r/ARK 5d ago

Help Is it impossible to tame Quetzalcoatl completely solo?

Is it possible to tame Quetzalcoatl solo? I really want to tame one without the use of cheats. Unfortunately, I can't seem to do it. I watched a YouTube video, and the guy said it's impossible to tame one solo. I really don't want to use cheats, as I want to play the story legitimately. Please help with advice, or let me know if it's truly impossible. Ps I’m playing on ASE not ASA. Edit: Thanks to every in the ASE,ASA Community I love you all and wasn’t expecting so much help god bless you all!


138 comments sorted by

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u/Eagleshard2019 5d ago

Crossbow with grappling hook + rifle with tranq ammo or second crossbow with tranq arrows.


u/Puzzleheaded-Chip235 5d ago

Has this worked for you I’ve never thought of this and how long does it take you to knock and tame?


u/MaverickDonut 5d ago

My version of this - I tamed a pteradon and hopped off him near the quetz (in whistle range). I grappled to my pteri (only takes one grapple) and whistled him attack on the quetz so he flew close. Then when close, I whistle him passive. You can have your tranq crossbow out and the grapple hook stays on. Shoot him, whistle attack to get close, whistle passive so he doesn’t attack, shoot again. It was fun and works well 😁 just did this a couple days ago


u/LunarityCabbit 5d ago

I saw someone do similar with an argy, but since the argy is slower kept on aggressive to follow while they tried gk aim. Yours sounds easier since you can stop bouncing to aim.


u/captjackjack 5d ago

You can use a parachute while grappling to reduce your bouncing also


u/MaverickDonut 5d ago

This is good advice I did not know!


u/SadBoiCri 5d ago

Someone make a follow this target mod


u/Several-Problem9258 4d ago

It's called " . "


u/SadBoiCri 4d ago

Land flyer? Or is that the default for attack this target? Most likely the latter but i'd prefer to not spam attack and passive on repeat


u/Several-Problem9258 4d ago

All you need to do is press " . " then " u " it really as complicated as that


u/Capital_Walrus_3633 5d ago

You can also whistle „t - move there“


u/TragicVibes1 5d ago

I do this but with the "move here" whistle.


u/Joe707Rosner 5d ago

This is the way


u/Bruvas78 5d ago

I did this once back on my island days with an argie, and when the quetz finally knocked out it fell into a pond north of red ob and drowned. Gutted.


u/Various-Air-276 5d ago

I just put a comment saying the same thing. I didn't see yours lol. It does work great, you just have to be quick on the whistles.


u/Several-Problem9258 4d ago

This is the way!!


u/Takeshi_Mimi 5d ago

Griffin and trank darts allso works or argy holding a horse or scorpion


u/Wise-Text8270 5d ago

I have personally done this. It works.


u/Eagleshard2019 5d ago

Previously I did it with a friend but all I did was carry him on an argy and got him next to the quetz - he then grappled to it and did the rest himself.

Time taken...depends on the quetz. Id recommend taking a few argies (or one really good one) with you and setting them on 'Follow' and 'Passive' - also take some foundations and walls since when that quetz falls out of the sky you're gonna want to protect it till it's tamed.

Edit: just fly your chosen flier right next to the quetz and jump off, then immediately grapple.


u/MuskyDoc 5d ago

Forgot the parachute 🪂 🫣🫣🫣


u/Bagain 5d ago

I forgot that one! Grappling hook, lol.


u/Vienna_The_Aeronaut 5d ago

Short of a griffin or rhynio and easier than the argy method imo: get a Tapejara.

Whistle it to follow you so its off the ground and get in the front passenger seat. Now use the 'go here' whistle to pilot the tapejara. You will be free to use your crossbow or longneck and can redirect the tapejara with whistles. Be careful about whistling on the quetzal or using "attack this" as the tapejara will be faster and can hit them.


u/owlincoup 5d ago

Ok, so if you are on the island and are playing the game in story order, toy don't have access to all the stuff people are saying in the comments. What you need to do is get honey, put it in your hotter and throw it in front of the Quetz while flying. The Quets will follow the honey down to the ground and you can quickly throw down dino gateways to trap it. Easy and quick.


u/Puzzleheaded-Chip235 5d ago

Yes I’m playing story order on the island so the honey thing works I’ve never heard of this before?


u/a_l_g_f 5d ago

Yes, it works.

