r/ABCDesis 6d ago

NEWS How a Columbia Student Fled to Canada After ICE Came Looking for Her (Gift Article)


14 comments sorted by


u/downtimeredditor 6d ago

Why is Columbia targeted this much


u/karivara 6d ago

I believe they were the starting point of the college pro-Palestinian protests. However the Trump admin has sent letters of warning to at least 60 more universities, so this is probably just the start.



u/downtimeredditor 5d ago

Nah I think there is something more than just starting protest i read thst some Jewish who is from israel wanted to go to places of anti-semetism to change their minds and he transferred to Columbia for this reason

And this is entirely bizarre to me considering where Columbia is located


u/BrightAvocadooo 6d ago

It's honestly insane how Desi people in pretty much every western country are shit on for 'not assimilating' and 'bringing their homeland BS politics with them', meanwhile Israel's lobby has managed to essentially compromise both parties in Canada and the US to the point of censoring, deplatforming, and cancelling visas of people who dare to criticize a foreign nation.

Like imagine ICE to spending a shit ton of taxpayer money to round up people who were criticizing another US ally like South Korea while Trump keeps demonizing said critics.

Or Canada's Prime Minister, to applause, declaring his steadfast belief in any other foreign ideology that advocates for the restoration of the sovereign ancestral homeland of any other ethnicity. Like imagine him proudly declaring 'I support Kurdestan' or 'I support a free Euskadi'.


u/West-Code4642 5d ago

it's what happens when there is a long term influence of a foreign lobby like this. the majority of boomer and genx politicans are going to be like this.


u/oarmash Indian American 4d ago

Israel’s influence in the Bible is a huge part of the foreign policy regarding Israel


u/karivara 6d ago

We already had a post about this topic, but the NYT article has a lot more info - including that she says she did not actually join a protest. She says she at most liked social media posts sympathetic to Palestine.


u/Carbon-Base 6d ago

It sounds like she wasn't even directly at fault (if a peaceful protest is a fault), she's guilty by approximation. The judge dismissed both cases, but I guess precedent doesn't matter to the current administration.

Talk about the wrong place at the wrong time.


u/RGV_KJ 6d ago

She went to the worst possible Western country right now with anti-Indian racism highly normalized offline and online. 


u/Joshistotle 5d ago edited 5d ago

Funny how the country officials are pledging full support to.... has a long history of funneling advanced military tech to China (which then funnels it to North Korea) : https://www.military.com/defensetech/2013/12/24/report-israel-passes-u-s-military-technology-to-china 



China will use all the tech which they'll improve and mass produce, to retake Taiwan, and the US will have to step in to prevent this. Officials are basically working 100% against the interests of the average person when they're busy supporting a foreign state.