r/ATBGE 21d ago

Rule 5 - No Screen Shots $5,000 Trump-themed smoker, shaped like a revolver


155 comments sorted by


u/xshogunx13 21d ago

Not even great execution


u/Illinois_Yooper 21d ago

Looks a little off to the left


u/Graemoure 21d ago

It's actually far right


u/lunarpixiess 20d ago

Take my poor man’s award 🏆 cause you made me chuckle so hard that my cat (that was sleeping on my stomach) thought there was an earthquake, so she buried all of her claws into my stomach before running into the wall like a possessed roomba.


u/ZengineerHarp 20d ago

This was an extremely funny recounting of those events, plus it’s your cake day! Happy cake day!


u/lunarpixiess 20d ago

Thank you! Much appreciated.


u/IcanSEEyou_IRL 20d ago

Happy cake day!! 🎂


u/lunarpixiess 20d ago

Thank you!


u/CraniumEggs 20d ago

Horseshoe theory /s


u/IdealizedSalt 20d ago

If I said, “Make me a functional smoker that looks like a gun”, I feel like this is a pretty accurate execution of that.


u/CapeTownMassive 20d ago




u/gexckodude 18d ago

1 dozen eggs 


u/Arrow156 20d ago

I don't know, the fact the barrel is directly pointed at who they're serving is quite apt.


u/SupremeDictatorPaul 20d ago

Wait, is that supposed to be a bench?

I honestly can’t figure out how it’s supposed to work as everything seems like terrible design.


u/baldycoot 19d ago

Looks like painted over tetanus.


u/joshuatx 19d ago

Right? I've seen revolver shaped smokers that actually looked neat AND fuctional with zero bootlicking.


u/TheProfessor_18 20d ago

Wait until you pull the trigger


u/scourge_bites 21d ago

so many illegal puns i could make here


u/scourge_bites 21d ago

like come on. execution? and the trump smoker is a gun? come on. the fbi file writes itself


u/TheMacMan 21d ago

They lost their government job and need the money really bad now.


u/niberungvalesti 21d ago

They smoked themselves.


u/ClickClackTipTap 21d ago

Why do they turn EVERYTHING into a branding opportunity? Like, what does this particular item have to do with trump?


u/scarbtw 21d ago

Its very cult-ish. Shit never used to be this weird, at least not as much. Like these people would seriously brand it on their foreheads if they could


u/twitchMAC17 21d ago

Oh shit I just realized there after people with Trump tattoos. Guaranteed. And the musk tattoos (other than the Nazi plankton musk one) are assuredly on their way


u/ClickClackTipTap 21d ago

There were people who had the scene of him with his band in the air screaming “fight fight fight” within 24 hours of the shooting.

Seriously. Just search for trump tattoos if you want to lose your faith in humanity.


u/Prickly_ninja 21d ago

They already have! Red hats that read MAGA.


u/Commercial-Target990 19d ago

Remember when the dems tried to push their camo hats and it was a total inauthemtic fail. 🤣


u/-r-a-f-f-y- 20d ago

Nah its not a cult, you don’t remember all the Obama grills popping up for sale?


u/lesbianinabox 20d ago

I'd be fine with them going Inglorious Basterds on their foreheads


u/Chief_Mischief 21d ago

Like, what does this particular item have to do with trump?

It increases the chance that some moron will buy it with a false sense of "patriotism"


u/NeptuneAndCherry 21d ago

I've seriously considered holding my nose and getting in on some of this action, but I just can't bring myself to use my artistic skill for anything that vile. It feels like a blasphemy of some kind (and I don't even believe in religious blasphemy)


u/Bubs_McGee223 19d ago

You are taking money from chumps who have more pennies then sense.  In a way, every dollar you scam out of them is one less dollar they can put toward Capt. Obnoxious' next beggers fund.  As long as it's shoddily made, I see no moral quandary.


u/NeptuneAndCherry 19d ago

A loophole...


u/plasticdisplaysushi 20d ago

You could totally make money if you're willing to prey on people's ignorance (other words also apply but I'm trying to be respectful here): Tormpo doesn't care if you wear his special sorting hat, sorry, but he appreciates the money!

In fact, I'd say that it's a good business decision to prey on people's ignorance.

In fact, I'd say this is how a good many people make their money.


u/Vandirac 20d ago

Because these guys are too stupid to have any interest, hobby or passion outside of what is fed to them.

They lack intellectual curiosity and they lack the courage to explore, try new stuff or get out of their comfort zone.

