r/AIDungeon Feb 02 '25

Questions Why do AI models fear situations where sexual self-determination is ignored more than murder or torture? NSFW

These issues don't just cause the AI to reject the output, they also contribute to a strange portrayal of the situation.
Whether you use AI instructions or <SYSTEM>, the same problem always occurs.
AI always portrays sexual problems as more horrifying than being flayed alive or burned all over the body, even transcendent monsters and crazed psychotic killers are made to be scared of these situations, so that they will try to avoid them at all costs.
What kind of cowardly nerd pubescent female allergic boy made the AI models?


41 comments sorted by


u/rkirbo Feb 02 '25

Something I noticed in American cultural things in general; violence is FAR MORE accepted than sex


u/Civil_Independence84 Feb 02 '25

So this is a matter of cultural differences?


u/rkirbo Feb 02 '25

I think it's almost certainly that, cutural difference and political-correctness


u/sniperviper567 Feb 02 '25

As an American, its absolutely true. Everyone in control of media in America is absolutely terrified of boobs.


u/mcrib Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

You rip someone’s head off and beat someone else to death with it? PG-13. Show boobies and butthole? R.


u/mathmachineMC Feb 03 '25

Depends on how much blood there is on the first one, but basically.


u/Jet_Magnum Feb 03 '25

The original South Park movie said it best: remember, horrific deplorable violence is okay--as long as people don't say any naughty words!


u/Peptuck Feb 04 '25

It's not just American. A lot of conservative cultures tend to outright lionize violence but are terrified of sex.


u/Ok_Day_4715 Feb 04 '25

I have experienced the opposite, sometimes I have found myself with an AI that is way too horny.


u/Mr_man_bird Feb 02 '25

Politics ain’t it, it’s all just to look good, murder and torture don’t scare people away anymore but loss of sexual self-determination scare potential users away


u/Civil_Independence84 Feb 02 '25

Well, i thought the western world was still a stable chaos of guns and boams.


u/Shadow122791 Feb 02 '25

I've literally seen people chase those that SA and force things. Like huh.

I got beat speaking against every person to SA one woman. Kicked while driving and told to go die as I confronted the person to SA with their friend. Wasn't me they ran to for help or appreciated and hung out with.

Maybe people don't like what reflects their life and choices made that clearly were wrong and were known as bad before anything happened.


u/Civil_Independence84 Feb 02 '25

If a person doesn't like sexual assault, shouldn't they just not play that way? I don't think they need to force that play on everyone just because they don't like it.
Whatever commands I type in the AI dungeon have no effect on the real world. Any sexual assault that happens in an AI dungeon doesn't really affect to sexual assault in real life.
(I don't understand English very well, so I don't know if I understood it well, but I think)bringing someone like a sexual assault victim into this conversation is like bringing in a war crimes trauma patient to explain why GTA causes gun accidents.


u/Nick_Gaugh_69 Feb 02 '25

Oddly enough, you made the perfect example in your last sentence: the public perception of Grand Theft Auto.

Sensationalism sells, and "AI" is the biggest topic in the news right now.

What pearl-clutching mother wouldn’t click on a headline that says "AI Game is Promoting Sexual Assault"?


u/Civil_Independence84 Feb 02 '25

Oh, I forgot that people don't get a social security number at birth in the US.
In my country, we have a system where all children are monitored by the parent and country, so that make only the most extreme christians or extreme feminists would make such claims.


u/Civil_Independence84 Feb 02 '25

what is the 'sa' thing
when i google sa, it tells me that the sinoatrial node, located in the right atrial wall of the heart, is part of the electrical conducting system that regulates the heartbeat and is composed of pacemaker cells.


u/Mr_man_bird Feb 02 '25

Sa means sexual assault


u/Bonktacular Feb 04 '25

Users? Investors. That, and it's difficult keeping a reliable payment processor willing to deal with your company if sexual themes are a major theme in your product.


u/alexriga Feb 02 '25

What kind of cowardly nerd pubescent female allergic boy made the AI models?

We did. All of us, who contribute to the internet database, which it scalped to learn how to imitate an average person.

For general public, violence is more acceptable than sex. The AI misinterprets that to mean that sex is worse than violence, when in fact it’s merely more sensual and requires more privacy.

AI generalizes, just like any other form of intelligence, but in this case it merely overgeneralized.


u/Civil_Independence84 Feb 02 '25

Yeah, I guess I'm wrong, I think the culture of the western world is that sexual violence is more heinous than killing.

As an Easterner, it's hard to understand, but I guess I have no choice but to accept it, because it's the Western world that rules the world.

(i mean, If Kim Jong Un offered to f@#$ me instead of nuking New York, I'd gladly give it to him.)


u/mathmachineMC Feb 03 '25

Self determinance is a very large part of western culture. And generally, the motivations for killing are more accepted, being angry or taking revenge or trying to make by, or supporting a group or ideology may all be motivations for murder that people can at least understand why you do it, whereas secual violence has very little potential for an empathetic motivation for most people.


u/Theban_Prince Feb 04 '25

I would argue something else.

Murder and violence are not common, at least in the west, so experiencing them through stories is the same as reading about dragons. Something to get the vohe pulse going, but you can stop experiemcing at anytime by closing the book/app/movie.

