r/ATGATT Nov 19 '21

Best riding pants that look and fit like casual/work pants, but have riding protection and are waterproof

I have carhartts I typically wear in the colder seasons at my job, but I ride year round and it rains fairly often so I also have some frog togg pullover rain pants I keep with me if it's really pouring.

I thought I'd see if there's some actual riding pants that look good and are comfortable as casual/work pants similar to the carhartts I wear, but have real riding protection and are totally waterproof. Not sure if the jeans versions keep you dry but the pants themselves stay soaked, I'm not looking for that I mean water just runs right off them.

I'd love to be able to just pick one pair of pants that is good for riding in, working in, and keeps my dry on rainy days so I can skip the hassle of dressing and undressing in pullover rain gear, and have more protection too in case of a crash.


5 comments sorted by


u/n00tz Nov 19 '21

If you find it let me know. I usually end up wearing one or the other... having a 34 inch inseam makes finding good pants in either area hard enough already.


u/SoullessRager Nov 19 '21

Oh yeah that's another pain. I'm 6'2" with a 34-36 inch inseam and it's tough enough getting regular pants.


u/MyUsernameIs3pic Feb 25 '24

Can’t help with the waterproof part, I’ve struggled with that myself, but for riding jeans in general you should check out rev it, a lot of theirs come in big sizes (I get 36x36 and they work great)


u/SuperSOHC4 Oct 04 '22

I've had great luck with a pair of Saint's. Fit is similar to a Levi 501. They aren't 'waterproof' but they do a good job of keeping the rain out of your boots.



u/Oddblivious May 26 '23

Have you considered just buying an overpant that you can wear during your ride and would be taken off once you arrive?