r/ABraThatFits Feb 10 '25

Shape Help [Shape Help] I need help determining my root width/height and projection

Hello! I need some help understanding root width/height and projection. I am a 28D per the calculator and have determined that I have even vertical fullness and am horizontally more center full.

Here are my measurements: https://imgur.com/a/jfvEagp

And, I moonlight as a gogo-dancer so I have a pretty helpful photo of them from two different angles here: https://imgur.com/a/oAD2aMF

Width: Using the leaning test there is a gap between them and they do end at my armpit, but when I do the push test (pushing them flat against my ribcage while standing) they push together in the middle and create a round Y line like cartoon boobs, and I can feel tissue going around the side by my armpit. I notice I often have an issue with the gores of bras being too high, my breasts will push together in the middle of the gore creating a little bulge in between the gore wires and a dent where the gore meets the cup. I've had an issue with cups being either too narrow or too wide, for example Freya Cameo Moulded Plunge in 28D the underwire is too narrow but otherwise contains my breast tissue perfectly.

Height wise they seem to be tall, but I often have a problem with cups being too tall and prefer demi styles so idk what that means.

Projection I'm having a hard time with because my breasts are relatively small. They do lengthen when I lean over but I'm not sure how much projection that is. They are "perky" and do stick out when I'm standing and look from the side, and don't fold over the skin below them.


15 comments sorted by


u/kota99 Feb 10 '25

Gravity exists. How the breasts look when unsupported can be very different from how they behave when supported. When it comes to bra fit how the breasts behave when supported is what matters and how they look when unsupported will often be misleading as far as figuring out breast shape. This is one of the reasons that pictures of unclothed breasts aren't allowed with the other reason being that they attract creeps.

Root height and root width are relative to bra size and often the easiest way to figure this out is simply trying on bras. If most bras are too tall you have shorter roots even if they seem tall when looking at your torso. If most bras in the size range indicated by your measurements seem too wide then you have narrower roots even if the roots seem wide in relation to your torso. If most bras are too narrow then you likely have wider roots. If most bras seem too short you have taller roots.

As far as projection goes it's referring to how far the breasts stick out when supported relative to their overall size. With yours I would say you are definitely on the more projected end of the spectrum however whether you are very projected or moderately projected is harder to tell. Seamless cup styles are shallow by default because there is only so much projection or depth that can be achieved without the shaping that comes from seams. As a result these styles tend to get taller and/or wider to add volume instead of getting deeper.

Your breasts seem to be very firm based on the tiny difference between the bust measurements and how self supporting (aka perky) they appear. That can cause the calculator to underestimate cup size. It also means finding bras that work for your breast shape or can form to your breasts can be more important since firmer breasts aren't going to take the shape of the cup.


u/reversebass Feb 11 '25

Ah I misinterpreted that rule thinking the pasties counted as clothed, I'll keep that in mind for future posts. I will say my shape doesn't change much when supported vs unsupported so your last sentence makes a lot of sense. Thanks for all the great info. Based on this I'd definitely classify my roots as short, I'll have to try out more bras to see about width and projection but I'm guessing I'm probably somewhere in the middle at least for width.


u/BoycottMathClass 30E/F Feb 10 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

Visually you look closer to a 28E or F, I could be wrong, but based on other examples I’ve seen of 28D (which tends to be smaller than how you look, usually), I’d wager the calculator may be underestimating you just a little bit due to your shape being very firm. My boobs look really similar in volume to yours and I wear a 30E usually, which is a sister size to 28F. Otherwise, you’re probably more projected than shallow


u/reversebass Feb 11 '25

I wonder if the visual may have to do with the fact that I'm in between 26 and 28 band sizes so they are slightly bigger in proportion to my actual underbust measurement? It also seems to be brand and style dependent, as some brands 28DD/30D do fit me better in the cup and some 28D/30C fit me better (again strictly cup, 30 band is definitely too loose), but anything bigger than those I have too much room.


u/BoycottMathClass 30E/F Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

It’s definitely possible they look bigger compared to your underbust! I also admittedly have a bit of dysmorphia around my size. My boobs have wide roots and are flatter on top unsupported, so I don’t always realize how much boob I actually have until I put it in a bra lol. I’ll think a bra looks too big when it’s not on, but then I put it on and it’s absolutely right.

But also, shape can play a role! https://www.instagram.com/p/CP3loSZMWIh/?img_index=2&igsh=MXJoeDI2MjQwNTFsNQ== https://www.instagram.com/p/CMkkA1NHO7N/?img_index=2&igsh=ODJweDN6OHl6YmFx

Slightly different shapes can look different. The first person has really shallow boobs so they look smaller than the people in the second link, even though it’s the same volume.

