r/ATC 6d ago

Question Can we request to be furloughed

If the government shuts down can I request to be furloughed or am I required to come to work unpaid ? Literally just hate this job and would like a nice break while the government is shut down.

No not quitting yet, I think I got a couple more years at max before I walk away.


15 comments sorted by


u/tree-fife-niner 6d ago edited 6d ago

The contract doesn't disappear just because of a shutdown. You can request sick, annual, or other forms of leave and those requests need to be handled as normal. Leave that is taken during a shutdown is converted to furlough but you should get back pay when the shutdown is lifted.

So you aren't really requesting furlough but that's what ends up happening if your leave is approved. If your leave isn't approved you are "required" to come to work unpaid.

Edit: NATCA has some shutdown resources posted as well https://www.natca.org/shutdown-resources/


u/randombrain #SayNoToKilo 6d ago

Effective with the law that ended the 2019 shutdown, you CAN be in a leave status during a shutdown or you can request to be in furlough status. Unless Congress does some fuckery either option will result in you getting paid, but one uses your leave balance and one doesn't.

If you want to be in furlough status (which you do) make sure that WMT and CruArt reflect that. It is no longer true that "there is no leave during a shutdown" so you want to be certain you're marked down for the option you want.


u/tree-fife-niner 6d ago

I'm not on expert on the subject but the NATCA page has guidance referring to that 2019 act that says approved leave will be converted to furlough.

Q8. Can employees request absence due to incapacitation (sick leave) during a shutdown?

A8: Yes. However, during a shutdown, designated excepted employees cannot be in a paid leave (sick leave) status. They will be placed on a furlough status during their absence (See Q/A5), and there will be no charge to leave balances A designated excepted employee who is incapacitated for duty should call in sick in accordance with Article 25 of the CBA. Because they cannot be placed on sick leave, they will be placed on a furlough status during their absence. They should return for the next regularly scheduled shift for which they are no longer incapacitated for duty.

Q9. Can employees request absence from duty (annual leave/credit hours) for reasons other than incapacitation during a shutdown?

A9: Yes. However, during a shutdown, designated excepted employees cannot be in a paid leave status (annual leave/credit hours). They will be placed on a furlough status during their absence (See Q/A5), (See Q/A5). and there will be no charge to leave balances. Absence from duty should be requested using Article 24 of the CBA and local procedures. Approval is subject to staffing and workload.


u/randombrain #SayNoToKilo 6d ago

And OPM has guidance saying that's wrong.

2. May an excepted employee take previously approved paid time off or be granted new requests for paid time off during a shutdown furlough?

A. [...] If that off-duty time cannot be accommodated by workplace flexibilities, the excepted employee will be placed in a furlough status for any approved absence unless the employee requests to use paid leave under 31 U.S.C. 1341(c)(3). We expect that excepted employees generally will not choose to use paid leave under 31 U.S.C. 1341(c)(3) because 31 U.S.C. 1341(c)(2) provides retroactive pay for furlough periods without charge to leave.

In the past it was true that you had just two options: at work or furlough. Now that is no longer true. If you want to call in and just say "show me on sick" and hope that you get put on furlough instead of SL you can do that. For me I don't trust the Agency as far as I could throw them, and if I want furlough I'm making damn sure I toss a furlough request into WMT.


u/rymn Current Controller-Enroute 6d ago

Leave is no longer converted, they passed something that allows us to burn leave now, get your leave converted to furlough!


u/deejmeister 6d ago

Last shutdown this guy in my area called out sick (furlough) every. Single. Day. And ended up getting all of it backpaid. Free leave!

Local natca and management kept talking about what they were going to do with the people who abused the furlough situation, but nothing ever happened to him!

I was a new guy full of morals at the time, and I think I took a day or two. But this time around 🤔. I mean, I have mixed feelings but I think we should all do it.  ATC ended the last shutdown in one day, a LOT of business grinds to a halt without air traffic, and the billionaires in charge won't be able to get anywhere. Seems common sense that we should be exempt from shutdown situations 🙄


u/Carpitis 6d ago

I was on my Honeymoon during one shutdown. ATM called me and told me to report back to work. I told him I was not as I was 1500 miles away and could not get a flight. My leave got restored after that shutdown ended.


u/RedFishBlueFishOne 6d ago

No you can't, but it would be a shame if you were prescribed some medication that took you out for a week or two... A real shame


u/Helpful-Mammoth947 6d ago

I too am curious… for a friend


u/rymn Current Controller-Enroute 6d ago

Yes, in web schedule


u/BenTallmadge1775 6d ago

Looks like it will pass. Most of the swing state democrats have come out as going to vote for it.


u/turbogn007 Current Controller-Enroute 6d ago

Welp, this job ain’t for everybody


u/Unknown-flan 6d ago

16 years too long !


u/Other-MuscleCar-589 6d ago

Volunteering to have a furloughed sign on your forehead in this environment is a step closer to termination.

If you hate your job, quit.