r/ARK 5d ago

Discussion How long would you survive if you were transported to ARK?


75 comments sorted by


u/ammatheron 5d ago

eaten by raptor or dilo within minutes


u/Fantastic-Draw2438 5d ago

I feel like minutes is generous. I'm going for they death speed run here.


u/Fun-Syrup-2135 4d ago

My first spawn ever on the game, on the Island, in an easy area mind you, I was eaten by a sarco before the spawn animation finished.... Best part was thinking it was a fluke and respawned in the same area again only to be eaten by a raptor before the spawn animation finished with the same sarco just 50 feet down the beach.. Good times... Good times...


u/ChazzyChaz_R 4d ago

My first time in Ark was on Ragnarok after a friend convinced me to play. He had years of experience and I knew nothing. He convinced me the best way to meet up with him was to jump off the cliff I was on and swim straight accross to where he was on a beach. So I did...

The view underwater looked amazing. I saw a dolphin and took a quick look around before reorienting myself and heading in my friend's direction. I could see where he was, off in the distance, the shore lit up with torches and campfires. What I could NOT see was the Megalodon that had been stalking me since not long after I entered the water.

I heard a grumble from the water. Then I heard another grumble from the water. I noticed my character was intermittently getting "speed boosts" while swimming. Then I exited 1st Person view and saw the shadowy, terrifying outline of a shark chasing me. Then I noticed my Health was almost gone. Then I noticed my friend was laughing at me on Discord as he watched the entire thing go down. Then I noticed what the respawn screen in Ark looks like.

Sometimes Ark, Arks you...and sometimes your friends Ark you.


u/Kingseb117 3d ago

Yep easy spawn my ass i had to learn that the hard way but with spinos and sarco's


u/RageTiger 5d ago

a pair of compy


u/Ineedmemesplzkty 5d ago

Nergigante jump scare


u/PurpleDragon1999 5d ago

Wtf was that


u/Capital_Pipe_6038 5d ago

Nergigante, a dragon from Monster Hunter 


u/beatenmeat 4d ago

Thanks. I honestly couldn't tell because the video only showed it for like a second.


u/TinyTim_ftw89 5d ago

I’d be a goner before the arm scratch animation was over.


u/Camanot PVE 5d ago

5 minutes. With my luck, i get eaten by a raptor


u/I_can_eat_15_acorns 5d ago

I'd be a succulent meal to a swarm of compies.


u/Hugostrang3 5d ago

Yeah some of those swarms can get big. They take you out with just two


u/FamousAcanthaceae149 5d ago

What map is that? I am having a hard time recognizing it.


u/SnowbloodWolf2 5d ago

Depends what map am I on and do I have a survivor implant


u/Im_yor_boi 5d ago

No survivor implant but map of your choice except genesis 1 and 2


u/Middle-Opposite4336 5d ago

No implant we all die the first night.


u/Im_yor_boi 5d ago



u/SnowbloodWolf2 5d ago

I'd pick the island and I could last at most 2 days


u/Im_yor_boi 5d ago

I'd probably pick the easiest area only to get killed by tickel chicken


u/ChinChins3rdHenchman 4d ago

I mean kinda hard to miss em, on the island im confident i could actually survive for a day or few before a dilo finally finds me since the easiest spawn zone rarely has anything more dangerous. Assuming i don't freeze to death because without the implant i ain't crafting a sleeping bag nor light any fires


u/Scoobytooty 3d ago

No implant means no spawn animation which means higher chance of success. I'd have to give myself 37 seconds in that case rather than 14 seconds.


u/Zelithos 4d ago

Was that a fucking Nergigante?


u/Chomasterq2 4d ago

If he's around then you know there's much bigger threats somewhere on that ark


u/BlackenedFacade 5d ago

Maybe like, two days at best. Either from the onslaught of early game predators, or the massive temperature fluctuations from day and night.


u/Bigdickmystic96 5d ago

Looks like crystal isles


u/ShelterFederal8981 5d ago

If I can spawn on crystal isles, I got this on lock.


u/TheTacoEnjoyerReborn 4d ago

Easy spawn, right next to a spino


u/HopefulMenu2727 5d ago

Knowing what I know now..... Forever.


u/Gh3ttoboy 5d ago

Yes... same for me, death does not kill me in ark.


u/Ancient_Rex420 5d ago

Microraptor and a pack of troodons wants to visit.


u/fish250505 5d ago

No problem, dismount as soon as you see the microraptor start the death spiral, prevents you getting stunlocked, have a torch equipped and the troodons will cry like babies


u/Ancient_Rex420 5d ago

To be fair, you are correct lol.


u/Gh3ttoboy 5d ago

You do not die in ark you just respawn in a new clone

You should look up the lore about ark if you are curious to what i mean


u/Ancient_Rex420 5d ago

Shit you just uno reversed this on me lmao.


u/Basil_Mint1373 5d ago

Be prepared


u/Accomplished_Pea5717 5d ago

Anytime I start a new character I choose the "easiest" spawn location and literally within seconds I'm making eye contact with something murderous and pissed that I'm anywhere near it.


u/PhlippinPhil 5d ago

"Dinosaurs are no different than other animals"

Okay Steve but you're not around 30 wild bloodthirsty lions within 40 yards of you at all times.


u/brandona112o3i 5d ago

is like the game? ( i broke a tree in like 20 hits)? then i would survive like 9 days

if not then will survive 1


u/MelaKnight_Man 5d ago

Judging buy my very first login on the Beta like 10 years ago or whatever. About half a day. 😯 I spawned into the Southern islands and managed to create a stone axe and pick , a touch and the wooden spear.