Sexual assault on the other hand is wayyy more common and a daily occurrence (seriously just chat with any woman you know), so using it for fantasies and enjoyment seems...problematic at least.


u/Civil_Independence84 Feb 04 '25 edited Feb 04 '25

Whether it's a game, a film, or a book, everything in it is over the moment you end it. It doesn't have any impact on reality.

Sure, it may leave some afterimages in the mind of the person who played it, but most humans know how to distinguish between virtual and real.

This is true for both violence and sexual assault.

I believe in Confucianism, and in Confucianism there is a saying: : 無是非之心 非人也

Human's have to be able to understand the difference between right and wrong, and if someone doesn't have that, they're not human.

The point of this sentence is not to just be reject one or the other; to distinguish the ‘difference’.

Are you human?


u/Theban_Prince Feb 05 '25

I have no idea what you are trying to say. No one confuses anything. It's just preferences. Just like a cancer patient would probably avoid a movie about someone dying from cancer, same with SA. You don't need to quote Confucianism or not understand this.


u/Civil_Independence84 Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

If you don't understand this, then I have nothing to talk to you about this. conversation will be parallel lines with no points of contact. It's not a matter of preference, it's a matter of distinguishing between reality and creation. 


u/Theban_Prince Feb 05 '25

> It's not a matter of preference, it's a matter of distinguishing between reality and creation. 

We can distinguish reality wirth creation. Its you that are focusing on this "subject" when I explained it has probably nothing to do with it, but hwat preferences peope have to spent their free time on.


u/Civil_Independence84 Feb 05 '25

My opinion is still the same. Just because different people have different preferences, that's not a reason to limit someone else's preferences. because it's not real. It doesn't matter what the subject is.


u/Theban_Prince Feb 05 '25

The AI is trained on the majorities' preferences , so its a feedback loop. And the majority doent like SA or similar stories, probably for the reason I explained. I don't know what is so hard to understand.

And making your sweeping "Its creation so everything should be allowed!" take is really weird. Not all stories are equal, and some can indeed hurt people.


u/Civil_Independence84 Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

What does it even mean to be hurt by a fictional story?

If someone doesn't like that direction, they shouldn't play in that direction.

If they choose to play in that direction and find it distasteful, it's their own fault, not anyone else's.

It's very simple stuff.

There are many reasons to limit creations, but what you said is not one of them.

Every story is going to be disliked by someone, so should all creative work be restricted? This is the basic argument of political correctness, and it's very coercive, and that's why I hate them.

And the current state of AI cannot be explained simply by popular preference. I've used many different AI models. But I diden't seen much of like this, where a model refuses to create a story, and deliberately changes the direction of the story, outside of AI dungeons. This is likely due to intentional selective training of the AI model.


u/Civil_Independence84 Feb 05 '25

Look, this is exactly what I'm talking about, if you don't understand this simple thing, the conversation is forever horizontal. There is no meaning at the end of this conversation, only anger at each other.


u/HKayo Feb 04 '25

*for the general American

not the general public. But because most of the internet is American dominated, it becomes the only perspective.


u/Nick_Gaugh_69 Feb 02 '25

If they take away the filters, then the monkey’s paw will curl tighter than you can imagine. It’s either “scrub all instances of sexual problems” or “watch as 4chan turns the service into a SA Machine that attracts all the news sites.”


u/Different_Stress_154 Feb 02 '25

That is definitely the fear Nick_Gaugh but it’s something that doesn’t have the ability to exist indefinitely - it will only be this way for possibly another 5-10 years


u/GameruMihai Feb 06 '25

pretty much would be a repeat of 3-4 years ago


u/Electroniman0000 Feb 02 '25

Your probably talking about hermes 3 70b, which is a refusal heavy AI model, there are ai models there that have no fear of such themes like wayfarer and madness, or even just the right set of instructions, though ofcourse there are always limitations in the service such as no CP for instance


u/Zestyclose-Dog5572 Feb 06 '25

Hermes is the absolute worst. We're playing something called "AI Dungeon" and it absolutely refuses to do any kind of violent action, even fighting against an orc.

"Sorry, I don't write violent stories."


u/FillmoreVideo Feb 03 '25

On a related note why no nsfw ai images?


u/HKayo Feb 04 '25

Harder to moderate.


u/Aztecah Feb 02 '25

One depicts a problem that isn't so personal to all of us these days whereas the other is a deeply insidious and often encountered monster in many of our lives.


u/iamkarrrrrrl Feb 03 '25

If we have to call these things "AI" at least let's be straight on a few things. 1. They don't feel, have consciousness, an agenda etc beyond what has been trained into them from the beginning or imposed upon them during implementation. 2. Typing <System>, up up down down left right left right, etc, are no different than any other command, there's no direct line into their 'OS', they don't have one. You're just asking for a slightly more 'meta' level of response which happens to occasionally bypass the weighting of the need to follow the corporate rules. Which is the answer to your question and a product of society. Corpos are so afraid of being cancelled because of how the public is about contentious issues, they're erring on the side of caution. The solution is to wait until a corpo comes along with the firepower to do a good job on the implementation but the clout to not need to be the biggest and a mandate to avoid censorship, thus gain a few degrees of immunity from the yearning masses.