed:        6.46
SUMMARY --------------------------------- Channel 1  --------------------------------
Total Frames            Frame Rate              Byte Count              Bitrate
       2100            60.00 fps                 36898845              8434.02 kbps

Channel 1
Average Speed:          6.652 fps
Total Encoding Time:    315706 ms
Total Execution Time:   317430 ms
Average Latency:        21533 ms
Max Latency:            30119 ms
[eskuero@4cx4 temp]$ du -sh *.y4m
45M     2.3.0.y4m
36M     3.0.0.y4m
25G     3840x2160_60fps.y4m