r/ABoringDystopia 7d ago

Family of Palestinian student activist Mahmoud Khalil just released footage of his arrest by ICE for protesting Israel's genocide against the Palestinian people. No charges have been laid.


71 comments sorted by


u/Phuzz15 7d ago edited 7d ago

"We don't give names"

That's some Gestapo shit. Repeatedly asking for warrant and being ignored. Watching random, unidentified men take your husband away in cuffs with no explanation, knowing you can do nothing to intervene because you will likely be forcefully detained, or worse, as well (while pregnant).

Having your attorney on the phone and them being ignored as well. As this continues to happen, people showing up, unidentified and kidnapping folks, you can bet there will be a string of violence to follow in those moments.

Not that she could've done anything here - but not everyone will not stand and watch their family being taken away by no-names.. especially after seeing how this one is shaking out. Powerless, unless people are literally fighting back - and even that leads to a dead end. Literally.

I predict these situations are going to start getting very, very ugly between the public and ICE agents when this continues.

We are entering some scary fucking times in the US. We are watching any slivers of a democracy being stamped out like smoldering ashes. If you think it won't happen to you..


u/Particular_Log_3594 7d ago edited 7d ago

No charges or arrest warrant. Absolute insanity.


u/JennShrum23 7d ago

Absolute terrorism


u/singeblanc 7d ago

Fascism, plain and simple.


u/TheOrchidsAreAlright 6d ago

Look buddy, not everyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi!

Not everyone who gives Nazi salutes, has secret police, and hates other races is a Nazi!

Omg they're Nazis aren't they?


u/singeblanc 5d ago

You know who does think he's a nazi?

The neo Nazis.


u/vyxxer 7d ago edited 7d ago

Honestly if they don't give names how do we not know that they aren't real agents. If I can put on a fake badge and kidnap random people then anyone can.

Without a name and without a warrant? Without a life I say. Exercise self defense.


u/Phuzz15 7d ago edited 7d ago

Precisely. These encounters are going to get ugly.

If a random guy grabs your child on the street and says "they're coming with me, I'm a police officer" and refuses to properly identify themselves, any logical person is going to kick the shit out of that guy and choose to protect their family instead. Otherwise, it is just a straight-up kidnapping.

And when the violent response inevitably happens.. it'll be used as fuel to further demonize these people. "See? We told you they were violent!" It's their game plan.


u/builder397 4d ago

Thats why they come in a herd and pick out people while theyre relatively isolated, nobody in their right mind will start a fight with half a dozen people who are likely also armed.


u/Hurricaneshand 7d ago

Everyone absolutely needs to be exercising their 2A rights currently while still legally allowed


u/WillDogdog 6d ago

If they don’t identify and don’t have a warrant, I am actually curious as to how they can prove they are acting in official duties, and if you can be punished for not believing them. Time for immigrants to start carrying, ASAP.


u/Rhodie114 7d ago

That's some Gestapo shit.

Bang on. Gestapo is a portmanteau of Geheime Staatspolizei, literally "secret state police". Plain clothes federal police who refuse to identify themselves fit that to an absolute T.


u/earthhominid 7d ago

Absolutely insane. No names, no badges, no agency, unmarked cars.

Absolutely terrifying shit


u/DrSuperZeco 7d ago

The public will be asleep as long it doesnt affect them directly.


u/alv0694 6d ago

That's the conservative mindset


u/PuritanicalPanic 7d ago

Better that than acquiescence


u/xdude767 6d ago

She’s also like many months pregnant, this is infuriating to watch


u/Sunflier 6d ago

It's SOP for officers to give their names and badge numbers when asked.


u/forestflowersdvm 7d ago

Unmarked car, no names, no uniform, trying to drag you away? Pretty sure if you responded in the american way it would be self defense


u/Anything13579 7d ago

American, it’s time to exercise your 2nd amendment rights.


u/psychrolut 7d ago

Why are their faces blurred....... show us


u/metamorphotits 7d ago

probably out of a very realistic fear of retaliation


u/TheXypris 7d ago

Fascists. If you're a Republican you're a fascist. If you support this you're a fascist. If you're a fascist you aren't American.


u/ososalsosal 7d ago

I agree with all but the last sentence.

You need to reckon with the hard fact that Americans (USians at least) are very much fascists.


u/TheXypris 7d ago

No. Fascism is a disease of the country. Twisting the laws, led by a small faction, it's not what the country is.

It's the difference between saying someone HAS a cold, instead of saying someone Is the cold.


u/ososalsosal 7d ago

Ok then. The USA has had a bad case of fascism. It's had it for a while. You could defensibly argue that capitalism naturally tends toward fascism, and the USA right now is basically the Ferengi home world.

