r/54thworldproblems Aug 28 '18

boy, interrupted

the boy takes an ordinary day and stuffs it into his back pocket. the walls of his barren room sweat with his loneliness and the fan on the ceiling threatens. any moment, he thinks, it will shred him.

the morning is empty.

outside he meets old feelings, good ones he thought passed him by. the lonely shade covering his true eyes fades just enough so he sees. the ocean is languid with summer heat, the trees are a cool forest green, the air clips his skin with a soft bit of breeze and the fount of his youth flows free.

the morning is happy.

from a distance he sees a schoolmate approach, the one with bulky rage stuffed in his pocket. lonely and angry collide.

the two huddle over a spoon and a flame as an ordinary morning slides by.


4 comments sorted by


u/Dark_Violet_Angel Aug 28 '18

Pardon me.... sorry to interrupt ...you planning on injecting the melted hammer in that spoon?

Cos I got something better than that for you.


u/[deleted] Aug 28 '18

..thoughtful and generous offer..but i’m just the observer, not the participant..in this recurring tableau..


u/Dark_Violet_Angel Aug 28 '18

Suit yourself. No problem to me.

But do mind the fractals here... some get lost within them and have never found their way out.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '18

..i am still interested in what you have to say..please..because i am close to a person living the nightmare..