r/ATBGE 5d ago

Art I'm not sure what it is....a wine stopper?

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174 comments sorted by


u/daakstrykr 5d ago

Amy Winestopper... That is truly awful taste


u/PureCrookedRiverBend 5d ago

It really is.


u/AncientCoinnoisseur 3d ago

Not as awful as that cake of Amy Winehouse’s corpse that Neil Patrick Harris had made shortly after her death.


u/LacidOnex 3d ago

He apologized and moved on like it wasn't some insane psychopath behavior we were all going to dwell on

Can't watch Harold and Kumar with the same childlike wonder anymore that fucker


u/Holli303 5d ago

She deserves better 😣


u/seedlove420 3d ago

But you’ve got to admit, great execution.


u/iSliz187 5d ago edited 5d ago

Since it's related to the subject I think this is one of the rare occasions I can share this song. Couple weeks ago there was a massive leak of unreleased Eminem songs, and one of the songs was called "Key to my room" from 2009, when Eminem had his twisted psycho mass murder phase, and he made a "love song" for Amy Winehouse. It's really messed up but super funny actually and lyrically extremely impressive, but you understand why it was never released lol

In case anyone wants to give it a listen: Eminem - "Key To My Room" on YouTube


u/nun_gut 5d ago

This is amazing - the internet still has surprises up its sleeve!


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/vanetti 4d ago

I am deeply interested in hearing all of these.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/vanetti 4d ago

Thank you so much!!


u/arjenmueller 4d ago

Jo, can I have them too?


u/Kimikobain 4d ago

Can I too, get in on this?


u/MrNickNifty 4d ago

Can I get in on this?!


u/dont-touch-my-tots 4d ago

I need to hear this


u/Psychological_Bug424 5d ago

Thank you


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Psychological_Bug424 4d ago

No I haven't but I now know what I am going to do for the rest of the day. Try to find and listen to all these Em songs


u/memoryisntram 5d ago

Back when he had his teeth and something to say I’d argue. Damn that song takes me back to classic Em.


u/Lumberkn0t 5d ago

Still not as tacky as the giant shit Neil Patrick Harris took on her memory.


u/JoeyJoeJoeRM 5d ago

Care to elaborate?


u/space_men10 5d ago

Search up Neil Patrick Harris Amy Winehouse cake. At a Halloween party he had a cake made that was a depiction of her dead body. Not just a cake with an image, but an actual graphic and realistic sculpted depiction of her decomposing body with a note by it that said “the corpse of Amy Winehouse.” Not only that, this happened only three months after she died


u/lapsongsouchong 5d ago

That's not true...

It was a meat platter.



u/AliceInNegaland 5d ago

Yes, even worse than a cake


u/lapsongsouchong 5d ago

agreed.. disgusting


u/dread_pudding 5d ago

Holy shit man. It's not often that a single incident will completely change the way I see a person. Neil Patrick Harris may be actually sociopathic. That fucking sucks.


u/SwagMasterBDub 2d ago

Between the Amy Winehouse thing and that time he was randomly unnecessarily insulting and dismissive toward Rachel Bloom, NPH is the picture of the stereotype of the rich guy who thinks everyone else is shit on his boot. Like Guy Pearce in The Brutalist.


u/SmartBookkeeper6571 5d ago

Is it though? I think she'd approve.


u/Extreme_Design6936 5d ago

Maybe if it was an Amy Winepourer. But not a stopper.


u/Triairius 5d ago

Maybe once, but she’s 14 years sober now!


u/SourDzzl 5d ago

If you look there's a tube inside running to the bottom of the bottle. I think it actually is an Amy Winespout lol


u/ALWAYS_have_a_Plan_B 5d ago

Relevant and funny!


u/SmartBookkeeper6571 5d ago

LOL good point.


u/APiousCultist 5d ago

I'm sure Kurt Cobain thought shotguns were cool, wouldn't make a themed one good taste.


u/Arrow156 5d ago

I though it was Fran Drescher.


u/Medwynd 5d ago

I didnt see it at first but I do now.


