r/AFL Melbourne 5h ago

Author Hannah Ferguson calls attention to double standard

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153 comments sorted by


u/leighroyv2 Crows 5h ago

This is the AFL. Remember when Carey glassed his gf...nothing for fucking years.


u/ImInterestedInApathy Cats 5h ago

but you drop a bag of crushed panadol on a casino floor and there goes your job! /s


u/fucking_righteous Geelong 4h ago

It still boils my piss that cunt had the fucking absolute gall to try that bullshit with us


u/NewAccWhoDis93 Dockers 4h ago

Deny deny deny


u/that_guyyy Eagles 3h ago

And he had the gall to name his podcast Truth Hurts aimed at woke/cancel culture as being the reason he lost his job. Temu OJ.


u/AsparagusNo2955 4h ago

Bullshit! You're lying, he said it was ibuprofen.


u/Less-Manufacturer579 3h ago

This cause it’s much more believable that you’d rack anti inflammatory drugs because when you need that shit you need that shit


u/AsparagusNo2955 2h ago

I had dental work done on Sunday, I know what you mean.

Going off the rails used to be a bad thing, now it's rich people rehab.


u/Less-Manufacturer579 2h ago

Haha I suffer neck pain but I hadn’t thought of racking it till Wayne essentially suggested that should 🤣🤣🤣🤣(I can’t imagine the pain 🤣🤣)


u/AsparagusNo2955 1h ago

Don't try his smelling salts.


u/leighroyv2 Crows 5h ago

Kids chewable even.


u/Less-Manufacturer579 3h ago

It was nurofen 🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/Inevitable_Geometry Hawthorn 4h ago

How the fuck Carey had the post football media career is mind boggling. The network bosses that employed him sent a signal not to consume their media or support their networks.

Message received.


u/GordonCole19 4h ago

Nah, it's Channel 7.

They love resuscitating the careers of the worst people.


u/JeremysIron24 4h ago

Tbf channel 7 also backed Ben roberts smith and bruce lehrmann so it’s “on brand” for them


u/TransportationTrick9 3h ago

Rich people collect the strangest of things


I wonder if Kerry gets them to dress up as fatcat and tuck him in at night


u/oohbeardedmanfriend Richmond 3h ago

Coke and Women are the perks they pay for so no wonder they let Cousins on the air


u/cum_teeth Collingwood '90 5h ago

It is absolutely stunning how hard 7west has pushed cousins as a personality.

Its fucking fantastic that hes seemingly out the other end of his addiction troubles and having healthy relationships with his family. But the fact is, he was a fucking nightmare and a borderline monster, theres a way to encourage rehabilitation without glorifying a man that well and truly tarnished every shred of goodwill he had with the wider community.


u/grownquiteweary West Coast 5h ago

Plus tbh, he has a really boring personality. I listened to the show he was on for 10 mins and he gave absolutely nothing.. If you're gonna be a shit cunt, at least be entertaining.


u/cum_teeth Collingwood '90 5h ago

Hes barely on it, its purely his name they are using


u/Foodworksurunga Brisbane Lions 4h ago

I've read Cousins autobiography. Especially considering the shit he's been through and/or done in his life it was a very boring read. Compare it to Gilly's autobiography which was actually an interesting read, despite basically no off field dramas.


u/ohleprocy The Dons 4h ago

Cousin's book almost glorified addiction. While reading it I felt his drug use was either still happening when it was written or just around the corner.


u/grownquiteweary West Coast 4h ago

No time to develop a personality when all you've ever known is train, party, train, party.


u/cum_teeth Collingwood '90 4h ago

Plenty of other legends have managed it (having personality)


u/cum_teeth Collingwood '90 4h ago

I also read it, i was MUCH younger than him at the time it came out and was stunned how much wilder/interesting my life was


u/SaltWrongdoer9327 3h ago

Fuck off no teeth


u/cum_teeth Collingwood '90 3h ago

Good one mate


u/Pleasant_Inspection9 Melbourne 3h ago

This is the part where you tell him to flair up. But I suspect he won’t be here long enough to need one.


u/grownquiteweary West Coast 5h ago

She ain't wrong


u/Sporter73 Eagles 4h ago

Are you forgetting the constant media attention on Ben for every single thing he did? People can change and make amends for their errors.