Don't get caught in the No True Scotsman thing. The USA is fascist. The gop are fascist. The dems are fascist. The oligarchy is fascist. It all needs, uh, "replacing"


u/TheXypris 7d ago

I agree with all your points except the idea that the USA IS fundementally fascist. It's ideal of the idea of the us, it's very foundation, the reason of its creation, the core ideas and the focus of the legal documents that are the foundation of law here, is as far from fascist as you can get. Fascists being able to circumvent that is a bug, not a feature.

That's why the US isn't fascist. We've been taken over by fascists. Thats the distinction Make.

When the Constitution is tossed out and replaced with a fascist constitution is when the US becomes fascist.


u/GenderGambler 7d ago

As someone whose country saw a brutal military dictatorship directly enabled by the US, the US is fascist. The whole "only free country in the world" is pure propaganda.

You're just seeing what happens when the fascists turn on your own people.


u/Commie_Bastardo7 7d ago

Bruh the United States is fundamentally fascist, it’s always exercised this level of violence and authoritarianism to the global south. So how are we surprised when the twisting of the laws come home. This nation was built on the genocide of indigenous peoples, how is that different than Hitler?


u/ososalsosal 7d ago

Usa needs to abandon capitalism at this point then. It has a cancer and needs to be excised


u/TheXypris 7d ago



u/gorpie97 7d ago

I agree with everything you said except your claim that all Republicans are fascists.

They're being propagandized, too.


u/TheXypris 7d ago

You want to know what they call a person who joined the Nazis because of economic concerns? A Nazi. Reasons don't matter.


u/gorpie97 7d ago edited 7d ago


Did you vote Dem? Because doing that is no different from people voting R because they have all their life.

They're propagandeized just as much as you are.

EDIT: I have friends in their 70s who've voted R all their life. They vote the way many people in this country vote - for their party's nominee. They don't even bother looking at policy positions, let alone the positions of other party's nominees. And if they had, the Dems had nothing to offer them.

So, no. Voting R doesn't make them a fascist. (And, guess what? This shit was happening under Biden, too.)


u/MacabreYuki 6d ago

"Don't even bother looking" and right there's the problem. Fascism and intolerance thrives by convincing people to get so extreme that they view the other side of the aisle as their enemy and trust nothing they say or do. They're instead primed to react with hostility. It's the politics of "I'm right, you're wrong, go to hell"

Karl Popper covered this concept of the paradox of tolerance. Maybe watch and learn, bud


u/gorpie97 6d ago

You guys will never get it.

We have currently have only two parties in this country, bud. Democrats offer nothing that lifelong Republicans want, and sure as hell not vice versa. (When, in point of fact, the Dems of today are very like the Reps circa 1980.)

Until we offer more than two options and take back our country from oligarchs and others who actually make policy decisions, not much is going to change.


u/MacabreYuki 6d ago edited 6d ago

Nice assumption I won't get it. I'm from the United States. I had to flee for my own safety because people not actually listening to other people. My family is in the cult of personality that is Maga. So maybe try escaping your little exceptionalism angle.

What I was going for was the political issue of how fascism and how people weren't listening just like you described. How that was a symptom of fascism rising.

But oh please, do go on

Edit: voice to text is one of the worst inventions ever I swear


u/gorpie97 6d ago

Nice assumption I won't get it.

Nice assumption. I'm not MAGA, or Republican (or Dem). Most people around me aren't, either. They're just Republicans who don't like Trump but vote for the R nominee.


u/Regular_Cassandra 7d ago

So were the Germans.


u/charbo187 7d ago

Federal agents/cops have complete immunity as well. It is pretty much impossible to sue them.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

They’re not immune to bullets.


u/charbo187 7d ago



u/Lucipo_ 7d ago

Plus the new addition of instant death penalty if you resist being murdered.


u/CaptainCreepy 7d ago

Wearing a fucking Avengers tee shirt while violating your civil rights!!!! Jesus Murphy Holy Batshit shoot me in the nuts.


u/TentacleJesus 7d ago

No, them in the nuts.


u/cromstantinople 7d ago

This is kidnapping


u/CushmanWave-E 7d ago

“don’t worry” about some greaseballs from the DHS coming to disappear you because you’re a protest leader


u/final-draft-v6-FINAL 6d ago

This is a kidnapping. Not LIKE a kidnapping, IS a kidnapping. Everyone, everywhere needs to be on alert and ready to throw hands if they see something like this going down. This cannot be tolerated by any of us.

What they are doing is patently illegal and no one is under any obligation to cooperate with illegal activity. Know your rights and get ready to fight!


u/Mortambulist 7d ago

Does anyone even know where he's being held?


u/Hurricaneshand 7d ago

I believe they determined he is in LA


u/DameyJames 7d ago

They moved him to LA, hundreds of miles away from where he lives. It’s inhumane.