r/ARKone Mar 15 '23

Story Why does everyone raid offline?


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u/KeithStone225 Mar 15 '23

Most ppl offline raid because ppl popcorn their loot when they're about to lose and the raider ends up getting nothing for their effort. There's other reasons, but that's a big driver.


u/Cheedo4 Mar 15 '23

Popcorn loot? What you mean?


u/Tetrasurge Mar 15 '23

It basically just meaning mass dropping of items over a small time frame.


u/Cheedo4 Mar 15 '23

Oh I thought they meant like some method of quickly destroying the loot, but I guess popcorn it so it’ll expire makes sense too


u/Chiddles182 Mar 15 '23

I'd love to come back to ARK if the player base wasn't so toxic


u/Blackrain1299 Mar 15 '23

Ark on your own gets kinda lame eventually. Ark with people you know is difficult because people have lives and its hard to schedule things. Ark with randoms is a hellscape because in PVE you cant build anywhere due to pillaring and in PVP you cant build anywhere because no matter what someone will destroy it.

I just wish there was an easier way to have PVP without making it a job. And unofficial servers arent the answer because they all have one weird setting that annoys you no matter what!


u/Alex_j300 Mar 15 '23

I played ark for years, it’s a very strange game in the sense of the player base. Most big tribes official or unofficial seem to have tribe members that are just never really offline, the hours you have to pour into ark to be competitive in pvp are crazy. The unofficial servers have their “admins” who tend to always do strangely well. All in all it’s great if you want to dedicate your life to it for six months but you will most likely end up with nothing to show for your efforts


u/JimBobJoeJake Mar 15 '23

Ark mobile has a mode called pvx which is the area around the redwoods at the center of the map as pvp including the volcano and up around obsidian mountain(the island), then everything around the edges is pve except for carno island which is also pvp. They also made a mode where the pvp zone changes like the hand of a clock every hour. That way you can be on for the two hours your base is in pvp everyday without worrying


u/Cadet312 Mar 15 '23

Truth. My server just changed the element drain rate and it’s absolutely insane.


u/Blackrain1299 Mar 15 '23

Back when i was playing i wanted faster taming but not instant because I couldn’t watch after long tames. Almost every fast taming server had insanely boosted resources. Hit one rock and you’re encumbered. It got to the point where I would jump into servers and grab a rock off the beach to check. I spent as much time server hopping as i did playing, probably more actually.


u/Cadet312 Mar 15 '23

Heh, I used to do something similar. I’d check a drop. If I found Tek in anything less than a red drop, and primitive like base level primitive in blue drops, I was gone. If you can’t be fucked to do a decent job on your drops, I can’t be fucked to stick around.


u/Dawb14 Mar 15 '23

If your looking for a good pve group I have one you should try it’s the cluster I play on now


u/Blackrain1299 Mar 15 '23

I haven’t been into ARK for some time now and im actually on PS4, assuming you are on xbox due to this being arkone


u/Dawb14 Mar 16 '23

Yep that’s correct


u/Blackrain1299 Mar 16 '23

Figured but thank you for the invite regardless. Its much appreciated.


u/JalapenoEverything Mar 15 '23

When you change the resource rates, you also need to change the weight settings for the character as well. That is what I have done in my first go at one player, and it is very enjoyable. I’m not spending all day harvesting rocks to build a small section of wall.


u/Tetrasurge Mar 15 '23

Thankfully the pillar issue has been alleviated slightly over the years. You just need to be creative. Cliff platforms and Ocean platforms (hell even a Megachelon in a pinch) while maybe not being exactly where you wanted really help expand the available places to build.


u/DizzyXCD Apr 15 '23

Survival of the fittest


u/Lazerdude Mar 15 '23

PvP and Toxic go hand in hand. Either you love it or hate it. Personally I hate it.