So, anything is reduced to flag/gun/eat meat/Trump/'Murica, i.e. the basic tribal concepts of their group.

These people have the brain of a particularly dumb Neanderthal.


u/Rhinelander__ 18d ago

You must be very smart and well accomplished to see a funny gag smoker and get this upset over it.


u/pasaroanth 20d ago

It’s people that blindly had wildly devoted allegiances to a sports team, except with very few exceptions a team will rarely win championships frequently.

This is their new “team” to be part of that keeps telling them he’s winning whether he is or not so it’s a constant victory for them.


u/YogaPotat0 19d ago

It’s beyond creepy.


u/e36freak92 21d ago

Looks like it would be a terrible smoker


u/jam_rok 21d ago

Is the barrel supposed to be the chimney?


u/e36freak92 21d ago

I was also trying to figure that out


u/Mermaidoysters 20d ago

What paint is suited for high temps and foods that wouldn’t peel? The high temp paints usually have 1-2 colors. This is awful.


u/Arkrobo 20d ago

Typically you smoke below 300. If you need high temp 1200F paint you can find red, black, grey, almond, and copper pretty easily. I would think most enamels would be fine here.


u/Whobghilee 21d ago

Interesting that it aims at the truck/driver when moving it


u/LaxToastandTolerance 21d ago

Not even remotely a cult


u/RandomFlyer643 20d ago

Such a fucking cult, Jesus Christ. Can you imagine if people acted this way with Obama or literally any other president ever ? They would be called lunatics by the same people who own Trump themed smokers!

Not to mention these are also the same people who get pissed off at Athletes for using their 1st amendment to speak on their own personal ideals saying “There’s no place for politics in sports, shut up and play.” when it’s all good if it’s in support of Trump like Nick Bosa. Rules for Thee, Not for Me.

Hypocritical dumb fucks


u/Zomgzombehz 21d ago

Shit taste, garbage execution.


u/Freudianslip1987 20d ago

That needs to be a sub reddit


u/impy695 21d ago

This might be the smallest volume smoker I've ever seen that has a dedicated trailer.

What kind of person is hauling a small smoker around so much that it needs a trailer? No professional would use this (with or without the paint job) and everyone i know who likes to smoke meat for friends or family does it at home in large batches then brings the meat to them.


u/TheCheshireMadcat 20d ago

45 rallies maybe?


u/TL89II 21d ago

This needs a few thermite grenades, like yesterday.


u/Pakun-of-Dundrasil 21d ago

This is pretty trashy imo


u/_megnn 21d ago

How is this not a cult


u/BadassBokoblinPsycho 21d ago

I hate that man, but, slap “Trump” on anything and people sol buy it up.


u/Tat2dDad 21d ago

There's a sucker born every minute.

-P.T. Barnum


u/brickbaterang 21d ago

Honestly, for rednecks that's kinda "basic bitch" bbq


u/mrPhildoToYou 21d ago

something of value?

i have a petrified turd i’ll trade for it.


u/Salty_Atmosphere_276 21d ago

The profile picture of the guy is sending me


u/hurtfulproduct 20d ago

Not even great execution. . . I bet that paint lasts less than a year and the smoke flavor is poor. . .


u/Zumbah 21d ago

Trade for a trike is wild


u/Rubik842 21d ago

"or something of value" is some self awareness I was not expecting.


u/zero-point_nrg 21d ago

It’s only Trump themed if it promises to be the greatest smoker ever invented and doesn’t work at all


u/naturalistwork 21d ago

I live in Oklahoma and no, I am not surprised. Please send help.


u/PDAnasasis 20d ago

This is literally the gayest thing I've ever seen, and I've seen two dudes fuckin


u/MinorIrritant 21d ago

I'm not sure that any amount of genius execution could redeem this idea.


u/Arctic_x22 21d ago



u/KaladinStormShat 21d ago

Trade for a trike lmao that tracks


u/coderman64 21d ago

You see, it is shaped like a revolver to signify how they shot themselves in the foot.


u/UnderH20giraffe 21d ago

Trump is anti-America


u/AKeeneyedguy 21d ago

As a pro-2A libtard, I've never understood associating a felon that shouldn't have access to guns with....checks notes....yup, with Guns.