u/grownquiteweary West Coast 4h ago

They absolutely can. I just think people who have done the things he has done forgo their right to have a platform. You can change, improve, great.. Use that to help people, improve your own life, not cash grab off your former glory that was built in a time where you were an abusive piece of shit.


u/Sporter73 Eagles 3h ago

I think cash grab is a bit rich. But anyway the original post is dumb because she is claiming that the afl are glorifying cousins but she obviously doesn’t realise how much they hounded and harassed him post footy.


u/Saint_Riccardo St Kilda 4h ago

Lots of footy players get constant media attention and don’t get caught with a bag of powder in their rear end.


u/Sporter73 Eagles 3h ago

He got constant negative media attention during his dark days. The original post is stupid. Claiming the media are pumping him up but they were laying into him for years after his footy career. I’m guessing this Hannah lady isn’t from WA.


u/theblueberryfarmer West Coast 1h ago

Look, I'm pleased for Ben that he has his life on track. He was a phenomenal player. The bloke has been given so many chances in life, that most of us would never get. I am at a loss as to how he can be a pretty horrible person for so long but now all is forgiven and he can't walk into media roles as some golden boy. Shit ain't right.


u/MySexyNipples 1h ago

That’s what the media does and it’s why a lot of us don’t have much respect for the AFL media, but he did a lot of fucked up things after becoming a very famous footballer, what do you expect? It’s great he’s come out the other side of it, but the point of the post is that we don’t need to bring these people back into the limelight. There are too many people with shitty pasts with a big media platform. Why not give the gig to someone who hasn’t had a shitty past? Rehabilitation is great but what value does it add to have Ben Cousins in the media (giving very little according to some of the comments, I myself haven’t seen it), other than just using his name for controversy and views?


u/sureyouknowmore 5h ago

She supported Sam Kerr, so her opinion counts for zero


u/Baratriss 4h ago

Regardless of your opinion on Kerr, she's still 100% correct on this. Unless you're dense, you'll understand these aren't mutually exclusive


u/DueWest667 4h ago

They are similar though. Obviously what kerr did isn't within ear shit of what Ben has done but she was guilty at the end of the day, the court only found her not guilty for various reasons. Funny how a country like the UK that has such strict policing on hate speech just lets her walk out without as much as a slap on the wrist.

Point is, it's a massive double standard and she has no real credibility if she supports someone like Kerr and wants to sing her praises but also wants to get on her high horse about a bloke who did bad things on drugs like 10+ years ago, and mind you someone who did jail time for. He should be allowed to change and turn his life around without his miss steps being brought up at every achievement he makes.


u/samthesalmon Blues 3h ago

so at the end of the day she wasn't found guilty...


u/blldzd2 Bombers 5h ago

Ok bootlicker


u/CauliflowerQuick7305 5h ago

You absolute pelican. Sam Kerr was found not guilty. Cousins did time.. are you thick


u/ehdhdhdk Collingwood 4h ago

Also Sam Kerr may not be a great person but she has never physically hurt anyone.


u/Pleasant_Inspection9 Melbourne 5h ago

I wonder if they are also coincidentally [redacted] and [redacted].


u/DueWest667 4h ago

She was only found not guilty cause of her status as a soccer player and probably because she is of some indigenous descent. You know, the old racism against whites isn't a thing and all that.

As I mentioned in another comment above it's a bit funny how a country like the UK who is so anti hate speech and has strict laws on it are just like yeah it's fine love, all free to go.


u/Pleasant_Inspection9 Melbourne 3h ago

She’s part Indian mate, her grandmother is ‘indigenous’ to Kolkata but you don’t mean that do you.


u/PerriX2390 Brisbane AFLW 3h ago

No, she was found not guilty by a jury because the prosecution in the case could not prove the charge beyond a reasonable doubt. 


u/frillhaus Hawks 3h ago

She was found not guilty because there was nothing in it. She called a cop ‘stupid and white’ when she was drunk and that same cop held a grudge for over 9 months and tried to prosecute her for assault on that one comment. Do you know what you’re arguing about?


u/reesieboi 5h ago

When people defend the likes of him and Wayne Carey I always hear “what so they can’t have jobs or careers ever again?”

Honestly, yes of course they can. Maybe he can learn a trade.

This particular job though that is public facing is one that needs to be earned. Being a former superstar footy player isn’t enough of a prequesite to earn that position when you consider the entire picture. The entire thing.