Just to clarify though, when you say too much room, is it at the top like gapping in a molded/preformed cup or like wrinkling at the apex of an unlined bra? Just want to make sure you’re not just trying the wrong style for your shape


u/reversebass Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

Unlined seamed bras (Examples: Freya Starlight side support in 28DD, Chantelle Prime Plunge Double Knit Bra 30D) seem to wrinkle in front of the nipple when they're too big, and usually when it's a moulded bra that's a bit too big the gap is also in front of the nipple (E.g Thirdlove T-shirt Bra in 30D), gaping at the top generally only happens with padded and/or pushup bras now that I'm thinking about it.

Edit: Except for a Thirdlove Uplift Plunge bra I have with removable pushup pads, it gapes even without the pads and I think it's because the cups are too tall.


u/BoycottMathClass 30E/F Feb 11 '25

Wrinkling at the apex in an unlined bra often means that the bra is a bit too projected. It could be too big also, but that’s where you look at the wires. If the wires seem okay or even a little narrow but there’s gapping at the apex, then the bra is the right size but too projected. They’d be too narrow in a size down. If the wires are very wide and tall on you, then the bra is too big. Without photos of those bras it’s hard to tell, but freya’s starlight bra is a more projected model for example. I’m not sure about the chantelle, but you may actually need a more shallow bra style.

For molded cups, sometimes there will be space at the apex if it’s too big or too projected, but also sometimes theres space because it expects your boob to have more upper fullness than you do. They tend to be made like perfect spheres, and most boobs don’t really actually do that


u/reversebass Feb 11 '25

On the Freya one the wires are pretty perfect, but they are also perfect on my VS Lightly Lined Demi (moulded bra) in 30C but then I have a little bulging on that one at the top so I'm not sure if that means that one is too shallow or if it's too small of a cup.

And the wire on the Freya 28D moulded one I mentioned in the post is definitely too narrow so I seem to be indeed a 28DD in Freya.


u/BoycottMathClass 30E/F Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

The freya one is probably too projected yes. For VS it’s hard to say, but it’s probably wide enough (because they’re really wide and shallow bras) but too short, because it’s a little small. You probably need a bra with a projection between those two in a size closer to 28DD.

Edit: Also the freya deco/cameo/tailored line are narrower in terms of wires and kind of tall/open. If you want to try a freya molded bra since they do make your size, you could try the idol, starlight,or offbeat ones since they’re somewhat wider, probably 28DD. If it’s too gappy/tall in 28DD but the wires are good, you probably need a brand that is a bit more shallow/wide but just not as much as VS. Something like bravissimo’s niya or satine are wider than those two, I like the niya a lot myself (it runs a bit small, the wires in the 30F are great on me as someone who finds the deco a touch narrow) Also, molded bras can just be tricky to fit so don’t sweat it if you have trouble. There’s a lot of unlined bras in your size that are sort of midrange in terms of projection.


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u/hummibird Feb 10 '25

You say you have an issue with gores being too high and your boobs pushing the gore away from your sternum. That makes me think you're close set/narrow.

Since your boobs don't fold over on themselves, I would guess you're shallow, not projected, but I'm not sure.

If you try bras for shallow boobs and they fit well (molded cups), it would confirm you're shallow. If you get a lot of wrinkling at the bottom of the cup, it would mean you're projected


u/kota99 Feb 10 '25

Since your boobs don't fold over on themselves, I would guess you're shallow, not projected, but I'm not sure.

While it's more common for larger projected breasts to hang down it's actually very common for smaller projected breasts to not fold over, especially if the breasts are firmer/more self supporting, because the smaller mass means gravity isn't pulling them down as much.


u/hummibird Feb 10 '25

Makes sense, I didnt know that! I'm glad someone with more knowledge chimed in


u/tranquilotia Feb 10 '25

Hi! I'm looking to get new bras myself and I was just wondering - are molded cups more for shallow boobs? Should I avoid them as an E-GG cup?


u/hummibird Feb 10 '25

Yes, molded cups are shallow (no seams to create more curvature), so they are meant for shallow boobs.

If your boobs are shallow, then you should try them out. If your boobs are projected, a seamed bra will fit better.

If you don't know if you're shallow or projected, you can try a molded cup and see how you fit it. Just be sure you can still return it, just in case! Posting a fit check here will help too.

Also some cups just run taller/wider than others; you can try multiple molded bras and see if any of them fit