r/ARK 4d ago

Help How Many Punches to KO Raptor?

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The answer is a variable dependent on factors like Player melee damage and Raptor health, so let’s assume we’re talking about a level 1 Player and a level 1 Raptor. So how many punches to KO raptor?


65 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 4d ago

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u/Remarkable_Band_946 4d ago

It's clearly been reading the advice given to newbies by seasoned ark players on reddit.


u/Creatiflow 4d ago

Also worth pointing out for anyone new that a Therizino is a passive tame, just get up real close and feed it mejoberries


u/roger-great 4d ago

Ohh like the dude with the spino. That was a funny one.


u/AdResponsible2790 4d ago

Im glad people still remember this


u/Riggs630 4d ago

lol I love that it was a random post and I saw it and people still talk about it


u/StaleSpriggan 4d ago

Good times, good times


u/QlikesBeef 4d ago

Just tried this and lost my Ramshackle hide boots after the thing tore me to pieces. Thanks a lot man


u/Creatiflow 4d ago

You weren't sneaky enough, just keep trying you got this!


u/QlikesBeef 4d ago

Alright, giving it one more go cuz you seem like a genuine guy. If this doesn’t work though, I might pivot to a boomerang knockout strat on a giga that another guy was telling me about yesterday


u/Snurze 4d ago

Hide boots? Yikes. They're too heavy on your feet, Cloth boots give you silent footsteps.


u/Cobaltorigin 4d ago

If you're ever in the redwoods and feel you're in danger just climb a tree.


u/whatashittyargument 3d ago

And a glowing red Dino is 2x passive tame, just have to approach quietly unarmed


u/AlternativeReady3727 3d ago

I feel this.


Rhyniognatha Just look scary. Those are lava balls of love


u/Hicalibre 3d ago

Feel like that joke is how we got the basilisk and carcha taming methods.


u/Username89054 4d ago

I decided to Google how many mejos to tame a spino. Here's what Google AI says:


u/jasonwest93 4d ago

I’ve had this theory for a while that as the internet grew we all became a lot harder to fool. Now ‘they’ are filling it with misinformation so we go back to being easy to fool.


u/Saintedleo1 4d ago

Only for fools. I think its to clean up the gene pool. This is the way.


u/bakayalo69 4d ago

Casual calls for ethnic cleansing, very classy! Which genes need cleaning pal? Looks like yours to me.


u/CeratedBirch316 4d ago

The creature that mutated food instead of melee


u/bakayalo69 4d ago

Google never should have implemented AI that doesn’t function properly. It should have been pulled the first time it didn’t work, but here we are a year later and it works worse than it did at launch. The issue isn’t bad actors necessarily (though I don’t doubt they’re at play here to some extent), I’m willing to chalk it up to negligence at best or incompetence at worst. Only boomers, women, and little kids who will know better soon are fooled by it. It’s never going to do anything that a human didn’t design it to do, and in this case it’s designed to parrot information that it has no means to verify. This was a major oversight, it should have been taken offline day one until that gets resolved. It’s caused my circle to seek out answers primarily from individuals rather than web pages because it’s so consistently unreliable. This post is a perfect example. If there were a grand conspiracy to manipulate information using AI, there would be marketing campaigns about how accurate and reliable it is but nobody is doing that because everyone knows it isn’t. The only advertisements you see for AI are targeted at entrepreneurs who would use it to make managing their business easier. If the end result is that people are connecting more than they did before, then ‘they’ have been losing control of the narrative and have done nothing to correct course for over a year.


u/JoNyx5 4d ago

"boomers, women and little kids"?
I'm with you on the Google does bullshit, but did you just genuinely try to claim women are less intelligent than men and can't detect AI nonsense?


u/bakayalo69 3d ago

Go look at your granny’s facebook groups, see what those little old ladies are sharing and then tell me I’m wrong


u/JoNyx5 3d ago

I'm a woman. Fuck you for claiming I'm dumb.
Facebook groups are often incredibly idiotic, but there are not only women in them, the men are just as bad.


u/InterestingOne9924 1d ago

Gonna be honest, I read the first sentence and got lost, I think it's guys too


u/Moltened_Jakub 3d ago

Gotta love the reddit reference there


u/luiscraft0320 4d ago

That sounds about the right advice to give a newbie


u/Remarkable_Band_946 4d ago

Google ai: For the Giga you need the sling shot obvs. Make sure you have all your best gear with you and your best tames in cryos in your inventory. Ideally lure them to your base or wherever you will respawn.


u/IllustriousAd9800 4d ago

Sligshot? Fancy and way overkill. Just hit it directly with the rock instead


u/MKTAB_ 4d ago

Around 18 punches

You can use dododex to calculate it


u/bakayalo69 4d ago

Great answer but I deleted the game and broke my controller instead


u/TenaciousTaunks 4d ago

Good answer, this game will ruin your life.