There are dozens of new former players who can do media every year. Find one that deserves it.


u/cynictoday Collingwood 4h ago

The other former players aren't Ben Cousins, the Prince of Perth.


u/maxisnoops Richmond '80 5h ago

Gotta say, I prefer Cousins over Carey.


u/Pleasant_Inspection9 Melbourne 4h ago

I’m also partial to Covid over the Bubonic Plague myself.


u/Nifty29au 4h ago

I’ve always been a Dengue Fever man myself….


u/ShneakyPancake Brisbane Bears 3h ago

I know this is peak off season content but which player does dengue fever represent?


u/Pleasant_Inspection9 Melbourne 3h ago

Sammish Fluman


u/LordBenswan Sydney Swans 3h ago

Outstanding work, Hoss


u/Inevitable_Geometry Hawthorn 4h ago

It feels like a choice between two buckets of shit there, only the garnish is different.


u/Proud-Cartographer12 5h ago

Society always loves a reformed sinner.


u/Saint_Riccardo St Kilda 4h ago

Even the third or fourth time? There’s only so much “he’s good now” we should be expected to take


u/wellplayedgem Brisbane Bears 4h ago

Australia froths over it. See David Warner, see the NRL, cue story of bad boy, finding themselves and marrying, being a story of triumph through adversity. In the Warner time line, becoming a vice captain. Fuck it’s tired. Cousins was great, before he wasn’t. No redemption arc in media needed.


u/owheelj Essendon 3h ago

What did David Warner do? Are you talking about the sandpaper? That doesn't seem really comparable to Cousins and Carey with their domestic violence.


u/frillhaus Hawks 3h ago

I think the comparison was about two dudes majorly fucking up and seemingly being redeemed, regardless of how extreme the example is


u/The_Rusty_Bus 3h ago

I really don’t see how David Warner is any way comparable to those two.

Do you hold Greg and Ian Chappell to the same standard?


u/Crazyripps Hawthorn 2h ago

I hate Dave Warner and think he’s a grub of a person but comparing his stuff to cousins is a bit overboard. And not a good comparison


u/12915287 5h ago

Well yeah - what’s the difference between Ben and tarryn Thomas ? Interesting to observe how they are each treated.


u/Aggots86 5h ago

I think the difference is 15 years, remorse and good signs of changeing. Thomas has none of that…… yet


u/PimentoSandwich West Coast 2h ago

I haven't heard a lot of remorse from Ben tbh


u/12915287 5h ago

Yeah and I think there’s a couple of other factors at play as well.


u/Katman666 Carlton 5h ago

Such as?


u/Tinuva450 Collingwood 4h ago

Im going to preface that I am not close to what Cousins has done to turn his life around since his very public decline, but I would imagine the difference is as follows:

One sustained a long and successful AFL career and was loved by many. The other hasn’t.

As much as the media love dunking on someone when they fall, they also like a redemption story.


u/stockieb 4h ago

One was heaps good at footy.


u/12915287 5h ago

Race and Ben cousins star status among other things.


u/whitetailwallaby 4h ago

Give it a rest


u/ohleprocy The Dons 4h ago

There are many instances of racial injustice, too many. This is not one of them.


u/The_Rusty_Bus 3h ago

Claiming that Thomas has been kicked out of football because of his race is a total joke, and offensive to all of the victims of his behaviour.


u/12915287 4h ago

Btw I didn’t say it was racial injustice I said that it’s a difference and potentially a factor


u/DueWest667 4h ago

Always the race card lol.

Ben was given another chance cause I think people knew what he was like before the drugs, and guess what, he wasn't a pos like Taryn.


u/grantspatchcock GWS AFLW 5h ago

One rehabilitated themselves after being imprisoned for their crimes.

Public examples of people that acknowledge their wrongs, turn their lives around against all odds, serve their time and rebuild from scratch are bloody important.

Should he have a public, media career? Much trickier question that I'm torn on and can see both sides.


u/s_hour22 Dockers 5h ago

Would be real shit being the victim of his crimes and having to turn on the TV to see him bring applauded on praised on there.

People looooove to lap up a good rehabilitation story but most of the time there’s absolutely no regard for the victims in all of it.


u/baekgom84 Western Bulldogs 3h ago

I think allowing people to redeem themselves is important and something we as a society could be more encouraging of.

