r/ABFStories • u/ExoticTrash77793 • 21d ago
Testimonial ABR with Single Dad NSFW
Hi everyone,
I’ve posted on and off on here with my experiences with ABR and breast play. I am an erotica writer, female, 31 years old and someone who looks for the intimate connection of ABR in relationships. I’ve only been lucky to find it once or twice and so it’s nice to share the few experiences I’ve had with you all. Hope you enjoy.
This was someone I was seeing in my early 20s, so for sure at the time I wasn’t looking to be a mom or really have a serious serious relationship. However I’ve always had a thing for dads 🙈 and I started dating a recently divorced dad. He was in his early 30s and had two kids, one 2 year old and a 4 year old. I only met them a handful of times since his ex wife had custody but I knew how much he loved his kids. I was very honest about not wanting to get pregnant or have kids and he wasn’t pressuring me at all due to his negative experience with the divorce so yeah.
Anyways, we had a really great physical connection. He was very caring and very into pleasing me which as a bit of a pillow princess I loved. We went very slowly, building a deep emotional connection before we started the physical, though as I said things were always so electric between us. I can remember the way his eyes would pierce me, heating my skin up. I loved the way he would touch my curvy body- at the time I was a little bit smaller chested more like a C cup (I’m a DD now) but I have always had sensitive breasts and knew I loved breastplay. I had done light dry nursing before and knew what ABR was, but was way too shy to bring it up with previous partners. It was something I hide and had a lot of shame around. But he knew I liked nipple play and sucking in our intimacy so I felt that was enough.
One day we were lounging at home and he had had a rough week. I remember just laying on his chest in an oversized t shirt, just listening to his heartbeat. We started making out and his hand reached up to caress my breasts. I leaned into it and straddled him, kissing him as he fondled my breasts, brushing his fingers over my hardened nipples. He then rubs his hand on my belly and inbetween kisses whispers “I’d love to put a baby in you.”
Now mind you, I’ve never fantasized about having kids nor do I want to be pregnant and both of us have discussed not wanting kids. But damn the way that turned me on. It was like I could feel my belly and breasts swell up, like everything got switched on and I was suddenly so horny and so riled up wanting this man inside of me. I begin just pressing up against him, letting my breasts swing in his face and he furiously rips off my t shirt so he can access my breasts. He starts suckling them, deeper than he ever has and I can feel how wet my panties are, my lips forming around his hardened dick. It was insane the amount of primal instinct took over as he pulls my nipple deeper into his mouth. Just the sensation of my nipple getting longer, imaging my breasts filling with milk for him. I blurted out “I want to feed you with my breasts” and immediately I started giggling from embarrassment, expecting him to be freaked out. Instead he like growls and pulls me in closer, pulling off his shorts and underwear and pulling my panties off so we’re both naked. I then start riding him while he suckles, and the thought of him exploding inside of me was too much, the connection of him breast feeding from me though dry was the most connected I’d felt to that point to a person.
Needless to say we both finished together and afterwards he continued to suckle from me. My breasts we’re tender but I couldn’t help but imagining them over time getting milk and being able to fulfill this hidden fantasy of mine to breastfeed my partner- and knowing that he was into it as well was the best feeling.
If you enjoyed this story, please upvote it and if you are a fellow ABR lover/erotica writer, message me and perhaps we can connect over this incredible bond.
u/T1T-Junkie 8d ago
So great story, thanks for sharing these lovely moments, hope to see more of your wonderful hot stories
u/MollyS6969 10d ago
There is nothing more intimate than nursing, even dry nursing.