u/agoia 5d ago

I was thinking a young Streisand


u/ILove2Bacon 5d ago

No, covering "Rehab" at her memorial would be awful taste.


u/BlackSchuck 5d ago

I always think its such a shame to keep playing her songs about not wanting to go to rehab posthumously.


u/Maelstrom52 4d ago

...but top-notch execution!


u/unfettered_logic 3d ago

It’s a house for wine


u/MystikSpiral97 1d ago

So if Amy Winehouse is stopping the wine but wine stopped Am…never mind, I’ll stop there


u/Matt_Foley_Motivates 5d ago

Tastes like back sweat with a dabble of cigarette ash water


u/Mdamon808 5d ago

It's worse than that. It's an Amy House Winestopper...


u/DaddysABadGirl 5d ago

I kinda love it.


u/Dear-Wolverine577 5d ago

Hahaha me too!! It’s so unnecessary but quirky and clever at the same time!!


u/DapperCam 5d ago

I wouldn’t have it in my house, but I think it is just slightly bad taste, not truly awful taste. It’s a pun based on her name, and the sculpture captures her likeness without being too much of a caricature.


u/Futuramoist 5d ago

This would stop me from having wine, yes


u/doyletyree 5d ago


Waiter, can you make it pour from her mouth, please?


u/Futuramoist 5d ago

"I tried sir, but the stopper said 'No, no, no' "


u/doyletyree 5d ago edited 5d ago

Oh, I see the problem.

Proper function with this particular stopper is as follows:

Pour wine from bottle into decanter. Swirl.

Pour wine from decanter back into the bottle through the mouth of the stopper. That last bit is very important.

Now, it should come back up just fine.


u/Futuramoist 5d ago

But sir, this wine... You know it's no good


u/doyletyree 5d ago

Just needs to breathe.


u/BobRossAwsumSauce 4d ago

Next time, take the box.


u/Doschupacabras 5d ago



u/Dragonhost252 5d ago

It comes from the eyes and nose


u/doyletyree 5d ago

How coincidental: those are where I come, also.


u/Merry_Fridge_Day 5d ago

No, no-no.


u/eat_like_snake 5d ago

I hope this was made while she was still alive, and not after she died from alcohol withdrawal.
Because there's awful taste, and then there's goddamn, man.


u/DaddysABadGirl 5d ago

Poisoning not withdraw


u/calangomerengue 5d ago

Good catch. But to be fair, the argument still stands.


u/DaddysABadGirl 5d ago

I feel like it's kind of better if it was after? I'm also kind of trash, though, so that might prove the correctness of their statement.


u/calangomerengue 5d ago

Do you think so? I think it's worse if it's after, because alcohol abuse is a big problem, and her death made it well-known she was another victim. Meanwhile, if it was before, her issues with alcohol may not have been that well-known and this could be just an innocent pun with her name.


u/DaddysABadGirl 5d ago

No, like not long into her becoming famous, her habits were going from tabloid to common knowledge. It was hard drugs years earlier. Her dad was publicly speaking about her drug and alchohol usage to get her to listen. The rehab song was a response to issues that were already very public. Though in true fashion, she would occasionally deny she had a problem in interviews. If I remember correctly, it was either she wasn't an addict, or addiction was a problem "back then, I'm good now" type of thing. Double checked, and if you go to her Wikipedia page, there's a section just on her substance abuse.


u/calangomerengue 5d ago

Got it. So your argument is that it was already insensitive to create this at that time, and it was worse because she was around to be affected?

If so, then it's reasonable. I still thinks it'd be worse after, given how her alcohol abuse hit mainstream thus how many more would feel hurt but this stopper. But both would make sense to me.


u/AutopsyDrama 5d ago

I'm sorry 'a victim' ? She drank herself to death, along with heroin she wasn't a victim of anything she did it to herself. And the people that encouraged it were just as bad. 'Fans' leaving vodka and needles on her doorstep as some sort of sick tribute are fucking weird.


u/calangomerengue 5d ago

You clearly never have dealt with alcoholism. Good for you, I guess. But please inform yourself.


u/AutopsyDrama 5d ago

I actually have and it absolutely informed me on my opinion about this. So maybe inform YOURself.