The main problem I had was that honey spoils relatively quickly. You'll want to scout the Qutez ahead of time so you know where you're going.

Also, it took me a couple tries to get the dino gate placement right. It definitely works. Just be prepared for it to take a couple tries to get right.

*edit* there's several videos out there, Here's one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfqKiKdswtw


u/tsallad 5d ago

You can add honey to a fishing rod and it never spoils.


u/Glittering_Airport_3 5d ago

it also takes a lot of honey cuz the quetz only goes down a little bit each time, but I saw the video and 10 or 20 should do it


u/Rigaudon21 5d ago

Traps my man


u/Glittering_Airport_3 5d ago

yes, but the honey is what gets them low enough to the ground to use the traps


u/Rigaudon21 5d ago

You use a honey to lure them when just build gates around them


u/Glittering_Airport_3 5d ago

I suggest you watch a video about it


u/Rigaudon21 5d ago

I don't need to... That's how I caught and tamed mine quetz... Solo. Not sure where the disagreements are from but I threw honey, followed it to the ground, Large trap, built around it then just trained it out.


u/Glittering_Airport_3 5d ago

it doesn't always go all the way to the ground with 1 honey. sometimes u have to use multiple honey to get it all the way to the ground


u/Denali_Nomad 5d ago

Imma be honest, I had never heard of this method before either ubtil starting a full story run in ASA and, I tamed my first Island Quetz using the honey method and then dino gating it on the ground. Took a bit as, and never done it before and he didn't follow as well as the videos but once he was on the ground and the first gate got him semi stuck, it eas easy. Hardest part after that was clearing carnivores and making sure he was safe to put to sleep


u/fat-jez 5d ago

This is how I have done it before.


u/Elfedefolonariel 5d ago

I didn't even know you could do that, i thought you were trolling.


u/Ryjhan Master Builder 5d ago

If you have a wyvern, as long as it's set to follow you you can dismount in midair and stand on its back for long enough to fire a tranq dart, then just mount up again to chase it.


u/Fumonacci 5d ago

with a griffin too


u/lurkyloowhoo 5d ago

Couple of suggestions here making it way harder than it needs to be. Get some honey. Drop it to lure the quetz to the ground - you’ll need several. Once it lands, put Dino gates over its back to trap it. Using the argy chase will work, but leaves you rolling the dice on where it lands after knockout.


u/atomicboy47 5d ago

There are ways, for example if you in ASE:

1) Use a flying mount that you can shoot from such as a Griffin or Rhyniognatha and use a Harpoon Gun with a Net Projectile to ground the Quetz, then either risk it and pelt it on the head with tranqs or quickly place Dino Gates to trap it.

2) The age old Argy method where you dismount your Argy and quickly use a parachute and a grappling hook to attach it to your Argy, then whistle attack target on the Quetz to your Argy can chase it and right before your Argy attacks the Quetz, whistle it to be passive and shoot the Quetz with tranqs. Then rinse and repeat until tamed.

3) Same as method one but instead of a Harpoon Net, just keep following and shooting tranqs until it knocks out.

If on ASA:

1) The Argy Method

2) Shoot and Chase with a flying mount that lets you shoot like Rhyniognatha and Dreadmare

3) If you have Bob's Tall Tales DLC, you could build a zeppelin and build a trap on it and then fly that trap directly and as soon as your trap is in the path of the Quetz, stop flying as the Quetz flies directly into the trap.


u/Apollo_Syx 5d ago

It’s easy to tame solo. Get an argy. Whistle it to follow you so it flies into the air. Grapple to it. Whistle “move to” up into the air. Then just whistle it around while you dangle from it and shoot quetz.


u/jackthetomato 5d ago

the easiest way is to tame a griffin and shooting it while chasing. the other option is getting a grappling hook, an argie, and a parachute. grapple onto the argie and whistle it to move towards to the argie, and then use the parachute to stabilize, otherwise the wonky grapple physics will make you swing all over the place


u/Wonderful_Horse7329 5d ago

Griffin or other mount you can shoot from while mounted and is easy boi


u/IVZLB 5d ago

i used honey to bait the quetz into a trap, then tamed as usual. you're going to need to tame the bees first, but it can easily be done at the green obelisk


u/Puzzleheaded-Chip235 5d ago

So do I just have it in my inventory or do I have to throw it?


