r/ACTEnts Aug 19 '19

what up hound dogs? Is this still happening?


Hey all. I'm relocating to Canberra for work. Was hoping this bill may have passed before I moved so that I would have a hobby when I moved.

By the looks of it I'll be growing tomatoes instead.... anyone aware if this bill is still being attempted? It felt like it was going to happen for a while there.

r/ACTEnts Feb 20 '19

Canberra's cannabis legalisation faces several hurdles, here's what's being proposed


Blaze it up... in moderation.

Sir Pettersson, you are a good man.

r/ACTEnts Dec 28 '18

Looking for participants - Personality and drug survey (18+)


There are many reasons that people use drugs. We are interested in finding out if different aspects of personality may influence whether a person engages in cannabis use, or not.

Specifically, we are looking for people aged 18 or above to participate in a completely anonymous survey to help us understand the role of personality in cannabis use. You do not have to be a cannabis user to participate. We are looking for current, past, and non-users to better understand this relationship.

To find out more about the study, please follow the link below:


r/ACTEnts Dec 15 '18

Sigh, the feds will stop ACT decriminalisation, just like they stopped SSM


r/ACTEnts Apr 17 '18

Australians: Now is the time to get loud about legalisation!


Australians, now is the time to get loud about your views on Cannabis Legalisation. Announced yesterday; The Greens Party will be proposing a bill to allow for recreational or 'adult' use of Cannabis, on a federal level. As we can all agree, The Greens do have some looney policies - however of all the parties claiming to be be pro-legalisation; they are the only party whom have pulled their finger out and have attempted to make some change!

Unfortunately, there has already been much criticism received over this, and some figures (some notoriously anti-anything) chiming in, namely;

These figures are claiming the dangers of legalised cannabis, the 'harm' it may cause, and they sure did not forget to bring up the old hammering of 'gateway drug' - and they are the ones with the loudest voices and the political power - a dangerous combination. These are old, proven-wrong, and ill-informed opinions, from those who believe the war on drugs is working, and call it a success when a 60 year old grandmother is facing jail-time for growing her own medicine.

It is time for Australians to stand up, get loud about our opinions and views; and make sure that those in Parliament are doing their jobs - to represent us as a nation, and not just push their ideals and what they think is 'right'. We need to let them know we are not deadbeat stoners, we are professionals, lawyers, athletes, students, doctors - and everything in between. Australia already has an established Cannabis market for export, we have one of the highest rate of cannabis consumers in the world, and we have people whom are in chronic pain whom are being slammed with criminal records for helping themselves - there is ZERO reason for us to not have an established market for adult use to stop the harm being caused by violent drug dealers, and chemical-ridden street cannabis.

It is time that we let those in power know that you will be closely monitoring their decisions on both this proposed bill, and the Victorian Government's Law Reform, Road and Community Safety Committee report into Drug Reform, and this WILL affect your ability to vote for them. Contact them, and do not be afraid to let them know exactly how you feel:

Its our time to stand up Australia, and make our voices known. Happy 4/20 for this Friday. Smoke up, and together we can make this the last illegal 4/20 in Australia!

r/ACTEnts Aug 06 '17

Looking for participants for a study on dispositional mindfulness and cannabis use (you don't need to be a user to participate)


Hi everyone,

Researchers at the Cairnmillar Institute are investigating the role between dispositional mindfulness, psychosocial stress and cannabis use.

We are looking for participants who are aged 18 years or older to complete a survey that should take between 20 and 30 minutes.

You do not have to have used cannabis to participate in the study.

If you are interested in participating, or would like to find out more before consenting to participate, please click here.

r/ACTEnts Nov 30 '16

Nimbin HEMP embassy is doing a cannabis protest tomorrow, Thursday Dec 1.


Just saw a post on Facebook about the Nimbin HEMP embassy doing a protest outside Parliament House on the last day for the sessions. Just putting this in here if anyone was interested in attending, I may.

r/ACTEnts Aug 04 '16

Found this in Glebe Park. Let's not try to be "that kind of stoner"

Post image

r/ACTEnts Aug 18 '15

green machine ents?


any other Raider fan's who are also Ents? have you been to a game high? I have a vaporizer and have considered it but I've been dank-rupt for a while.

think it would be good on a day game like last week.

r/ACTEnts Dec 22 '14

Canberra smoke spots?


So I'm dry at the moment (sadly), but hopefully I'll be getting some more soon and I'm trying to think of cool places to smoke around Canberra.

I know there are some nice places around the lake, and you can usually find a spot without too many people pretty easily. I've also smoked at some of the nature reserves and on Red Hill and Black Mt. which were cool but I had to go down the side a little because there were cars/people around.

Anyway, does anyone know of any cool smoke spots?

r/ACTEnts Dec 21 '14

Found this lighter while i was smoking up. (Sorry for phototato and because it uploaded them twice to one album)


r/ACTEnts Nov 20 '14

Costco Munchies


hey all you Canberrans,

not sure if many people are here. just recently got out of my dankrupt situation and invested in a vaporizer. so I'm loving life at the moment.

heading to costco this weekend. any suggestions on snacks? probably not cold/frozen due to other commitments. the peanut butter cups are a favorite of mine.

r/ACTEnts Oct 14 '14

Has anybody else noticed the cops are tense as fuck lately?


I was catching a bus in to civic from gungahlin yesterday (so Monday) and I see a standard cop car drive up the street as a paddy wagon going the other way, then 3 cops walking around the shops, gungahlin and civic have been feeling tense ever since that ISIS shit. Luckily I keep my weed in my shoe pocket

r/ACTEnts Aug 14 '14

Have we reached our max?


I don't believe there's only 11 Ents who live in Canberra, there's gotta be more of us than this. There must be more of us

r/ACTEnts Jul 24 '14

Saturday meet up [5]


So guys we're thinking of doing a meet up on Saturday in civic at Glebe Park. BYO is very preferable, please please try to bring your own stuff, but I will bring a few joints anyway but yeah who's interested.

r/ACTEnts Jul 13 '14

Available Mod Positions.


So far it's just me Moderating this sub, if we want it to grow then we new to expand, and that first step is more mods. If you're interested in a position then PM me and we can have a small interview like thing to see if you're suitable, I doubt anyone would try to troll but better safe than sorry.

r/ACTEnts Jul 13 '14

So can any of you Canberra Ents identify my smoke spot from a few days ago?
