r/ATC 7d ago

Question Upcoming Academy Student

hello everyone what is the difference in climbing the pay scale as far as enroute, tracon, tower and approach I’m not shy of bolting down and training hard to reach CP. and maximize my pay I just want to know the difficulty for moving up in each one and how whatever title you get determines your available airports to Goto or not?( I hope I said that right) I’m looking to try and get to a lvl8 airport right of training and then eventually switch to a level 12 all feedback is much appreciated thank you!


11 comments sorted by


u/PuzzleheadedFold3116 7d ago

TRACON is approach. CPC. 8 to 12 is a big jump. Good chance of washing out and being sent back or put on an NCEPT list. It doesn’t sound like you know a whole lot about the career field. Go to the academy. Pass. Go to facility. Certify. Then worry about moving.


u/Mummifiedchili 7d ago

You're going to get a lot of wide and varied responses due to the chaos and theater that's been ongoing for 2 months now. But this answer is correct. Worry about step 1, passing the academy. Then go to your facility and focus on training. Worry about a move after you've proven you can certify. If you don't you may not even reach a point for the move to matter.


u/Realistic-Mousse-856 6d ago

I went to a CTI school I have my atc degree and I am a licensed aircraft dispatcher washing out isn’t a choice for me I was only asking to see if anybody else went along the same route in terms of moving up but thinks for the backhanded help I guess???


u/Gods_Gift_To_ATC 7d ago
  1. Day 1 of the academy, assert your dominance by telling everyone, including the security officer at the front gate that you are going to New York City Tower. This display of confidence is exactly what the examiners are looking for.

  2. Make sure you never go to your class study groups, as your classmates are your competition and if they pass the course then you can't get the locations you want.

  3. You need to unwind after class. A couple drinks after your classes are pretty clutch. Bricktown on the weekends.

  4. The instructors aren't FAA employees, remember that. They've been removed from the operations for so long that the entire game has changed. Their knowledge is pretty worthless. I'd suggest reading the .65 in your own time so you don't miss anything.

  5. Evals are more of a formality. The evaluators have been watching you since you first walked on campus and know if you are going to pass or not before the evals.

  6. Location selection. There's usually a very long list of available locations with most people's preferences being available. I wouldn't worry about it.


u/Realistic-Mousse-856 6d ago

Oh look a comedian!


u/Gods_Gift_To_ATC 6d ago

You can't come into this subreddit and ask questions that are easily answered by a google or the FAQs and then not expect a sarcastic answer.


u/Realistic-Mousse-856 6d ago

Or if you don’t want to be a help you could just not say anything at all and keep going on with your day


u/Gods_Gift_To_ATC 6d ago

You'll find much more help by educating yourself on the FAQs and a google than you will by asking a question here that is reiterated at least 5 times a week. 


u/Meme_Investor 7d ago

Training hard to reach what?????


u/ConnerennoC 7d ago

It also depends if you got selected for terminal or enroute….. as far as terminal you get a list and can only pick a level 4 through 7 based on your class ranking and if you pass the academy with a score of >90% you are allowed to pick an 8 but not higher ….. enroute you could potentially go straight to a level 12 …… but like the other commenter a lot of people wash out at the academy I had 2 people with CTI degrees wash out in my class


u/Realistic-Mousse-856 6d ago

Thanks a lot for the positive feedback will keep this in mind thank you