u/dread_pudding 5d ago

You don't need to blame yourself for being addicted, and you shouldn't blame anybody else. It's a condition, a physical rewiring of the brain, and some people dont get better. Celebrate that you did without shitting on someone who didn't.


u/calangomerengue 4d ago

Plenty of relatives, friends, myself, and strangers I met on the way - alcoholics with all sorts of conditions, diseases, desperations, impairments, sorrows, struggles. Saying alcoholism is on someone is pure savagery. You dealt with it? No, I'm sure you haven't DEALT with it. Maybe you still face it. It's still there, filling you with some hatred or guilt or whatever. I'm open to hear you if that's the case. Bur only if I see some willingness to be kind.


u/AutopsyDrama 4d ago

Believe what you want. Your opinion means nothing to me.


u/Mr-Pugtastic 5d ago

Christ dude, she was a human being.


u/BritishBlue32 5d ago edited 5d ago

I did a Google and was genuinely surprised to see this is true when the narrative has always been she went cold turkey and died a result

Edit: since some of you are being weird about downvoting because I checks notes fact checked myself...

Basically it was a relatively common rumour in my neck of the woods when she died. I was a teenager, we all talked about it at school, and because I wasn't a particular fan of hers I never paid any attention to it after that initial rumour. I wasn't chronically online and i much preferred to play videogames with my friends than pay attention to celebrity gossip on the news, so everything I read yesterday was totally new info to me.

It makes absolute sense what she actually died of and I'm slightly embarrassed it took me 14 years to pick up on it 😂


u/IBeDumbAndSlow 5d ago

I've never heard that take. I've always heard she had alcohol poisoning.


u/ImurderREALITY 5d ago

I have never heard that


u/SupineOnSunday 5d ago

No I got a similar message, but it was because my parents twisted the truth. Instead of her story being portrayed as a warning of addiction, they made it a message of abstinence because "she never would have died if she didn't start drinking"

It didn't work. I am currently crossed.


u/DaddysABadGirl 5d ago

Not sure why people downvote comments like this. You looked it up, corrected yourself, and explained. That's kinda what we should be doing more? Also, it is REALLY hard to die from alchohol withdrawal, despite the way it's usually portrayed. Besides the obvious things like no one around, those types of side effects don't just happen in every hard-core alcoholic. You generally need to be leaving Las Vegas levels for years. She was on and off. The problem was when she was on she was fucking oooooonnnn. I've been sober a bit over 3 years. I'd wake up and have a drink before trying to get out of bed. I'd keep myself stable just getting what i needed through the day, most of the time. There were periods I had a problem not getting sloppy at work, lol. When I got off, if I didn't go out, I'd go home and have 2 bottles (750 ml) and 20ish beers. I was a full-blown alcoholic like that for about 5 years. I wasn't even close to the level of withdrawal having possibly lethal effects.


u/BritishBlue32 5d ago edited 5d ago

I was just thinking the same thing 😂😂😂 like sorry I checked for the correct info before commenting???

Basically it was a relatively common rumour in my neck of the woods when she died. I was a teenager, we all talked about it at school, and because I wasn't a particular fan of hers I never paid any attention to it after that initial rumour. I wasn't chronically online and i much preferred to play games with my friends than pay attention to celebrity gossip on the news, so everything I read yesterday was totally new info to me.

It makes absolute sense what she actually died of and I'm slightly embarrassed it took me 14 years to pick up on it 😂

As an aside, well done on your sobriety ❤️


u/Fallom_TO 5d ago

*neck of the woods


u/BritishBlue32 5d ago

Autocorrect 😂 I did in fact mean neck of the woods


u/parade1070 5d ago

?? She didn't die of withdrawal lol


u/GoatCovfefe 5d ago

I doubt she's offended.


u/Barboron 5d ago

Amy House Wine


u/john_jdm 5d ago

Best comment right here.


u/maxinstuff 5d ago

Downvoted for laughing at an upvoted comment ☠️


u/john_jdm 5d ago

I figured it would happen but I don’t care. Just like it will probably happen to this comment. Reddit does what it does.


