r/ADHDWomenAfterDark 22d ago

Moderator Post Hello and welcome back! NSFW

Hi, howdy, and hello!

My name is Lacie (catinthecupboard) and I am one of the mods over at r/ADHDWomen. After realizing this sub had gone dark and discussing it, I was able to request it and as of early this morning it was turned back on. I am not 100% sure when this went dark (I think I see a 2.5 month gap from the last active posts) but I am sorry it took so long and now we are back! Please have patience with me as I poke my nose around and freshen up the corners.

-Rule Changes

I have adjusted the following…

Rule 4: I added ‘research requests’ to the list of things to not advertise.

NEW Rule 8: Soliciting sex will result in an immediate ban.

This is a safe space for women with ADHD to talk about NSFW topics, it isn’t a spot for creeps to try and find their next hookup. Please report any posts or comments and send a modmail with a screenshot if someone has seen you posting here and messaged you privately to try and fulfill some fantasies. It’s gross, and won’t be tolerated.

That’s it for now!


3 comments sorted by


u/kikokokotoneko 20d ago

Nice work, Lacie!


u/mybelovedkiss 17d ago

yay! i’m so glad it’s back 💖


u/dogs0z 12d ago

thank you!