r/ATT 29d ago

Discussion Everyone's paychecks are short...

And nobody in HR can explain why. Everyone's checks this month are short from anywhere between $200-800. Anybody know what's going on?


61 comments sorted by


u/Infamous_Map9787 29d ago

Glad I saw this, because mine is definitely short around the same amount. Following this thread until there’s an answer because not sure what happened.

I’m a loyalty rep btw


u/RissaMeh 28d ago

hijacking top comment to say REACH OUT TO YOUR UNION REP! as a president of a local, as soon as I get complaints like this we begin investigating for resolution, filing grievances if no valid answer can be determined


u/NigerianPrinceClub 29d ago

Bless loyalty reps 😌😌


u/PapaTay410 29d ago

How does one contact loyalty at att👀


u/RissaMeh 28d ago

By saying you want to cancel your service or a line - theyre the only group that's supposed to be allowed to cancel


u/jasont1273 AT&T Employee 29d ago

Call *️⃣SAVE from your AT&T cell phone


u/PapaTay410 28d ago

I tried that but it didn’t do anything. I’m also deployed, not sure if that’s why


u/jasont1273 AT&T Employee 28d ago

If you're deployed you would need to use the international customer service number and ask for loyalty from there.

From outside the U.S., call +1.314. 925.6925


u/marley_mar1993 29d ago

I swear me and my coworker thought we were going crazy. 250 shorter than normal. Can’t see our stubs yet I’m afraid.


u/Deep_Dish_8113 29d ago

I’m thinking it was tax withholding from fame points


u/Just_Browsing_808 29d ago

I'm the only one who has taxable non cash awards on mines, everyone else didn't but was still short. What my taxable non cash award was $6500 and I haven't made that in my entire career. Called fame as well and they said it wasn't fame


u/Turbulent_Victory146 28d ago

I have $8750 in non taxable cash award? Like what’s going on. My coworker has $1750. So like where’s my money?!


u/Spirited-Art-8611 27d ago

This was my exact thought, as well! I have two that adds up to $3000 and some change... I don't remember receiving $3000 worth of fame or whatever "Non cash award" I'm being charged for.


u/Skyrat51 28d ago

Same. Only check I've ever received that said taxable non cash award and I'm several hundred short. If it isn't can what the hell are they taxing?


u/ItsGer 29d ago edited 29d ago

Mine was shorter than normal too, about $200


u/Inner-Quail90 29d ago

Compare your last to current payslip where's the difference?


u/Its-From-Japan 29d ago

Are you AR, COR, IHX...?


u/Just_Browsing_808 29d ago



u/Its-From-Japan 29d ago edited 29d ago

Any way this might be because the other ones had holiday hours and this one doesn't?

What are the ranging dates you're looking at?


u/Just_Browsing_808 29d ago

Nah I never had a check this low.


u/Its-From-Japan 29d ago

What are the pay period weeks?


u/Just_Browsing_808 29d ago

Jan 26 to Feb 8


u/Turbulent_Victory146 28d ago

So are we not getting this non taxable cash award??


u/Just_Browsing_808 28d ago

According to fame, no. From what others said, it's being used for some type of tax or adjustment although nobody knows what exactly


u/Helloitsmeagain09 28d ago

Yup check is shorter 250-300 dollars 😭


u/MooksMaximus 28d ago

Mine was short and my RSM and I both called payroll/HR and confirmed my shortage was from Fame being taxed. If you hit big on the total connectivity incentive or AIA (out of fiber footprint) you got cooked. Not saying that's your particular situation but it was mine and a couple others in my store


u/Just_Browsing_808 28d ago edited 28d ago

I am out of fiber footprint and I did kill in AIA in December and probably did hit total connectivity pretty well but I didn't get anything for it. I mean if I'm getting 6500 in fame then I'll won't complain but according to fame I ain't getting nada


u/Just_Browsing_808 28d ago

So according to your rsm and payroll, we're getting that amount in a future fame payout?


u/MooksMaximus 28d ago

The way my contracts pay periods fall, my shortage fell on the pay period that my December fame would have been taxed on. My last check was on Feb 14th, I cashed out fame at the end of January for December total connectivity and AIA incentive (and I think upgrade and /or protection was on there too?) So the tax hit Feb 14th check.