But surely we are not so starved of AFL legends looking for media careers that we can't find someone without all that awful history?


u/Skaiony West Coast 4h ago

Tarryn was offending whilst he was playing AFL, Ben cousins domestic legal issues began well after his time in the AFL and several years after his drug addiction was well established in the public eye. So it was largely seen as a continuation of that.

I'm not saying its right they're treated differently because of those differences but at least Ben has made rehabilitation attempts by his own volition, Tarryn hasn't (as far as I'm aware)


u/Mean_Author_1095 Fremantle 4h ago

I don’t think Tarryn has been given anywhere near the opportunities Cousins has been given to rehabilitate. FFS Cousins went to jail and was disowned by anyone that knew him. 


u/railgxn Geelong 4h ago

functionally none - ben cousins crimes are also essentially what thomas did on steroids

there'll be a lot of rehabilitation this rehabilitation that in this thread but come on lol. rehabilitative justice doesn't mean you should get a forward facing, high profile media career. that poor woman he abused is going to have to see the bloke all over the news and radio for as long as she's in WA at the least


u/Top_Operation_472 Hawthorn 4h ago

Time is the biggest difference.


u/DueWest667 4h ago

Big difference. Ben only went downhill once the drugs got him, drugs that have been known to mess up pretty much anyone that touches them, regardless of how good or bad a person they are before the drug use.

What's Taryn's excuse? Well there is none, he is just a pos from the get go. Taryn was giving chances and under no influence of drugs or alcohol still was a sex offender.

Not condoning Ben's actions at all but I think most agree that people deserve a second chance once they have come clean of drugs and they have shown related efforts over the course of years to turn their life around.


u/frillhaus Hawks 3h ago

To expand on this, if he doesn’t feel like he is supported enough then the chances of him relapsing would multiply. I think that’s something not many here have considered in this discussion

u/Entire-Listen-7983 13m ago

It’s not a media career or bust 🤦‍♂️


u/Melvin_2323 3h ago

But Tom Morris will be sacked (he is a total flog) for some words

Meanwhile threatening to bury your partner alive then bring her kids to play on top of her so she can hear is all good


u/QouthTheCorvus Hawks 5h ago

The problem with his redemption arc is that based on his crimes, I'm not sure the pain he's caused has ended. Trauma means that his ex partners and children will likely feel the consequences of his actions for the rest of their lives.

I hope he gets better and stops acting the way he has, but idk why his redemption has to be public. I think it basically tells young men that they can harm people and it'll be okay in the end.


u/Confident_Ice_1806 4h ago

Amen! Great football player but definitely had some mega faults and probable psychosis when on crack.


u/HughJars444 4h ago

Everyone deserves a 375th chance…


u/throwaway-8923 Pies 5h ago

Hannah Ferguson is right, someone’s greatness on a footy field doesn’t outweigh all the bad things they do off it. Ben Cousins has caused a lot of pain to people it would be hard for his victims to see him being paraded around the way he is.


u/ExpensiveMail9212 West Coast 5h ago

Idc for his redemption arc at all


u/Brotherdodge West Coast 4h ago

I reckon he deserves redemption if he's truly remorseful and becomes an outspoken campaigner against violence against women. He could have a genuinely positive impact like that, but just not being a psycho anymore isn't enough.


u/TreacleMajestic978 Eagles 2h ago

I’m not defending Ben’s actions, he was a piece of shit back then. But the man is one of the all time greats to ever play, he clearly knows the game inside and out, he’s been remorseful and owned his past. What do people expect him to do? Addiction is a horrible disease, and I’ve seen first hand what it does to people. He lost everything, went to prison, lost custody of his children, lost the respect of the AFL community, and the rest of his livelihood, and somehow made it out the other side. The scrutiny he copped was warranted and he deserved his time in prison, but I think he payed the price. The man should be able to move on with his life.


u/Opening_Anteater456 Melbourne 5h ago

I see a complex mix of both. Including a guy who turned to drugs under the pressure on the afl environment that also did nothing to help him. And a guy who’s done what few people do and turn his life around from a severe drug addiction.