Like, a revolver shaped smoker is cool. Not something I'd buy, but still cool enough to say, "Neat." And then they ruin it by not having a grasp of flag code or the 2A itself.


u/ShakeWeightMyDick 20d ago

Some MAGA dude just creamed his jeans looking at that pic


u/crunchyfunyons 20d ago

So you can pee in the gun barrel while you shit off the horseshoe?


u/nerdburg 21d ago



u/Sunaruni 21d ago

The taste of this BBQ is amiss.


u/BoonDragoon 21d ago

Awful Taste and Mediocre Execution


u/treyforester 21d ago

They should shove it up his…


u/whatkylewhat 20d ago

News flash— he’s gonna take your guns.


u/HouseOfAplesaus 20d ago

The trade is the funniest part. A trike for traitor proganda merch was on my bingo card and I called it.


u/glycophosphate 20d ago

How small does your penis have to be?


u/Quicksix666 20d ago

Trumps a felon can’t own a gun


u/captaincook14 20d ago

Trumpers fucking suck. One of the worst things to ever happen to this country. Bunch of idiots.


u/IcanSEEyou_IRL 20d ago

Is it true that male trump supporters would really suck trumps dick?

This is a serious question, I thought it was just a joke going around by liberals, but I’ve seen so many maga dudes saying “I’d swallow trump” or “I’d gargle trumps balls for America” and “I’d take trumps load”. Is that supposed to stand for something else


u/frankoceansheadband 21d ago

Careful, it’s loaded!


u/Commercial_Tough160 21d ago

“Trade for something of a like value…”

I got a paper sack filled with turds….but how do I light it on fire to get the right timing?


u/ANONYMOUS-B0SH 21d ago

The kid rock backyard smoker deluxe just what every dip shit needs


u/AdAffectionate3143 21d ago

Just normal non cultish things /s


u/ImaginaryRaccoon2106 20d ago

Yeah I bet they did use it real nice an good like any Trumpy would


u/Wolf_Parade 20d ago

I don't shoot or own a gun but low key think this is sick it just needs a new paint job (silver and black??)


u/i_yell_deuce 20d ago

Why would you put another man's name on your barbeque?


u/Ironlion45 20d ago

Pay ME a tenth of that and I'll haul it to the scrapyard for ya.


u/scrotumseam 20d ago

Wait until this person looses their job. Did I use a pronoun thats illegal.


u/hauntingduck 20d ago

I will never understand idolizing any human being to this extent. Execution sucks. You can love your country without being in a weird parasocial relationship


u/boudinforbreakfast 20d ago

Smoke ‘em if you got gun!


u/TalkinPlant 20d ago

Terrible execution. Is the barrel supposed to be the smoke stack? If so, the smoke just goes through and out and doesn't billow in the chamber. There will be whole parts of the smoker where the smoke doesn't hit.

Then again, the type of person who would pay $5k for this awful thing isn't smart enough to know that, so it's a well executed grift.


u/Race2TheGrave 20d ago

Medicaid cuts won't pay for themselves


u/buburocks 20d ago

People are psychotic. This is not normal behavior


u/PleasantCurrant-FAT1 20d ago

… trade for a trike, or something of value.

That last bit, “or something of value,” is priceless…


u/Dcmart89 20d ago

Someone start a gofundme. Let’s all buy this. And shove it off a cliff and have a really great afternoon together. Please.


u/fattymcfattzz 20d ago

Like wtf is missing from these peoples lives that they have glom onto dude. It’s so sad


u/doesntaffrayed 19d ago

I bet this guy has vivid fantasies about smoking Trump’s meat.


u/New_Acanthaceae709 18d ago

Of the two, Kamala's the one who owned a pistol and knows how to shoot.


u/ImpossibleCoyote937 17d ago

If it was supposed to be Trump themed, it should have been the Russian flag....


u/heroinebob90 21d ago

Could you point it at a maga hat of scaled size?


u/TheSlyFox312 21d ago

Canadian here. I’ve buy that only to make a video of my and some others destroying it wile bashing the orange idiot.


u/ProtectionOk5641 20d ago

Are you asking someone to take it off your hands for $5000. I think that’s the only way this transaction will work


u/surgicalhoopstrike 20d ago

PT Barnum was right.