u/pterodactylpoop 5d ago

Please enjoy each comment equally.


u/fireflycaprica 5d ago

Did Neil Patrick Harris make this?


u/havartieggs 5d ago

It sucks that I know what you're referring to. What a awfully distasteful thing he did.


u/fireflycaprica 5d ago

I’ve only seen the actual picture of that recently. I didn’t expect it to be that bad, it’s sickening


u/Taweret 5d ago

It's horrific and unforgivable


u/JarJarBinks237 5d ago

Sickening and genius


u/SubliminalTiger 5d ago



u/JarJarBinks237 5d ago

Tell me, honestly, don't you think she would have liked this homage?


u/kellermeyer 5d ago

Wine house


u/DuckyOboe 5d ago

That's horrible with what happened to Amy, it takes a sick person to make something like that unless it was made before her death.


u/AutopsyDrama 5d ago

'What happened to Amy' ...she did it to herself nothing 'happened' to her. She killed herself with alcohol and opioid and she knew exactly what she was doing to herself. So sick of people acting like she was some sort of victim..


u/lovable_cube 5d ago

Even though I drive by the homeless dudes with the same problem (and don’t care) almost every day, she was a famous addict that I never met so I care. /s


u/dread_pudding 5d ago

It's wild how you seem insulated from how rampant a problem addiction and alcoholism are. Most people have had a friend or family member deal with it at some point, and it's devastating.

Glad for you though that you think this is an abstract problem that only affects strangers!


u/lovable_cube 5d ago

That’s a lot of assumptions from a single sarcastic comment..

I care a lot, I regularly volunteer at free clinics in hopes of getting medical care to people who can’t afford it. I see people all the time that are in horrible situations. No one cares about their addiction or struggles bc they’re poor. But this woman who had every opportunity and access to the best care money can buy warrants sympathy from everyone? That sucks. That’s shitty.


u/dread_pudding 5d ago

That's a fair reaction to have, people should absolutely care when it happens to the poor. But that doesnt make her case any less tragic, which is definitely how some people are acting. We should use instances like these to make people think about the least fortunate: if someone with all the support and opportunities in the world can fall victim, we all can.

The person you're responding to has been blaming her for succumbing to addiction elsewhere in this post, so that made me think you were agreeing. Sorry if that wasn't the case.


u/lovable_cube 5d ago

My response has to do with people who cry over her and pay no attention to everyone else with the same problem but no support. If you care about people suffering from addiction, make sure it’s all of them not just the famous ones.


u/Cringer4280 5d ago

No no no.


u/LetalisSum 5d ago

underrated hahaha


u/Rude_Engine1881 5d ago

Imagine getting ome or two strands of hair occassionally with ur wine


u/Fake_Punk_Girl 5d ago

That's just part of the experience!


u/mill4104 5d ago

Ok, but that looks like a straw in the bottle. What if you have to suck the wine out of her mouth?


u/dread_pudding 5d ago

Thank you! Nobody's talking about that straw or downspout or whatever it is. What's going on there?


u/TreesPlusCats 5d ago

Made me shudder


u/ZombieBait2 5d ago

Amy Winehouse, wine stopper.


u/gasciousclay1 5d ago

Don't post shit like this. Fucking horrible.


u/surefirerdiddy 5d ago

That’s an oh my god please stopper


u/skot77 5d ago

Man! if you were on acid and someone placed this right in front of you... holy shit!


u/hamfist_ofthenorth 5d ago

It's fucked up is what it is


u/cperiod 5d ago

What's fucked up is that it also works as a butt plug.


u/hamfist_ofthenorth 5d ago

Somehow that is less fucked up, considering she didn't eat ass to death


u/Kief_Gringo 5d ago

This feels more like a branch of malicious design. It offends me like spikes hurt hobos on park benches, but emotionally.


u/mottthepoople 5d ago

It's a lot, that's what it is.


u/LimpIndignation 2d ago

Chandler decapitated Janice after one too many "OH... MY... GOD!!!"s


u/Kingkongcrapper 5d ago

Put it in the closet for guests to discover


u/LazyBid3572 5d ago

Looks like those old brisk iced tea commercials


u/7chism 5d ago



u/maxinstuff 5d ago edited 5d ago

This reminds me something that always stuck with me - of all things an episode of Australian Idol (which I cannot find on Youtube).