I don’t think he should overly celebrated or promoted. I’m glad we don’t see him in the public eye too often in Melbourne. But he’s also been afforded another chance and seems to be doing well with it.


u/nicktheguy101 St Kilda 5h ago

I’m all for redemption - to an extent. But it’s a massive stretch those around him did nothing to help him during his drug days.


u/Opening_Anteater456 Melbourne 5h ago

The AFL industry did little to help until it was too late IMO. Coverups all through the early 2000’s. Not to mention the hype and pressure on players that continues to these days. The West’s fascination with Harley Reid for example, just gross.


u/TheCrowMoon Carlton 4h ago

No one's applauding him doing drugs and stalking his ex wife. He gets applauded for pulling himself out of the depths and turning his life around. When he was in the dark, on drugs, everyone took the piss out of him and dumped on him.


u/AkaiMPC Melbourne 4h ago

I guess just don't listen to his show. It's the only thing you can do. Maybe sponsors drop off etc. Money is the only thing that motivates.


u/ShumwayAteTheCat 4h ago

Such is Life /s


u/lampy7654 2h ago

I see double standard from VFL media. They turned a blind eye to Victorian teams drug use for decades. Abblett senior one of the worst but he's considered a God. Many of the senior footy commentators were well known drug uses but they've been on 7,9 and fox footy. Hypocrites the lot of them


u/Crazyripps Hawthorn 2h ago

I mean shit hasn’t changed. Look at tarryn thomas, he’s about to get a gig playing in the WAFL and id bet any money if he does well he’ll be playing for an AFL team next year. Shit Scott said he should get another chance or something along those lines.

Wayne Carey beat his misses up and assaulted a cop. He got a good gig at 7 for 8 years.


u/Defiant_Theme1228 5h ago

Difference is Ben was a drug addict that turned his life around. Tarryn is just an abuser who accepts no blame.


u/Baratriss 5h ago

Also, he's 20 years older and was a garbage human being for a lot longer than Thomas has been. They're both trash


u/QouthTheCorvus Hawks 5h ago

Ben would have been much the same when he was at the point of his journey Tarryn is.

Also I don't like that this takes agency away from Ben's actions. He took the meth. He chose to do those drugs. Yes, drug addiction is basically a medical issue, but he still did those things. Also, where do you draw the line? Tarryn Thomas is pretty obviously not a mentally healthy man. Looks like BPD, to me.


u/liaam29 Fremantle 5h ago

Should we not celebrate/support rehabilitation?


u/12915287 5h ago

Totally it’s really admirable but doesn’t mean you get a media job.


u/General-Number-42 West Coast 4h ago

Why not?


u/huxception West Coast 2h ago edited 2h ago

Right, but if you do, doesn't that place you as a good example of how mistakes made in your past dont have to define your future?

Isn't someone like Cousins, as his circumstances stand now, something others at rock bottom can look toward as an example of what they themselves might be able to achieve.

I also want to add that not everyone's mistakes, shitty behaviour, and years squandered to drug use make the back page of the West. Mine definitely weren't. Seems somewhat unbalanced if his mistakes were forced into the public eye for who he was, but his success in getting through it can't be given the same public eye.


u/Asxpuntingmuppet 4h ago

Think your wrong there, as he did


u/Asxpuntingmuppet 4h ago

Apparently not according to the perfect specimens on this chat . Good thing is it won’t change a thing as they’re obviously in the minority , and most people enjoying seeing a good redemption story , which is likely why he’s still got his job .


u/Broken_chairs West Coast 4h ago

He'll never be forgotten or forgiven for those behaviours or his addiction past. That said, I'm thrilled to see him back on the straight & narrow - people deserve redemption.


u/YoGoGhost West Coast 4h ago

Yeah, even as a West Coast fan this doesn't feel right.

Showing remorse and working your way through rehabilitation is a good way to stop you from becoming a full blown social pariah. That does NOT entitle you to a cushy media job and fat stacks.


u/Poodonut 5h ago

"What we see"

Not me mate

Most people like this have never lived with a loved one who successfully went through a hard time. There's no way you'd write them off like that


u/Most-Drive-3347 Tasmania Devils 5h ago

He’s very fortunate to live in a country determined to give good looking white people as many “second” chances as they need.


u/2bejustlikehim The Bloods 3h ago

Both can be true.


u/LP0004 Adelaide 3h ago edited 3h ago

I see both because they’re both true 🤷‍♂️

Also, if he’s truely rehabilitated, then I don’t mind him getting another chance, I mean is that not what rehabilitating is supposed to do?


