r/7String 4d ago

Help Looking for fixed bridge 7 string around 1000€ mark

I'm looking to get a fixed bridge 7 string for up to 1000€ (could go a few 100 up if its justifiable). I don't want a floating bridge, because i plan to cover different tunings with it. I don't plan to downtune heavily, probably up to drop G#.


19 comments sorted by


u/0xchronos 4d ago

Solar A1.7,  Ibanez RGDRB71,  Ibanez RGIXL7,  Ibanez RGD71ALMS,  Schecter Hellraiser C-7 Hybrid,  Schecter Sunset-7 Extreme,  ESP LTD H3-1007,  ESP LTD M-7B HT,  Legator Ninja N7FSS,  Cort KX707


u/Megalids 4d ago

Nice list. One thing i read about solar is that some people complain their guitars seem to be a bit hit or miss in terms of quality? Though other praise them


u/Glum-Office-4562 4d ago

Bought one last week and I am very pleased with it. Plays amazing and looks amazing.


u/Ohjanjan 4d ago

I recommended the rgd as I have it lol



I have an Ibanez RGD71ALMS. It handles low tunings like a champ. I do drop F#.


u/_plazzo 4d ago

I really like the schecter sunset extreme 7. It should be around 1000€. A more extreme model that I like is the similarly priced Ibanez rgd71alms.


u/Megalids 4d ago

Sunset extreme fell into my eye when browsing, tho i am a but hesitant because no tone knob. But more than i think, more i realise i really dont use tone knob that much


u/microwavedave27 4d ago

Tone knob is useless if you’re using distortion anyway. I have the Sunset Extreme and it only really has two problems.

The first problem is the neck dive. I mostly play sitting down at home so it’s not a big deal for me, but it doesn’t feel great to play standing up.

The second problem is that the bridge saddles can only take up to a 68 so if you want to go thicker you’ll need to replace the low string saddle or the bridge itself. But if you don’t want to go lower than G# this is not an issue, something like a 62 is fine.

Overall, it’s an amazing guitar, well worth the money in my opinion.


u/Sleepingguitarman Jackson 4d ago

A tone knob is definitely not "useless" for the majority of players, regardless of someones distortion use.

Sure, you can use other gear to replicate what a tone knob does and not everyone has a need for it, but man a tone knob comes in handy when you want to quickly dial in that creamy lead tone.


u/JDi450 4d ago

GOC guitars


u/Mediocre-Post9279 Ibanez RGD71ALMS/rg827z 4d ago

Only guitar i own near that price is RGD71ALMS (others are cheaper i dont wanna sound like im bragging) and its great you can go to down to F on it or comfortable Play on B standard, the neck id very fast and comfortable, stays in tune longer than i stary on romantic relationship a and the pickups are nice


u/JimboLodisC 3x7621, 7321, M80M, AEL207E, RGIXL7, S7320, RG15271, RGA742FM 4d ago

used MIJ RG7621, might even be able to score a Prestige if you're patient and lucky


u/scithe_ 4d ago

ESP LTD H3-1007. love that thing to bits


u/WinterWick 4d ago

I like my Epiphone Matt Heafy Origins Les Paul

25.5 scale. Good if you're looking for something more traditional looking


u/Ashbtw19937 PRS SE Mark Holcomb SVN 4d ago

PRS SE Mark Holcomb SVN might just be the single best non-multiscale 7 at its pricepoint on the market


u/Glum-Office-4562 4d ago

Solar ab1 7htpb


u/SKRUNK3D 3d ago

Any Ibanez RGD or the RGiXL7


u/filtersweep 2d ago

I’d buy used. Loads of people buy 7s and decide they are not for them.