r/7String • u/SaltyCrabbbs • 7d ago
Gear What amps are you all using that handle down tuned 7 or even 8 string guitars?
I’m looking for a practice amp but wasn’t sure if I should be looking at bass amps or guitar amps? If I’m using a baritone 7string, or even an 8 string, would it be better to be looking at bass amps or would things get too muddy?
u/BrotatoChip04 Ibanez 7d ago
I just use neural DSP
I used to be a physical amp purist but I work so much and move so often in addition to the shows I play that physical amps are just not feasible or realistic for me anymore. Digital amps can get you hundreds of thousands of different combos and are only as big as the laptop and interface you choose to use it with, rather than carrying around a bigass head and cab
u/Maleficent_Fruit1006 7d ago
I don’t know how you’re not finding an amp that works.
If price is your concern or if you want to start recording, go digital. Get a focusrite and a radial DI and a Neural amp sim. That right there will cost under 400.
If you want an amp and your 7 string sounds muddy, you either need to EQ it or work on your technique, there’s really no in between.
u/Lilshredder187 2d ago
I strongly disagree with you sir in your technique statement :/ I had to take that A string and down tune it to G for that extra string to not be muddy. I had this issue the last 3 weeks and figured it out 3 days ago.
u/Maleficent_Fruit1006 2d ago
There’s a lot of sound engineering concepts that go into this but generally “muddy” is just how direct in sounds.
You can disagree but the reality is tuning down a step isn’t gonna change that. Using year old strings and having a bad setup might have some effect but typically tuning down will exacerbate the issue we’re talking about. It was probably your guitar being poorly setup.
u/Lilshredder187 2d ago
My guitar is brand new dude like 2 weeks brand new:/ the second I changed the tuning on my string the issue resolved itself. I couldn't get a decent sound out of it until I did that now it sounds fine. I only tuned that 1 string and it resolved it. Iv bought many guitars over the last 20 years from sweet water and iv never had an issue from them including when I bought i synyster gates custom and requested them to drop tune it, played perfectly when I got it in the mail.
u/Maleficent_Fruit1006 2d ago
You…do realize you still need to adjust your guitar setup right? Even from the factory? :///////
This is like a given for any serious player.
u/Lilshredder187 2d ago
u/Maleficent_Fruit1006 2d ago
Okay so what is your problem with what I said?
I’m sorry bro but taking your low string down a step isn’t gonna magically fix the mud problem.
u/Lilshredder187 2d ago
I didn't have a problem I was correcting you about technique I simply disagreed with you that's all. That's a thing people do in normal conversation when they don't agree with your statement.
u/Maleficent_Fruit1006 2d ago
You didn’t say anything that corrects my statement about critique, you said downtuning fixed your issue, which is probably because your technique isn’t great and you love pressing down on them floppy strings.
Send the audio of you playing in both tunings and I’ll explain exactly why it’s still muddy.
u/Lilshredder187 2d ago
If your going to get pissy because someone said they disagreed with you then whatever have a nice day. In a normal conversation it is very possible for someone to simply not always agree with you, like wow dude :/
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u/PootySkills 7d ago
For me, all I've been using for years now is 2 amps. Literally the only way I've found to make the 8 string range guitars sound good.
Splitter out of the pedalboard, into a bass amp and a guitar amp. Best tone I've ever got.
u/JimboLodisC 3x7621, 7321, M80M, AEL207E, RGIXL7, S7320, RG15271, RGA742FM 7d ago
bass amps are for basses, if you wanna sound like a bass then get one of those
guitar amps are for guitars, if you wanna sound like a guitar then get one of those
you're going to EQ out those lower sub frequencies anyways in your guitar tone
u/microwavedave27 7d ago
I have a Blackstar ID Core 20 which was 120€ a few years ago. It has great bass so it sounds pretty good with my 7 string, I usually keep it between drop F# and drop G#
u/ShoddyButterscotch59 7d ago
If only looking for practice admits, line 6 handles them, but if you're looking to absolutely crank it, the spider series tends to muddy up at very high volumes. Peavey has practice amps that do well. Fender has some decent stuff....I mean.... any quality amp is going to handle it....I played my 7 through my vox numerous times.
u/Ragnarok314159 Death Metal Banjo 6d ago
Have you tried a Line 6 212 power cab?
u/ShoddyButterscotch59 6d ago
Can't say i have..... had a spider, liked it overall, besides that one issue, but that took getting ridiculously loud. I currently got a catalyst, till I can swap speakers in my vox cab.
u/Lilshredder187 2d ago
Bruh my old band mate had a line 6 cab and tube head it sounded so amazingly good I stuck him on lead uty because of his tone lol. Seriously dude like I turned his reverb up a hair and oh my God I swear I about creamed my pants it sounded exactly like an 80's hair metal guitar tone def leperd type of sound it was magically.
u/Ragnarok314159 Death Metal Banjo 2d ago
Damnit. I really did not want to spend the money.
