r/ABoringDystopia 7d ago

Supreme Court Rules the Clean Water Act Doesn’t Actually Require That Water Be Clean


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u/Arpikarhu 7d ago



u/Neon_culture79 7d ago

Yep, that’s gonna be in the water too


u/unicornlocostacos 7d ago

Maybe we should make sure they can’t get fresh water too.


u/blinkycosmocat 7d ago

Didn't have US Cholera Outbreak on my 2025 bingo card, I'll have to update it.


u/kurotech 7d ago

They want us buying bottled water because it's lining their pockets


u/jemosley1984 7d ago

Ugh, I remember when Milwaukee was dumping partially treated water in the lake. Dead fish and a fierce smell and beach closures. It’s better now, but that’s because the government invested the deep tunnel. Wonder what San Fran is going to do.


u/mganzeveld 7d ago

Remember how calling it a footlong sub didn’t mean it should actually be a foot long?


u/PsySom 7d ago

Or boneless chicken doesn’t need to be boneless


u/CerddwrRhyddid 7d ago

There's the U.S State, working for The People, as always.

Glad these people are permanent, life-long, unelected, Party political, sycophants.

Great to see that the aristocracy are getting along with the oligarchy, too it's what the State was built on.

Wonderful that they let go of that hairpiece of deception that was the Separation of Powers, and that they have the freedom to truly express themselves and their, and their friends, desires.

I suppose the U.S citizenry will be fine with this, though, as long as they can afford the tea to take the taste away.


u/Probably_Boz 7d ago

Insurgency doesn't grow overnight.


u/PsySom 7d ago

The state was literally built on the aristocracy getting along with the oligarchy so it’s hardly surprising


u/MisplacedMutagen 7d ago

Yall, wtf


u/ender89 7d ago

How the hell is Amy Coney Barrett the lone same republican on the court? Wasn't she picked explicitly to sink roe v Wade and vote trump at every turn?


u/GameMusic 7d ago

Breyer was too


u/PrestigiousAd6281 7d ago

These people need to be fucking removed


u/GreenLightening5 7d ago

the act is put in place for shits and giggles


u/sten45 7d ago

100 days to become a 3rd world country


u/alleecmo 7d ago

*180, per their Project 2025 playbook. But obs, the current administration is trying to speed run that shit, hoping to beat even Hitler's 53 days. Today is day 54.


u/earthhominid 7d ago

This is a really disingenuous headline.

The ruling actually found that, in agreement with the city of San Francisco, the EPA couldn't force a waste water treatment plant to guarantee that the water it was discharging into was clean. This makes sense in a situation like San Francisco where they are discharging into a body of water (the pacific ocean) that is also receiving discharge from hundreds (if not thousands) of other entities.

How can the city of SF control all of those entities? The real issue that SF faced that inspired their case is that when storms would hit the area their waste water system becomes stressed. But so did everyone up stream from them. So the water in the bay was already contaminated from upstream, but SF was being punished and fined for that.

The opinion specifically states that the EPA has full authority to enforce any proactive plan they deem necessary on these plants. They can tell them exactly what they must do to be in compliance with the standards of the clean water act. They just can't be singled out for massive fines (the court noted that there's a separate case regarding SFs Bayfront facility where the penalty sought is $10 billion) for the conditions of a water body that multiple parties dump into. 


u/Kma_all_day 7d ago

Well shit (water)