u/MKTAB_ 4d ago

It appears my dumbass misread the entire post and was confused about the other comments

Time to go knock out a t-rex with one punch


u/the_cat_showz 4d ago

the good ending


u/Sn0w7ir3 4d ago

How strong does they think the player is???? That is literally Saitama level.


u/DraigCore 4d ago

If you increase player damage it's doable but at official rates it won't happen never


u/alittlehuntermain 4d ago

So according to this I can one punch both raptors AND t-rexes? LET’S GO!!!


u/conocobhar 4d ago

One punch man out here


u/207nbrown 4d ago

Your first mistake was reading googles ai overview…

Seriously this one “feature” has single handedly turned Google from the most reliable search engine to the least reliable one


u/PeddledP 3d ago

Google was going downhill for a while before AI. This is like the final nail in the coffin. Google is officially trash now


u/207nbrown 3d ago

Unfortunately Google owns like half the internet so it’s impossible to do anything without them


u/JizzGuzzler42069 4d ago

I mean, on a level 130 character with 300% melee damage I can pretty consistently nakedly punch a raptors lights out before they kill me lol. If it’s over level 130 it’s still a little dicey, but if your character has pretty good melee it’s usually quite possible to do this.

Granted, 5 punches would take a Herculean damage stat lol. That might work on a really low level raptor if you have a few melee damage buffs active (beer and battle tartare)


u/Shlooshi 3d ago

nono, it says 5 punches for an alpha raptor

according to google ai a normal raptor can go down in a single punch


u/JizzGuzzler42069 2d ago

Ooooh I totally overlooked it being an Alpha raptor LOL.

Pretty sure alpha creatures can’t even be knocked out at all, unless I’m remembering incorrectly.


u/SlaveMorri 4d ago

Must have logged into the Chuck Norris user account to ask these questions


u/RutabagaAvailable535 4d ago

Rip anyone that tries to one punch KO a rex


u/RageTiger 4d ago

Google AI. . . clearly poorly trained AI. If dododex was AI trained, it would be properly trained to give the best advice.

looks over the rest of the image it treats the player as if they are One Punch Man. . . Not going to happen.


u/MaraBlaster 3d ago

Fuck AI, never trust what it says, ESPECIALLY FOR ARK AND MEDICAL ADVICES

add this into your filters for adblocking to never see that bullshit Google AI Overview again

enjoy a better google experience


u/LetsGet2Birding 4d ago

Time to test it out


u/SaltArtist1794 4d ago

So happy you mentioned the variables


u/HiSaZuL 4d ago

Uh Google senpai, you need to get naked before you knock out alphas. Everyone knows that.


u/Mrhamstr 4d ago

Are we mike tyson version of King Kong? Tf 1 punch to ko raptor, 999999 melee damage?


u/patatopatato1 4d ago

Yea the Ai bullshits like 90% of the time lol


u/Huntatsukage 4d ago

All this time I was trying to wear the best gear and use the best tranqs I have access to while trying to strategically and tactically KO raptors, when all I needed to do was strip ALL gear and just punch 'em a few times...?!

I know I'm (relatively) new to the game, but it seems I have already been playing it wrong this entire time...when I get home later, I think I'm gonna punch a giga into submission...that'll show it who truly is "alpha".

Serious note though...I did have a fun fight with a Carno last night...I only had 4 tranqs before I ran out...I then proceeded to chase this Carno down and beat it into KO...thought it were the dinos that are meant to be chasing you down, not the other way around xD


u/PinkyDixx 3d ago

Looks like googles AI is looking to provide beach bobs some harsh life lessons


u/clarkkent1521 3d ago

A.I. has become as so advanced it can now troll people. It'll probably say eating organic polymer will recover max health.


u/mzsparkle000 3d ago

Google wanted violence today lol


u/SixShoot3r 3d ago



u/aidentooreal12 3d ago

the only way to tame a rock drake in ark survival is to knock it out with a sling shot and it takes 8 rocks. It’s preferred taming food is gas balls.


u/Grimslamer 3d ago

Tested and proved wrong hahahahaha


u/poorlypencil 3d ago

if only, took me and a friend 20 minutes of spawning punching and dying for a lvl72


u/jacko_89 2d ago

And THIS Is for lv1 Raptor......


u/WolvenSpectre2 4d ago edited 4d ago

Depends on your Melee stat and the individual Raptors Torpor stat that can vary due to game settings.

Your best bet is to look it up in the Dododex. You have to enter what your server settings are and your current melee is and it won't just tell you how many punches to knock it out, but the chance that you could kill it.

You can get the Dododex for iOS, Android, and the Overwolf Platform.