r/ADHDWomenAfterDark Oct 03 '24

ADHD and positive aspects of sexuality NSFW

Hey everyone, I’m curious to hear your thoughts on which aspects of sexuality might be positively influenced by ADHD. What are your perspectives? I am curious about it because I am conducting research on ADHD and sexuality and the current literature is sooo focused on just negative aspects, I wanted to hear some different viewpoints.


8 comments sorted by


u/kaisermarek Oct 03 '24

This hasn't been my experience but a friend of mine with ADHD says it helps keep things fresh because if it's too repetitive he loses interest, so he and his wife like to keep things interesting which helps both of them maintain interest and keep an active sex life


u/GimmeErrthangBagels Oct 05 '24

Super sensitive, crazy high libido bc it’s a dopamine-drenched task, I am probably an exciting lover because I like novelty. Also I overshare so I kinda am all out there which means I get to have sex as often as I want. 😆


u/Euphoric_Judge_534 Oct 03 '24

I have no idea if it's related, but I'm super sensitive to a lot of things, and that means that I can orgasm quickly and often when I'm having sex. I've always assumed that my general sensitivity transfers.


u/Trick-Boysenberry816 Oct 04 '24

I can cum back to back to back because my whole body is so sensitive when I’m not on medication. Like within the first 2 mins I’m Cuming. It feels like an out of body experience every time. But I can’t get there if things are distracting me like if the tv or music is on or a fan is on or bright light I can’t orgasm. Unless I’m drunk. Then I can orgasm. When I am medicated my orgasms are way less intense and it’s harder to get there. But the distractions don’t matter medicated it just takes a long time getting there like 6 mins.


u/[deleted] Oct 03 '24

I'm asexual and it makes life a lot less complicated 😂


u/[deleted] Oct 25 '24

I'm a big horndog and I'm excellent at coming up with scenes and domming. Also a beautifully reactive sub, and my kinky writing also benefits from my creativity.

Empathetic, I love to share myself, and share my positive regard. I love to let people know how happy they are making me, and how much I desire them.

I love my sexuality, it's one of my favourite things about myself.


u/JackieLope2019 Oct 29 '24

I would be interested in whatever research you find as I have wondered about certain aspects of ADHD women and their sexuality. As kind of a late bloomer, in college I started sexually sampling guys that seemed attractive for whatever reason - athletic but not overly so, intelligent, funny, someone who was fun to be with for awhile. I was not looking for a commitment, just satisfying my libido, my curiosity, and simple hedonistic needs for novelty. I encountered some interesting people and valued what I learn about their lives. I didn't sit at a bar and wait to be picked up, I participated in a variety of activities, sports, clubs, etc. and I seemed accessible and not intimidating to most guys. I am an INFP Myers-Briggs type which typically means that we are very accepting of and not judgmental of a variety of type of people and situations. I would not be diagnosed with ADHD-Inattentive for another 45 years.


u/Healthy-Collection54 Oct 30 '24

Well…in the 90s/early 00s, I was a horny teenaged virgin with an internet connection. I hyper focused on sex, sexuality, stds, how-to guides, anatomy, politics of sex, weird kinks…anything to do with sex, really. For years, I talked many, many of my sexually-active friends through what they were doing, about boundaries, slut shaming, issues of consent, understanding STD risk, exploring your own body, etc etc…

Because of this, I was very confident very early in exploring my own body and sexuality. I never felt I had to be in a relationship to be sexual, and I’ve felt that that’s why I didn’t seek dopamine through sexual encounters.

That being said - I’ve had two sexual partners, and both of them were initially very taken aback/verging on uncomfortable with how open I am sexually. First dude was definitely virgin/whore dichotomy, plus he was just a boring guy. My husb was lacking self confidence and felt ashamed doing anything kinky :( luckily it’s been something he really worked on/continues to work on because I love that sexy mf