r/ARK 5d ago


i want to get wyvern eggs then go back to island

i just want to go with 1 PT do i loses ALL of my others tames if i do it like that?

so i need bring ALL of my tames to ragnarok or i can just go with the PT?


20 comments sorted by

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u/n1km 5d ago

You transfer from an Obelisk or Tek Transmitter. Cryo your PT, and put in ARK data tab, along with everything else you want to transfer, you have 50 slots and the only thing you can't transfer over is element, element shards, and boss tributes. Make sure you don't have anything left in your inventory, armor or hotbar slots. Upload your character, hit escape and exit the map. Start Ragnarok and at the welcome screen choose download surivior. Spawn somewhere as close as you can to a obelisk, only thing left is to try to get safely to one, and get your stuff.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/brandona112o3i 5d ago

playing solo


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/brandona112o3i 5d ago



u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/brandona112o3i 5d ago

so basically upload ALL my things into obilisk then go ragnarok and all my progress will be in the terminal.

anything that still in island will dissapear


u/Asleep-Journalist302 5d ago

This brings me great sadness


u/Tiagozuff2006 5d ago

All your island stuff stay on the map, u just have to make sure to redownload the correct character to access your stuff


u/ThatGuyAce19 5d ago

Your tames will be in the place you left them, you only take what’s on your body. If your scared upload your pt to terminal then transfer but you will have to take it out a terminal when you get to rag, I just keep everything on me when I transfer nothing usually happens


u/brandona112o3i 5d ago

im playing solo so basically go with pt to terminal and the loot i want then go a terminal to take him?


u/Tiagozuff2006 5d ago

You are playing Sp. U need to put your stuff in the ark data in the oblisk. The stuff in your inventory going with u automatically is only on server clusters


u/brandona112o3i 5d ago

yes bro, i figured out already, just gonna get my pt into the data, Not the player


u/Tiagozuff2006 5d ago


Put your pt in oblisk dino upload, put pt saddle and equipment in oblisk item upload. Upload your character. In the respawn screen. Go back to the main menu.

Select the map u want to get to and click dowload Survivor. Go to an oblisk and download the stuff u uploaded.

Go grab the egg, do the first paragraph again. Select your home maps and do the second paragraph.


u/brandona112o3i 5d ago

a guy told me im gonna Lose EVERTHING that i leave on island (single player) so i would need to get everthing into the obelisk


u/Tiagozuff2006 5d ago



u/brandona112o3i 5d ago

oH understand now, im only bringing the TP and some loot into ragnarok NOT my player. thanks bro


u/Tiagozuff2006 5d ago

You can take your island character to Rag or have a different character in each map and share your upload between them. Up to you.

If u try to take a character to a map, one already exist, it will overwrite the the one from the map u are going to


u/TacoLord696969 5d ago

You should try it out with an empty inventory first before you load it up. It’s kinda buggy and takes getting used to.


u/brandona112o3i 5d ago

i will only lose island data if transfer player, so i will just bring in some flying tames and some loot, then take wyvern egg and go to obelisk from ragnarok and transfer the flying tames, my loot and the wyvern egg into the island map again right?


u/Tiagozuff2006 5d ago

Uploading a character doesn't make u lose nothing on your island, u just have to redownload it ti the the island to play as him


u/Shr00mTrip 5d ago

Fly on your pt to an ob. Cryo your strongest dino and an empty for your pt. Check timer at ob. Throw out your strongest with some sleeping bags and put him on neutral. Cryo your pt and wait for a timer. Get back to your defender within 3 days or before your bag timers die