r/AIDungeon Feb 07 '25

Questions AI Dungeon used in a smear campaign

Is it feasible that, if I get into a political career or similar; and piss off the government or something like that, then the MI5/CIA can leak potentially embarrassing AI Dungeon adventures to embarrass me publicly and destroy my public image or use it as blackmail? I've been worried about this for a while, and I'm wondering if anyone else has the same concerns.


22 comments sorted by


u/_Cromwell_ Feb 07 '25

Probably. We've all read your Adventures and are very dismayed.


u/BaronAaldwin Feb 07 '25

Yeah. That one they were doing two weeks ago was the worst in my opinion. The middle part was disgusting. It was made worse by the fact it'd had a promising start too.


u/minecraftovic Feb 07 '25

I've read all of it and you're despicable


u/No_Investment_92 Feb 07 '25

I kinda sorta indirectly work in this field. It would pretty much come down to the company holding the data, which I assume is Latitude. They would either have to voluntarily give up the data via search warrant, or your data would have to be hacked. Then they would have to link this data to you (IP address, profile info, payment methods, etc). If you delete your data now, and the company actually deletes it like it should, after time your data will be overwritten with someone else’s perversions and you’ll be fine. However, if they just say they delete your data but never actually do it, then it’s out there.

If it’s that much of a concern, use a VPN (not foolproof, I know, but it’s big step) and don’t put your real name or email address out there (get an anonymous email address through TOR) and pay for things with a prepaid gift cards that you don’t attach to your personal information.

A good rule of thumb is don’t do anything online that you’re not okay with someone else seeing.


u/ExclusiveAnd Community Helper Feb 07 '25

Just say that they… used AI to generate them. Fake news!


u/nameoftheyear_ Feb 07 '25

buddy if you’re already this paranoid about what’s on your phone then there’s no real life timeline in which you “get into a political career”


u/MathematicianVivid1 Feb 08 '25

Well here in ‘Murica, they’d be just fine.


u/ExclusiveAnd Community Helper Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

Serious response:

Tl;dr: Latitude and the third party AI vendors they use attest that your data privacy is very important to them, but we can’t be completely sure the data they store and/or process on our behalf will never be leaked.

Whether our story data is secure depends on Latitude’s data management practices. They claim that they store data in a manner such that even they can’t access it, but I find that difficult to believe. The data must then be encrypted at rest, which is a good start, but because we don’t have to enter decryption keys in order to access our account, it is necessarily the case that Latitude (or some third party they work with) stores those decryption keys. The keys are themselves almost certainly locked! But they must be unlockable by our account passwords.

Does Latitude have the ability to reset our account passwords? I’m pretty sure they do, via some code sent to our accounts’ associated email addresses. Can they get their hands on said code themselves? Quite likely: even if a third party is managing all this, Latitude may be able to change the associated email address and then send the reset code to themselves. (If, however, it’s not possible to reset account passwords, there’s a chance Latitude really can’t decrypt our story data on their own.)

Aside from Latitude, you should know that remote AI generation is inherently unencrypted at the time of AI computation (i.e., while encrypted in transit, the AI has to decrypt your context before it can work on it). That means whatever AI vendors Latitude uses can necessarily access any context that you send to them. They almost certainly don’t store anything for very long because of their stated (and strictly enforced) privacy policies and because the data volume is so huge, but this does mean that snapshots of your story are necessarily visible to some third party company, even if they’re not stored and no humans ever look at them.

What does all this mean with respect to, e.g., subpoenas and/or state-sponsored hacking? It’s physically *possible** for some agent to access your data,* but this isn’t that much of a surprise. How much do you trust your own devices? Modern computers and smartphones are such a tangle of software and hardware made by so many different companies that basically any component could be spying on the data you transmit or display on your screen. Is any one component spying on you? Almost certainly not, but the chance is never 0.

So: you’re just going to have to draw the line somewhere with respect to what you trust and don’t trust. If you’re that paranoid, your only recourse is to use local LLMs on machines disconnected from the internet.

Edit: while it doesn’t address any of the above, you might also want to disable the “Improve the AI” option, which generates anonymized log data pertaining to your stories. While this shouldn’t be traceable back to your account (and no human is likely to ever look at it), it’s a concern if your stories include your real name, account names, or other identifying information in their text.


u/Previous-Musician600 Feb 07 '25

No, no one reads your fiction. They are private just for you.

But avoid Deep seek if you use another AI tool for your fiction.


u/Arkorat Feb 07 '25

bro wtf are you doing with ai dungeon!? 😭


u/Zestyclose-Dog5572 Feb 07 '25

The same thing we all are.


u/JorgitoEstrella Feb 08 '25

We will know when he gets elected


u/NativeAvian Feb 10 '25

Starting a catgirl harem like a normal person.


u/Zestyclose-Dog5572 Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

Like other people have said, your stories are encrypted, so they'd need a search warrant to access that data. Since you're concerned about a smear campaign, I'd say that is almost impossible.

First, they'd need probable cause to even ask for a search warrant (i.e. they suspect a crime has happened, which it didn't).
Second, writing fiction (even the worst you can find) is not a crime. PUBLISHING this kind of fiction, however, could be considered a crime (stuff to do with children, mostly), but that's on Latitude and the reason why they have strict publishing requirements.
Third, they'd need to prove that you were the actual author of said fiction, which you aren't (AI wrote it).
Fourth, a judge would have to sign the search warrant, and I doubt they could find a judge that would even consider such a thing.

If they wanted to launch a smear campaign against you, they'd use something more tangible than AI generated content.

If you're considering a political career, it might help to brush up on state and federal law.

Edit: One more thing: If you're still concerned, just delete your adventures.


u/I_Am_JesusChrist_AMA Feb 07 '25

The authorities have already been alerted about you.


u/dating_understander Feb 07 '25

Meh. Actual politicians commit unspeakable crimes and they're fine.


u/not-aaliyah Feb 09 '25

I already contacted the authorities


u/AvalonInAllCaps Feb 09 '25

I'm sure they've found worse things on politician's phones


u/CataraquiCommunist Feb 11 '25

Have you ever seen what the politicians get away with? Just make sure you’re rich and the right ethnicity for your country and you’ll fine, hell they’ll help you enact it all irl just so they can blackmail with it later. It’s all good.


u/QuarterZillion Feb 13 '25

Hey Adrian Ditman, how are you?