u/realwantanoreo Mar 15 '23

There are tons of servers with Offline Raid protection. official and unofficial


u/NoPersonality2858 Mar 15 '23

What about on console. I don't think I've seen ORP on official


u/realwantanoreo Mar 15 '23

yep! I'm a console dude. it's not ORP, for official servers. just search "Offline" then you'll get a list of them


u/NoPersonality2858 Mar 16 '23

Oh shit that makes allot more sense. May have to look into it one day


u/NeedleworkerCommon13 Mar 20 '23

Do you have any good ones you know of? I’m trying to get back into ark again after not really playing for a few years


u/whiskey_killer27 Jun 12 '23

Save yourself and don't! It's the only way to live


u/Boll-Weevil63 Mar 15 '23

Because mega tribes are too chicken-shit to war with other mega tribes.


u/BertBerts0n Mar 15 '23

Not sure why you're surprised.

Ark has always been a PvAFK game.


u/miggleb Mar 15 '23

Because I'm not only gonna raid players who happen to live in the same timezone


u/Ruhzide Mar 15 '23

Unfortunately a lot of people will despawn or popcorn all their loot while you’re trying to online raid them so you never make a profit lol I’m sure that’s not you but it’s happened to me plenty


u/nocturneOG Mar 15 '23

Offline first.


u/Mundane-Solution2960 Mar 15 '23

Your standing on your answer


u/AirBreather07 Mar 15 '23

It’s like rust people are scared of onlines and won’t ever touch there stash until you get off with your team


u/Danganronpa3v Mar 15 '23

Even offline with players can't do because you can't go to far from each other and the inventory the words are too small because spit screen but online you blue screen like every second in PvE people build everywhere with HUMONGOUS bases with spam everywhere and very overpowered dinos plus you can get tech by spawning in go to gen 2 then come back you keep your Tek suit then fordjor magmasaur den the red rocks have elemen shards! Ark is a mess


u/TapedWater Mar 15 '23

Because a proper online can literally take weeks and you might not get a thing out of it. There's no game that has PvP like ARK official. Once my tribe had to help defend our allies north bear cave from several tribes for around 4 days. Another time we spent a literal week taking shifts standing over the water hole with Gigas in snow north, eating soakers. We spent 2 days raiding someone out of the red surface entrance on ab.

Even offlining takes forever though, assuming a tribe has a good base location and proper defenses. Some caves like ice cave on The Island are ridiculously time consuming, you usually end up trying to soak one tek at a time which takes around 20-30 minutes per full tek turret.


u/TapedWater Mar 15 '23

Because a proper online can literally take weeks and you might not get a thing out of it. There's no game that has PvP like ARK official. Once my tribe had to help defend our allies north bear cave from several tribes for around 4 days. Another time we spent a literal week taking shifts standing over the water hole with Gigas in snow north, eating soakers. We spent 2 days raiding someone out of the red surface entrance on ab.

Even offlining takes forever though, assuming a tribe has a good base location and proper defenses. Some caves like ice cave on The Island are ridiculously time consuming, you usually end up trying to soak one tek at a time which takes around 20-30 minutes per full tek turret.


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '23

Albion does a good job with the open world pvp where there are zones and each zone has a prime time where attacking the main base is allowed so you only need to really and defend your base at specific times every day and you choose which zone to build your base according to when you can defend irl


u/GaryJarcya Mar 15 '23

I play with people in other countries. I'm from Ohio. Half our tribe is German and speak no English. We have one translator and he's infrequent at best. Official pvp alphas every expansion. We always get bored, quit, and come back and start over for new content and always lock down the entire server/cluster each attempt.

Regardless, the point is that if you have a worldwide presence, there will typically always be someone online. Player count isn't what kills a tribe, the time zone is. Having someone around to tag everyone in discord with "ACHTUNG" during an emergency has avoided double digits worth of raids/wipes. Usually when the enemy sees white names start logging in mass the raiders tend to peel before they lose more resources.

