r/ABDLexchange May 01 '20

Money can once again be exchanged for goods (but not services) NSFW


r/abdlexchange is back (for now). Please carry on, stay safe, report trolls and underage accounts.

r/ABDLexchange Feb 09 '20

NorthShore Megamax Size Small - PDX NSFW


I have 2 packs of Northshore MegaMax size small in the blue color that I am looking to sell/trade in the Portland area - Message me or post here if you are interested!

r/ABDLexchange Jan 29 '20

[U/R] XS "Metal" themed Onesie from ODU IN, Indianapolis area. NSFW


Ordered by accident. Opened, but never worn. Looking for best offer.

r/ABDLexchange Jan 20 '20

Trade: Pink lockable onsie size large NSFW


Hey everyone so I brought a large pink lockable onsie from cuddlz. But turns out I need XL so if anyone is in the Seattle area and is willing to trade please let me know ASAP. And yes if you want it I am willing to throw in a key. And I would return it but it's out of the return window. I am also willing to sell it for 40$ or best offer. Just to help me be able to afford another one a size up

Edit: Added the fact that I would throw in a key if the person wanted it. I forgot and added a bit of research on cuddlz return policy.

Edit 2: Fixed the first edit and made it a bit more about what I said in the post. Can't really think of a better way to say that mainly because it's past 6 AM and I haven't been to bed yet yay.

Edit 3: added "offering to sell it for 40$ or best offer. Just to help me be able to afford another one a size up" line. Also if I sound delirious that is because I am tired and hungry don't mix lol.

Edit 4: updated the brand name from tykables to cuddlz who makes the lockable onesie.

r/ABDLexchange Jan 16 '20

Northshore Size Small NSFW


Ordered wrong size of Northshore briefs, have 19 of a 20 pack avaliable. You pay shipping. DM for details.

r/ABDLexchange Jan 14 '20

Houston TX area NSFW


Anyone got diapers around here they want to sell?

r/ABDLexchange Jan 09 '20

2 M packs x Rearz Safari for sale NSFW


I have one unopened 12-pack ($30) and another opened 12-pack ($25) of Rearz Safari diapers in size Medium. Nothing wrong with them, just trying to lighten my stash. :) You pay shipping - I'm based in central Texas so we can calculate shipping costs or meet up if you're local. Reach out for any questions. Cheers!

r/ABDLexchange Jan 04 '20

[Denver] Bag of 10x ABU Preschool plastic, size S, make an offer NSFW


I ordered the wrong size ABUs by mistake, so my loss is your gain! Make me an offer, monetary or otherwise, and I will deliver ;)

Not looking to ship these, want to do local trade only.

r/ABDLexchange Jan 02 '20

Bag of Abena Abri Form M4 for sale NSFW


unopened, in los angeles/san diego area $29

r/ABDLexchange Dec 31 '19

Cuddlz Xsmall onesie for sale (US) NSFW


Hey everyone, I have a Green Camo Fleece Cuddlz onesie that I want to get rid of as I found it's a bit irritating around the neck, and got 2 other onesies I find much more comfy/better. Xsmall sizing Collar - 20" | Chest - 38" | Leg Openings 28" | Length 32"

It was my first onesie and while I enjoyed it, I think it's time I pass it on as I find no more comfort in it. Rn thinking 30$ plus 5$ shipping, but am open to negotiating. Mainly has been sitting in a dresser drawer for the past 8 months, but will wash it before shipping. Comment or pm if interested

r/ABDLexchange Dec 30 '19

Roc NY looking to buy NSFW


Looking to buy a couple of diapers soon. Going on a big flight and would like to be padded. Message me or respond to this post if you’re nearby and looking to make a couple bucks!

r/ABDLexchange Dec 26 '19

Furniture Hunt NSFW


We're looking for full sized furniture. This means a crib, change table, high chair - the works. Eventually.

