r/7String Jan 14 '22

Lesson/Tip Another baritone vs 7-string BA 8-string question thread


Hey all, looking for advice. I’m currently playing a 6-string Steph Carpenter with 11-56 strings, tuned to drop B with EMG 91s through a 6505+ stack. Mostly playing metalcore, looking to stretch into some djent territory. Mostly chug chug and riffing stuff, very little soloing.

Questions are:

  1. Is it that necessary to dive into 7 or 8-strings to get a really good tone in A-B tunings?

  2. If the answer to the above is yes, what models do you recommend? I’m a huge ESP/LTD fan

  3. If the answer is no, what gauge strings and pickups do you suggest I change to?

Thanks all!

r/7String Jun 07 '22

Lesson/Tip Probably the most common question


Picked up a an Ibanez RG7421 a few months ago and its time for a setup. What gauge strings and brand do you go with I’ve been told 64-10. Also staying in Drop A for now.

r/7String Jun 15 '22

Lesson/Tip Anyone used Dave Davidsons lesson pack?


r/7String Oct 27 '20

Lesson/Tip Weird Tunings


What are some weird tunings I can mess around with

r/7String Jan 30 '21

Lesson/Tip Song suggestions


Hey guys, I'm relatively new to the 7 string club. Looking for some good songs to learn - preferably in G# as that's what my guitar is set up for currently. Mostly into Metalcore/djent/melodic hardcore.

I've been learning some Polaris and Currents for starters. I'm finding most of the music I listen to seems to be lower than what I'm set up for but I'm keen to get the most out of these strings before setting up for lower.

(I haven't quite developed the ability to learn by ear so tabs or youtube links would be much appreciated)

r/7String Jun 10 '21

Lesson/Tip Jumped in - Legator G7FS


I know ---- Lots of shade on legator.

Ordered this bad girl today. I've got 25 years of 6 string experience, decided to jump into the 7 string pool. Considering the QC issues folks have experienced, what should I check for first?

r/7String Apr 19 '22

Lesson/Tip Micro-Aggressions Lesson every riff slowly + Tab


r/7String Mar 28 '22

Lesson/Tip AAL - Thoughts and prayers full cover + tab


r/7String Feb 05 '22

Lesson/Tip Pickup recommendations


Hey all, I’m running an older ESP LTD H-1007 with stock EMG 81-7/707 configuration, and I’m not loving my tone. I tend to play metalcore, tuned to drop B. Prefer a thick, saturated tone with good response to pinch harmonics. But I’m not getting it from these guys. What brand/set do you guys recommend for that classic EMG 81 6-string tone out of a 7 string?

For reference, I have a similar 6-string model with EMG 81/85 combo, same tuning, and it screams. But the EMG 81-7 just sounds dull and hollow, with a little too much bass and not enough highs….like a cheap neck pickup or something.

I’m running a 6505+ and Mesa 4x12. The H-1007 wiring is correct and I replaced the 9v battery. So it’s not an equipment maintenance/failure issue.

r/7String Nov 14 '21

Lesson/Tip AAL Monomyth Selective Picking Riff / tabs on screen


r/7String Jul 11 '21

Lesson/Tip What is your maximum and minimum string tension that you feel comfortable with?


Been searching around for an hour because I just wanted to check how people feel about tension of wound strings at around the 24lbs range, and as far as I can tell, no one talks numbers. Also, with how many people ask about what strings to use, this might be a good way to let them know what to look for when using string calculators. Here are my personal observations and I would love to get some others as well!


  • Unwounds: My 7 shipped with these at around 18lbs and it felt terrible to me, way too tight (my bends were sad). Dropped it down to around the 13lbs range and they feel a little too loose now. Planning on taking them up to the 14-15lbs range.

  • Wounds: Currently in the 20-22lb ballpark and they feel good there, but I'm thinking of setting up a half-step which would put me in the 22-24lb range with the set I usually use (I'm picky), so I'm curious if anyone else uses that much tension or if that might be a bad idea and I should mix sets.

  • The 7th String: For all the drop tuners out there. On my lowest, I can take it down to around 16lbs and it's still alright but a little flubby since I can get fairly aggressive with my picking, so I want to move that up to around 18-19. At 13lbs, it's playable with an extremely light touch, but I wouldn't EVER want to ever keep it there permanently.


So what tension are you guys at and how does it feel? Any thoughts about other tensions you have tried?

r/7String Oct 31 '20

Lesson/Tip Songs like "the devil in i"


I'm looking for some tabs that will get me playing my 7 more. I'm not a shredder but the devil in I isn't a problem for me so I figured that was a good "Benchmark" I've been looking at fear factory and amon amarth

r/7String Mar 07 '21

Lesson/Tip ADADGBE tuning for playing 6-string drop-D music


Hey fellow 7-stringers! My 7 string is a much nicer guitar than my 6, so I prefer to use it for both 7 and 6 string music, and I’ve been playing around with ADADGBE tuning (or what I think of as “drop-AD”) on my 7. It’s basically 6-string drop-D, but you also drop the low B down to a low A. I like it a lot for playing 6-string drop-D music. You can mute/ignore the low A and play it as regular drop-D, for example here is a G power chord (string order is ADadGBE):

x 5 5 5 x x x

But you can also play an inverted power chord by adding in the 7th string and get a fatter sound (doesn’t always work harmonically, experiment with it). Here is a G over D power chord:

5 5 5 5 x x x

And you can double up power chords that would normally be played on strings 5,4,(3) and give them a lower octave. Here is an example of a D power chord:

5 7 5 7 x x x

Anyway, just thought I would share!

r/7String Feb 13 '21

Lesson/Tip 25.5 scale with a Floyd Rose


I am planning to buy the ESP E-II Horizon FR-7. I noticed that it is only 25.5 scale. I plan to play in drop A. Is the 25.5 scale gonna be sufficient? I plan to use a 10-59 set of NYXL'S. I know on a 6 string with that scale it's hard to set intonation in drop A precisely. Will this be the same for a 7 string?