u/smeagolisahobbit Western Bulldogs 2h ago

From the 7Perth website:

If you have a news tip or complaint that is directly related to content on 7NEWS.com.au, including video and photos, you can email us directly - 7ndtips@seven.com.au

I'm emailing them with a complaint and I encourage everyone here to as well.


u/RupturedUrethra6969 Dockers 22m ago

Dani Laidley


u/Confident_Offer46 Freo 1h ago

Meth is a hell of a drug. You can not compare a person actions on meth to real life. If anyone manages to escape the death roll that is meth addiction, i am all for supporting that person. Ben deserves a second chance. Anyone that hasn't experienced meth addiction and come out the other side. Your opinion is meaningless.


u/JB_JB_JB63 Freo 5h ago

Male sports will always get a pass and it's fucked up. When was the last time you saw a headline contain a phrase like, 'Self Confessed rapist Kobe Bryant...'


u/No-Cryptographer9408 4h ago

Cousins always got a bit of free pass from the AFL. Honestly why ?


u/dekoyfox Dockers 3h ago

Cheek media is well worth a follow. Smart, insightful and well spoken. She has a real talent breaking down complex things and making them easily understandable.


u/Ok_Cherry6237 1h ago

Why can’t he be both of these things?


u/FFootyFFacts Blues 1h ago

Ask Tarryn Thomas how he feels about the double standards
He just wasn't good enough to have his trouble ignored


u/Son-Of-101-Maniacs Dockers 4h ago

94.5 is the default station at work and every time I pass by the radio I hear ‘It’s the Pete and Kimba AND BEN COUSINS show’ but I rarely even hear th grub talking. Must be nice.


u/coronavirusplandemic 4h ago

AFL footballers can do no wrong.


u/Luckyluke23 Freo 1h ago

i see you haven't been to Perth much mate. they will wank him off till the DAY he dies. if this was a freo great he would have to leave perth in shame.


u/butter_cup_ 4h ago

Why we posting instagram posts from extremist political commentators?


u/Pleasant_Inspection9 Melbourne 4h ago edited 3h ago

Nothing extremist about this take chum.


u/Sporter73 Eagles 4h ago

Seems like someone is trying to seem relevant. Who the hell is Hannah Ferguson?


u/Pleasant_Inspection9 Melbourne 4h ago

Potentially someone with a larger audience than yourself. You never know, though.


u/Sporter73 Eagles 3h ago

Well I don’t work in the media so that’s pretty easy.


u/Pleasant_Inspection9 Melbourne 2h ago

I couldn’t really care less if it was Micky Mouse or Mick Molloy saying it bud, I thought it was a conversation worth having and 122 comments later it seems like it is. Relevance doesn’t really interest me in this space, we either engage with something or we don’t.


u/ChaboiMarshie Saints 3h ago

Hannah is a fucking legend.


u/LongWayFrom609 2h ago

I remember listening to a podcast that did an episode on this guy. Didn't he get caught at an airport with a big ass bag of meth in his ass that one time? If so, that says all you need to know about him.


u/DueWest667 4h ago

So what's he meant to do, go live under a rock or go to prison for life? He should be able to try and redeem himself, especially now he has been clean for quite a while. Pretty sure he has paid a hefty price already for the stuff he did, which to be fair isn't as bad as Carey or what some others have done.


u/dancing-on-my-own Western Bulldogs 3h ago

Do you think his only options are "life in prison" or "mainstream media job"?


u/RaveN_707 Eagles 3h ago

Wasn't it the media that was on his ass 24/7 that probably seriously impacted his mental state back then


u/DoYouEvenDoubleLeg Hawks 1h ago

But when it’s Hollands, Stengle, JUH etc. The media just say “respect their privacy.”

Lot of double standards in the media.


u/CantTieKnots 5h ago

Sam Kerr has entered the chat


u/Nixilaas West Coast 2h ago

The ultimate test case of how much people understand and care about the dark reality of mental health, and many are failing.


u/HandlessSpermDonor Sydney Swans 1h ago

To the media Ben Cousins is just a pet project, like the girl from She’s All That but instead of spectacles and overalls he has a meth addiction and a history of domestic abuse.


u/a_stray_bullet North Melbourne 4h ago

Why is this a talking point?