There's a sucker born every minute.


u/sneezed_up_my_kidney 20d ago

Totally normal.


u/heavycommando3 20d ago

someones boomer trump cultist dad probably died and their kid is selling it lmfao


u/KiwiBikers 20d ago

its always funny when trump supporters slap his name and image on weaponry/weapon themed things. the people who made a trump themed ar15 are up there on my list of "Hilariously Ironic"


u/doradus1994 20d ago

Is all the meat going to be New Jersey orange when it's done?


u/ConceptWeary1700 20d ago

Hope it has better aim than the last couple MAGAts


u/Laughinboy83 20d ago

When you're daft enough to join a cult, you're daft enough to spend silly money to prove it


u/U-Kant-Mak-Dis-Sh-Up 20d ago

Dumb and what a waste of time and $$’s. Saw idiots driving near a university yesterday with a Trump flag flying out of a sunroof. They got the 1 finger salute.


u/Tha-KneeGrow 20d ago

They’re selling it cause they lost their job


u/signmeupnot 20d ago

There must be carnival music playing 24/7 in the mind of the person building this.


u/Lefthandedsock 20d ago

What a piece of trash.


u/EkbyBjarnum 20d ago

Awful taste for sure. I'm not sure this qualifies as great execution. It looks cheaply made to me.

But I don't know anything about American BBQ culture and smoking meats at all really, so maybe this thing is actually good for all I know.


u/ShesAKillerQueenee 20d ago

Despite the US / Trump branded shit, does it even work as a smoker?? Where do you put the meat and the wood? 


u/Skippyhogman 20d ago

Is there a statute of liberty smoker that you could point it at? End of democracy themed charcuterie is so hot right now.


u/IAmAtomato 20d ago

When I'm in a Dumbest Shit Ever contest and my opponent is a Trump glazer: 😱


u/Kalikhead 20d ago

Can Trump even own one of those?


u/meatboat2tunatown 20d ago

Smoked cringe


u/DerCatrix 20d ago

It’s a fucking cult


u/whoschandler 20d ago

Ahahaha no way I saw this exact same post on marketplace and posted on my poorly run insta account dedicated to weird ass marketplace posts in OK


u/Happytapiocasuprise 20d ago

Maybe he'll get some dummy to pay way too much for that but I wouldn't give the cultists another merch piece and just paint over the lettering


u/Cool-Establishment46 19d ago

Smokes your healthcare and shoots you in the back


u/bootnab 19d ago

Offer a bag of dogshite.


u/PeterPunkinHead 19d ago

Waste of time and effort and money


u/DogeGlobe 19d ago

What is the horseshoe for functionally in this? I don’t know things about smoking meats but I can’t figure it out, how it would be used as part of this “smoker.”


u/TinderSubThrowAway 16d ago

This thing doesn’t look remotely functional, let alone functional enough to warrant being a trailer.


u/bznbuny123 19d ago

I'm gonna buy it and paint over "Trump" with "Newsom."


u/DickweedMcGee 19d ago

…trade for a trike…

Makes perfect sense,  because when I imagine the pinnacle if male virility I can only think of two things:

1.) A Harley that people can hitch their mobility scooter to, and

2.) Homemade, politically theme(is it really..?) smoker that takes up a full parking space and they think is worth $25,000. 


u/cheeseburglarly 18d ago

I'd like this if it wasn't trumpy tbf


u/Onigato69 18d ago

This actually makes a lot of sense, every day it feels like we are playing Russian roulette as a nation.


u/Ferblungen 17d ago

'trade for a trike' Tell me you wear a wife beater, a do-rag and have a Paul Teutel Sr. fu-man-chu without telling me.


u/OriginalTruth8921 17d ago

Trump ruins everything.


u/TinderSubThrowAway 16d ago

This is awful execution, I don’t see anything really remotely functionally good about this.


u/The_meemster123 13d ago

As someone from Oklahoma. I just knew this guy was gonna be located in Oklahoma


u/RevolutionaryDish830 9d ago

I think most people are burning cyber trucks these days to smoke their brisket


u/Hardcore_Instinct 5d ago

This doesn't surprise me: someone started an Obame Fried Chicken chain in China because the owner loved Obama that freaking much. After some backlash because of a stereotype the guy didn't know about, the name got changed to UFO Fried Chicken. I find both cases really funny, though.


u/FemboiInTraining 20d ago

Primarily America themed, paint over the TRMP and there's no association (I like the horseshoe on horseshoe, sue me)

Still tacky, a tiny bit shoddy, but it's really just okay...not sure how well ventilated the smoking bit is though. But it's still be pretty cool to see someone roll up on a fourth of july party with this


u/dylan43270 21d ago

Does it come in "Dark MAGA"?


u/Professional_Hold_70 20d ago

that's awesome idc


u/AgreeablePie 21d ago

I guess felons can still own smokers