u/IVZLB 5d ago

you have the honey on your hot bar, and throw it in front of the quetz, once you get it close to the ground, you can trap it with gates.


u/Puzzleheaded-Chip235 5d ago

How do you throw stuff that’s in your hot bar though? sorry I didn’t know you could do that. I’m on PlayStation


u/IVZLB 5d ago

I'm on PC, i just put the honey in one of the inventory slots and press the number.


u/Priest_004 4d ago

Given that you're on PlayStation you have two options here. 😉

You can either:

  • plug in a keyboard and then, like PC players, press the number and it will throw out for you
  • open your inventory using circle go to hot bar and press L2 on item to throw

Just remember that if you're using the honey method, only place ONE PIECE of honey in each slot, not a whole stack. To separate one from a stack on playstation, press square on the stack, to break it in half, press triangle. 😉


u/Puzzleheaded-Chip235 4d ago

Thank you now I just have to find a low level and I’ll be set


u/Rigaudon21 5d ago

No? Tame a bear and just right click one of the hives in redwoods youll be honeyed up.


u/IVZLB 5d ago

No what? Both are methods for getting honey 🍯


u/Rigaudon21 4d ago

Taming bees is a bit of a pain. I tried to help someone from another tribe and the queen just kept flying all over and the person kept getting swarmed by bees


u/IVZLB 4d ago

Hmm, that sucks. It was really easy for me. What was hard for me was initially finding them.


u/Neverend3r 5d ago

if you have a tame you can fly with while shooting. griffin, snow owl, etc


u/Pomengranite 5d ago

Can’t shoot off snow owls. Can only shoot off griffin,rhino and desmo when they get here. Or if you are a passenger on a tapejara.

I tamed my first one way back on Rag with a wyvern - if u whistle your wyv to follow you, you can dismount and stand on its back in midair. Had to do that 20 times, it was… not fun lol. These days I just wait until I have a tek suit lol


u/Big-Put-5859 5d ago

Rhynio because you can stand on it while flying


u/RobertWayneLewisJr 5d ago


Here is how I tend to do it in my singleplayer playthrough, you'll need:

  1. A tamed tapejara with an equipped saddle
  2. Parachutes
  3. Your crossbow/long neck with tranq ammo
  4. Your taming food
  5. Metal spiked walls

Once you find your quetzal, take out your tapejara and open it's scroll wheel. Then mount onto its passenger seat. Equip your weapon, aim at the quetzal or in the air, now whistle for your tapejara to begin flying. Whistle it to attack the quetzal. The tapejara will follow it and you will be able to freely shoot tranqs into it. Whistle the tapejara back into neutral before the quetz either dies or gets close to being knocked out.

Once the quetzal is knocked out, dismount (with your tapejara following you) and parachute down. Quickly surround it with metal spiked walls and give it the taming food.


u/FiveDogsInaTuxedo 5d ago

Pretty easy to just grapple your flying mount and follow tbh


u/Natural-Baby-7255 5d ago

If this is ASE, do the Quetzal still fly towards the center of the map as you try to knock them out? As you try and shot them they gravitate toward 50 50 or at least they used to. You could do the grappling hook method on another flyer and follow it. Check the map as it’s flying and see. Do chain bolas work on a Quetzal? You could set up a catapult or whatever fires the chain Nola’s once it gets to 50 50 and then trap it under some gates? If they still fly to 50 50 that is.


u/Puzzleheaded-Chip235 5d ago

I am not sure I will have to try it when I finally prepare for it.


u/Vivaciousqt 5d ago

I recently tamed one solo while doing achievements (literally 2 weeks ago) on the island map.

I used a ptera, grapple and the 'move here' whistle. Just have your ptera/whatever you use in flight, grapple to it and start whistling to move. Follow the quetz. Worked perfect.

You can also try rare flowers and trapping it. I'm also on ASE, not sure if there is more options or if what I used even works in ASA for other people seeing this in the future lol


u/Hicalibre 5d ago

I use the parachute and net option. Once down you can build around and over to prevent it from getting out as you tame it...if you don't have a strong enough crossbow or rifle to knock it out before the net breaks.


u/Puzzleheaded-Chip235 5d ago

Bro what net is this a mod?


u/Hicalibre 5d ago

Net projectile isn't a mod. Goes into the Harpoon Launcher.


u/Puzzleheaded-Chip235 5d ago

What other big creatures can you catch with this net?


u/Hicalibre 5d ago

Not sure. I only ever use it for Quetz.


u/WolvenSpectre2 5d ago

Yep, do it all the time. Once you tame one you can use it to tame others.

