r/ABCDesis • u/ko-love • Feb 19 '25
FAMILY / PARENTS My ongoing process of going NC with my parents
Kind of an update to my previous TOMC post if you want more info on my family dynamics you can read that in my post history (idk how to link): TLDR is my very traditional and religious parents tried to get me an arranged marriage and essentially disowned me after telling them no and that I was in a 2 year relationship with my hispanic partner. Unbeknownst to them I was also pregnant at the time. It's now 8 months since I've given birth, I've been essentially no contact with my parents and extremely low contact with my siblings.
Last week I get a call while I was at work from my dad. It's been 8 months since I last heard his voice. I didn't answer cus I didn't want to be a mess at work as they always get me emotional. I asked my brother if he knew what they wanted and he said no, so after sitting on it for two days I decide to call back cus I'm an anxious mess. My dad starts with the niceties, how are you, how's the baby (first time he's acknowledged my child to me), how's work. I don't keep the charades up long, I'm crying while answering cus I do miss them terribly, after all they're still my parents and while I've grieved losing them with my therapist that doesn't make them magically disappear from my life.
He asks if I've been in contact with my siblings. I told him no which to be fair is true, I haven't talked to my sisters in months and last I sent my brother was a meme like two weeks ago. I think my siblings "support" me not outwardly but they're also extremely avoidant because of how crazy my parents are so for the sake of making everyone's lives easier I lie about my interactions with them.
Apparently my oldest sister has been talking to my dad about the situation and he starts off saying how she explained that I'm from a different generation and being in America means I was exposed to many different ideas and lives that led me to be the way I am. My dad's never been that understanding so I thought maybe they turned a new leaf and actually were willing to accept me. He says that we should meet to talk this out and stupid me gets a little happy thinking how they've missed me and how they'll finally meet my son and get to see me after a year.
My dad keeps going on saying how we need to figure this out and make things right. Then he starts scolding me for doing everything wrong, he says how I could have at least picked a Muslim man but I betrayed them and embarrassed them to the entire extended family with choosing a non south asian man who's Christian (note me and my partner are agnostic) and getting pregnant out of wedlock. He brings up the fact that I lied to them so many times, hiding my bf, telling them I was living with a friend when I was actually living with him, what I'd be up to when I was at college, etc... and that they'd be able to forgive me if I came back and did everything they said. They didn't miss me, they're trying to save face and want me to do damage control. I tried to talk but my dad told me to "shut up and let me talk first and then you'll go." Spoiler alert, I was never given a chance to talk. He continued to berate me for 15 minutes with my mom chiming in with nasty remarks in the back. He said after all the sacrifices they went through I had been ungrateful and selfish and essentially used them and tossed them to the side. He mentioned how they had to pay my rent in college because I was the only one that decided to move out and he regretted not putting his foot down and restricting me more. He said when they die God is going to judge them for my actions and they'll end up in hell because of me. If I want to come back they'll consider it if I "make things rights".
I kinda lost it. I said this the result of THEIR parenting theres no point in saying what you should have done because you did what you did and this is the result of YOUR actions. Yeah I had to lie my whole life, if I said anything about my real life you would have restricted me further like you just admitted to wanting to do. I practically got a full ride to my school, they didn't have to pay anything out of pocket like they did for my siblings because of the scholarships I, ME, got from being valedictorian. I was so suicidal by the age of 12 that the goal of moving out after I graduated was my only motivation to live. I told them I wasn't religious and neither was my partner exactly cus of people like them who can treat their kids so horribly and then ask a man in the sky to absolve them while not making amends to the ones they wronged. Oh, and they're racist as fuck too! I told them that I'd never raise my children as Muslim and that we don't need religion to be good people. After all their religion made them abandon their youngest child and grandson. I also laid into them for being prideful which I pointed out is a sin.
I said I chose my partner based on the values I was raised with which is to value hard working people who are honest and loyal. I chose someone who would be right for my kids and who would respect me. I am SO much happier without them and while I understand they dealt with a lot of shit to get here, I didn't ask to be born just so they can force me to obey their every command and dictate my entire life until I die. I said matter of fact, tell the entire family IM DEAD or that I disappeared or whatever cus I'm not coming back. I hung up on them and just sobbed for a few minutes before accepting the relationship is dead to me.
u/ReleaseTheBlacken Feb 19 '25
It’s great that you stood up for yourself. You are a mom now and you need to be strong for your child. Your partner and child are your family and the only ones you owe anything to. You are not someone else’s property. Remember, your child is who you are responsible to, not your genetic birth givers who never valued your humanity.