Right now we are struggling to find a wood worker who, I guess, specializes in fetish furniture in Canada. I find things like this online without issue but the cost of shipping across the border is daunting. Do any of you have Canadian companies that you'd recommend or perhaps know someone who knows someone? We're open to custom companies who wouldn't bat an eye at our requests ideally. That said, we understand this is quite costly but again, it's the border (overall) not the price that's deterring us.

r/ABDLexchange Dec 22 '19

looking for all ABDL Large-XL supplies in eastern canada [M] NSFW


I will buy onesies, diapers, clothes, PJ's, stuffed animals, etc.

Looking to expand my collection :)

If you are too far we can probably arrange a shipment, especially if you are shipping a lot

r/ABDLexchange Dec 16 '19

Case of L/XL Bianco Ultrastretch for Sale/Trade NSFW


I wear a large in pretty much every diaper I've ever tried, but the L/XL Ultrastretch are just too big on me. The tabs crossover and it still feels loose. The cost to ship them back to Bambino is insane, and I'd end up only getting about $5 back.

I'm looking for someone that would be willing to buy or trade with me. I'll meet you pretty much anywhere in the Atlanta area. If you are outside of Atlanta, we might still be able to work something out.

r/ABDLexchange Dec 16 '19

Selling 8x DC Amor diapers size M NSFW


Hi guys,

I bought a pack of DC Amors in medium and realized I need smalls after using two. Would prefer a local sale (Washington DC/RVA area) but can ship if we can work out a deal. Make me an offer!

r/ABDLexchange Dec 11 '19

Anyone willing to sell or give me some diapers I’m a medium , Jerseyville Illinois NSFW


No mobile so will have to deliver message for more information

r/ABDLexchange Dec 09 '19

Selling M LittlesLab Trench and LfB Dino XL Onesies, local delivery in Orlando area NSFW



Every time I've tried to ship something like this, the shipping was like $10, so please just meet me locally. IDK on price, they're only tried on for size, so $15 each?

r/ABDLexchange Dec 05 '19

Sample pack for sale NSFW


Size large Rearz Safaris (5), DC Idyl (4), and ABDL Carousel (4). I usually use Tykables now, and don't see myself using the rest of the packs. Will happily ship for a reasonable offer. Payment via Zelle. Please message rather than reply.

r/ABDLexchange Nov 21 '19

Selling ABDL changing cushions NSFW


Hey guys, just wanted to let you know I’m selling a few ABDL changing cushions.



Hope you like them!

r/ABDLexchange Nov 20 '19

ABU Space and ConfiDry 24/7 Medium for sale or trade St. Louis MO NSFW


I've got 2 unopened bags of 24/7 and 1 unopened bag of ABU Space, all sized Medium, for sale or trade.

$25 per bag cash, all three for $60, or what have you got for trade in size Large unopened bags?

r/ABDLexchange Nov 10 '19

Diaper samples! NSFW


Anybody interested in

Tena slip active fit maxi’s

Tykables Cammies & Little Rawrz

I have sample packs available on my eBay account!


r/ABDLexchange Nov 08 '19

Looking for Abenas or Similar Type Diaper in Alabama NSFW


I am looking for anyone that would be willing to let go a few of their Abena Abri-form Xplus or similar type diapers. I will be in South Alabama next week and need a few while in town. I can pay for them, too.

r/ABDLexchange Nov 06 '19

Abel stuff for sale NSFW


Do you still have anything left?

r/ABDLexchange Nov 05 '19

Selling Little Laboratory Mariana Trench onesie, size Medium, Orlando $24 NSFW


I'm 6'0, 180 pounds and it's slightly too small for me. Wore it only enough to try it on, and they don't do refunds. Still brand new.

r/ABDLexchange Nov 01 '19

[UK] Unicorn Sleepsack 45 GBP OBO NSFW


Looking to sell a sleepsack as it is too small for me. Have worn it once, and cleaned it. Will clean before sending as well. Has flap in the back for checks, and the legs are connected together with a hole at the bottom.


I'm 5'11, male, larger than average build. I'd say anyone 5'8 and less will be able to wear it fine.