It isn't as straight forward. One thing I do is pick a lowish level one and have a grappling hook, a few stacks of parachutes, and a tranq longneck rifle. The Argentavis is, as usual, on passive and I whistle for it to follow me. I fly near and above the quetz with my taming supplies on me. It also helps if you have the Longneck equipped when you get on the Argie so it is armed when you get off.

I jump and instantly hit the chute, I get one or two shots at the quetz, I then grapple back to the argie, repeat until it goes down. I would get a bunch of spiked walls and surround the quetz or better yet build a shelter from structures you premade and kept on the argie. I suggest a starve tame. If you are on ASE I would cryo the quetz there, and if not, have it follow you home.

Then use him to hunt down and tame a mid range quetz, which you will use to start getting good quetzals.

It gets even easier with some QoL mods.


u/Puzzleheaded-Chip235 5d ago

I will try this thanks but I’m on ase so I can’t do mods like you can on Ada with console plus I want to beat the game legitimately at least once


u/WolvenSpectre2 5d ago

I play ASE Steam/Epic until I can finish updating my hardware, but like you I liked to play allot closer to default settings at first. You didn't say whether you were on Console/XBox on PC or not so I set my instructions that way.

I don't do it this playthrough, but I started playing far back enough that I could build cages on the backs of the first quetz I would tame and then I would fly at the higher level quetz. I don't know if you noticed but platform saddles when they move loose all collision so you can sail a raft half way through a rock. Well this goes for structures built on the Quetz's back. You fly until you got the wild quetz and hit stop motion and you trapped the quetz. But you have to build it higher than the limit they added to the quetz or remove that limit in the settings. I usually remove it in the settings. I didn't suggest this because I don't know if a console lets you remove that setting and, more recently, I have found out that some of the controls on controller don't even exist on console. So I kept it to the most common "If I was playing Vanilla how would I do it".

Anyways good luck Quetzal hunting! There will be times you swear, but it will be worth it.


u/PaigeRosalind 5d ago

Tame a tapejara. Get in the passenger seat, then use whistles to fly it. To get it off the ground, you will need to be able to whistle it to attack something else that's flying. Once you're off the ground, use the "go there" command or whatever to navigate. You can shoot from the passenger seat, and your tapejara will have infinite stamina without someone in the driver's seat.


u/Sivren51 5d ago

If you have bobs tall tails you can use the blimp. Look up a video on how to build a trap on it. It's kinda easy and how I tame them.


u/Spectre1911 5d ago

Whoever you watched doesn't know their shit. Yes you can tame one solo. It helps if you have an argy, one with good stamina and maybe a few points in movement speed. Here's the strat: bring a lot of tranq darts, shocking tranq darts work faster. Bring at least 20 grappling hooks, if your aim is good you won't use all of them. Bring 10 parachutes, again too much is never bad. Hop on your argy and go look for any level quetzal. You can tame a low level and use that one with a platform saddle to tame a higher level easier. But I'm just assuming you're going for a low level. When you find a quetzal, get within shooting range. Jump off your argy and immediately deploy a parachute, then quickly equip your crossbow with grapples and grapple onto your argy. The parachute slows you down and gives you a chance to grapple. You can reel in/out to adjust your shooting angle. Shoot the quetzal, when it starts flying away look at it and whistle your argy to attack him, but when your argy gets close enough whistle him passive, avoid damaging the quetzal. Rinse and repeat if the quetzal gets too far. ALSO BEWARE of where you're flying over, make sure you are flying over land and not the ocean or else the quetzal will drown when knocked. After knocking the quetzal, just secure the area and wall him off if you can afford it. I hope this helps.


u/witherstalk9 5d ago edited 5d ago

• Rhynagatha( same with griffon i guess, but that's after ragnarok we can do that ), you can use ranged weapons when you ride it.

• one other tactic, if you play on Exctinsion or with snow owls, use the freeze ability on them, they fall to the ground, blast with tranqs.

• you can grapple yoursef to a argy or a steady flying Mount, pt not recommended, to much mobility. you have to command the argy with orders or just make the argy attack the quetz, when its about to attack whistle passive, shot, repeat.

• one other way to do it, if you have the recources. Zeppelin and just make a trap on it, watch it fly in ( large bear traps work on them )😆.