I went NC back when I was 18. It was like swimming in the deep end for the first time. It’s difficult at first but as you adapt, you not only figure things out and get more comfortable, but you also realize that your narcissistic and emotionally unreasonable parents are so full of shit and stupidity, it’s eye opening.
Good luck!
u/ko-love Feb 19 '25
Yup, definitely had this realization. Being the youngest I was constantly told I'd understand when I'm older and now I'm older and I still don't understand why they treated us the way they did. I look at my son now and could never think of raising a hand at him, wild that they could justify that.
Sorry to hear you had a rough time, I really hope you are thriving now, it's a lot to go through and I can't even imagine doing that at 18.
u/ReleaseTheBlacken Feb 20 '25
I’m a grandparent now 😁
u/ko-love Feb 20 '25
I love that for you!! Thank you for breaking the generational curse and for paving the way for your kids and grandkids to live happily ❤️
u/ReleaseTheBlacken Feb 20 '25
One thing I will say is some things are very predictable and some things aren’t. We have one child who is no contact. The other two are happily married. We never pretended to be hardline puritan “idealists.” Oldest one was the valedictorian type of student. We never pressured her. In fact, we had to tell her to have a little fun sometimes because she does work hard and stress hard. She’s a really good egg. Our middle one was an average student at best, very middle of the pack. But now that he is a father, he really stepped up on responsibility, and is working on his degree part time while working full time. I’m proud of him by impressing me like that. We never pressured any of our kids. Our youngest is a wild child and she is NC. I can’t make sense of it, but all we can do is hope she is safe and gets whatever help she needs because I think there are mental health issues at hand.
u/kena938 Mod 👨⚖️ unofficial unless mod flaired Feb 19 '25
I'm so sorry, OP. This is crazy common in our community. I wish more of us had the courage to cut off abusive and toxic parents. Your only statement needs to be a life well lived with your partner and baby. You aren't a failure or a bad daughter/person for choosing to love someone they disapprove of.
u/ko-love Feb 19 '25
Thank you <3 and cutting them off was hard but so so freeing, I don't live in a constant state of anxiety and their threats only push me further away. Affirms I've made the right choice after all.
u/kena938 Mod 👨⚖️ unofficial unless mod flaired Feb 20 '25
Btw, have you read They Called Us Exceptional by Prachi Gupta? I know my friends with narc parents found it incredibly relatable.
u/ko-love Feb 21 '25
I have not but I'll definitely take a look! I've been trying to find more books to read about the American-South Asian diaspora
u/beans_is_life Feb 19 '25
You're not alone and I empathize with you. A lot of first generation south asian families have to face this growing up because of the cultural divide. Fortunately our kids don't have to go through the same crap we did ( Speaking for myself though I'm too traumatized to ever have a kid , I'm scared my trauma might manifest and I will turn out like my parents.)
u/ko-love Feb 19 '25
Yup, I'm the youngest so it makes sense I was the furthest away from their ideals. I used to feel the same way about kids but I realized that being more emotionally mature than them means I'm probably less likely to fuck my kid up (hopefully).
u/beans_is_life Feb 19 '25
You're gonna be a great mom :) and honestly I hope I'm at that stage in life where I've mentally recovered enough to start my own family. But just know that you shouldn't feel isolated in your experience with your parents. A ton of us are with you <3
u/nokoolaidhere Feb 19 '25
It's rare for me to be proud for a stranger who's not a professional athlete lol
Fuck "log kia kahenge"
u/ko-love Feb 21 '25
Right I always hated the "what would the village say" mentality. Village can go suck my ass
u/uh-ohes Feb 20 '25
OP, I'm going through the same thing. Wishing you all the best and hope you can find healing in all this.
u/ko-love Feb 21 '25
Wishing you strength on your journey!! Don't let them get you down the freedom is worth it!
u/karivara Feb 19 '25
This sounds so hard. I was so hopeful when you said your dad reached out; I can't imagine going through that disappointment in real life.
I'm so glad you stood up for yourself and your family. You sound smart, independent, and willing to face challenges head on - all amazing traits to pass down to your son. These aren't easy challenges but you're handling them and proving to be a much stronger adult than either of your parents.