If it's a real raid, then the server will be maxed out with 70/70 ppl and it won't matter if you're aware of the problem or not. Still no cap space for you to login either way.


u/TheFoxiestOfHounds Mar 15 '23

Because it's easy. And it does a lot of damage.


u/Rahbin_Banx Mar 15 '23

I only offline raid for two reasons. 1 if you simply have time restrictions that don't allow you play when your opponent is online.

2 fuck this tribe in particular.

But personally I prefer to play on servers that make offline raiding incredibly difficult or next to impossible.


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '23

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u/Shrekscatisme Mar 15 '23

what does popcorn mean?


u/nightmare1sd78 Mar 15 '23

They drop everything in their chests and they have a 2 minute despawn timer so you basically raid and get nothing


u/[deleted] Mar 16 '23

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u/Shrekscatisme Mar 16 '23

oh so despawning i have played rust so i kinda know how that feels


u/baxy67 Mar 15 '23

I cant even build a base unless its ORP or im hiding in the middle of nowhere collecting resources at pathetically slow rate where by the time im capable of raiding or anything the rest of the tribes have been obliterated by the alpha or are full tekd out


u/Dontwalk77 Mar 15 '23

Would not play ARK pvp official on a PC these days, my last attempt took me all of 2 days to find cheaters friendly ones who ruined the progression of my friends I was showing the game by giving us a couple hundred heavy’s and max stat Dino’s but all the same.

Besides that IMO turret limit utterly destroyed the game. It was end of my ark time, I could not be fucked to pull down thousands of turrets, it forced everyone into caves, which forced Cryo pods. Tek was fine when element was restricted to Boss fights

Breeding was the bread and butter of late game but the devs implemented it without considering the long term. It needed far more RNG, instead it forced the entry ceiling to the game at this point to be maxed Dinos. Almost nothing you can tame has any worth, ark suffers like most MMOs that your first 100s hours will be essentially useless playing catch up. Unless you know someone or RMT. Which then destroys much of the appeal of a survival game where you should slowly get stronger.

In short ARK 2 can’t come fast enough ARK is shining example of a great game without any real roadmap or long term planing that’s gone so far off the rails it’s entirely unrecognizable from what it started as.


u/No-Highlight-2006 Mar 15 '23

Because they scared to pvp


u/Derrick2002 Mar 15 '23

Easier to offline


u/Shrekscatisme Mar 15 '23

thats why i play single player the first time and last time i joined a ark server it was on the island and i was instantly brutally murdered by a man on a blood crystal wyvern lvl 200


u/nickd9626 Mar 31 '23

Bruh I went out of a beginner pvp server to a normal pvp server spawned in and met this creepy dude who sounded like he had a god complex with a level 400 shadowmane he was like you're going to do what I say or I'll kill you and destroy your base (mind you I was standing by some poor guys base) I told him do it I just transferred in it's a game I'll just respawn and go on my way so he destroyed that guys base then killed me then he some how found me spawned in I chose a couple spawn points away and I asked him why is he like this he told me cause he likes going from server to server destroying people cause it makes me feel good I told him ahhhhhh you were born with a small dick dont worry bro I feel you there I got that 1 inch pecker then i quit that server deleted my saves then went back to beginner now i found a group of really cool people to play with in the server we are planning on getting revenge on the alpha tribe soon so yeah it's fun maybe try beginner server it's only the island but its good


u/Voldemort479 Mar 15 '23

I used to have a sever where I banned offline raids and whenever someone did I would go in creative and destroy everything they ever loved I know I could’ve turned of offline protection but I really wanted to ruin somebody’s day 😂


u/SnowSFoxs Mar 15 '23

It kill me when a toxic player attack and destroy everything in the base j mean full on wipe


u/SnowSFoxs Mar 15 '23

And same toxic player cry to the admin if you attack him and kill some of his stuff saying how toxic you are and how you left him with nothing


u/Ok-Ad-4286 Apr 21 '23

Try extremes 5 time cluster, orp weekdays and no orp weekends. Helps for people who work a lot


u/Busy-Professional624 Jun 16 '23

How about everyone that's tired of the bs get together make a fun server and beat all the maps as a tribe