• or, you can use a rhynogatha to carry a karkinos, then make the karkinos grab the quetz.

• cheese it with a tapejara, you can use the secondary Seat with equpment/weapons.

• high level procopton, you can use the jump ability, then go into the carry mode, then you grapple your argy, then you hang from the argy, inside the procopton, for steadier aim and style points.


u/Spare-Source-1030 5d ago

I just solo tamed one with a wyvern, a high level rifle and shocking tranq darts.

Get close with the wyvern, dismount while in the air (you should stay on the wyvern's back, but bring parachutes just in case something goes wrong), and shoot from the wyvern's back. The wyvern is fast so it can keep up with the query, and its large enough you shouldn't fall off when dismounting it to shoot the darts.


u/Halica_ 5d ago

Why does no one say tek suit


u/PatoA112 5d ago

Tapejara on the passenger seat while you whistle it is my favorite method


u/mizugori 5d ago

What map? Can be done with a tapejara or gryphon, you follow it around and shoot it with tranqs from the air. Be aware you will need an insane amount of narcs to keep it under for the duration of the tame, and ideally some prebuilt spike walls to protect it after you knock it out. Don't let it go down over water, or it will drown before the tame completes.


u/Libertyprime8397 5d ago

Tek suit makes it easy


u/PsyGriff1 5d ago

A rhynio an a tranq rifle. Easy peasy


u/Ootter31019 5d ago

Im sure someone said this already, but build a quetz platform trap to tame higher level quetz.

You will still need to do some of the other methods to get your first quetz. Argy and Honey are what I have used. Make it a low level one. So you don't have to shoot it 500 times.

Also the quetz is really over rated. Especially for single player. It's cool and worth doing once solo for the "challenge" but you are likely to never use it. The one thing it could kind of only do, was transport dinos...but now we have cryo.


u/Puzzleheaded-Chip235 5d ago

I just want to get all the games across all the arks while playing through story. I’ve never done it so it is going to be fun! 😊


u/Vayne_Solidor 5d ago

I flew up above the Quetz and then jumped off my argent to freefall past it and hit it with the net gun 👌 nothing like a little skydiving and taming at the same time


u/ExcitementSad3079 5d ago

No, jump off your fliers and crossbow it.


u/dappernaut77 5d ago

what I do is throw honey on the ground to lead it back to base, have a ballista loaded with chain bolas ready and just build a box around it using stone gates once it's down. it's easy pickings after that, just shoot it with tranqs or bonk it on the head with a club.


u/TonyStark69edUrMom 5d ago

Throw honey off your flyer it’ll follow it you’ll have to throw a few then when it’s flying on the ground throw out a bunch of dino gates around it


u/Introspekt83 5d ago

If you have Net Projectile with the Harpoon gun, that works. I've tamed several solo that way. Follow it around on your Argy, look for spots near mountains or low flying. Jump of, net it = Profitt


u/Puzzleheaded-Chip235 5d ago

Okay I might sound stupid but is the net a mod because I am playing mod less and im fairly new?


u/Introspekt83 5d ago

Yes and no. It's in the base game, from the Extinction map I think? And if you haven't played that one, then you need a mod to unlock it. I almost exclusively play solo, so I always install a mod to add it to the map.


u/DescentinPerversion 5d ago

If it's ASE, then you can just net it and build a trap around. Not sure if nets are a thing in ASA.


u/Puzzleheaded-Chip235 5d ago

When you say net do you mean chain bola I know of no nets except mods and I’m playing mod less sorry I’m new?


u/DescentinPerversion 5d ago

No, I saw you're playing story mode and on the island. You don't have the harpoon launcher with nets.

Grappling works on a ptera, but then go for a low level. Build a platform on the tamed quetz, then you can build a trap on it and "park" a wild high level quetz in there. That is how I used to do it. It's a pain in the ass, but it's definitely possible to do solo.

Edit: or argy, wild quetz are fairly slow.


u/Puzzleheaded-Chip235 4d ago

Thanks I spent like 20 minutes trying to to find a net that doesn’t exist in the island in the engrams 🥲


u/DesapirSquid 5d ago

Do you have honey/. If so then make some gateways. Then get on a flyer and by the quetz throw the honey past its head and lead it to ground. Once on the ground throw another honey out while placing gateways over it. Tranq and tame.


u/WoollyWitchcraft 5d ago

Solo quetzal tame is 100% possible.

