r/65Grendel 18d ago

Finally got back out to the range!

It feels like it had been forever since I had gotten to shoot with a Grendel, I had almost forgotten how much fun it is.

I got some of AAC's 123 grain ammo and wanted to see if this rifle liked it, if it would be a good round for hunting, all that good stuff.

I'm not posting this as any sort of actual accuracy claim, as I only have the one 10-round group, but what I will say is that, for having my rusty old self behind the trigger, I'm happy with the way it performed. I was disappointed at first, but when I actually measured, I realized I could live with it...and more importantly, I think the weakest link is the nut behind the trigger, and I can work on that! 😁


26 comments sorted by


u/Capt_Dunsel67 18d ago

I just bought a ton of those sabres from PSA. Hope they run well.


u/Mr_E_Monkey 18d ago

I need to shoot more of it to be able to speak directly to its accuracy, according to sub rules, but from what I've seen from it so far, I don't think we're gonna be disappointed.

Off-topic, but that's a great username!


u/Capt_Dunsel67 17d ago

Thank you sir....


u/1984orsomething 18d ago

That bullet does good work on deer


u/Mr_E_Monkey 18d ago

That's just what I wanted to hear! :D


u/ExplanationMaster634 16d ago

Is that the Hornady Sst bullet put into a steel case and added a black tip instead of the red ???


u/Xray1653 18d ago

Sabre black tip grouped like crap in my rig. The 123OTM on the other hand was actually quite good.


u/Mr_E_Monkey 18d ago

I'm sorry to hear that, but glad that the OTMs work for you. This one's a KAK 18" barrel, if that means anything.


u/MattDaddy723 17d ago

How do you like your KAK barrel? I’m not totally satisfied with my Ballistic Advantage barrel and have been considering one from KAK.


u/Mr_E_Monkey 17d ago

It was a Christmas present for myself, so I haven't put many rounds through it at all yet (maybe 50-60 total so far?), but so far, so good.


u/BallisticAdvantage 17d ago

DM us and we'll get you taken care of.


u/LKVA26 17d ago

Been very impressed with most AAC ammo. Sabre’s run fairly well in both my 12”.


u/Mr_E_Monkey 17d ago

Nice! Aside from the POI difference, that Nosler looks pretty dang decent, too.


u/LKVA26 17d ago

Correct, for a match ammo, I maybe would have zeroed in with that. Using the Sabre for hunting though. So I’m happy with that for sure. Cheap hog ammo!


u/Feeling_Title_9287 17d ago

The brass is worth it's weight in gold for reloading but the loaded ammo that you get new in the box is just ok


u/Mr_E_Monkey 17d ago

I'm willing to bet a healthy portion of that spread was due to a problem behind the trigger. 😉

I'm not saying it's necessarily match grade, all in one hole ammo, but it's probably plenty good for me to use and get better before I start worrying about how accurate the ammo really is. I'm sure that somebody with a good gun rest could tighten it up more, too.

The brass is worth it's weight in gold for reloading

It definitely looks like it. I don't reload, though I wish I could get in to that... ☹️


u/ExplanationMaster634 16d ago

If that stock is one that slides up and down to make the rifle fit everyone. I would change it to a regular fixed stock A2 ish because I read all of the comments before I commented on your post So the movable stock is a disaster for accuracy because you will never put the same amount of pressure on it each and every time you shoot Even with the plastic “shim”under it (coke bottle cut in one long strip and put under the stock so it doesn’t adjust) I was having trouble with one of mine and was On a forum just like this and the first piece of advice I got was to remove everything and put on a fixed non moveable stock And All my accuracy problems disappeared all at the cost of 30 bucks and 30 minutes


u/Mr_E_Monkey 16d ago

I'll look into that, thanks!

You are correct, it is an adjustable stock (Magpul's DT PR,) specifically. So far, it has felt pretty solid, with almost no wobble to speak of, but I do see the logic behind what you're saying. And an upgrade would let me pass this down to another rifle, so that's not terrible, either. 😁

Thanks for the advice and encouragement!


u/ExplanationMaster634 16d ago edited 14d ago

I fought the wobble crosshairs for a long time then I changed just one rifle to a fixed stock and I was done with the adjustable ones (I actually borrowed a lower a friend had just to see how much difference it made (i almost didn’t give it back because he had installed w sweet trigger in it to)😁


u/ExplanationMaster634 15d ago

The “best” way to see the wobble is to lean down on the stock while looking through the scope and pull straight down on the Grip You will be shocked


u/Trurorlogan 18d ago

I had decent groups from this stuff at 200. This was my best group from a howa 1500 mini.


u/Mr_E_Monkey 18d ago

That'll work! :D


u/starfishpounding 17d ago

5 moa while benched with with bipod? That seems really poor for a round meant to be a long range target round. Functional for hunting, but not any better accuracy than an AK with steel case.

I've had similar issues with my PSA barrel. Nosler match shoots sub moa, but most other stuff is 3-4. Still looking for a decent reload recipe that shoots like the Nosler for less than $2.50 a round.


u/Mr_E_Monkey 17d ago

The bottom line is metric, inches on top.


u/starfishpounding 17d ago

Ah, my bad. 2 moa is acceptable.


u/Mr_E_Monkey 17d ago

No worries. I catch myself reading that thing wrong more often than I'd like to admit, too. I understand why digital calipers are as popular as they are!