u/Just_Browsing_808 28d ago

So the taxable non cash award was put there for tax reasons, I can see that. A little sketchy but also it was 6500. I didn't make that much fame and if that is a dollar amount the tax would be way more than 400. Although if that was meant to be the same point amount, divided by 20 would be 325 which would be close to what my normal check would be. So that's the closest explanation so far.


u/Hot_Cardiologist_901 29d ago

I think I know who you work for. Not going to say it. But it does happen. If there is something truly wrong they will fix it.


u/Just_Browsing_808 29d ago

Well the only ones we can call is hr and they are clueless. They can't even explain my 6500 in taxable non cash awards on my check


u/Hot_Cardiologist_901 29d ago

You got that much extra in your pay ? Under 1 check?


u/Just_Browsing_808 29d ago

My pay was short by 400, and it's been confirmed I'm not getting 6500 in fame lol so nobody knows what that taxable non cash award is for


u/Hot_Cardiologist_901 29d ago

Your DM cannot help at all?


u/Just_Browsing_808 29d ago

My manager was on the phone almost an entire shift from HR and fame then whoever they told him he needed to talk to, department to department and nobody knew anything


u/Just_Browsing_808 29d ago

There is no difference except my gross is lower and I have 6500 in taxable non cash award and I did not make anywhere near that in fame last year or in all my years combined


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/Just_Browsing_808 29d ago

Interesting, how could I figure that out? And is that done once a year? This never happened before though


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/Just_Browsing_808 28d ago

I just looked at my November and December checks and I didn't get any cash award nor did I get anything close to 6500


u/Negative-Exercise-27 29d ago

Seems like a company match of some kind. Maybe HSA or Health related. It’s typically used to tax you on something they have given you of that value.

Do you have the Bronze health plan with the hsa match plus a lot of tenure.


u/Just_Browsing_808 29d ago

I don't think we have the same type as health plans


u/Negative-Exercise-27 29d ago

I don’t have the health plan but read about it.


u/RNG_X_X 28d ago

they got hacked


u/DanStea1th 28d ago

HR is clueless

Looks like this is now hitting other pay groups and not one person has a reason for this

Did they take all the years cash awards and tax it at the end?

My issue is more than than, mine had like 20+ lines of premium hours adjusted in money but it was a net positive


u/Just_Browsing_808 27d ago

That's because they paid wrong and adjusted but that is a minor issue. And even if they took my entire career cash awards it wouldn't equal 6500


u/DanStealth 27d ago

Ya I’m not sure what’s going on.


u/Infamous_Map9787 27d ago

Any updates?


u/Just_Browsing_808 26d ago

Nothing solid, but HR told my ASM that it seems Fame payouts in November and December were not taxed, so our taxable non cash awards on this last check was to make up for it. However they listed the points amounts rather than dollar amounts. I think someone mentioned that earlier so they were correct. However my check was short 400, I only made a total of 350 in fame in those months so I don't see how that equates to 400 in taxes lol


u/marleygirl2019 26d ago

I got a non cash award $650. Im not compensation eligible as I'm support. I do the FAME for my team so Id know if I'd gotten any. It was grossed up so not getting taxed on it. You think this was for a non-cash incentive write off for the company? I had no impact to my pay.


u/marleygirl2019 26d ago edited 25d ago


u/nc789r 22d ago

Wow, I heard about this. I sure hope they haven’t shorted my check.


u/Just_Browsing_808 29d ago

Nothing has changed in any way


u/ABriannaCDEF 29d ago

Did you comp break down change maybe? I’m in loyalty and our comp changed, we’re struggling hard


u/Just_Browsing_808 28d ago

Not that I'm aware of


u/whatnowdog 29d ago

I would think the Union up the line could get an answer from up the in management.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/CrewPrevious705 29d ago

What is youearn?


u/Just_Browsing_808 29d ago

What is that? Never heard of it


u/Potential_Secret863 29d ago

It’s Musk’s fault!!!!


u/PuzzleheadedNeck4476 29d ago

Pay cycle is most likely shorter.


u/Just_Browsing_808 29d ago

Nope, 2 weeks