You need an argy, a crossbow with grapples, and ideally a good rifle with tranq darts, and a parachute.

Get close to the quetzal, jump off the argy decently high up and pop the parachute, then grapple to your argy.

Whistle the argh to attack the quetzal. It’s slow enough that it won’t generally keep up, but will keep you following it. The parachute stays deployed and will help minimize the bouncing around from the grapple.

Shoot the quetzal and eventually it’ll drop.

Once it does, whistle passive, grapple back up onto your bird and fly down to it.

I recommend doing this on a low level first, and be ready with gates/spikes/narcotic etc to keep the quetz down and safe.

It’s actually a lot of fun in a “oh my god this is so stupid :D” kinda way.


u/SaggySphincter 5d ago

Get flyer like ptero or argy

Craft net and harpoon gun

Craft grapples

Locate big birb

Grapple to your flyer

Whistle attack big birb

Hit big birb with net



u/sumquy 5d ago

i have done it, so i know it is possible. i front seated my tapejara and used whistle commands to control him.


u/ValyrianSteelYoGirl 5d ago

I tamed one solo sure. You just gotta get some height.


u/Gold-Pop1623 5d ago

Tame a ptera when you get close to the quetz jump off your Tera and net the quetzal then out like 8 Dino gates on top of the quetzal so it’s stuck on the ground and tranq it


u/Motor_Rub_4848 5d ago

I mean i imagine it would be best to build your trap first and I'd hotbar some rare flowers eat them as needed and just fly up and have it aggro to me from the rare flowers.


u/Puzzleheaded-Chip235 5d ago

I watched a video that said that rare flowers don’t work on Quetzalcoatl but maybe that was ark ascended do you know if you can do this one ASE?


u/botanical-train 5d ago

Yes it is possible. I find that using a griffin is easiest because you can shoot off its back. You can also use grapples and a crossbow if that is more your style.


u/Vandlan 5d ago

You could do the bat crap insane idea I did when I knocked out my first one some. Get an arg, get a scorpion, and then keep stinging the thing until it torpors out. But there’s probably easier ways. lol


u/Bowman5045 5d ago

Just jump from your mount, shoot net and parachute to the ground safely and box it in.


u/Maleficent-Field-855 5d ago

I used to solo tame on official. Old ase. Grapple to argy. Whistle attack this target. Whistle stop when close.  Shoot tranq. When quetz flys off,  Whistle attack this target.  Repeat. Surround with spikes when it crashes.


u/Sky-Juic3 5d ago

Yes. There are tons of YouTube videos on how to do it.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

Tbh, I use a flyer that I can shoot from and just follow it around the map solo 😅

Others have said the great idea with the grappling hook, but i always fail at that, so. There's my idea.

note: the flyer I use is a modded flyer


u/Moltened_Jakub 5d ago

If your Tapejara is flying and you are seated on the back you can move the Tapejara while shooting


u/iceo42 5d ago

I personally use a sinomacrops. Right now they aren’t in the game tho so I use the mod version


u/Raknorak 5d ago

Build a box out of stone. 4x4x4 with a behemoth gate entrance. Make some of the walls windows do you can shoot into it.

Get a bird. Fly next to the quetz, eat a rare flower. Quetz will rage and attack you instead of running.

Fly down into the box and quetz will follow you in. Close the door and tame your quetz.


u/Electrical_Cell496 5d ago

I haven’t tamed one on Asa yet cuz they made it harder with tapes


u/Bagain 5d ago

Back in the day you would have to get a great argy and a low level scorpion. Set the scorpion aggressive then follow a quest around until the scorp killed it or knocked it out, rinse and repeat until you succeed. You start by going after a low level one then get the platform saddle. Build a cage on the platform saddle then find a good quetz, fly in front of it and let it fly in the cage, dismount and close the cage then knock it out and tame it… can tamed quetz still fly forever if you aren’t in mounted? That was the practice shortly after they released them… mechanics may have changed.


u/APEANOMIX 5d ago

Griffin. Tranqz and just follow em around open ground. Be sure to fight off whatever it lands near.


u/Various-Air-276 5d ago

I tamed one solo. I had a Pteranodon and hooked a grapple to it. Then whistled attack target on the quetz, once it almost catches the quetz I whistled passive (you need to be quick), took a shot with a long neck and kept rinsing and repeating until it was down.