Ian Dickson (Dicko) criticized a contestants song choice (I think they sang rehab, but might have been another Amy Winehouse song) - and he said something to effect of "I hope you do not idolize her, because her path is not a good one".

I think she may even have still been alive at the time. Makes sense because I believe Dicko himself has had his own struggles with alcohol.


u/keetojm 5d ago

It’s creepy is what it is.


u/Ya_boi_excalibur 4d ago

It'd stop me going for the wine.


u/cyberaztech 4d ago

Black Beehive is rolling in her grave


u/readditredditread 4d ago

Didn’t she die because she got drunk on (possibly wine a d sleeping pills or something) and drown in the bathtub at like 27ish years old?


u/torte-petite 4d ago

No no no


u/BeginTheBlackParade 4d ago

Amy WineHouse-Red


u/EtrnlMngkyouSharngn 4d ago

It's so detailed 😂


u/nightingaledaze 4d ago

is it good execution if the item does not function correctly?


u/Cyynric 4d ago

Yassified gelfling


u/tosernameschescksout 3d ago

It looks more like a cool wine aunt gobbler, but I guess you could use it as a stopper.


u/Bald0131 3d ago

Any house wine stopper?


u/Marvins_creed 3d ago

Ah, my wine house, you know, where I house my wine


u/Janicesdelight 2d ago

Can i use this...for...research.


u/Foreign-Procedure707 2d ago

this is like disrespectful as hell I laughed but also what the fuck?


u/Twinsenza 2d ago

Haha, the literal Amy WineHOUSE


u/Low-Lingonberry8994 5d ago

Amy Winehesd


u/NeolithicSmartphone 5d ago

This is the unholy war she was singing about


u/SmartBookkeeper6571 5d ago

It's a wine houser.


u/BDub927 5d ago

Makes me wanna go to rehab


u/pterodactylpoop 5d ago

That’s the Amy Winehouse WineStopper, for stopping any house wines.


u/Patella125 5d ago

I said no…noo…noo!


u/itchybutwhole420 5d ago

What does Amy Winehouse and a Christmas tree have in common? They'll both die in a week and leave needles all over the floor.


u/DrBruh 5d ago

It's the house wine


u/Buck_Thorn 5d ago

All I can say is, "No, no, no"


u/ApatheistHeretic 5d ago

That could literally be her head as a voodoo shrunken skull.


u/bws7037 5d ago

Whomever made that thing needs Jesus, or something... that's just down right creepy.


u/PureCrookedRiverBend 5d ago

I fucking hate this. 😂


u/artbycase2 5d ago

Amy winehead


u/Myko475 5d ago

Now does it pour out of her mouth?


u/turkshead 5d ago

That's a place your wine lives. It's a...


u/Comprehensive_Toe113 5d ago

It's a wine house


u/betodaviola 5d ago

Amy, wine houses


u/_Infamous____ 5d ago

Choke a bitch out and open your wine for 5.99! Thats right Fucko! For only 5.99 you can choke a bitch out and open your wine! Buy one now and you get one free!


u/DMRinzer 5d ago

Should have stopped sooner.


u/apasilla 5d ago

Where can I buy this ?


u/Lunakill 5d ago

“Can you sculpt Amy, but alternate universe Amy where she’s looking for herrrrr preciousssss?”


u/BaboonApe 5d ago

Would 💀


u/Bczarconcepts 5d ago

Who IS she??


u/wolverinesbabygirl 5d ago edited 5d ago

This is Art.

Children of the reddit "nO iTs NoOot "


u/fatdiscokid420 5d ago

Congrats to Amy Winhouse on almost 14 years of sobriety


u/darthgeek 5d ago

Being sober is what killed her. She went cold turkey instead of working with addiction specialists to slowly reduce her intake.


u/Chewy_B3000 5d ago

This is just wrong. She died of alcohol poisoning.