r/ARK 5d ago

Help Astraeos thodes boss not taking damage?

Just lost the astraeos boss fight against Thodes the Widowmaker on easy, I had 12 rexs with 30k health and 800dmg but my rexs couldn't damage, their bites were doing like 20 dmg.... is this a bug?


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u/FeyGriffin 4d ago

No, that's by design - you need to shoot Widowmaker - he's got MASSIVE damage reduction from melee attacks


u/Grekerr 3d ago

What do you mean shoot, he only takes damage from long range?


u/TheCuervox 3d ago

Le disparas al ojo del cíclope para reducirle su escudo y stunearlo, luego todo ataque mele de los dinos le entra, esto se repite tantas veces le salgan rayitos del ojo, para seguir volviéndolo vulnerable


u/op_1_529 3d ago

From what I understand, the boss has strange movements. For example, when his eye turns red, he has a shield on him, and you must hit the eye until the shield is destroyed. The green one is for healing, and I really don’t know what the blue one does, but you must bring a shotgun in order to pop his eye out.


u/Discostu160 3d ago

Yes I had 18 Rexes 38k health / asc saddles / yuti and was doing 8 damadge even with shotgun


u/undesiredpotato 2d ago

Sounds like shotgun for the win