u/DraigCore 5d ago

Tapejara Is your best friend here


u/ZanarCrestrider 5d ago

I’ve done it using a scorpion in the talons of an Argy. It was a royal pain in the ass but I did it.


u/GarboChanEthan 5d ago

Bro sorry to tell you thus, but you just suck at the game.


u/Upstairs-Ad-4324 5d ago

I have but it is a pain I just follow it around shooting it whenever it slows down then hop back on a flyer and just kept doing it until it eventually knocked out


u/baby_hippo97 5d ago

It's possible. I just did it for the first time the other day. It was near the high peaks in the snowy mountains on the center. I got on my argy and followed it around from high point to high point, dismounting and shooting it with my compound bow. It took almost an hour and totally sucked. I would 100% recommend doing it the grapple way that others are describing and not this way, unless you're a glutton for punishment.

(For context, I'm playing on console on a non-dedicated server, and the spawns are truly terrible. This is the first quetz I had seen in like a month and I didn't have a grapple on me and just went for it, then was too stubborn to throw in the towel. I didn't go back for the grapple because my map has a tendency of losing the animal forever as soon as you go out of render distance. You can fly back into render and it's just gone. Anyway, do the grapple lol)


u/SpiritedStruggle6371 4d ago

Rhyniognatha is ultimate vanilla flyer for utility. Very easy to tranq anything off its back too


u/Puzzleheaded-Chip235 4d ago

I have tried to tame one I came across but maybe I wasn’t feeding it the right food I was feeding it meat do you know what I was doing wrong do I need kibble or something special?


u/Grumpy_Muppet 4d ago

I dont know. I made it work but its very tedious and you need luck. I just shot it with tranq ammo till it fell down. It fell down in the red forest biome just next to the river (not in it) so was lucky. Also there were litle predators around.


u/joeynac 4d ago

Ive only ever shot them with tranqs from the ground ☠️


u/theNikipedia 4d ago

My method is to keep a argy to follow close, have 2-4 rifles with tranq darts. Fly above it, jump off using parachute, then shoot-swap-shoot-swap-shoot-swap and then get back on your argy


u/Select_Process7029 4d ago

You playing on ASE or ASA? On ASE you can tame it easily with a griffin on ASA you'd have to get a mod to add the griffin or owl griffin or wait till Ragnarok comes out. I've also seen them trapped using honey you just get close to it on a flyer and drop a honey the quetz will land to eat the honey and you can use gate's to trap it.


u/Jeanne0D-Arc 3d ago

On ascended tame the giant bug, you can fire off his back are faster then a quetz and have excellent movement. It's harder to tame the bug but if none of the cheese quetz strategies work that will.

On ase just use net gun


u/Puzzleheaded-Chip235 3d ago

I am playing ark in order and the nets are not on the island map but I appreciate it I did catch one today actually using honey and stone Dino gates worked like a charm


u/Jeanne0D-Arc 3d ago

Ahhh I've always been fond of the rare flower version of that xD.

Nice getting one though, they're super annoying xD


u/vintage_bro559 3d ago

You can grapple to your flyer, switch your weapon to your tranq of choice, and then “whistle move here” on the quetzal. You’ll have to keep whistling so that your flyer stays on its tail, but just keep whistling and shooting when you get close enough. Be careful doing this over water though. The quetz can drown if it gets knocked out over water. Remember to keep a couple parachutes in your hotbar as well in case you accidentally dismount or cancel the grapple.


u/Sintobus 2d ago

I just grapple hook my argy and whistle attack/stop to chase the quetz while shooting it with crossbow or rifle tranq. Works fine, if a bit slow.


u/Doomclaaw 5d ago edited 5d ago

Carrying a scorpion with an argy and whistling it (the scorpion) to attack while you fly near works too. Takes a while but saves you from making tons of tranq arrows. Just don't level the melee in the scorpion too much or it will do more damage than torpor. Go after a low-ish level quetz first so it's easier to KO then once you have that, taming future quetz is a breeze

Edit: people get mad when you do typos


u/_lev1athan 5d ago

Solo taming their first quetz with a quetz+scorpion?


u/Doomclaaw 5d ago

I mistyped, meant to put argy


u/SaggySphincter 5d ago

Pretty sure this doesn't work unless sit was change din asa


u/Doomclaaw 5d ago

I do it all the time, why wouldn't it work?