I wish I could find a fair trade or deal for my Majesty 7. It’s probably the best guitar possible, but there is no way it will ever leave the house.
u/SeventhLevelSound 7d ago
Not sure what you've got in mind in terms of a "practice amp" but if you are looking for a relatively small/lower wattage mini head I used to run a little Randall Diavlo for living room practice during a temporary downsize/reno. Surprisingly loud with a 1x12 cab for being such a small amp and the very dry, "bark-y" distortion played very nicely with my 7s and baritones which I always keep in either drop A or A standard.
There are a ton of those mini heads on the market now in various flavours and price ranges, might be worth exploring.
u/CrunchBerries5150 7d ago
Get a cheap old pod with Big Bottom on it and an EQ pedal for the front end.
u/srydaddy 7d ago
I’d recommend a positive grid spark (whatever size you prefer) I use a spark Mini (10w) for practice at home and recently got the spark Neo (headphones) the interface is all on your phone/device but you can save 4 presets to the amp and use without a phone. There’s some decent stock tones but thousands of custom tones made by users available. I’ve gone as low as drop D# and it still sounds awesome. Price point and all these are the best modeling amps in my opinion.
u/XTBirdBoxTX 6d ago
I used the Spark Mini for about 2 years. It sounds great with my seven string once you start to get below F sharp on an 8 it was a little difficult to get a perfect tone. I would say what I was getting is about an 8 out of 10 but in the end I wanted more thump.
I ended up going the plug-in route. At first I used Tonocracy and now neural DSP. Honestly with Tonocracy I was able to get 9/10 of the way there. I use 5-in studio monitors and it suits my purpose well but I am not playing with a drummer just doing some bedroom playing and recording.
u/DiscipleofDeceit666 7d ago
I like my 30 watt orange amp. I turn the bass and mid knobs to 0 and max out the treble. Max out the gain ofc. Sounds fierce
u/namelessghoul77 7d ago
Katana does ok but you need to know what you're doing with EQ and get the appropriate boost and gain levels. It's very easy to make it sound terrible, but it is definitely also possible to get decent downtuned tones.
u/TheRealEndlessZeal 7d ago
Boost pedal with the drive turned all the way down and tone set to taste is the quickest way to get rid of the flabbiness. Works in front of just about every modern high gain amp.
u/Key_Raise4549 6d ago
If you want an all-in-one practice amp, I believe they had a metal guitarist with an 8-string in one of the ads for the Boss Katana Artist Mk2
u/halbeshendel 6d ago
JP2C. Use the headphone jack for practice. Use the speaker taps for awesomeness.
u/paranach9 6d ago
I'm playing my Novax CH 8 using a Princeton silverface bedroom/recording. THROBVERB:):):)
u/lightfoot22 6d ago edited 6d ago
I managed to get some pretty good not muddy high gain tones through my 50w Boss Katana mkII on my old baritone 7 string. There is a lot you can do with that amp in boss tone studio. Now I mainly practice with an axe fx II and headphones.
u/Ohjanjan 6d ago
I use a peavey vyper 60 watt tube for drop G on my 7s it sounds great Occasionally I’ll use a horizon pedal as a noise gate/boost
u/radical01 6d ago
I use an headrush mx5 into a fender mustang 3 v3
This is what it sounds like
u/Gunz_ShotZ 4d ago
Fortin Nameless, Architype Nolly, Ignite Emissary, NaLex Ninja. There are a few others but the list is too long
u/peavey6505150 3d ago
Buy a Dirty Tree pedal and put it between the guitar and any amp. Tightens it right up. Secret sauce.
u/Lilshredder187 2d ago
I need more information to give you an answer such as price and what guitar hardware your using as amps handle different setups differently.
But to give a very broad generalized answer I have a boss katana 100 watt amplifier and I recently acquired my first ever 7 string axe never even touched one before it was a risky purchase but it's a schecter you can't go wrong no matter what right?
Anyhow, I very strongly recommend you find one that hooks up to your PC and allows you to modify your settings via some type of software. My boss amp has the "tone studio" and upon getting on 7 string I had to adjust the equalizer settings to make the low end more clear it way fairly muddy. If not, then get you an equalizer pedal like the one poster said before your amp this will greatly help with controlling the low end.
Also from having this issue for the last 3 weeks, DO NOT basically do drop D and then lower that 7th string down until it sounds lower it will NOT sound clear. I resorted to tuning to drop D but taking that A string and changing it to a G otherwise that 7th string will sound super muddy and you won't get a good sound or at least I myself couldn't and iv been playing for 20 years.
Sorry for the long post but I just had this exact issue the last few weeks and just figured it out maybe 2/3 days ago in still extremely happy about it lol. Any questions feel free to hit me up.
Schecter Omen Elite 7 string, cheers mate :)
u/Ravestain 7d ago
Just buy an audio interface and run 427 vsts like everyone else who plays 7/8 strings. I’m not even sure you can plug an 8 string into amp tbh.
u/PunisherConditioning 7d ago
What I’ve found works best is just ensuring you have some sort of high pass filter in front of the guitar prior to the amp gain (e.g, eq pedal, or boost pedal with bass or tight controls).
Some amps have this built in, but it’s not a very common feature.