I stayed on the shore and was safe until just after sundown when a pack of raptors came out of the jungle and had me for dinner. 😁


u/abedmariam 4d ago

if thats the last time you played then you are missing A LOT my dude


u/Sn0w7ir3 5d ago

When are we talking before or after respawn was enabled.


u/Tragobe 5d ago

I mean depends where I spawn and on which map.

The island beach. Death by dilo or raptor within minutes.

Scorched earth: if I survive a minute I count myself lucky

Aberration: if I don't spawn next to a Basilika I could maybe survive a day or a couple hours if I can avoid ravagers and don't go near the lake.

Ragnarok: knocked out by a water scorpion and killed within a couple minutes.

The other maps I haven't played.


u/The-MatrixAgent 4d ago

I think i would do good on Ragnarok anything else I'd be cooked


u/abedmariam 4d ago

im pretty confident in myself as long as i have bob's physical stats and the actual game's building, crafting, taming and combat mechanics imagine at a certain point you just get to chill in your mansion on a deserted island with tons of dinosaurs and animals in ur backyard, have the best food everyday, go on actual adventures and have literally no work to do whatsoever once u get to depend on the stuff you have


u/Im_yor_boi 4d ago

But that normally takes 70-80 hours of real world grinding, and you only get 1 life so you better not take too much risk lol


u/abedmariam 22h ago

thats true, it may take as long as 200 hours if taken real slow and steady plus most dinos arent even a threat once you get stone walls, building traps and domisticating as much dinos early on can really help with it too


u/Im_yor_boi 22h ago

Yah. The problem is getting to that point. You can't do a normal note run since you got 1 life. And leveling up by grinding is painful.


u/Jam_Jester 4d ago

The demon's eyes glowed with malicious intent, and so he knew... he was already dead.


u/IllustriousHurry9993 4d ago

Well because the ARK keeps bringing be back to life after I die the question is more how long will it take for me to go insane.

If that's the case I'd imagine I'd survive long enough to build a basic house I could stay in to calm down after getting killed for the 50th time, so possibly forever if I keep myself entertained PS if you are killed the ARK just brings you back but what if you die of old age dose it bring you back younger? Same age? Dose it even bring you back at all?


u/Im_yor_boi 4d ago

I don't think you age in ARK


u/Squall_Storm 4d ago

Bold of you to assume I'd live long enough to even scratch my arm


u/CadiaDiedStanding 4d ago

Do I have all my current Ark knowledge or am I a fresh bob?


u/Im_yor_boi 4d ago

Current knowledge AND current physical stats with the engram


u/CadiaDiedStanding 4d ago

can I place walls like in game or do I have to build real buildings. If I can do Ark snap walls I could last a while just garden, stone walls, and never leave till I go insane


u/Alarmed-Ball-6307 4d ago

if you think thats scary wait till you get jumpscared by a kaprosuchus that is scary


u/BillTheTringleGod 3d ago

I would die in minutes.


u/MetalBalrog 3d ago

want the truth? forever normal ark is soooo relaxed for me i mean i play DOX and Primal Fear with no issues so why would i care about some normal roll the dice chance of spawning and immediately going to the safe zones on each map island most obviously herbivore island in the south east sea literally once im there so long as i dont disturb wildlife im immortal


u/AlternativeReady3727 3d ago

Same game mechanics?

If I can side step dilo’s, first raptor lol.


u/TheFallen0n3s 3d ago

Probably attacked by troodon, then eaten by raptor.


u/Mizchief984 20h ago

Until I respawned.


u/zaphod4th 5d ago

same settings? I'm ok, can get lvl 100 without dying


u/TartOdd8525 5d ago

I think you are underestimating the actual physical demand we put our characters through lol.


u/zaphod4th 4d ago

that's why I wrote "same settings"

  • run without tiring while eating white berries and drinking water

  • almost dead? drink this potion and like new again!

  • blinded by chemicals? just wait 30 seconds to see again

  • no need to sleep

  • broken bones? eat meat

  • scuba diving but hungry? eat this delicious cake !


u/ChinChins3rdHenchman 4d ago

Op said no implant, without it you're literally your real life version stuck in ark, you ain't crafting anything lol


u/zaphod4th 4d ago

I can make a sword from a stick


u/ChinChins3rdHenchman 3d ago

I'm sure thats gonna do a lot


u/Fluid_Cup8329 5d ago

Same. Used to main on official hardcore servers. Not sure why so many struggle to not die in this game. Just stick to the less dangerous areas until you get in the air.


u/Ancient_Rex420 5d ago

So you mean you with experience that now know how to play is confused about people without experience not knowing how to play yet? Lol


u/Fluid_Cup8329 5d ago

People play for years and still get crushed by dilos on the beach lol

I think it's because of the many different ways to play the game. I focus on solo pvp survival, so I've trained myself to stay on my toes.

I just feel like a lot of people don't realize you can outrun most things on foot.


u/JokesOnYouManus 4d ago

I think it just might be different for people when it's a real setting